Blue aventurine: description, photo and magical properties of the stone, which zodiac sign suits

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Blue aventurine belongs to the quartz group. Like all representatives of this group, it has a mysterious appearance that evokes many thoughts and associations. A synthetic analogue of a natural mineral is called “Cairo nights”.

Blue Aventurine

History and origin

The blue variety of aventurine is called "Cairo Nights".

This is how the appearance of the mineral, reminiscent of the southern sky strewn with stars, is poetically reflected.

Unlike the reckless green, the blue variety is more noble and restrained. Shimmering inclusions of deep blue embody the mystery of love. Although love is the same adventure.

In the aventurine family, blue stone is the rarest and most valuable.

The history of the name of the mineral is interesting. In the 16th century, at a glass factory in the town of Murano near Venice, metal shavings accidentally fell into the liquid glass mass. The glass came out sparkling. It and subsequently found natural stones with a similar effect were called aventurines. In Italian, peravventura means chance, aventura means a fun adventure.

The shimmering blue is produced by adding cobalt oxide to the glass alloy. In the 19th century, they did not spare a gold frame for the “stone”. The inserts of antique rings, earrings or bracelets are not always natural.

Blue aventurine stone

Over four centuries, the technology for producing aventurine glass has improved, but the works of Venetian masters are becoming more expensive. A gold brooch from the century before last, made of blue glass, framed with diamonds, was auctioned at Sotheby's for $170,000.

Aventurine is a metamorphic rock created when clay and sand are compacted into quartzite or schist.

Mining and stone processing

Blue aventurine is the rarest variety of quartzite. There are two deposits of it in the world that are on the verge of depletion:

  • in India;
  • in Austria.

In Russia there are deposits of aventurine in the Urals. Mostly golden gems are found there, but blue stones are also occasionally found.

Found gems are immediately sent to jewelers. They are given a variety of shapes and then polished.

What does the stone look like in the product? Watch the video:

Physicochemical characteristics

Blue aventurine is a semi-precious or ornamental stone, a type of quartz. The color range from blue to blue-black creates an admixture of cobalt.

The structure also contains fine-grained mica flakes, chlorite and hematite. Light, reflected from the scales, causes the stone to shine (adventure).

Density2.6 g/cm³


Aventurine is varied in its structure and color. This is influenced by the amount and combination of impurities. The properties of the mineral and its decorative effect depend on them. Some stones completely lose their shine, while others become very shiny. According to their structure, they can be divided into uniform and spotted-banded.

The most valuable species received their own names. For example, green aventurine is called fuchsite. This is somewhat inaccurate and causes confusion in the classification, since fuchsite is a layered mica that colors the mineral green.

The following types of aventurine are used in the manufacture of jewelry and crafts:

  • yellow. Uniformly colored mineral with a bright honey hue. Muscovite gives it a bright shimmer. Impurities of ilmenite, rutile and limonite give the mineral a heterogeneous dirty color with a predominance of brown and brown shades. Its disadvantage is high porosity and uneven texture, which makes the surface look like shagreen leather;
  • golden cherry. This is the most beautiful and valuable variety. It looks more like glass than others. The mineral has a bright cherry color and golden glitter due to impurities of hematite, rutile and mica. Translucent in thin plates. If hematite alone predominates in the composition, the stone will turn out pink-brown and lose its shine;
  • brown. It has a fine-grained structure and uneven color;
  • cherry white. Its base is white or rose quartz to which cherry stains are mixed;
  • white striped - light aventurine with golden streaks. Thanks to muscovite impurities, the stone has unevenly distributed golden sparkles. They can also fold into stripes and streaks;
  • Green aventurine is distinguished by its uniform color, uniform structure and strength.

Medicinal properties

In Rus', blue stone was used to heal wounds, treat the evil eye and remove damage.

Eastern healers believed that the gem improves vision, relieves nervous tension, and helps the heart and blood vessels.

Modern healers and lithotherapists use the healing properties of the stone for the following problems:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • asthma or bronchitis;
  • allergies;
  • hair loss;
  • prostration;
  • indigestion.

Eczema, psoriasis, and other skin ailments are treated by applying the stone daily to the affected area or by constantly wearing it on the body.

