Alum stone Alunite: what kind of stone it is and its properties

Alunite is a mineral stone of volcanic origin, which has been used since ancient times in various spheres of human life. Many people may feel a connection between alunite and moonstone due to the similarity in harmonies, but these minerals have nothing in common. The name Alunite comes from the French Alunite, which means “alum stone”, alun – alum (French)

Alum is a substance that consists of compounds of double salts (these are salts that contain 2 types of cations). Various types of alum are used for medicinal, gastronomic, household and even construction purposes.


The stone has a glorious thousand-year history. He is mentioned in the cuneiform tablets of Ancient Babylon, ancient Egyptian papyri and the main polymath of antiquity, Pliny the Elder, in his fundamental work “Natural History”.

However, the concept “alunite” does not appear there. It simply describes a mineral that is identical in properties and description to alunite.

Modern civilization became acquainted with it firsthand in the 15th century, when deposits were discovered in Southeast Asia. Official European science paid attention 400 years later.

The term alun is "alum" in French. At the household level and in the professional environment, the names of alunite are used - alum stone, acid stone, aluminum alum.

The scope of practical application of alunite is specific. Pliny also noted its usefulness as a medicinal and cosmetic product.

From the Mediterranean to Southeast Asia, healers have used the mineral as an antiseptic for centuries. Until the 1950s, it was a popular contraceptive among European ladies. And in China, such sticks are still used today.

Possible harm and contraindications

Until now, scientists have not proven whether potassium aluminum sulfate, the content of which is increased in alunite, is harmful to the body. However, some doctors believe that the accumulation of this substance leads to genetic changes and serious diseases of the dermis.

Important information

It is not recommended to use the mineral during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as the child may be allergic to one of the components of the natural deodorant. Also, do not apply crystal chips to areas affected by dermatitis.

It is better for people with chronic diseases to purchase alum stone only after consulting a specialist.

What is a mineral

Alunite is almost pure potassium alum. These are substances consisting of double salt structures. They are the ones that give the mineral antibacterial properties and a sour or salty taste.

According to the description, an alunite crystal looks like a piece of ice: the same transparent whitish or grayish.

Jewelers and collectors value specimens with blue, pinkish, and greenish tints. Or nondescript earthy, sandy ones, shining amber in the sun.

Alunite Marysvale

Powdered or crystalline alunite dissolves even with cold water to a jelly-like substance. It is called burnt alum and is used in the production of paper and pharmaceutical products.


Most alunites are used by cosmetologists and pharmacists. Only individual crystals have jewelry quality. Such specimens are transparent, they can be easily cut into the most unusual shapes, and they are also characterized by interesting optical properties. In ultraviolet light, gemstone alunite glows orange. Occasionally there are specimens with a pronounced “alexandrite” effect, that is, a change in color. Rhombic alunite crystals are somewhat reminiscent of diamonds, but their low hardness makes them difficult to process and store.


Alunite is a mineral of volcanic origin. Formed in the upper layers of the Earth. For the formation of alunite crystals, temperatures of +41-+390 °C and the presence of sulfate waters with pyrite are required. Most often, the mineral is found next to quartz, gypsum deposits, and kaolinite.

Alunite from Utah

A technology for producing artificial crystals has been created. Artificial stone is superior to natural stone in purity and transparency. In demand in the production of burnt alum and aluminum.

Mineral jewelry

The stone has a salty taste. This feature is explained by the high content of potassium and sodium. In addition to salinity, the presence of alkali metals causes the fragility of the mineral. This is why alunite jewelry is difficult to find in jewelry stores.

It is recommended to wear the stone on a chain or in the form of earrings. The mineral is extremely fragile. If you carry it in your arms, it will be constantly exposed to traumatic factors.

The stone can be framed in either silver or gold. But due to the low market value, silver or medical alloys are more often used in the production of jewelry.

It is not recommended to buy jewelry that contains other stones in addition to alunite. The exceptions are products made of turquoise and lapis lazuli.

