The meaning of the ring on different fingers of LGBT and the traditional majority

How much we know about the rules of wearing rings, and how much we don’t know. Someone has people in their social circle who are ready to share their observations. Some people prefer to get information from reliable sources themselves.

The easiest way to learn how to wear rings is for a traditionally minded person. Often you don’t even need to go far - just ask your mother, grandmother, father. Information related to which finger representatives of sexual minorities and LGBT people wear rings on is hidden from the majority.

We will try to shed light on the topic of wearing rings by traditional society and representatives of the LGBT community. We'll tell you on which fingers and on whom it is customary to wear rings, and what modern fashion is talking about. And we will start with an option that is unusual for most: who puts a ring on their thumb and what it can mean.

What does a ring on a certain finger mean?

It would be too simple to think that wearing such an important accessory did not affect the cultural traditions of different peoples. Let's look at the most famous and unusual examples.


Jewelry on this finger has been worn since time immemorial, and there is some documented evidence relating to modern times:

Interesting fact: An ardent fan of wearing a ring on the thumb was the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. True, in the 19th century it did not carry any secret meaning, except for one thing - in front of you is an eccentric eccentric, greedy for the attention of beautiful ladies.


It’s hard to believe this now, but European laws until the 20th century prohibited decorating the index finger unless you were a member of the nobility. Today there are different rules:

On dating sites, there is often a version according to which a ring on the index finger means that the owner is “actively searching.” It is better not to believe such information; such a style has long been out of date in European culture.


The most underrated finger in terms of jewelry, thanks in part to the famous obscene gesture that came from the English-speaking environment. However, something still appeared within the framework of international etiquette standards with a worthy explanation:

Putting a ring on the second phalanx of the middle finger has become fashionable among representatives of the feminist movement. In this way, girls demonstrate their commitment to the principles of equality, freedom of thought and independence from male opinion.


With ring fingers, everything is relatively simple, but in each country or religious culture, wedding and engagement rings are placed on them differently:

All countries are united by a rather gloomy superstition. Unmarried girls and single guys are strictly forbidden to wear rings on those ring fingers, which in their culture are considered “wedding.” Even if you do this as a joke, or to ward off excessive attention from the opposite sex, you risk setting yourself up for failure in a real marriage.

Little finger

Important for everyone who plays music, but deprived of jewelry attention, the little finger played a much larger role in history than it might seem:

Once in Italy, take a close look at the hands of men who start talking to you. A little finger with a ring - belonging to the legendary Sicilian mafia or any other criminal community. This means one thing - with such a potential interlocutor, you should keep your eyes open so as not to get entangled in the story.

What does the position of the rings on the fingers mean? How to wear multiple jewelry?

Many stylists and designers continue to debate the topic - how many rings can you put on one hand or even one finger at the same time? Some quite rightly consider this style to be a sign of bad taste, while others allow for very original combinations.

The result is largely determined by the etiquette norms of a particular society, but there are basic rules that will help you form the desired image:

A close to ideal style standard is no more than one ring on each hand at a time. There are no restrictions on specific fingers, unless your marital status requires it. But it’s still much better to choose a jewelry set - with earrings, a bracelet or a neck pendant, so the image will be more harmonious and natural.

How to wear rings with stones correctly?

This is where superstitions and ideas about the energy of each crystal come into force:

A couple of practical tips at the end. Firstly, always make sure that the color of the insert in your ring is harmoniously combined with the image and the rest of the jewelry. Secondly, remember about personal comfort - do not wear products with the wrong size. An unsuccessful selection can provoke the loss of an item dear to the heart (and wallet), not to mention how the sharp edges of the stones can scratch delicate skin with prolonged contact.

On the fingers of which hand is it correct to wear rings - left or right?

The answer to such a tricky question is not clear-cut. You always have to look at etiquette, marital status and other factors that can cause negativity from others.

If you are free from prejudice, public discussion and other obstacles, wear jewelry as you please, looking only at your own ideas about beauty. And the Line of Love online store will help you choose and buy rings made of gold or silver with any suitable style, inlay for all occasions.


Variety of appearance and materials

How the ring should look depends on the person’s wishes. The jewelry market offers a huge number of styles, patterns and designs on the product, so everyone can find something to their liking.

Rings are made from precious metals, ivory, stone and even leather. When choosing jewelry, you need to build on your own style so that it does not look pretentious and ridiculous.

