Alatyr-stone - the sacred altar of the world and the center of the Universe

As in the middle of the Okiyan sea and on the island of Buyan, there lies a white hero - glorious is the Alatyr stone, the Throne of Light, the Heart of the World! How Svarog Himself, the Heavenly Father, stretched out His honest hands over that wonderful stone! Whoever the path led to the stone found its power. Wonderful, strong power! Ancient wisdom, known to the gods!

Ritual glorification of Svarog1


- this is the center of the world, lying at the beginning of all beginnings, the so-called “Navel of the Earth”, the Father of all stones, a powerful force endowed with healing properties. The majestic World Tree grows on it, and from under it, rivers of life filled with life-giving water flow to all directions of the world. He gives rise to all the paths of the universe, he is the source of all roads and all the forces of the world. He is the Father of the four elements of Nature - earth, water, fire and air.

Svarog himself inscribed sacred symbols on it, which deduce the unshakable foundations of the eternal wisdom of the gods - the Universal Law of Rule. In Russian epics, Alatyr-stone appears as a meeting place for heroes. Alatyr - Soul and Heart of the World. This is a sacred symbol of the sacred Source of the Universe, with a light-fiery nature, the focus of all heavenly powers. He is the essence of a fiery self-luminous substance that generates Life in the Universe. It is also called Latyr, Bel-flammable stone, Kip-Kamen (“boiling”). The mysterious stone Alatyr is related to both the Holy Grail2 and the light3 stone of Shambhala Chintomani.

Origin of the name Alatyr-stone

There are different versions4 of the origin of the name of the sacred stone Alatyr. Let's look at some of them and give the corresponding values. Alatyr-stone: what does it mean?

Light, clean, white.

According to one version, the word has the root “AL” - in the Old Russian language meaning “White Light”: comprehensive, pure, original. And his second name “Bel-flammable” indicates a relationship with the Supreme Lord of the White Light, Belobog. Thus, “Alatyr” means “Spreading white light everywhere,” or “emitting, shining source of white light.” We also find it in many words in different languages ​​of the world, and everywhere it appears in the meaning of the highest light source that fills everything around with light, a certain primordial force of the universe that awakens life in everything that exists, for Light is Life, for example: in English all - 'everything, everything'; in Abkhazian alashara - 'light', albus - 'white'; and the Iranian word "alator" means 'white stone'.

Author: Victor Korolkov - Tall, divine.

Alatyr is the highest life-giving force given by God. The root “AL” in Latin is found in the words altus - “high, deep, sublime”, and the Latin almus - “life-giving, satiating, nourishing, gracious, beneficial”; in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese alto - 'high'; Turkic al also means 'high'. Among the ancient Sumerians, Alad is a good spirit that protects people from misfortunes. There is an opinion5 that Al in ancient Slavic writing was used in the meaning of “God” or “Higher Power”. Let us pay attention to how the praises of the gods sound in different cultures: the Phoenician greeting Alonimy and Aloniuty6; Mesopotamian Ella; Arabic Allah; Jewish Hallelujah7; Muslim Allah. The Sanskrit word Alaya (Sanskrit: अलय) in the Tibetan Mahayana system means "Universal Soul", the basis and root of all things, both visible and invisible.

Fiery, ardent, hot.

It is not for nothing that one of the names of Alatyr is the Bel-flammable stone, which speaks of its fiery nature. He is the essence of eternal living fire, giving life. We also find the root “AL” in words such as: diamond - a transparent crystal, the most durable of precious stones, its meaning is 'burning', since the stone is completely burned in fire8; scarlet - a bright color, usually bright red - iron heated on a fire has exactly this color. It is also interesting to note that the name of the Phoenician god of fire also begins with “al”: Al-ait.

As for the second component of the word “atyr”, an analogy can be drawn with the name of the god of fire in Iranian mythology, Atar (Aves. Ātar, from the Persian ātaš - 'fire'). In Zoroastrianism, known for its worship of fire, this is an appeal to the element of fire - the mediator between gods and people. Atar appears as the light of divine revelation, and with the radiance of wisdom he illuminates the entire Universe. By the way, the word Atharyu is translated from Sanskrit as 'flaming', this epithet is repeatedly used in the Rigveda. In Tocharian9 athr is 'higher power'. One of the sacred Vedas is called “Atharvaveda”, which bears the name of the priest Atharvan (Sanskrit: अथर्वन्), who composed hymns and spells pronounced over the sacred flame of Agni (the god of the fire element in the Vedic pantheon). Also Iranian al-ātar can be translated as 'white-flammable'.

Golden, like the face of the Sun.

In the Tatar language “altyn” means “gold”. In Mongolian alt means gold. In this regard, the name Alatyr can be interpreted as a stone that turns everything that touches it into gold. This refers to spiritual gold - by analogy with the Philosopher's Stone, revered as a transformative force, the fifth element thanks to which transformation into gold occurs. By the way, according to some philologists, the name of the Altai Mountains is interpreted as 'golden mountains'. A. N. Afanasyev believed that the Alatyr stone is a metaphor for the Sun in the form of a golden-fire crystal floating in the Ocean of airspace.