Physical properties

The physicochemical characteristics of alunite are determined by its composition and the structure of the crystal lattice.

Crystal structure of alunite

Fragile, easily crumbles or breaks, dissolves in water.

The healing properties of alunite are due to the salts of manganese, chlorine and potassium. The presence of oxygen in the mineral makes it hard, and a small amount of sulfuric acid makes it possible to process jewelry.

ColorWhite, grey, yellow
Stroke colorWhite
TransparencyFrom transparent to translucent
CleavageGood for {0001}
Density2.59—2.9 g/cm³
singoniaTrigonal (axial)

The variety of colors of the stone is created by impurities of sodium, iron, and copper.

Interesting Facts

  • Alunite is known as a symbol of wisdom and chastity. It is believed that it helps single girls meet their loved one. For men, alunite helps develop career growth and fulfill desires.
  • To avoid quarrels, as well as misunderstandings in the family, it is recommended to place alunite in the corner of each room. The stone is credited with calming and tranquil properties. It helps women during menstruation. And for men it increases potency.
  • Alunite is also a stone for car enthusiasts. It prevents accidents and any other troubles on the roads. Helps you meet good travel companions and wards off unpleasant people.
  • The properties of alunite as a protector from evil forces, evil eyes, and damage are known. Talismans and amulets are made from it either in the guise of rings or pendants.

Place of Birth

The mineral is mined on all continents, but large deposits are rare. They are located in Russia, France, China, Australia, and the USA.

In Russia, industrial-scale developments are being carried out in the Middle Urals and Primorsky Territory.

The most ancient sources of raw materials - Mesopotamia, the Mediterranean, southeast Asia - are almost exhausted.

What stones is the mineral compatible with?

Stones, like people, emit their own energy. Some, when combined, create a positive sphere, while others can form a threatening environment that will have a destructive effect on everyone around them.

A positive field with alunite is formed by lapis lazuli, aquamarine and turquoise. They even have similarities in transparency, color and magical capabilities.

Negative energy is created by combining alunite with malachite, ruby ​​and chrysolite. Therefore, the combination of such stones is unacceptable in talismans and jewelry.

Where is alunite used?

The physical conditions of raw materials from most deposits limit the use of the mineral in the field of beauty. But there are plenty of other ways to use its beneficial properties.


The antiseptic mineral is widely used as a deodorant.

Its modifications are equally effective:

  1. Spray. It is alunite dissolved in water (that is, burnt alum). The fastest-acting modification of alunite deodorant.
  2. Stick. Hard, smooth filling made from faceted natural agglomerate. Problem areas of the body are wiped with moistened alunite.
  3. Powder. Particularly convenient for use by small children or when there is no water.
  4. Raw mineral . Not always easy to use due to sharp edges. But some choose it, considering it the most effective.

At the same time, the alunite product has advantages over the usual perfume range:

  • does not clog sweat glands, but kills bacteria;
  • allows sweat to pass through (therefore there is no odor);
  • does not leave marks on clothes;
  • does not smell, which is important for allergy sufferers;
  • costs several times cheaper than factory analogues.

The shelf life of the mineral deodorant is eternal.


An important area of ​​application of the mineral. It serves as raw material for a wide range of pharmaceutical products:

  • eye drops;
  • means for healing cuts, wounds, and other skin damage;
  • ointments that destroy fungus and acne;
  • drugs for the treatment of rashes, dermatitis;
  • gargling solutions.

Unlike standard products, they are safe for children, the elderly and allergy sufferers. Most reviews about the mineral are positive.


Externally, alunite is similar to moonstone. Impurities create bluish-violet, yellowish, brownish shades. Only elite types of minerals, represented by single specimens, are suitable for jewelers:

  • Transparent reddish, purple, light green pebbles are valued.
  • The variety with the alexandrite effect is especially held in high esteem.
  • Hardness below average does not allow cutting the stone and narrows the range of products. The main processing method is cabochon.
  • Rings, signet rings, and bracelets are made mainly to order.