The popular Gothic style is now being replaced by the Celtic style. Silver looks great, but a gold ring does not fit this design at all. In addition, this metal is rarely used for massive rings and for other reasons:

  • Expensive;
  • Pretentiousness.

It is very rare, but it happens that a couple decides to wear gold wedding rings on their thumbs. And the reasons for this are also very unusual. For example, in some countries people of unconventional orientation marry. Or one of the spouses may simply have a missing ring finger.

On which fingers are rings worn and their meaning?

Since ancient times, jewelry has been considered a symbol of wealth, status in society or marital status. What rings women and men wear on which hand can tell a lot. For example, a gold ring on the ring finger of the right hand in Russia indicates the presence of a spouse. But what does a piece of jewelry worn on the thumb or middle finger mean? Today we will understand what wearing rings on different fingers symbolizes, how to properly wear a ring for a man, woman or teenager, and also how rings should never be worn.

LGBT symbols that can be used in rings

  • Rainbow flag. This is the most famous LGBT symbol, a six-color flag recognizable throughout the world. Designers play with this symbol in jewelry in different ways - they apply horizontal or vertical stripes to rings, make inserts from colored minerals, and replace colored stripes with various shapes - circles, hearts, triangles.
  • Lambda, the lowercase letter of the Greek alphabet is λ. It can be engraved on the jewelry; a lambda shape is also made into part of the ring itself.
  • Combined “shields and spears of Mars” - ♂♂ for gays, “mirrors of Venus” - ♀♀ for lesbians. Can be engraved, patterned, colored decor, part of rings. Earrings and pendants are often made in the shape of these symbols.
  • Labrys, an ax with two blades. Considered a symbol of autonomy, strength and solidarity among lesbian feminists.
  • Bisexual flag. The ring indicates the corresponding colors - blue, purple and pink. It is a three-stripe flag, where the blue stripe is considered a symbol of heterosexuality, the pink stripe is a symbol of homosexuality, and the purple stripe signifies bisexuality.
  • Transgender flag, consisting of five longitudinal stripes. The transgender flag uses three colors - blue, pink and white. Blue symbolizes male gender, pink symbolizes female gender, and white represents other conditions such as gender indeterminate and transgender.
  • Pink and black triangles with their vertices down. Some of the oldest LGBT symbols were used in Nazi camps. Gay prisoners were required to wear a pink triangle patch; a black triangle was used to identify lesbians. It is noteworthy that today lesbians are more likely to use the pink triangle to express their gender identity and as a memorial sign.

On which fingers are rings usually worn?

Let's start our analysis with which fingers girls should wear rings on so that it looks elegant and appropriate. If you are a young girl or teenager, you should not wear massive rings with large stones or too expensive designs. For teenagers, it is best to choose a small and elegant piece of jewelry and wear it on the middle or ring finger of the left or right hand.

Adults have a much easier time choosing jewelry - the list of rings and rings that are suitable for both men and women is large. However, if you are superstitious, you should pay attention to signs. For example, women who want to get married are not recommended to wear a ring on their right hand on the finger intended for a wedding or engagement ring (ring). To believe in this sign or not is a personal matter for everyone. Some women who really want to have jewelry on their ring finger put the ring on their left hand - this can be an excellent solution to the problem for superstitious people.

In addition, it is not recommended to wear a gold and silver ring on one hand - many people think this is a sign of bad taste. You can get out of this situation like this: wear gold jewelry on the middle finger of your left hand, and silver jewelry on your right hand.

In general, in order to better understand which rings to put on which fingers, you need to be able to determine the meaning of the rings on the fingers - what qualities the jewelry on the thumb or index finger symbolizes, or what rings with precious stones indicate. Thus, an ordinary ring placed on the “right” finger can tell a lot about its owner.

Thumb ring

According to beliefs, the thumb symbolizes will, logic and spiritual strength. A person who wears a ring on the thumb of his right hand can in this way strengthen his will or gain strength to make a difficult decision.

A gold ring on a woman’s thumb means that she has a rebellious, domineering character and strives for self-expression. And in order to avoid awkward situations, you should also not forget that in a number of countries, a ring on a woman’s thumb can indicate her non-traditional sexual orientation.

Index finger ring

Rings are worn on the index finger of the right hand by those who cannot be denied creativity, ambition and ingenuity. Alexander Pushkin was a big fan of index finger rings. It’s unlikely that he knew about it, but a ring on a man’s index finger can influence success in the professional sphere, self-realization and success in his endeavors.