Altar, altar

- an elevated place of worship of gods and sacrifices. The consonance of the words “Alatyr” and “altar” is obvious. In ancient times, stones played the role of altars and sacred altars.

Author of the painting: Alexander Uglanov - Divine Order.

According to V.I. Dahl’s dictionary, “alatyr” is the same as alabyr, or alabor, in the meaning of “order, arrangement.” There is also a relationship between the root “lat” and the word “Lad”, meaning the Universal order, the Cosmic Con. Read more about this in our article about the goddess Lada.

Sun stone Amber.

10 There is a version that the name “alatyr” comes from one of the names of amber - alaktar11 meaning “shining, burning.” In German amber is Bernstein (from Boernstein), that is, 'flammable stone', in Ukrainian burshtin and Belarusian - burshtyn, which means 'burnt stone'. It can be assumed that this name was given to amber due to the fact that it burns easily, blazing with a bright flame. The fiery nature of amber is also visible in the healing properties that it possesses, in other words, it burns away illnesses. By the way, the Baltic - a treasury of amber - was previously called the Alatyr Sea.

Linguistic interpretation

There is another name for this mythical stone - white-flammable. In oral folklore, both names are often used. The origin of the word “alatyr” is explained as follows:

  • It comes from the Iranian al-atar, which literally translates as “white-flammable”, a word that came into the Russian language through the long-extinct Scythian-Sarmatian dialect, once related to the Iranian one.
  • An analogue of the Zion stones, which were a shrine and served as altars. Legends about their strength penetrated into the poetic folklore of Rus'. “Alatyr” is a derivative word from “altar”.
  • “Latygor” meant Latvian, Latygora meant Latvian land (country), Latygor meant Latvian stone, that is, amber. Gradually the word transformed into “alatyr”.

The sacred stone Alatyr is the Center of the world. Father to all stones

There is a pillar in Oceanus called Adamantine12. He's head to heaven

Apocrypha13 XIV century.

By the will of the god Rod, the Bel-flammable stone Alatyr lies in the middle of the Okiyan sea on the island of Buyan. This island is an allegory of part of the primordial Earth, which arose at the beginning of Creation from the bottomless depths of the primordial Ocean. Buyan Island, which holds the Alatyr stone, is a place in the Universe where the sacred center of Creation is located, from where the entire White Light originates. This is the essence of all the creative forces of Nature. On the Sea on Okiyan, the Alatyr stone is located, that is, in the bottomless depths of the primordial waters of the World Cosmic Ocean.

The Bel-flammable stone Alatyr is revered as the throne of the Almighty, located in the center of the Universe, through which the world axis passes - the connecting invisible thread connecting Heaven and Earth. There is an opinion that the peak of Alatyr touches the heavens at the point of contact, which is the North Star.

Origin. Author of the painting: Alexander Uglanov

All paths of the universe originate from it. The Sacred Stone of the Universe shines with the luminous rays of the centuries-old wisdom of the gods and our ancestors, they shimmer with the multicolored energies with which the entire White Light is permeated. We can contemplate our world in all its diversity thanks to the reflecting and manifesting ability of Light emanating from the very heart of sacred Alatyr. Thus, the luminous crystal from the heart of the universe emits the creative rays of Life in the space of the Universe, for it is the beginning of all beginnings, the Source of everything, the center of the world.

As a source, it emits and absorbs the entire Creation. Thanks to it, the unfolding and coagulation of the Universe takes place, the pulsation of eternity - the emission and absorption of the luminiferous rays of Life. So symbolically, the “exhalation” of the god Rod represents the creation of the Universe, the unfolding of the universe, which exists throughout the entire period of active manifestation, this time is also called the Day of Svarog; while the “inhalation” personifies the dissolution of the world at the end of time, the “night of Svarog” comes, and the entire Creation returns to the Source, from which the Universe is reborn again in the next cycle of time - this is how the next symbolic “exhalation” of the Progenitor of the world occurs. In fact, Alatyr gives rise to both the “Day” and the “Night of Svarog”, for He emits a creative life-giving force, with which the Creation of the world occurs during the “Day of Svarog”, and in it the dissolution of the universe occurs when the period of the “Night of Svarog” begins ” and the Universe plunges into a passive state of sleep (called “Pralaya” in Sanskrit).

With your own hands

Many people can make a talisman with their own hands. But the first thing you need to do is choose the right material with the right energy.


The easiest way to make a talisman is from wood. But to do this, you will have to go into the forest with a saw and cut down one branch from a suitable tree yourself. There is no point in being greedy and causing unnecessary wounds to the tree. But you definitely need to thank him and apologize.

It is important to consider the shape of the future mascot. It is necessary to try to ensure that both sides are identical for a constant exchange of energy. The clarity of all lines and precise adherence to the parameters of all angles are required. You cannot deviate from generally accepted canons: the slightest change in the traditional design not only weakens the power of the amulet, but also endows it with undesirable qualities.

The tools can be cutters, or better yet, a universal dremel, and a burner. According to tradition, representatives of the stronger sex are more often involved in wooden art. However, nowadays, when many convenient, lightweight tools have appeared, training videos have been created, courses are offered, and women who are actively mastering new skills have become able to make elegant wooden crafts.

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