If you want to order jewelry with alunite and other gems, experts advise choosing moonstone, turquoise, aquamarine or lapis lazuli. Malachite, ruby, and chrysolite are not suitable as “neighbors” of the mineral.

Other areas

The mineral is recognized as an effective suppressor of household odors, including persistent ones: fish, durian, bleach, onions, garlic.

To remove odor from hands, a knife or other surface, wipe them with wet alunite.

In industry, the mineral alunite is a source for the production of potassium compounds, alumina, alum, and aluminum.


Alunite is used in various fields.
Its ability to neutralize unpleasant odors and antibacterial effect are used as a deodorizing agent. In addition, alunite eliminates such strong aromas as garlic, onion, fish, and chlorine. In order to get rid of them, they make a solution infused with alunite, wipe their hands or surfaces with it, and for this purpose, knives are immersed in alunite powder. Alunite is used by industry to produce alum, potassium salts, and alumina. The mineral is also used as a tannin.

In jewelry, transparent alunites are processed into cabochons. At the same time, the stones acquire a beautiful shine. Opaque alunite is usually colored in exquisite color combinations. Jewelers insert alunites into rings, pendants, earrings, bracelets, and pendants. Souvenirs and decorative jewelry are produced based on this gem.

Rules of care

The mineral is fragile and vulnerable, so you need to take care of it in a special way:

  • jewelry must not be dropped or the insert tested for strength; they are not worn in the pool or on the beach, they are removed before doing housework; should be stored in a separate box;
  • The deodorant must be dry, placed in a water-impermeable container with a tightly closed cap.

If deodorant falls and crumbles, it can be restored. The crumbs are collected, ground, and poured with water until dissolved. The resulting homogeneous mass will serve as a deodorant spray.

When cleaning jewelry, use a dry soft cloth. Severe contamination is unacceptable: nothing can remove it.

Properties and scope

The areas of application of alum stone are extensive. Since it has been used since ancient times, the mineral has managed to gain enormous popularity among cosmetologists, doctors of various specialties, culinary specialists, and even people involved in esotericism and magic!

The most popular uses of stone are:

  1. Medicine. Alunite began to be used for medical purposes relatively recently. The antiseptic properties of the stone have been used in folk medicine for a long time, but they have only recently leaked into modern science. Alum stone has a weak hemostatic quality and promotes rapid healing of scratches and cuts.
  2. Cosmetology. Cosmetologists use alunite to create some cosmetic ointments and creams, as well as in procedures for caring for oily skin and treating acne and pimples in adolescents. Since alunite has slightly whitening and disinfecting properties, it is used in facial cleansing procedures.
  3. Household needs. Since alunite is an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant, it will become an indispensable assistant both at home and on the go. It will perfectly help cope with abrasions, small wounds, small raw cuts and prevent the spread of harmful bacteria. In addition, alunite very quickly relieves the symptoms of itching and redness from mosquito bites, which is simply irreplaceable in the summer when you are in the fresh air.
  4. Magic: Alunite is used in magical rituals as a crystal that balances all existing energy. In the east it symbolizes balance - yin and yang.
  5. Jewelry products. Jewelers have long paid attention to alunite and its external properties, thanks to which it is now actively used in various jewelry products.
  6. Deodorant.

Alunite has proven itself most fully as a raw material for the production of deodorants that are odorless and do not contain harmful chemical additives. This is an absolutely natural and harmless deodorant that is suitable for everyone.

The following hygiene products are available in various forms:

  • blocks weighing 50 grams, processed and rounded at the edges;
  • rectangular pieces packed in a beautifully designed box;
  • oval pieces, shaped like a drop;
  • the classic form of alunite deodorant, placed on a special round base, closed with a plastic flask.

There is an opinion that aluminum salts contained in the product negatively affect the condition of the human body, but it is worth understanding that the negative impact of personal hygiene products widely distributed in stores is much higher!