A ring on the index finger of the left hand was often worn by royalty, such as Elizabeth I. In the Middle Ages, jewelry on the index fingers was believed to help those in power rule wisely and fairly.

Ring on the middle finger

The ring on the middle finger of the left hand helps to bring harmony to life and symbolizes balance in everything. Rings are worn on the right hand mainly by those who lack balance in their work or personal life.

However, a ring on a guy's middle finger can symbolize a thirst for power or attention - we all remember the famous middle finger gesture.

Ring on the ring finger

The ring finger in all traditions and cultures is associated with the heart, love and family life. A young man in love comes to put a ring on a girl’s ring finger, and a massive gold decoration on this finger indicates that the man has found his life partner.

It's worth keeping cultural differences in mind. So, in Russia, a given engagement ring is worn on the right hand, but Americans wear rings on the left hand.

A ring on the right hand on the ring finger will add optimism and love to life to the owner, and two rings on one finger will bring a lot of positive emotions. Of course, you should make sure that the two pieces of jewelry match each other, are made from the same metal and do not interfere when worn - otherwise there will be no positive emotions.

Pinky ring

People who put a ring on the little finger of their left hand try to improve their relationships with people and the world around them - this is what, according to legend, the smallest finger is responsible for.

By the way, the mafia (in particular, the Soprano clan) often wore rings on the little finger of the right hand. This fact also indicates the positive influence of jewelry for this finger on the status of its owner in society.

Ancient origins of the tradition

Wearing a ring in an unusual way is not a fashion trend at all. In fact, even during the times of ancient Egypt, queens and pharaohs decorated their thumbs with precious rings. It is interesting that in different centuries this was given special importance.

  • The Vikings and ancient Romans identified the thumb with the male phallus. Therefore, by putting a ring on it, they believed in the protection and prosperity of male power;
  • The Egyptians engraved the ring with special verbal formulas as a talisman against evil spirits and diseases;
  • In the 15th century, wearing a ring meant belonging to a secret order or an elite profession, for example, a doctor;
  • In the Middle Ages, archers thus protected their thumb from the tension of the bowstring;
  • In England, during the Renaissance, ladies accepted a ring from a man who expressed sympathy and put it on their thumb. This type of engagement lasted for quite a long time until it became customary to wear it on the ring finger;
  • In the middle of the 20th century, hippies adopted the tradition. In such a social group, it became the personification of freedom, love of life and free sex.

In many countries, after the death of their husband, women wore their rings as a tribute to memory. And since the men's size of the ring was not suitable for graceful women's fingers, it had to be worn on the big one.

How to wear a Save and Preserve ring correctly

Orthodox Christians in Russia wear Save and Save rings on any finger, but most often it is the middle finger of the right hand. This ring should remind you of prayer, which means it can be worn on any convenient finger.

Men wear a church ring on the thumb of their right hand - with this hand they cross themselves in church, which means they remember the meaning of the decoration. A woman should also wear the Save and Preserve ring on her right hand, because among Orthodox Christians the entire right side of the body is considered closer to God. But Catholics usually wear prayer rings on their left hands, since they cross themselves differently.

On which fingers to wear rings with stones?

If you believe in the energy and influence of precious stones on a person’s life, it will be useful for you to know which stones should be worn on which fingers. So, you should put a sapphire ring on your index finger. As we already know, jewelry on the index finger is a symbol of power and self-realization. Sapphire is also an excellent assistant in such matters. Therefore, if you lack professional or creative success, feel free to put a sapphire ring on your index finger!

Jewelry with topaz can also be worn on the ring name - but to gain positive emotions and happiness in everyday life. The bright, sunny color of the stone will attract positive energy to you.

A ring with an emerald can be worn on the little finger - the stone will help in the development and discussion of important business projects and will strengthen any business relationship. In addition, owners of jewelry with emerald are considered very creative people - for example, Marlene Dietrich wore a ring with this stone on her little finger.

Marlene Dietrich jewelry

Is it possible to wear other people's rings?

The answer to the question of whether you can wear someone else's gold rings depends on who the ring belonged to and what kind of relationship you have with the previous owner. For example, if a teenage girl wears her mother’s rings, nothing bad or terrible will happen for both of them - unless the girl loses one of the jewelry.