It is believed that each decoration helps in its “own” direction:

  • ring, ring or bracelet - lowers blood pressure;

Bracelet with blue aventurine

  • earrings - inhibit hair loss;

Earrings with blue aventurine

  • short beads - treat the thyroid gland;
  • ring on the middle finger - neutralizes depression;

Ring with blue aventurine

  • a necklace, beads to the solar plexus, a pendant or a brooch - normalize heart function, breathing, soothe coughing attacks, treat bronchitis or allergies.

Necklace with blue aventurine

Any product, especially a rosary, will help you stay calm during a “problematic” event and reduce the intensity of passions.

Blue aventurine balls are used for massage in yoga. They are often counterfeited, which needs to be taken into account when purchasing.

Blue aventurine: beneficial properties of the stone and its characteristics

Blue Aventurine is a variety of Quartz that is characterized by shiny mica inclusions and other minerals that give it a shiny or shimmering effect, which is also known as the adventure scene.

Aventurescence is exhibited in polished or tumbled stones.

The name of this stone comes from the Italian word Ventura, or all'avventura, meaning "by chance", and refers to the random formation of this stone.

In the 1700s, a worker accidentally dropped some metal filings into a vat of molten glass. As it cooled it resulted in something with beautiful and shimmery sparkles.

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Blue aventurine has Dumortierite inclusions, which gives it its beautiful blue color.

Aventurine is also sometimes called aventurine, aventurine, aventurine quartz or Indian jade.

It is used not only for metaphysical purposes, but also for making jewelry, figurines, bowls and vases.

It also has many applications which include monuments, landscaping and building stones, and aquariums.

Why do you use blue aventurine?

Blue Aventurine not only has stunning looks and beauty. It also has many wonderful healing benefits.

Blue Aventurine is very helpful when it comes to eliminating bad habits and treating certain physical problems. It also has the ability to activate and cleanse your chakras.

This is why meditating with this stone will allow you to connect with your inner self and become aware of your own psychic abilities.

Everyone has psychic abilities, but the levels will vary greatly. If you want to activate your psychic abilities, you can start by placing a piece of blue aventurine under your pillow for a few weeks.

This will help it transmit higher vibrations to your subconscious. It is important to do this before you move into higher phases that may come into contact with the spiritual realm.

Blue Aventurine can help you break bad habits.

He will overcome bad habits such as alcoholism or drug addiction, smoking, substance abuse or even negative traits such as selfishness, passive aggression and overreaction.

When you can overcome your bad habits, you will be able to cope better with your life and complete your projects more successfully.

Blue Aventurine is also beneficial to have in your career or professional life. This will help you bring your leadership, management and organizational skills to the forefront.

This will help you earn the respect of your peers and the recognition of your bosses.

When you work with the energies of Blue Aventurine, you can approach and complete your projects with more confidence and calm.

It will also bring you many other positive things that will enhance your ability to communicate more effectively.

This stone will also stimulate vision and inspiration, allowing you to be more active and present more passionately.

Blue Aventurine will encourage you to begin a journey both physically and symbolically. This will save you from hesitation and fear because it will provide you with protection throughout your journey.

When used in meditation, blue aventurine will increase your psychic awareness. This will release stagnant energies and open you up to growth in both personality and spirit.

Blue Aventurine will open you to higher spiritual guidance and reveal your intuitive and psychic abilities that may have been previously blocked.

How will blue aventurine help you?

Blue aventurine, treatment and health

Blue Aventurine can help balance your hormones. Levels and conditions of female hormones can be irregular for a number of reasons.

This stone can help correct hormonal imbalances, especially in women who are trying to get pregnant.

It can strengthen arterial walls and strengthen the respiratory and circulatory systems to increase oxygenation.

It can help you with problems of concentration, hyperactivity and mental focus. It can also relieve pain caused by headaches, migraines, insomnia and eye problems.

It can help treat a runny nose, as well as congestion, coughs, allergies, and even sinus problems. It can relieve facial tics, physical pain, chronic stiffness, muscle contractions and spasms.

Blue Aventurine can also target ear problems. It can solve problems in the throat, vocal cords, teeth, mouth, esophagus and parathyroid glands.

It can also help with higher lung area as well as speech problems.

