Stone with a cat's eye effect: properties and meanings, the secret of a magical glow

The popular and always eye-catching gem was named for its resemblance to the eyes of a cat. It is endowed with magical powers and is considered a powerful talisman. However, the stone used to create jewelry - cat's eye - is in most cases a fake. This only indicates a lack of energy in the decoration, but does not in any way affect the beauty of the product.

Description of the phenomenon

Cat's eye is a stone of amazing beauty. There are specimens of different shades. They are united by a narrow vertical luminous stripe, which moves when the mineral rotates. Because of this, it seems that the owner of the gem is being watched by the pupil of a cat. Hence the name.

Highlights on the stone appear due to voids located along the crystallographic axis, rutile needles, and asbestos inclusions. This combination creates a cat's eye effect, which appears after the stone is shaped into a cabochon. It is also noticeable on beads of different sizes.

The vertical highlight on natural stones can be yellow, yellow-green or white. Multi-colored iridescence is extremely rare.

A real cat's eye is chrysoberyl. If the seller does not indicate the rock from which the reflective decoration was made, then we are talking about this particular mineral.

Chrysoberyl is also called cymophane. The cat's eye effect does not appear on all specimens of this breed. In order for a vertical highlight to appear on a mineral after processing, the stone must initially have a suitable structure. This is often visible on a section of an unprocessed crystal.

The effect is also obtained on other minerals. These include some types of quartz, sapphire, beryl, tourmaline, moonstone, topaz, and ruby. But calling such specimens a cat's eye is not entirely correct. It would be more correct to say “gem (name) with a cat’s eye effect.”

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Unusual optical effect

The effect when a vertical stripe appears on the mineral, differing in a lighter tone when exposed to rays of light, is called “cat’s eye”. Moreover, if you change the viewing angle, this strip visually seems to move across the surface, giving you the feeling that you are under the close attention of a cat's eyes.

The cat's eye mineral has a similar feature due to many tiny fibers arranged in parallel and creating a unique diffraction grating, which many of us are familiar with from a school physics course. The ability of human vision to capture only perpendicularly reflected rays creates an indescribable impression, as if a natural cat's eye follows the direction of your gaze.

Such an original feature can be inherent in many minerals. Cat's eye stone can be found among the following gemstones:

  • sapphire;
  • topaz;
  • ruby;
  • tourmaline.

Natural gemstones such as jade, moonstone, quartz, ulexite and jadeite can also produce a similar effect when cut appropriately.

However, initially, it was customary to call only the yellow-greenish variety of chrysoberyl cymophane, a stone that closely resembled the eyes of a cat, a cat's eye.

For many centuries, many healing and magical properties have been attributed to it. It is generally accepted that as a talisman it is perfect for purposeful people with a high degree of self-esteem, helping them achieve their goals.

Varieties and shades of minerals

The shades of gems vary. Its value largely depends on the color of the specimen:

  1. Yellow, golden brown, golden green, gray, orange. These varieties are made from chrysoberyl. The most expensive of them are considered to be “milk and honey” colored stones.
  2. Pink, dark green, light green. Quartz cat's eye has these colors.
  3. Red or cherry. These are either stones with hematite inclusions or rubies.
  4. Blue, white or light blue. The shades are characteristic of moonstone with a glare effect.
  5. Purple, black. The rarest specimens. Especially valued by magicians.

Stones also differ in transparency. There are both transparent and translucent specimens.

Many cat eye colors are obtained by chemically treating natural chrysoberyl.

Where is it used?

All kinds of jewelry are made from the stone, which can be worn one at a time or in different combinations: earrings, rings, rosaries, cameos, cufflinks, necklaces, bracelets, pendants. It is also used in the production of souvenirs and amulets. The mineral very quickly tunes into the energy of the owner, establishes contact with him and becomes his third eye.

Brass pendant with cherry cat's eye

On which finger to wear a ring with this stone depends on what goals are set. To develop abilities - on a large scale. For career advancement - on the index. To increase attractiveness to the opposite sex - on the nameless one.

Deposits and interesting facts

Archaeological excavations indicate that it was worn by rulers and magicians long before our era. Ordinary people in those days were afraid of gems, which, as it seemed to them, were watching them from the other world.