Rings of dead people are a completely different matter. You should not wear the ring of a deceased person if it is “charged” with bad energy - for example, the deceased was seriously ill, or the ring was with him in the morgue. But if the jewelry is too expensive, and you strongly believe in omens, the jewelry can be “cleansed” of all bad things with the help of a special ritual.

In the same way, you can wear a ring after the death of your husband. Of course, this question is a purely personal matter for the widowed woman, but it is unlikely that anyone will condemn her for the memory of her deceased spouse. If a woman is still afraid of being judged, she can wear a ring on a chain around her neck and hide it under her clothes - the memory of her husband will always be with her, but no one will see it.


What do the rings on different fingers symbolize?

The tradition of wearing rings has its roots in antiquity. A ring is a special piece of jewelry that has been attributed magical powers since ancient times and associated with various rituals. One of the rituals that has survived to this day is the wedding ceremony, during which those entering into marriage exchange wedding rings as a sign of love and marital fidelity.

The tradition of wearing rings has its roots in antiquity. A ring is a special piece of jewelry that has been attributed magical powers since ancient times and associated with various rituals. One of the rituals that has survived to this day is the wedding ceremony, during which those entering into marriage exchange wedding rings as a sign of love and marital fidelity.

Thumb ring

Thumb - Mars finger Rings and rings on the thumbs, especially men's, deserve special attention. The Lord of the Ring on the finger of Mars tends to be an energetic, emotional and expansive person. These are straightforward, stubborn, militant, sometimes hot-tempered and aggressive individuals. Trying to convince them of anything or argue with them is completely useless - they will still stand their ground, even if they later have to regret it. At the same time, they are well aware of their strengths and weaknesses, therefore, putting a ring on their thumb, they seem to intuitively try to curb and pacify their hot temperament. This is a kind of subconscious attempt to find a common language and improve relationships with others, and even with oneself.

On the other hand, according to psychologists, a ring on the thumb is a clear sign that at the moment the main goal of a person is self-affirmation by any means and means, and self-affirmation in the sexual sphere comes to the fore. Such statements are not unfounded, because even among the ancient Greeks and Romans the thumb was considered a phallic symbol, which was decorated with iron rings to protect male power.

Index finger ring

Index finger – Jupiter finger The ring on the index finger is called the “power” ring. It was on the index fingers that many outstanding historical figures wore rings - Julius Caesar, Cardinal Richelieu, Ivan the Terrible, Henry VIII. A finger decorated with a ring can be a sign of pride, a desire for power, as well as a strong and strong-willed character, and a ring on the right hand indicates prudence and a positive orientation of these traits, and on the left - about delusions of grandeur, arrogance, pride and a tendency to hysteria.

Astrologers and palmists advise shy and indecisive people to wear a ring on their index finger. This will fill them with the power of Jupiter, make them more confident, help them believe in themselves and increase self-esteem, give them determination, insight, and also bring luck and success to their lives. Rings made of gold and tin will have a particularly beneficial energetic effect.

Ring on the middle finger

Middle finger - Saturn finger The middle finger is decorated with rings by people prone to narcissism, confident in their irresistibility and superiority. The more massive the ring and stone, the more clearly these qualities are manifested in a person.

It is also customary to wear family jewelry on the finger of Saturn, emphasizing the connection with ancestors, faith in karma, the influence of fate, and a higher destiny. The birth ring on the middle finger will help smooth out the negative influence of rock, cope with difficulties and receive support from the family, and give strength to withstand. The ring on the finger of Saturn will also help chronic losers to overcome obstacles and endless “black streaks”.

It is also recommended for people involved in spiritual practices to wear a ring on the middle finger. If both fingers of Saturn are ringed, this may indicate a high degree of fatalism and some detachment from reality.

Ring on the ring finger

Ring finger - finger of the Sun The ring on the ring finger of the right hand (for Catholics - the left), first of all, indicates marital status. This tradition dates back to the ancient Egyptians, according to whose beliefs, the “artery of love” leading directly to the heart began from the ring finger. In those ancient times, wedding rings were made not only from metals, but also from glass and ceramics. During the times of Ancient Rome, wives began to give iron and bronze rings to their spouses as a sign of the inviolability of marriage bonds. Gold wedding rings, the tradition of which has survived to this day, appeared only in the 3rd-4th centuries.

From an esoteric point of view, gold, as the metal of the Sun, is best suited for strengthening love in marriage. A ring on the ring finger (with the exception of the wedding finger) emphasizes its owner’s love for art, sophistication and luxury. As a rule, it ends up in the hands of aesthetes, actors, artists and people of creative professions in general.

