Cat's eye (stone): magical properties, meanings, who is suitable for

Among gems, the cat's eye stone stands out with its special mystical beauty. It is a mineral with a narrow holographic stripe of light inside, reminiscent of the eye of a cat, an animal that was believed to be associated with the other world.

The effect of a cat's eye with a characteristic vertical pupil is achieved only when cutting a cabochon. This mineral is known as an assistant to mystics, clairvoyants and magicians, a material for amulets and amulets, preserving its strength and beauty in jewelry.

History and origin

It is one of the most ancient and expensive minerals known to mankind. Judging by archaeological finds, jewelry and talismans with a cat's eye were worn by kings and high priests several thousand years BC. The ancients believed that the stone, which looked like a shimmering cat's eye, gave its owner an understanding of the language of birds and animals.

cat's eye

And according to Indian Vedas, the gem forces its owner to undergo spiritual tests that will lead him to rebirth. Most esotericists agree that the cat's eye has the ability to develop harmony of character, generosity, and bring positivity to thoughts. It balances the energy of yang and yin, so it is suitable for wearing by both men and women.

The gem is widely known in the East and India, where its large deposits are located. It appeared in Europe at the end of the 19th century and immediately created a sensation. Since then, interest in it has only grown.

The mineral itself is called chrysoberyl (cymophane).

ColorBluish-green, brown, brownish-green, green, gray
TransparencyTransparent, translucent
KinkUneven, conchoidal
Density3.5—3.84 g/cm³

Cat's eye stone with milk and honey color
Natural chrysoberyl most often has a yellow-green color. The extraordinary effect of the cat's pupil after processing in the form of a cabochon appears due to the many parallel voids along the crystallographic axis, inclusions of asbestos and rutile “needles”. All together they create the mesmerizing internal glare of the stone.

The best color for tsimofan is “milk and honey,” when a bright white highlight moves under the opaque bright yellow surface of the stone. This is the most expensive variety, according to the international gemological classification. Cheaper shades include taupe, gray and brown. In rare cases, there is a play of different shades from different viewing angles.

Some types of cat's eyes are sapphires and beryls.

The following precious and semi-precious stones have similar appearance and physical and chemical properties to a cat's eye: scapolite, quartz, selenite, jade, spinel, corundum, moon and sun stones, tourmaline, diopside.

Who is it suitable for?

Healing adularia is considered a strong mineral that seriously affects the life of its owner. It will be suitable for anyone who cannot cope with emotions and wants to reveal their best character traits.

Zodiac sign

Each sign is protected by its own planet, which interacts with the mineral in a special way. Based on these data, there are recommendations that reveal the best properties of adularia according to the horoscope.

Aquatic – Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio

These signs are especially favored by the moonstone. It helps to pacify the emotionality of water signs, helps to find the right decisions and not commit rash actions:

Cancer is under the protection of the Moon, so the stone has special meaning for it. Adular is firmly connected with this planet, so with him, Cancers will reveal their talents, be able to remain patient, and attract true love into life.

The characteristics of Pisces indicate their excessive anxiety, doubts, and desire to change their own decisions. Adular will balance such personalities and show a rational view of the situation.

Scorpio often feels a lack of strength. Lunar works identically to a battery. He takes away his excessive emotionality and returns it to his owner in moments of powerlessness.

Earthly – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Taurus and Virgo have average compatibility with Adularia. Taurus will be able to open their hearts, which could mean a quick, fateful meeting. Virgos will also reveal their sensual side and become more active in communication.

Capricorns may get the opposite effect. The mineral has a relaxing effect on them, making them lazy and apathetic. However, if a person is overly emotional, the temporary use of talismans is also beneficial.

Air - Libra, Gemini, Aquarius

Libra, Gemini and Aquarius have average compatibility with adularia. The mineral will reveal hidden potential, positive character traits, remove embarrassment, and help cope with low self-esteem. As in all cases, adularia gives balance and harmony. At the right moment it absorbs negativity and gives strength in moments of exhaustion.