Interest in the mineral among all segments of the population arose after Queen Victoria was given a gem weighing 60 g, and Prince Arthur presented a ring with a cat's eye to his bride. The stone was a talisman for Ivan Bunin.

There is an interesting fact related to the revolution in Russia and the stone. It is believed that only those aristocrats who owned such a talisman were able to travel abroad in time and escape.

The deposits began to be developed relatively recently. The most famous mines are located in Russia, Brazil, and America.

To watch the history of the stone in the video review:

How to distinguish a fake from a real stone

Cat's eye is an expensive gem. Therefore, it is often counterfeited by creating synthetic copies, achieving a unique effect artificially.

The cheapest and crudest fake is catsite. It consists of long strands of optical fiber, which, when combined in one stone, create the effect of a cat's eye.

Another analogue option is a natural mineral, which, as a result of artificial processing, acquires the ability to reflect. This effect is achieved by applying a special coating or coloring the stones.

Some scammers sell ordinary glass, colored in a special way, under the guise of natural chrysoberyl. Such a fake can be easily distinguished from the original.

The following will help you distinguish a natural cat's eye from a fake:

  1. A real cat's eye has a straight line of highlight. It always remains vertical, no matter how the stone is turned over. When the fake is rotated in the sun, the glare turns out wavy.
  2. Chrysoberyl is highly hard. It leaves scratches on the glass. Metal or glass shards will not damage it. A ruby ​​or diamond can scratch a real cat's eye.
  3. In the dark, the reflection of a natural gem will faintly glow or sparkle. Counterfeits do not have this effect.
  4. The shimmer and shine of the stone are visible to the naked eye. If you rub the gem with a cloth, the vertical highlight will become even brighter. The brightness of the highlight on the fake will not change.
  5. If you apply a natural mineral to your cheek and hold it there for a few seconds, it will remain cold. Synthetic or glass analogs will heat up quickly.

To avoid purchasing a fake, you should buy the stone in specialized stores - the seller will be able to provide a quality certificate.

Cat's eye and tiger's eye are not the same thing. They have different optical effects.

Artificial chrysoberyl

A description of the method for producing chrysoberyl in laboratory conditions was made for the first time by specialists from the USA. To create such stones, fiber optic glass is used, to which various dyes are added. Only small stones made using this technology can be transparent. Larger samples always turn out cloudy. The material used to make counterfeits is called catsite.

Interestingly, an artificial cat eye can have up to 8,000 fibers. Such stones are usually inexpensive, from 5 to 20 dollars. But sometimes they are sold at the price of natural chrysoberyl, which is 150 - 200 dollars. Such a high price of a natural mineral is explained by its low prevalence.

Properties and applications of stones with the cat's eye effect

Stones with the cat's eye effect are used in the jewelry industry. They have a fairly high price, so they can rarely be found at crafts fairs.

Since ancient times, psychics have used gems as talismans and magical attributes. Lithotherapists talk about the healing properties of the cat's eye.

Physical properties

The description of cat's eye implies the physical properties of chrysoberyl. The stone has a high level of hardness, which is estimated on the mineralogical scale at 8.5 points.

The gems have a glassy luster. They shimmer in white, light green, yellow or yellow-green. There is a certain glow in the dark effect. There are transparent and translucent samples.

The chemical formula of chrysoberyl is BeAl2O4. Color determines the content of other substances. All samples with the cat's eye effect have rutile needles and voids in the structure.

The cleavage of the mineral is clear. The fracture is conchoidal and uneven.

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Posted by My HOBBYMIR (@hobbymir) Jan 29, 2022 at 12:45 PST

Medicinal properties

Lithotherapists believe in the healing properties of the stone.

The mineral struggles with problems such as:

  • colds, flu;
  • throat diseases;
  • neuralgia;
  • vision problems;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • lung diseases of allergic origin;
  • diseases of bones and joints;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • muscle cramps, muscle hypertonicity;
  • skin diseases;
  • memory impairment, decreased brain activity;
  • violation of tissue regeneration;
  • emotional instability caused by hormonal changes in adolescence.