The ring on the finger of the Sun reveals a voluptuous nature, striving for pleasure, sensual pleasure and a pleasant pastime. It can also speak of a romantic and dreamy nature. A small ring indicates a harmonious, calm, self-confident personality, and a large one indicates a person’s susceptibility to passions, imbalance, and a tendency to violent and even hysterical behavior.

Decorating the ring finger with rings and rings is recommended for everyone who strives for fame and wealth, since the Sun gives a person creative energy, helps self-expression, promotes advancement and success.

Little finger - finger of Mercury Mercury is the patron of diplomats, businessmen, speakers, doctors and politicians, so a ring or ring on the little finger will benefit anyone who needs dexterity of hand, flexibility of mind and eloquence. It is believed that jewelry on the Mercury finger helps its owners find a common language with any person and establish business contacts.

According to psychologists, resourceful people who are prone to intrigue, adventure and betrayal often end up with a ring on their little finger. A ring on a woman’s little finger emphasizes narcissism, coquetry and changeable nature. A ringed little finger also indicates a readiness to flirt and a tendency to gamble, and in this case it is intended to somewhat calm down and even suppress these personality tendencies.

Toe ring

Rings on the toes From the point of view of most psychologists, ringed toes indicate a desire to stand out and attract attention. In some cases, this may indicate pride, inflated self-esteem and a desire for superiority over others.


Opinion of psychologists and palmists

Today, such products have become a separate direction in jewelry fashion. Rings in the Gothic style are especially popular. A massive ring on the thumb looks nontrivial and attracts attention. It is not surprising that both men and girls express tribute to fashion.

At all times, the habit of putting a ring on large fingers has been identified with bright individuality, strength, power and independence. Today, for most, this is a kind of tribute to fashion, although some put a mysterious meaning into it.

In order to understand this, you should turn to palmistry. Experts in the field of studying the lines of the human hand call the thumb the finger of Mars. First of all, it symbolizes the personality itself and its character. If you look closely at the palm, it is easy to notice the separate location of the thumb. This is the personification of one's own "I" or inner ego.

People who prefer to wear jewelry this way subconsciously try to stand out from the rest. Moreover, they need not so much recognition as freedom of their own judgments and independence in choosing actions.

Psychologists support the opinion of palmists, but add sexual overtones to the decoding. Since the tubercle under the finger of Mars is associated with Venus. The girl’s ring, doctors believe, personifies the desire for self-affirmation in this aspect of life. Moreover, to achieve freedom, the lady is ready to go indiscriminately in ways and means. Because of this same aspect, a ring on a man’s thumb has long been an indication of belonging to the LGBT community.

What does a pinky ring mean for women and men?

Rings are jewelry endowed with special symbolism. And esotericists and supporters of occult sciences attribute to them pronounced magical properties. Rings can serve as amulets and amulets, and when used correctly, influence a person’s fate and character.

Since ancient times, people wearing a ring on their little finger have been considered extraordinary people. Many were afraid to contact them, but could not resist their irresistible attraction!

Symbolism of jewelry

Once upon a time, people attached great importance to the symbolism of jewelry. The rings could tell a lot about their owners: social status, wealth, marital status, state of mind and even mood. Few people wore rings simply as jewelry - in fact, they were handed their own destiny.

Now many ancient sciences have been forgotten, and sacred knowledge has been distorted beyond recognition. People wear jewelry as they please. The exception is, perhaps, wedding, wedding and engagement rings - they are registered on the ring fingers of the owners.

If you choose your jewelry tastefully, you can wear rings on any fingers. Some fashionistas even decorate their toes with them! Several rings on one finger are also acceptable, provided they are combined organically.

However, some places where decorations are located remain original. For example, a man's gold ring on his little finger involuntarily attracts the eye. A pinky ring for a girl also cannot be called a hackneyed solution for any bow - its owner involuntarily finds herself in the center of attention.

Let's see what pinky rings mean for both sexes and what qualities they endow their owners with.

Little finger in palmistry

The little finger is the weakest and smallest finger on the hand. It is never the main thing in everyday manipulations, but without it it is difficult to fully control the hand.

The little finger is the area of ​​responsibility of Mercury (Hermes). This god, one of the many sons of the omnipotent Jupiter (Zeus), became famous for his cunning and ability to pull off any scam.