It can be beneficial for the nervous system and lower part of the brain. It can help treat glaucoma, as well as problems affecting the nose and pituitary gland.

Blue aventurine is known to be effective for scalp problems.

Blue aventurine and wealth

This will improve your communication skills. It will also attract the energy of prosperity and abundance, which will increase the chances of a positive outcome in any situation.

Blue Aventurine will help you find balance and achieve mental healing.

This will encourage you to look at the world from a more optimistic perspective.

This stone will help you act with more self-discipline and willpower. This will balance your emotions with logic and reason.

Blue Aventurine will also improve your leadership skills and make it easier to interpret your dreams.

In the workplace, Blue Aventurine will demonstrate your leadership, which will make you earn the respect of all the people you work with.

It will also help you approach new projects with calm and focus.

Blue Aventurine, Love and Relationships

Blue Aventurine is a great stone, especially when you are going through a negative situation. This stone will clear your energy and facilitate the healing process.

It will also encourage open and honest communication, which will allow you to speak from your heart and mind.

This stone will give you strength and promote peace and compassion for others.

Blue Aventurine will encourage you to take charge of your life and will convince you to stick to your decisions.

It will also help you eliminate your negative traits such as passive aggression and selfishness.

This is an exceptional stone that will help you realize that you can handle your relationships successfully and that you don't need to have a third person in your relationship to decide things for you!

How to Use Blue Aventurine for Best Results?

It is best worn as jewelry in the form of brooches, pendants, necklaces or rings. You can also simply carry it in your pocket as a protective talisman.

You can use it as a meditation tool or in crystal healing if you are a healer.

You can carry a piece of blue aventurine when you travel. This will protect you from unpleasant incidents and keep you safe from harm.

Placed in your luggage, it will prevent it from being lost or mishandled. When used at home, Blue Aventurine will promote a feeling of calm and tranquility.

This will reduce your anger and help you connect with your higher self so that you gain better understanding.

When worn as jewelry, Blue Aventurine will act as a worry stone that will ease your fears and anxieties and make you look forward to new things.

Blue Aventurine will stimulate action and adventure, making it a good stone for travel.

This will make your travel plans very smooth and protect you on physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual levels.

Best Combination to Use with Blue Aventurine

Blue Aventurine stones work well with Dumortierite because these two stones will help you develop your intuition as well as your other psychic abilities.

Other Third Eye Chakra stones such as Lapis Lazuli, Iolite and Sodalite will also harmonize well with this beautiful blue stone.

This combination will help you master the process. When you fully embrace your spiritual growth, you will also be able to connect with the spiritual realm.

This will improve your psychic communication gifts and also help you find a spiritual guide.

Blue aventurine will also pair well with various types of quartz. You can use it with yellow citrine, amethyst, or clear quartz.

If you want to develop your psychic abilities, you can use it with Scolecite, Moldavite, Celestite, Brookite, Datolite, Natrolite, Satyaloka Quartz or Phenacite.

An unusual fact about the blue aventurine stone

Blue Aventurine stone is a powerful stone of communication that will help you speak only the truth.

This will encourage you to express your ideas and thoughts in a very effective and clear manner. This is why it is a very useful stone for people who speak in front of people for a living.

Blue Aventurine Birthstone is associated with the planet Mercury. It is a stone of growth, knowledge, love and compassion.

This will give you the strength to explore your possibilities and the courage to pursue them.

Blue Aventurine supports you on your spiritual journey. When you meditate with it, it will open your third eye, crown and throat chakras.

Meditation with this stone will also develop your intuitive abilities. This will encourage you to listen to your inner voice.

Accept the energies of Blue Aventurine if you want to get rid of addictions and bad habits. It will help you get rid of ego problems, anger, aggression and negativity.

Blue Aventurine will be very useful for people who find it difficult to grow up and think like adults.

Wearing Blue Aventurine jewelry will help you realize your potential and make you more responsible in your actions and words.

Blue Aventurine is also an impressive leadership stone. This will help you earn the respect of the people you work with. Even the respect of your competitors.

Make sure you have this stone if you are taking on a new project or working with a new team.

This stone keeps tremors at bay. If you suffer from stage fright, having this stone will protect you from nervousness, anxiety and stress.