Fiery - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Fire signs should be wary of moonstone. This is especially true for Aries; it will help improve their personal life, but will provoke excessive emotionality.

Leo and Sagittarius are in greater favor. The zodiac stone supports good health, liberates, and gives emotional peace.

By name

  1. Yana. Adularia reveals special properties with women under the name Yana. They receive active development of mental abilities, become wise, and see others in their true light.
  2. Elena. Girls develop concentration, attention, and stop being naive. Under the auspices of the stone, business acumen, determination, and courage appear.
  3. Igor. Adular will help a man overcome his selfishness. He will begin to pay more attention to the advantages of other people and learn to support his close circle.
  4. Gleb. The owners of this name have a strong character. The amulet will give you more flexibility and sensuality. This will help you expand your social circle and be more open with others.

Lunnik will suit other names as well. It has a standard effect on them - it harmonizes character, helps develop talents, and liberates.

Deposits in the world

Most often, this mineral is found in the thickness of granite or shale. It is mined in Sri Lanka, South Africa, the Czech Republic, Madagascar, India, Ceylon, Colorado, Brazil, Australia, and Russia.

Raw mineral cat's (tiger) eye

The deposits are being actively developed as more and more people learn about the healing and magical properties of the stone, and it is becoming more and more in demand.

Where is cat's eye mined and how is it used?

The main area of ​​use of the stone is jewelry. It is used to make jewelry of amazing beauty and value, which is great luck to buy, just like finding a natural gem.

Deposits, cost

In nature, the cat's eye is rare, thereby causing even greater interest and demand. The largest deposits are located in:

  • Sri Lanka.
  • Brazil.
  • India and the island of Madagascar.
  • Russia (Ural Mountains).

Natural gems are used to create products such as cufflinks, rings and earrings, beads, pendants and sets. For example, these are made by professional jeweler Ansari.

How to properly care

Considering the strength of the stone, it is quite difficult to damage it. Nevertheless, there are basic rules for caring for a cat's eye and jewelry made from it:

  1. Sudden temperature changes should be avoided.
  2. You need to wash with warm water, without using household chemicals or abrasives.
  3. After washing, wipe dry with a soft cloth.
  4. Store jewelry in a special box with soft walls, separately from other jewelry, so that a cat's eye does not damage it.

How to distinguish an expensive gem from a fake

It is not surprising that they have learned to counterfeit and replace expensive gemstones with analogues. It’s easy to distinguish an original from a fake:

  1. Real stone is very durable and can scratch glass.
  2. A real cat's eye glows dimly in the dark, a fake cat's eye does not.
  3. With strong friction against the fabric, the natural stone will shine even brighter.
  4. The natural mineral gives only a green or brown reflection.
  5. A direct highlight on the surface is a sign of the original.

Jewelers can pass off other minerals with a similar optical effect as cat's eye or use artificially grown stone, but the price of such products will not be high.

The cost of a natural cat's eye is equal to the cost of diamonds. It will depend on the degree of purity of the stone, the brightness of the reflections and its weight. The average price on the world market is between $30–100 per carat for stones weighing 3–5 carats. The larger the stone, the higher the price.

Varieties and shades of mineral

The main natural colors of a cat's eye are grayish-golden with green, light brown, translucent grayish-brown. But there are also other varieties. Many are created by physically and chemically treating the original stone.

Golden-brown “tiger” is the stone of people in power, firefighters, rescuers, the military, and leaders. Gives authority, inspires others with unconditional respect for the owner. It should be worn openly. You can place on your desktop or in your car a figurine of a creature that evokes warm feelings, made from a brown tiger.

A thread of small tiger-colored cat's eye stone

Dark green is an assistant to workers engaged in physically difficult work. Helps restore strength and emotional balance, protects against the evil eye, and enhances concentration.