Hermes was revered in many ancient cultures as the god of trade, eloquence, happy accidents, and also - cunning and theft. Therefore, wearing a ring on the little finger can help develop communication skills, creativity, the ability to build a business and come out unscathed from the most difficult life situations.

God Hermes

Teenagers love to wear pinky rings. And this is natural: the leading activity for young rebels is communication with peers and the outside world (with which many teenagers have problems) and study.

The cunning Mercury and the finger dedicated to it have a huge area of ​​responsibility. By the way, among other things, Hermes was revered in Antiquity as the patron of youth, so the subconscious desire of teenagers to decorate their little fingers with rings is quite understandable.

However, many adults also wear pinky rings. This is especially shown to people whose activities are related to creativity, science, communication, politics, business and the occult sciences. As you can see, the sphere of responsibility of Hermes and the smallest finger on the hand is truly boundless!

Thumb in Palmistry and Traditional Chinese Medicine

In palmistry, the thumb is given great importance: it is, first of all, responsible for a person’s strong-willed qualities and his ability to control other people. And this is not surprising: the thumb is under the control of Mars, the most warlike of the gods of the ancient Roman pantheon.

A long and strong thumb reveals a person who is smart, decisive, purposeful, able to lead and take responsibility not only for himself, but also for other people. This is a true leader to the core, who is not afraid to trust.

However, such people sometimes carry exaggerated leadership qualities that develop into shortcomings:

  • excessive self-confidence;
  • lack of self-criticism;
  • unmotivated outbursts of aggression;
  • intolerance to other people's opinions;
  • careerism and lust for power to the extreme.

On the other hand, the thumb is located above the Mount of Venus, that is, it is also responsible for the sphere of relationships with loved ones, as well as for matters of the heart. The shorter the thumb, the stronger the influence of Venus with all that it entails.

A short thumb indicates a lack of willpower, excessive softness, a tendency to dependency and susceptibility to outside influence. These qualities can be corrected by wearing a ring on the thumb.

From the point of view of TCM (traditional Chinese medicine), the thumb is directly related to the stomach and spleen, and also has a serious impact on the nervous system. Therefore, massage, acupuncture and a properly selected thumb ring can relieve many health and mental problems: indigestion, pain in the stomach and spleen, feelings of oppression and depression.

What kind of rings are customary to wear on the little finger?

From a style point of view, you can wear absolutely any rings, rings or solitaires on your little fingers. Representatives of the fair sex are sometimes advised to refrain from wearing excessively massive rings on their little fingers, but if a lady can boast of graceful hands with long fingers, then this restriction can be neglected. Moreover, now women's signets are in trend.

Let's consider how esotericism, psychology and, of course, palmistry interpret the presence of a ring on the finger of Mercury:

Many people do not attach any importance to which fingers they should wear rings on and what these jewelry mean. Fashionable and beautiful - that's enough!

Care instructions

If a girl or guy likes the look of a decorated thumb, then they sometimes face a lot of problems in everyday life. After all, any foreign object in this place interferes with flexion and other usual functions of the hand. This can often cause scratches or deformation, especially if the material is soft.

To maintain an impeccable appearance, the product can be treated with a special enamel that is used to nourish the nails. Of course, you shouldn't do dirty or physical work with any ring.

The procedure for cleaning jewelry should be carried out based on the material of manufacture. For metal rings, washing with a soapy solution is sufficient; for leather, it is necessary to use special sprays and a soft cloth for polishing.

What does a ring on the little finger mean for men and women?

Pinky rings are a trend that fades and comes back again. Moreover, it covers representatives of both sexes. For example, signet rings for the fingers of Mercury were relevant in the nineties of the last century, and then turned out to be forgotten.

Several decades have passed - and signets have triumphantly returned to the fashion Olympus, further expanding their sphere of influence. Now they adorn not only the hands of the stronger sex, but also the graceful little fingers of beauties of any age.

Let's see what, in addition to following fashion trends, the rings on the little fingers of representatives of both sexes emphasize.

For men

A ring on a man’s little finger means that he wants to be noticed, including by beautiful ladies. Usually, independent but enthusiastic people who are not ready for a serious relationship wear rings this way. The man seems to emphasize: I wouldn’t mind spending time with you, but don’t count on anything more.

If a man wears a silver ring on the little finger of his right hand, this may indicate his tendency towards absolute dominance. Such people are able to go all the way towards their desired goal, destroying all obstacles. This person is usually prone to adventures, intrigue and spontaneous actions.