If you love adventure, don't forget to take this stone with you. It will make you appreciate every step of your journey! This will also protect you from dangers you may encounter along the way.

This stone has very powerful healing properties that will help in treating allergic diseases, fever, cough, cold, headaches and sleep disorders.

It also strengthens the respiratory system and blood circulation, relieving muscle pain.

Blue aventurine is associated with the zodiac signs Aquarius and Libra. He has very projective energies.

It connects with the planet Venue and the element of water. You can wear Blue Aventurine as a pendant or carry it in your hands, pocket or purse.

On a spiritual level, Blue Aventurine will give you reflective traits that will allow you to recognize your shortcomings. Blue Aventurine will also increase your flexibility in highly emotional situations.

It will make you see a bad side of yourself that you wouldn't normally see. By recognizing these traits, you can remove them from your personality.

Blue Aventurine will also bring you many new ideas. This will increase your enthusiasm and also encourage you to be more receptive and tolerant of other people's ideas.

On a physical level, the stone contained in Blue Aventurine will be very beneficial for children. This will calm them down and give them balance as they go through various periods of stimulation and discovery.

My final thoughts on the power of blue aventurine

Blue Aventurine is a very calming stone that can be used to balance and heal your emotions.

This will help you communicate creatively and clearly, avoiding misunderstandings and misunderstandings.

This stone will stimulate your creativity and enhance your intelligence. It will also give you a stronger sense of independence.

This is a stone that will improve your leadership skills and help you act more decisively. This will give you more powerful intuitive abilities and increased perception.

Blue Aventurine combines the elements of water and wind into a beautiful and delicate stone that resonates with your heart and mind.

It will work calmly, steadily and rationally. This is a stone that will increase your self-discipline and inner strength, and help you make clear decisions and maintain them.

Blue Aventurine will encourage you to take full responsibility for your life, your relationships and your experiences, and provide you with the support you need to change your current reality.

Magic properties

Blue aventurine is beneficial in many ways:

  • helps you concentrate and be more attentive;
  • has a positive effect on the psyche, calming and eliminating negativity;
  • helps on the road or travel;
  • builds relationships with others;
  • makes the owner a speaker.

The stone is of particular importance for a person of mental work, public figures or representatives of dangerous professions (rescuers, firefighters, police officers), extreme sports enthusiasts in life.

Blue aventurine is suitable for those who want to change their lives, easily endure adversity and believe in themselves. They receive a charge of positivity, inspiration and good luck from the stone.

The owner of the talisman can be a child or a teenager: the pebble helps to discover talents, find oneself or avoid disappointments.

A crystal sewn into the mattress will ensure a sound, healthy sleep.

The magical properties of aventurine are especially noticeable for women: “Cairo Nights” is an attribute of femme fatales.

Talismans and amulets help people more than others who are not burdened by family ties or career concerns.

The stone (primarily black and blue) is not suitable for people with weak psyches or those prone to mood swings.

The blue gem was considered a sacred stone by the charming adventurer Cagliostro. According to legend, when the count lost his aventurine, Fortune abandoned him.

Who can wear aventurine

Aventurine may not be suitable for every zodiac sign. It brings great benefits:

  • Virgos;
  • Scorpios;
  • Cancer;
  • Pisces;
  • Taurus;
  • Capricorns.

To whom will this stone remain indifferent, who will not be able to feel its magical properties? First of all, this applies to air signs:

  • Libra;
  • Gemini;
  • Aquarius.

For these zodiac signs, the mineral will be a good talisman, but it should be worn only when necessary. This mineral will help you become more attractive, it will help anyone forget about their complexes and behave more relaxed.

The magical properties of the stone attract the attention of people with original thinking. With its help, many useful discoveries have been made.

The presence of this stone turns the world around us into a beautiful holiday. A person enjoys life, the feeling of flight and freedom does not leave him.

The magical properties of the stone help in love affairs. He seems to attract the “love space” to himself. Aventurine is considered the best of all existing love talismans. A person is ready to commit an extravagant act, his imagination awakens, his feelings take on new colors.

When you have to communicate with a person and you feel a tense situation, you should put on aventurine, it will help get rid of complexes and resolve the situation peacefully. This mineral helps you find yourself and become completely free.