To cope with such problems, you need to wear jewelry with a cat's eye. In some cases, the stone is used differently:

  1. Eye diseases. The gem is applied to each eye for 5 minutes daily. Additionally, its overflows are observed for half an hour.
  2. With high blood pressure, stones of yellow or brown tones are worn. Green specimens help cope with hypotension.
  3. Touching rosary beads from a cat's eye will help normalize your psycho-emotional state.
  4. To speed up the healing of wounds, it is enough to hold the gem over the damage.
  5. Pendants and beads will help cope with lung diseases.

But you should not rely solely on the strength of the mineral. Without classical medicine, it will not be possible to cope with diseases.

Magic properties

Even in ancient times, witches and magicians used the cat's eye for mystical purposes. They believed that the gem attracted tests, after passing which a person would earn the right to rebirth.

Magic properties:

  1. The cat's eye can warn the owner of danger. Feeling threatened, the stone becomes heavier and hotter, causing discomfort when worn.
  2. The mineral can add charisma to the owner.
  3. If you give a mineral to another person, it will help to achieve his favor: the enemy will become a friend, and the lover will pay attention to the giver.
  4. The gem attracts success and wealth. It is considered a symbol of financial well-being. A person with such a talisman becomes more successful, self-confident, and purposeful.
  5. The cat's eye enhances the owner's intuition and awakens hidden talents. It is believed that he is able to open the third eye and make the energy stronger.

As a talisman, the stone is framed only with a silver frame. The effect of the talisman becomes most pronounced if the cat's eye comes into contact with the skin. Depending on the effect you want to get from the gem, its color and shape are selected:

  1. To attract a soul mate, girls are recommended to wear a ring or pendant with a mineral.
  2. Blue gemstones will help cope with excessive temper and jealousy. The stone will protect its owner from bad influences from the outside.
  3. White stones are used to protect children from the evil eye, disease, and bad dreams.
  4. It is believed that rosaries or beads made from a large number of stones can prevent the death of the owner.
  5. Green and yellow specimens attract financial success. Such a talisman is necessary for businessmen, as well as those who want to climb the career ladder.
  6. A cat's eye amulet placed at home in the most visible place will help preserve love in the family.

The cat's eye is jealous and selfish. It is not recommended to combine it with other stones.

But according to other sources, combination with diamonds, hyacinths, rubies, and heliodors is allowed. A combination with amber and aventurine is acceptable.

To watch a video review on the topic:

Suitable by zodiac sign and name

The cat's eye is ideal for people born under the signs of Gemini and Cancer. The stone is categorically not suitable for Aquarius, as it enhances their negative qualities. Other signs can wear talismans with a gem, but their influence will be weakly expressed.

Esotericists recommend choosing the color of the stone depending on your profession:

  1. Yellow color is suitable for people who work with the “consciousness” of society (teachers, religious ministers, deputies). The gem helps to gain the trust of others.
  2. The brown talisman will help those who occupy management positions to increase self-confidence and earn the respect of their subordinates.
  3. Businessmen need golden and light green amulets. They attract profitable deals and success.
  4. Dark green stones help to recover after hard physical labor. They will be useful for builders, professional athletes, loaders, installers, etc.

The gem favors people with the names: Anna, Vera, Valentina, Vitaly, Grigory, Denis, Dmitry, Evgeniy, Marina, Mikhail, Natalya, Peter.

What medicinal properties does the gem have?

The cat's eye has strong energy and is a good assistant in healing practices. But even without being a healer, anyone can acquire such a talisman in order to improve their health.

When and for what diseases is it recommended to wear cat eye products for medicinal purposes:

  • angina;
  • cold;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • nervous disorders;
  • cycle disruptions in women;
  • hypertension;
  • asthma;
  • alcoholism;
  • joint problems;
  • muscle tension, even to the point of cramps;
  • soreness in some skin diseases;
  • lymph stagnation;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • regeneration processes of skin, muscles and bones.

Also, wearing a stone activates the brain and helps make decisions in difficult situations, and in the postoperative period speeds up recovery.