On the little finger of the left hand there are rings for sophisticated and enthusiastic people. This is how bohemians and recognized heartthrobs wear jewelry. They are always open to love and creativity, but, unfortunately, they are fickle.

Several decades ago, people used this way to designate non-traditional sexual orientation. Nowadays the situation has changed: you can fearlessly declare your sexual preferences, and convinced straight people have begun to wear rings on their little fingers.

For women

The meaning of a pinky ring for women is no less extensive. If you notice a ring on the Mercury finger of a beautiful stranger, rest assured: in front of you is a very interesting person, with whom you will definitely not get bored.

Such women despise boredom and routine, they think outside the box and act accordingly. Despite their pronounced penchant for independence, these ladies skillfully establish connections and build careers in a variety of areas, not always related to creativity. These are solid individuals, but with a pronounced tendency to impulsive decisions and adventurism.

Gold ring with cubic zirconia in the SUNLIGHT catalog

A ring on the little finger of a woman on her right hand means that this is not a submissive female, ready to hang on every word of her interlocutor, but an absolutely independent person, a rebel who despises stereotypes. She will follow you only if you prove your superiority with the right masculine (from her point of view) actions.

The little finger of the left hand is decorated with rings mainly by cheerful and somewhat frivolous people. They have indomitable optimism and are able to fill the most dull companions with a thirst for life. However, you shouldn’t expect swan-like fidelity and absolute submission to a man from such ladies: they are quite happy with an open relationship or a guest marriage.

Symbolism of stones

Mercury favors a wide range of natural minerals in a wide variety of colors. The color of the decoration insert can in some way adjust its properties:

  • Blue. Makes life and attitude to reality easier. However, a ring with a blue stone is not the best solution for people who are already frivolous about life.
  • Motley. If you lack a sense of humor and healthy optimism, a variegated stone will make up for these shortcomings. But in areas related to politics or business, wearers of rings with colorful inserts rarely succeed.
  • Red. A ring with a red stone on the little finger of a man or woman may mean that the person does not have enough vital energy to realize ambitious plans. But you should be careful: scarlet inserts can harm overly emotional people.
  • Violet. Blue and violet colors are especially loved by Mercury. They help stabilize character, develop hidden talents and help find the optimal area of ​​application.
  • Green. The entire green palette is the color of life, stability and peace of mind. If you are prone to outbursts of anger, bouts of melancholy or addictions, a ring with a green stone on your little finger will be the optimal solution for overcoming your shortcomings.
  • Yellow. Yellow color promotes the development of the emotional sphere in all directions. It can be favorable for overly phlegmatic people, but in emotional natures it can develop incontinence and a tendency to impulsive actions.
  • Black. Rings with black stones indicate extraordinary nature and highly developed intuition. However, you shouldn’t get carried away with them: you can unexpectedly find yourself in the ranks of convinced mystics and misanthropes.

Gold ring with cubic zirconia (in the SUNLIGHT catalogue)
Rings with stones on the little fingers can be worn by representatives of all zodiac signs. However, they have a particularly pronounced effect on Gemini and Virgo, because they are under the auspices of Mercury.

Which hand should you wear rings on?

You can wear the ring on the little finger of your left hand or right hand - as you please. In any case, stylists do not give clear instructions on this matter. First of all, you should be guided by your own considerations about aesthetics and comfort, because many people wear jewelry this way only because they like it, and not as secret signs.

Palmists say that a ring on your right hand symbolizes what you have, and on your left – what you want to achieve. Rings on both little fingers mean that your desires are in harmony with your possibilities.

What jewelry besides rings is used as a symbol of LGBT people?

Bracelets, pendants, earrings, brooches, and cufflinks with LGBT symbols are easier to buy today than ever. And if every jewelry store cannot offer a collection of rainbow rings, then online stores can. At the same time, it is easy to make any decoration to order - with a rainbow flag, two “mirrors of Venus” or a pink triangle. Of course, homosexuals take advantage of these opportunities and use symbolic jewelry to demonstrate their gender identity.

Some decorations are called controversial symbols. For example, 30-40 years ago, an unpaired earring in a guy’s left ear was considered a sign that he was gay. For lesbian girls, an earring in the right ear was a sign. Today, the vast majority of people get piercings, and you shouldn’t judge their sexual orientation based on one earring.

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