Green aventurine brings great luck to fair-haired women. They always have love and beauty in their home.

A red stone with dark shades will help open a new business. The mineral will make the owner more savvy and help to positively solve any problem.

Car drivers can always be advised to carry a small aventurine stone with them. It can even be built into the gear lever. There will always be a pleasant atmosphere in the cabin; the driver will never fall asleep while driving.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

According to the zodiac sign, the blue variety is suitable for Taurus and Virgo. Signs of the Air element (Libra, Aquarius and Gemini) should wear jewelry periodically for important events.

Bracelet with blue aventurine

For Aries and Scorpios, it is better to only contemplate the stone, but not wear it: its influence is unpredictable.

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion_

(“+++” – fits perfectly, “+” – can be worn, “-” – is strictly contraindicated)

Use in healing

Many stones, previously and even now, are widely used in folk medicine. Blue aventurine is no exception. Its medicinal properties extend to the entire body:

  • for the treatment of skin diseases it is recommended to wear a bracelet;
  • to cure ailments associated with disorders of the respiratory system, it is recommended to wear aventurine beads;
  • the ring helps stabilize blood pressure;
  • a ring in a gold frame can cope with depression and cure mental illnesses;
  • earrings help improve vision and also contribute to the rapid conception of a child;
  • The belt, which is decorated with blue aventurine, helps to get rid of problems in the digestive tract and improves metabolic processes in the body.

To heal, you do not need to wear the products constantly. Wearing it for longer than a month is not recommended. Aventurine in silver has an enhanced healing effect. But its regular use for prevention makes the body invulnerable to diseases.

The pebbles that can be seen in the photo are used for therapeutic massage. For men, the stone helps restore potency. Women are often recommended to wear it when they have been unable to conceive a child for a long time.

Compatibility with other stones

Aventurine is a stone of the earth element. It is “friendly” with all minerals, except for transparent fiery gems such as diamond or sapphire.

The energy of Fire suppresses the power of earthly aventurine. In response, he will refuse to work or begin to intrigue the owner, who did not separate the blue mineral in the box or jewelry.

Bracelet with blue aventurine and white opal

Talismans and amulets

The ink-colored gem is often used to make talismans. He is a talisman for travelers and wanderers, helping on the road. Allows you to avoid troubles and unnecessary delays along the way.

Be sure to look: Names, descriptions and properties of yellow gems

This stone is often given to public and media figures, as it helps establish contact and improves oratory skills. It is also gifted to representatives of risky professions (police officers, firefighters, drivers, rescuers) due to its high protective properties.

Interesting! Blue aventurine is a stone for careerists. It will not help with establishing family ties, but it will allow you to move up the career ladder faster. The best talisman is a small pyramid made of this mineral. The energy of the form and the properties of the “golden ratio” in combination with the aura of the gem will have a positive effect on the work process, decision-making, and improve concentration and performance.

Carrying an aventurine talisman in your left pocket will bring success and improve your financial situation. A gem left in the glove compartment of a car will make the road safer, and a stone set in a ring will avoid or minimize all risks.

Published: Handmade jewelry made from natural stones. Monday, August 15, 2016

It is believed that aventurine attracts good luck, so amulets with it are often taken for important negotiations, interviews and exams.

Artificial analogues

The rarity of the natural blue variety of the mineral has encouraged people to create imitations.

A worthy option is the synthetic stone “Cairo Nights,” which is visually indistinguishable from natural stone. Some people value it more than natural.

The basis is Murano (Venetian) glass - an alloy of quartz sand, soda and dyes. Real Murano has been made in Italy for nine centuries using traditional technology. The result is high quality and beautiful.

However, there is not much of it on sale.

Most products made from aventurine are imitations of Murano, created using primitive “aventurine” technology.

Description of the blue aventurine stone

The most spectacular and beautiful of the aventurines is blue aventurine, which is also called “Cairo nights”.

Many people are of the opinion that a natural mineral is not as attractive as an artificially synthesized one. True, this is not entirely true. Like other types of quartz, blue aventurine has a fairly calm color. Its surface is characterized by pearlescent shimmer and quiet shimmer.