It is recommended to use it only on a cleanly washed body surface that is prone to excessive sweating. Otherwise, the deodorant will not produce the correct effect and the bacteria that cause the unpleasant odor may continue to multiply.

The whole family can use this deodorant, since bacteria and germs are not able to linger on its surface. This saves the family budget significantly!

Before use, the crystal must be moistened with cold water, holding it by the dry end so as not to drop or break the fragile mineral.

If the deodorant does fall and crumble, you can collect the pieces in a container, grind them into a fine powder and add water and wait until a uniform spray forms. This product is very convenient to use on the go!

The cost of such a deodorant ranges from 5-10 dollars. The price depends on the design of the product and the brand of the manufacturer.

Medicinal properties

The healing properties of alunite are truly limitless! It has incorporated such useful qualities as:

  1. Antibacterial;
  2. Disinfectant;
  3. Regenerating;
  4. Hypoallergenic;
  5. Hemostatic;
  6. Calming.

Thanks to these qualities, it is actively used in pharmaceuticals, both in natural form and in powder form. Thus, the mineral, ground into powder and sifted, is used to make drops for the eyes and problem areas of the skin, ointments for the treatment of various types of fungi, solutions for gargling for sore throats, and much more.

There is a legend that alunite is the very philosopher’s stone that the alchemists of the Middle Ages were so diligently looking for!

Magic properties

The magical properties of alunite are described in many legends and beliefs; it has long been used to balance all things. This gem is a symbol of the “non-living” and characterizes angelic energy. It is believed that with its help a person can find inner balance, peace and wisdom. It helps not only a person, but also the room in which it lives: it allows you to achieve harmony of space. Since the mineral belongs to the angelic environment, it cannot be stored in plain sight and shown to every guest.

Alunite brings exalted people back to earth, and lifts earthly ones up.

Crystals are often used as a talisman or talisman; they are recommended to be worn in a ring or on a chain. It especially attracted the attention of car enthusiasts who believe that alunite helps them not to go astray and protects them from road adversity.

In addition, there is an opinion that the alum stone’s aura helps women successfully get married and become pregnant.


Most stones are used in cosmetology and medicine, and only a few can be used to create jewelry. This happens because not all blanks are in proper condition and do not have the basic qualities necessary for cutting. Transparent crystals most often have ideal jewelry quality, which, when cut, begin to sparkle with all the colors of the spectrum!

A well-processed cabochon block takes on a sophisticated look and is ready to be placed in a frame. Faceted transparent and colored stones are used to make rings, bracelets, necklaces, pendants and earrings. Depending on the frame and style of the product, the shape into which the gem will be cut is selected. The type of cut is also influenced by the transparency of the stone: the richer the light, the more multifaceted the stone should be.

How to identify a fake

Cheap but sought-after alunite is counterfeited. Instead of natural mineral, they offer plastic or glass.

The characteristics of the stone help distinguish a real mineral from a fake.

You can do this in two ways:

  • scrape off part of the crystal and immerse it in water: the alunite will dissolve;
  • try it “on the tooth” or lick it – natural salty alunite;
  • hold in your hands: rapid heating means a fake.

It is better to buy the mineral at a pharmacy or natural cosmetics and perfumery store. Authenticity is especially important if it is intended to be used as a healing or magical remedy.

Properties of Alunite Mineral Stone

There are 6 features that are inherent in the mineral:

  • It feels hard and very cool to the touch.
  • Dissolves perfectly even in cool water. As a result, it turns into liquid jelly.
  • There is not the slightest smell.
  • There is a salty taste.
  • Very fragile - when dropped, it breaks into many small particles.
  • The mineral has no expiration date; time does not spoil it.

Together, these qualities help determine its authenticity.

Magical properties of the mineral

The main mission of alunite is to balance energy flows. This was known to the ancient Chinese and Indians. Initiating the young shaman, the old one performed a ritual with alunite.