Cat's eye dark green

Honey, yellow, opal yellow is the stone of those who are engaged in education: clergy, teachers, as well as lawyers and diplomats. Promotes suggestion, helps the spoken word penetrate hearts and minds. This variety is the most expensive.

Cat's eye beads, golden honey color

Light green is a talisman for financiers, businessmen and traders. Helps to catch luck in business. Recommended to everyone who is trying to achieve financial success and build a career.

Thread from light green cat's eye

White - protects young children from illnesses, and mothers from worries associated with children, strengthens the family bond between them.

Cat's eye white

Crimson-cherry interspersed with hematite - gives good health, protects against wild animals, relieves infertility, helps to give up nicotine addiction, and banishes depression. Establishes a warm, friendly atmosphere in the house and extinguishes conflicts. Recommended for athletes for greater endurance.

Cherry cat's eye beads

Blue is the stone of dreamers. It will help you choose the shortest path to realizing your plans for those who have already decided what they want, but do not know how to take the first step.

Earrings with blue cat's eye

Blue - gives courage to those who suffer from excessive shyness, but at the same time endows the owner with caution and foresight, acute intuition and flair. A blue stone can be hung above the entrance inside the apartment.

Threads of dark blue stones

Pink - relieves insomnia, drives away nightmares. It is enough to place it at the head of the bed, and bad visions will not dare to break into your sleep. Helps tame jealousy.

Pink cat eye bracelet

Violet - calms the nervous system, gives balance, relieves the consequences of a concussion. Capable of leading the owner to spiritual insights.

Strings of small purple cat's eye stones

Black, gray, black-blue-gold “falcon” - endow a person with attractiveness, magnetism, and a sharp mind. Suitable for those who strive for recognition. They give you self-confidence and the ability to feel the right moment to implement your plans.

Threads of small cat's eye gray

Bracelet with cat's eye color “Hawkeye”

Synthetic imitations come in different qualities and have a rich palette of shades: lilac, orange, beige, olive, rainbow, bright red. But don't forget that this is just jewelry. It looks great on a beach holiday, but has neither healing nor mystical properties.

Important: the peculiarity of wearing a cat’s eye is that the frame should be silver, and if possible it is better to do without it, since the stone reveals its qualities to the maximum when it comes into contact with the owner’s skin.

Talismans and amulets

The cat's eye stone has been considered magically powerful for centuries and was worn as an amulet that protects against dark forces. Not much has changed today.

This is a talisman for diplomats, teachers, and representatives of creative professions. The mineral will give inspiration, reveal talent, add charm and eloquence.

The magic of the stone smoothes out extremes in the owner’s character. It makes the aggressive one softer, the soft one more decisive.

  • Girls looking for love for life wear a pendant, earrings or ring.
  • Green or yellow copies are a money talisman, stored next to banknotes. Jewelry with a mineral is worn by ladies who want to get an increase in salary or a higher position. For men, a crystal in their pocket or a ring is enough.
  • Blue quartz protects against envy, jealousy, anger, and aggression.
  • Pendants are worn by children to prevent sore throats.
  • It is believed that you can save a person from death by giving him a necklace or rosary.
  • The cat stone is placed in a place of honor in the house to strengthen family ties.
  • The image of a reserved business person is created by jewelry with stones of the same color. Multi-colored ones are worth buying for people who position themselves as free from conventions.
  • The cameo stone neutralizes the evil eye best.

For the power of the stone to work, you need to know how to wear it correctly:

  1. When decorating, it should be in contact with the skin. Any frame will do.
  2. Other gems for decoration are excluded. The cat's eye is an egoist who does not tolerate neighbors. Like a cat that walks by itself.

The best talisman or amulet is a ring. In it, the cat's eye exhibits magical properties to the maximum.

What medicinal properties does the gem have?

The cat's eye has strong energy and is a good assistant in healing practices. But even without being a healer, anyone can acquire such a talisman in order to improve their health.