Natural blue aventurine is quite rare in nature. Common shades of this group of stones are brown and green. The main mining of such a gem is carried out only in India, near Jhampur. The color of the mineral depends on the number and type of inclusions. Its composition may contain elements such as rutile, hematite, mica, etc. If there is a lot of hematite, then the shimmer of the stone weakens.

It should be noted that aventurine is a durable gem. It easily leaves scratches on glass and other surfaces. Only diamonds, sapphires and rubies are harder than it. Naturally occurring stone is very rare. Of course, this affects its cost.

Where is it used?

Aventurine in blue shades is used only for beauty or healing paraphernalia. It is more expensive than analogs of other colors, but buying a stone is problematic.

Blue aventurine jewelry is framed with white material. Natural stones are awarded platinum or gold; imitation stones are silver, cupronickel, jewelry or rhodium-plated alloy, and medical steel.

Blue gems in brooches, earrings, and pendants are complemented by stones of other shades. Most often these are sardonyx, coral, labradorite, rhinestones, cultured pearls, lapis lazuli, and crystal.

Brooch with blue aventurine stone

In almost all showrooms you can buy an imitation (it’s good if it’s made of Murano glass, not ordinary glass). The product description does not always indicate the origin, but the price serves as a marker.

Cost of jewelry with aventurine in the Russian segment:

  • pendant 24 x 30 mm - 539 rubles;
  • brooch - 889;
  • suspension - 758;
  • beads - 950.

Silver ring - 1900 rubles, earrings - 2100.

Products with imitation stone:

  • ring - 250 rubles;
  • earrings - 170;
  • beads - 320;
  • bracelet - 260.

A ball 50 x 50 mm is offered for 860 rubles.

Polished dark blue aventurine ball

Places of occurrence and production (The bluest, most ancient is from Afghanistan)

The best lapis lazuli has been mined in Afghanistan for over 5 thousand years; very bright blue stones of high quality are found here, which have the highest value. It was from here that in ancient times lapis lazuli was supplied to Egypt, Rome, and China.

Another large deposit of this mineral is located in Russia, in the Southern Baikal region. From here comes a stone with a beautiful purple hue, which is also highly valued. Lapis lazuli of paler colors is mined in the Pamirs in Tajikistan, as well as in the Chilean Andes. These deposits are also classified as large, but they produce stones that are lower in cost compared to Afghan ones.

Small deposits of this mineral have been discovered in countries such as South Africa, the USA, Canada, Burma, India, and Argentina. But not all of them have yet been sufficiently studied.

How to spot a fake

The blue mineral, along with the golden brown one, is the most often counterfeited. The ancient Egyptians, Venetians and Chinese knew how to do this. But their product was distinguished by quality, which cannot be said about modern followers.

You can distinguish a fake by knowing the qualities of the stone:

  • Shine. Natural stone is distinguished by aristocratic minimalism: the blue variety sparkles less than the yellow or cherry variety. There are specimens that are not shiny, but with a faint shimmer coming from the depths of the stone. Instances with high gloss are fake.
  • Irisation. Rainbow tints are noticeable on the surface of the mineral; the fake has a normal shine.
  • Color. Natural pastel tones, matte.
  • Structure. Natural stone has microscopic cracks and uneven color distribution, often with a grayish tint. Glass is endowed with an impeccable deep blue.

Natural stone glows slightly in the dark, unlike glass.

Glass is easy to scratch with quartz, but mineral is difficult to scratch.

Ring with blue aventurine

A certificate or other document confirming authenticity will help you avoid counterfeiting. It is always attached to blue aventurine.

Main conclusions

Blue aventurine is valued by jewelers all over the world for its unusual appearance and history.

  1. It has a large number of healing and magical properties.
  2. Charms made from it are in demand among businessmen and politicians.
  3. The stone suits the zodiac signs of the earth element.
  4. The mineral is often counterfeited due to its demand and high cost.
  5. Caring for it is easy, and an ordinary box upholstered with fabric is enough for storage.

The night-colored gem is very diverse and has many faces. It looks impressive in jewelry and works great as amulets. Aventurine can become a good helper and a real family treasure that can be inherited.