Earrings with green cat's eye

The healing properties of the stone will help smooth out the uneven character of its owner: it will make the aggressive one softer, and it will give courage to the meek. Some experts believe that the main meaning of the cat's eye is the harmonization of personality and space.

In adolescence, emotional overload and a dramatic perception of the world are inevitable. An amulet or decoration made from a cat's eye will help reduce psychological stress and protect the young person from mood swings and rash actions. It is better to wear it in the form of a rosary or a bracelet.

Bright bracelet made of cat's eyes in different colors

Jewelry with cat's eye

The most popular cat eye jewelry is beads and bracelets. They can be multi-colored or plain.

Combination with clothes:

  1. Fluffy skirts, light summer dresses, ethnic outfits. This is the most harmonious combination and the easiest to use.
  2. Sets with a formal jacket and jeans. In this case, the jewelry is combined with light, romantic blouses. This combination looks extraordinary.

Jewelers make rings and pendants from large stones. They look expensive and exotic. They are recommended to be worn with evening dresses and long floor-length dresses.

The earrings are suitable for everyday wear. The main thing is that the whole image is chosen in neutral colors.

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Publication from BRACELETS / NATURAL STONES?? (@la_maga_new) March 21, 2022 at 3:33 PDT

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Posted by Anastasia Vorobeva (@anastasiiavorobeva9955) May 22, 2022 at 3:30 PDT

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Posted by @cherdachello Aug 27, 2022 at 6:41 am PDT

Product care

Jewelry with a cat's eye must be stored properly. Then they will not lose their attractiveness for a long time.

  1. Cat's eye is a durable stone that will not be damaged by other products. He himself can scratch jewelry made from softer gems. To prevent this from happening, it is stored in a soft bag or a separate box.
  2. The mineral does not like chemicals, high temperatures, or abrasives. They don’t take it with them to the shower or wear it while doing housework.
  3. Wash the stones with a cotton swab dipped in soapy water. To prevent the product from becoming cloudy, wipe it dry immediately with a soft cloth.

Price and favorable time to purchase stones

On average, jewelry made from this gem costs $100–150. If a stone is purchased as an amulet, experts recommend choosing the right time for purchase. It depends on what sign the person was born under. You can make a purchase all year round by choosing the correct day of the month;

  • Gemini and Taurus – 11, 9;
  • Libra – 2, 3, 11;
  • Aries – 5, 9, 12;
  • Leo – 8, 9, 11;
  • Cancer – 10, 11;
  • Virgo – 3, 4, 9;
  • Pisces – 1, 2, 10.

Capricorns and Scorpios are recommended to draw up an individual horoscope before purchasing. Aquarians should not purchase the stone at all.

A real cat's eye is chrysoberyl with an unusual optical effect. Other gems with vertical highlights also have this name, but this is not entirely true.

What cat eye jewelry do you have in your collection? What outfits do they go well with? Share your stories in the comments. Repost interesting information on social networks.

Which signs are recommended to wear this stone?

The cat eye suits almost all zodiac signs. The exception is Aquarius. The owner will involuntarily absorb the energy of the amulet, and it, in turn, will begin to feed on its powers for restoration. This will lead to loss of strength, depression, and emotional imbalance.

Jewelry made from this material is best suited for Scorpios and Cancers. The mineral will have an extremely positive effect on these zodiac signs. It is also safe for such an owner to constantly wear jewelry. When choosing a talisman, these zodiac signs are recommended to turn to this stone.

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion

("" - fits perfectly, "" - can be worn, "-" - strictly contraindicated)

Most sources say that the cat's eye is ideal for Libra, Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio according to the horoscope, and is strictly contraindicated for Aquarius (although officially it is not the birthstone of any sign at all, even the mysterious Ophiuchus).

But this information can be disputed, since interaction with a stone depends on many factors: the color of the mineral, the purity of the owner’s thoughts, the need for the gem to influence a particular organ, in modeling the situation, and so on. And given the peaceful nature of the cat's eye, the question of banning wearing is called into question.

Threads of a multi-colored oval-shaped cat's eye
One thing can be said with confidence: signs with lighter energy will receive more strength, determination and confidence from the talisman, they will learn to take risks, emotional signs will become calmer, and those with power will be softer and wiser.

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