Attention: of course, no one disputes the importance of official treatment or calls for abandoning it. But it will be more effective if you have this wonderful mineral with you, which enhances the effect of medications and therapeutic procedures.

When and for what diseases is it recommended to wear cat eye products for medicinal purposes:

  • angina;
  • cold;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • nervous disorders;
  • cycle disruptions in women;
  • hypertension;
  • asthma;
  • alcoholism;
  • joint problems;
  • muscle tension, even to the point of cramps;
  • soreness in some skin diseases;
  • lymph stagnation;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • regeneration processes of skin, muscles and bones.

Also, wearing a stone activates the brain and helps make decisions in difficult situations, and in the postoperative period speeds up recovery.

Earrings with green cat's eye

The healing properties of the stone will help smooth out the uneven character of its owner: it will make the aggressive one softer, and it will give courage to the meek. Some experts believe that the main meaning of the cat's eye is the harmonization of personality and space.

In adolescence, emotional overload and a dramatic perception of the world are inevitable. An amulet or decoration made from a cat's eye will help reduce psychological stress and protect the young person from mood swings and rash actions. It is better to wear it in the form of a rosary or a bracelet.

Bright bracelet made of cat's eyes in different colors

Cat's eye in magic, astrology and healing

Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Yuri Lipovsky dedicated the book “Find Your Stone” to the study of the ancient knowledge of our ancestors about the power of natural minerals. He considered the discovery of a real cat's eye an extraordinary stroke of luck. How can a stone help a person?

Stone treatment

Traditional medicine recommends using a stone with unusual natural powers for the treatment and prevention of such ailments:

  • bronchial asthma, pneumonia, diseases of the throat and larynx;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • arthritis and rheumatism, joint and bone diseases;
  • diseases of the blood, heart and blood vessels;
  • any nervous tension, panic attacks and tics;
  • eye disease “night blindness” or “night blindness”;
  • bruises, hematomas, cuts and abrasions, contusions and fractures.

It is recommended to apply the stone to painful areas of the body and wear it on yourself without removing it.

Magical properties of the stone

Astrologers believe that “eye” stones are the “eyes” of space, with the help of which the Universe collects information about what is happening in the world and transmits it to the owner of the stone. And it was not by chance that the cat's eye was chosen by the ancient priests as a protective amulet. Those who work with energy use its magical properties to enhance intuition, improve clairvoyance, expand the ability to interact with astral entities and protect against negativity and bad influences.

It has been noticed that in case of danger, the gem warns the owner: it becomes heavier, heats up, and even begins to interfere. This means that the owner needs to be vigilant.

Important: those who wear such an amulet need to know that it does not support dishonest plans and can use its power to prevent their implementation. But he will never bring misfortune even on an unlucky owner; at most, he will tie his hands or confuse the roads in order to prevent an evil deed.

Wearing an amulet made of this stone will help single people meet a suitable partner, and married people will help smooth out tensions and contradictions in relationships.

Relationships between people are harmonized if one gives the other a piece of jewelry or a souvenir made from a cat's eye. Even if there is a serious conflict between these people, such a gift will smooth out the contradictions and help find a common language. When placed as a pendant on the throat chakra, the mineral works wonders, endowing the wearer with charisma and charm.

Original pendant made of silver, with a blue cat's eye

This stone is also suitable for artists, writers, actors, diplomats - it will help realize the creative potential of everyone whose work is connected with words and persuasion.

Virgo (24.08 – 23.09)

For Virgo women, the shining mineral will bring not only increased intuition, but also extrasensory abilities. The stone will protect Virgos from the evil eye and help organize their personal life. Virgo men will receive courage, will, and self-confidence from the cat's eye. With such a talisman, they will be able to adapt more easily to the team.