How to wear and care

It is believed that aventurine can influence a person’s energy, calm him down or make him irritable or weak. Shiny pebbles are not always appropriate and not everywhere; they need to be properly cared for.

How to wear jewelry

Jewelry with blue aventurine suits both brunettes and blondes. Light inserts with golden sparkles in silver are appropriate for young girls, darker ones, with less glitter in gold, for older ladies. Natural “Cairo Nights” will decorate an expensive evening wardrobe; copies with moderate shine are worn to the office, to a party or a day out.

It is better to wear jewelry on the waning moon, in autumn and winter.

In spring and summer, the stone pushes the owner to take rash actions. This applies to communicating with people, career or spending money.

You should not use the amulet for more than five days in a row.

If discomfort appeared earlier, you need to remove it and evaluate your condition. The power of the stone increases in silver.

Tips for care and storage

From physical dirt, jewelry is cleaned with soapy water in a spacious container so that the jewelry fits freely and completely. Problem areas are treated with a soft brush and rinsed.

Set of earrings and ring made of silver with blue aventurine

Tarnished jewelry is refreshed by washing with warm soapy water and polishing with a soft cloth. Chemicals are prohibited.

Store jewelry in a durable box, soft on the inside, or in fabric bags.

The stone does not like sudden changes in temperature.

The bad energy of the mineral is washed away with running water. To recharge, the stone is exposed to the light of the moon.

Myths and Legends (Beetle of Immortality)

An ancient eastern legend tells about the origin of lapis lazuli. When God created the earth, water and sky, he looked at the fruits of his labor and was dissatisfied: the earth looked too dark and gloomy. But the blue water and blue sky were pleasing to the eye. Then he took some of this wonderful blue and sprinkled it on the ground. The sky-water blue hardened and became lapis lazuli stone.

This mineral was very popular in Ancient Egypt, and here many legends and beliefs are associated with it. The blue color of the stone indicated its connection with the sky and the gods, which is why lapis lazuli was considered sacred. They were used to decorate statues of pharaohs. Figures of the goddess of truth Maat were carved from it, serving as a talisman for the supreme judges-priests.

Figurines of scarab beetles, symbolizing immortality, were also made from this stone. They were found in Egyptian pyramids. The fact is that in Ancient Egypt, lapis lazuli scarab beetles engraved with the name of the deceased owner or the names of the gods were placed in the hearts of mummies so that they would help them in their future rebirth.

Lapis lazuli is also mentioned in biblical legends. It is believed that the laws of Moses were carved on lapis lazuli tablets.

Properties and types of mineral

Aventurine had a variety of names among different peoples. For the abundance of golden sparkles it was called gold spark in Rus'. In Altai, the stone received the name Belorechit. There were other names - stone of love, golden sand, sparkle. In China it is called the Emperor's Stone. The mineral received its name (aventurine) for its external resemblance to aventurine glass. The ornamental material gold sand was made by accident by Italian glassblowers.

This quartzite is mined in mines or on the surface of the soil where the vein lies. To understand the properties of aventurine stone and who it is suitable for, it is necessary to take into account the variety of its types and colors.

The stone has a density on the Moss scale of 6-7 and can be easily processed with a diamond or file. Thanks to these properties, the mineral can be given various forms.

After cutting, quartzite is carefully polished to fully reveal its beauty.

The mineral contains a variety of impurities, which provides it with a wide range of colors. Its varieties may have different degrees of homogeneity and the nature of inclusions.

Breeds with the following colors have been discovered:

  1. Green - has a uniform color, the tone can vary from light green to rich green. This variety can be confused with jadeite or jade; its distinctive feature is the golden sparkles that appear in the sun. Of all the varieties, this is the most durable.
  2. The pink variety has a mild sparkle.
  3. The honey-yellow variety has a pearlescent luster. Possible defects in the form of porosity of the structure.
  4. The golden cherry variety is distinguished by the greatest brightness and sparkle.
  5. White-cherry is distinguished by heterogeneity of color in the form of stripes and spots.
  6. Brown aventurine is distinguished by its high density and uneven color.
  7. The white, vaguely banded variety shimmers faintly, but has an original pattern.
  8. The rarest varieties are blue and black. In such specimens, bright golden inclusions are especially noticeable.
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