Libra (24.09 – 23.10)

The cat's eye is especially good for representatives of the fair sex of the Libra sign. He will skillfully emphasize their natural beauty and charm, attract love and guard the interests of the family. It is easier for men of the sign next to a gem amulet to enter into a romantic relationship with the lady they like and find success in their profession.

Scorpio (24.10 – 22.11)

Scorpios have a complex, strong-willed character, but an energetically strong stone, similar to a cat’s eye, loves purposeful, persistent people. The stone harmonizes the relationship of the sign man with the outside world, improves the situation in the family and at work. A woman will be protected from betrayal, lies, and deception. Her home will be protected from robberies and misfortunes.

Sagittarius (11/23 – 12/21)

Sagittarius needs a cat's eye to protect them from meanness and betrayal. A mineral of lavender or olive green color will be a talisman in love for women of this sign. Stones of the same colors will preserve love in the lives of men. For Sagittarius, the gem will improve their health and help treat diseases of the eyes, bone and cardiovascular systems.

Capricorn (22.12 – 20.01)

Capricorns are perhaps the only zodiac sign for which astrologers do not recommend purchasing a cat's eye as a talisman. It is believed that the magic of the stone can strengthen the stubbornness and isolation of those born under the constellation Capricorn, their desire to criticize and educate. But women can emphasize their charm with jewelry with a mysterious gem.

Aquarius (21.01 – 19.02)

For Aquarius men, the shining pupil of a cat's eye will show them the right path in life. With this gem, they will be able to see the goal and how to achieve it. Ladies of the sign are destined for stable relationships, a strong family and women's health.

Pisces (20.02 – 20.03)

The health of body and soul, peace, and protection from wrong steps are guaranteed by the cat's eye for representatives of the Pisces sign. The gem will reliably protect women from the negativity of the environment, envy, and betrayal. If a man has family discord, the stone will bring peace and tranquility and strengthen the relationship between the spouses. The mineral is ready to bring happiness to the homes of all Pisces on the planet.

Which signs are recommended to wear this stone?

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

(“+++” – fits perfectly, “+” – can be worn, “-” – is strictly contraindicated)

Most sources say that the cat's eye is ideal for Libra, Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio according to the horoscope, and is strictly contraindicated for Aquarius (although officially it is not the birthstone of any sign at all, even the mysterious Ophiuchus).

But this information can be disputed, since interaction with a stone depends on many factors: the color of the mineral, the purity of the owner’s thoughts, the need for the gem to influence a particular organ, in modeling the situation, and so on. And given the peaceful nature of the cat's eye, the question of banning wearing is called into question.

Threads of multi-colored cat's eye oval shape

One thing can be said with confidence: signs with lighter energy will receive more strength, determination and confidence from the talisman, they will learn to take risks, emotional signs will become calmer, and powerful ones will be softer and wiser.

Compatibility with other stones

Stones, like metals, are connected to the planets as if by invisible threads. Belonging to one or another cosmic body indicates what energies the gem is rich in. Judging by the color and properties of chrysoberyl, it is protected by the Sun.

Companions of the cat's eye are stones that are red, yellow or golden in color. The following crystals are compatible with each other: Diamond, Hyacinth, Ruby and Heliodor. The mineral may be compatible with Amber and Aventurine. How Chrysoberyl is combined with other stones in finished products depends on the color scheme.

Where is it used?

All kinds of jewelry are made from the stone, which can be worn one at a time or in different combinations: earrings, rings, rosaries, cameos, cufflinks, necklaces, bracelets, pendants. It is also used in the production of souvenirs and amulets. The mineral very quickly tunes into the energy of the owner, establishes contact with him and becomes his third eye.

Brass pendant with cherry cat's eye

On which finger to wear a ring with this stone depends on what goals are set. To develop abilities - on a large scale. For career advancement - on the index. To increase attractiveness to the opposite sex - on the nameless one.

Therapeutic effect

The strong magical abilities of the mineral are complemented by healing ones.

  1. Vision. The stone, whose name speaks for itself, comprehensively solves eye problems: the green bracelet cures diseases and sharpens the ability to see in the dark like a cat. Eye fatigue will go away if you apply a stone of suitable dimensions to them for a few minutes.
  2. Heart, blood vessels. A ring on the index finger eliminates headaches and strengthens blood vessels.
  3. Pressure. For hypertension, you need an instance of the yellow scale, hypotension requires blue or green stones.
  4. Breath. Inhibits the development of the disease, helps cure pneumonia, sore throat, bronchial asthma, and other respiratory tract ailments. Makes breathing easier, helping to clear the lungs faster. The effect is enhanced by a pendant or beads around the neck.
  5. Injuries, fractures. Wounds, internal inflammation, and other tissue damage will heal faster with it.
  6. Nervous system. The natural mineral will ease neuroses, depression, reduce aggressiveness, and bring peace and harmony to the soul. It’s enough just to sort through the “big-eyed” rosary.
  7. Digestion. Cat's eye tones, activates the system, can act as a laxative, and helps with indigestion.

Minerals treat blood diseases, improve the functioning of internal organs, and strengthen the immune system. The healing properties of cat's eye have been confirmed experimentally.

How to spot a fake

You cannot buy a real cat's eye in the gem markets and in cheap ignoble frames, its cost is too high. It can only be purchased in a specialized store, with all the documentation, which will indicate whether it has been processed in any way.

  1. The mineral is very hard, leaves scratches on the glass, and only a diamond or ruby ​​can leave a mark on it. This quality is one of the criteria for verifying the authenticity of a gem.
  2. The second way to distinguish a fake from a natural stone is to place it in a dark place. Amazingly, a true cat's eye will begin to emit a faint glow, similar to the flickering of a cat's pupil in the darkness.
  3. The third sign of natural chrysoberyl is its natural shine, which is visible to the naked eye. And if you wipe the stone with a soft cloth, it will sparkle even brighter.
  4. The fourth method is the speed of warming the stone in your hand. The natural one will remain cool for a long time, and the synthetic one will heat up quickly.
  5. The fifth way is to observe whether the strip of light moves when the stone rotates. A real stone has a static stripe.

Important: natural cymophane is almost never used in earrings, because it is very difficult to find two stones with similar patterns. Beads from these stones are also created in isolated cases: the stone is quite heavy and very expensive, its cost is comparable to ruby, diamond, and sapphire.


Synthetic stone is made from ulexite, borosilicate glass. The method was invented by the Americans, but the main production facilities are located in China. Oval, spherical specimens with smooth polished surfaces are more often produced.

Like natural stone, artificial stone shines brightly, shimmers, and has a vertical stripe that shifts when the viewing angle changes. Mostly green and yellow specimens are produced; less often brown, yellowish-brown. Other colors are available, but are in less demand.

Stone is produced in factories

Favorable time to purchase

It is better to buy jewelry from this stone after drawing up the natal chart, and special attention should be paid to which house the descending lunar node Ketu is located in.

Aries5th, 9th, 12th of every month
Taurus9th, 11th of every month
Twins9th, 11th of every month
Cancer10th, 11th of every month
a lion8th, 9th, 11th of every month
Virgo3rd, 4th, 9th of every month
Scales2nd, 3rd, 11th of every month
Fish1st, 2nd, 10th of every month

Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius should consult an astrologer before purchasing a mineral.

cat tiger eye

If you are not confident in your ability to distinguish a real stone from a fake, and it is difficult to understand what kind of mineral is offered under the name “cat’s eye,” then it is better to use the services of an expert gemologist.

Storing and caring for jewelry


  • store in an individual box with soft inner surfaces;
  • clean regularly by hand, avoiding abrasives;
  • Do not use aggressive chemicals when washing.

If the gem is used as a talisman, energetic cleansing is required. To do this, leave the item in a jar with salt overnight and wash it with running water in the morning.

Undemanding breed

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