Today, the use of the mineral has been adapted to solve everyday problems:

  1. He easily improves the “weather in the house”: conflicts are extinguished in the bud, misunderstandings between spouses or generations are rare and unimportant.
  2. The mineral is especially useful for people who are overly critical of themselves and other people. Their mood gradually softens.
  3. Jewelry with alunite will help a lady find a life partner or become pregnant.
  4. An artifact on your desktop, a pendant or a ring will help you climb the career ladder or the success of your personal business. This applies to both sexes.
  5. Drivers consider alunite to be their talisman, helping them avoid accidents or problematic fellow travelers.
  6. The pebble will teach this to dreamers who are unable to live a real life or engage in everyday activities.
  7. The best amulet for the home is any figurine or raw agglomerate of alunite. It is placed openly in the corners so that the energy of the stone creates a protective cocoon for any external negativity.

A house that has an alunite item is not afraid of damage, the evil eye, robberies, scandals, or jealousy.

The mineral is equally effective as a magical mineral on the physical and mental levels.

Who is the name suitable for?

For men with the names Ivan, Nikita and Dmitry, alunite will become a reliable guardian and assistant in any endeavor.

A talisman with alunite will protect you from intrigues and ill-wishers, attract reliable partners and friends, and bring harmony, happiness and joy into the lives of people with these names.

For women with the names Veronica, Ekaterina and Daria, amulets with alunite will smooth out conflict situations, help reveal a person’s potential and bring professional victories.

Also, for women with these names, alunite will help awaken sensuality, sow peace and harmony in the house, protect children and bring long-awaited happiness.

Therapeutic effect

The healing properties of alunite have been studied by lithotherapists, and its importance is recognized by official medicine.

There are several main qualities of the mineral:

  • antiseptic that destroys germs;
  • sedative, soothing irritation and itching;
  • skin regenerator;
  • disinfectant;
  • contraceptive.

A solution of alunite crumbs is used to treat skin, remove fungus from nails to feet, acne (especially teenage acne), stop bleeding, and dry wounds. Neutralizes sweating, herpes.

There are no contraindications to the use of alunite, but there are limitations. Alum is oversaturated with aluminum, which, in excess concentrations in the body, provokes Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, and mastopathy. But the mineral can cause such harm to health only in exorbitant doses.

Physico-chemical properties, appearance

In nature, alunite grows both in the form of nuggets and layers. The mineral is formed by double salts (alum). The composition of the stone includes salts of aluminum, potassium, and manganese. When using alunite in the production of deodorants, the composition is supplemented with a small amount of sulfuric acid. This substance serves to give the mineral a dense structure.

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Alunite is a transparent or translucent, cloudy white mineral with a pearlescent luster. Stones of other shades are less common: pink, yellow, brown, green. Crystals are colored in one color or another due to impurities of sodium and iron. Colorless stones that do not contain foreign inclusions are considered the most valuable for medical and cosmetic use. Both clear and colored crystals are used in jewelry. Physical properties of alunite:

  • Ability to dissolve in cold water. Upon contact with water, the mineral changes its state from solid to jelly-like. As a result, burnt alum is formed, which is used in pharmaceuticals and paper production.
  • No smell. This is an advantage when producing deodorants from alunite, since the smell of the antiperspirant will not mix with the aroma of perfume.
  • Salty taste. The property is due to the presence of salts in the composition.
  • Fragility. On the Mohs scale, the hardness of the mineral is only 3.5-4 points.

Alunite and Zodiac

The mineral is selective in “friendship” with different signs of the Zodiac:

  • His favorites are Gemini and Sagittarius. At the household level, alunite is suitable as a guarantor of maintaining peace in the house. It will help you get along with your family and prove yourself at work. His help is especially useful in difficult times. Creative people who carry an alunite talisman are not in danger of lack of inspiration, creative stagnation, or lack of recognition from colleagues and the public.
  • According to the horoscope, the mineral is completely incompatible with Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Capricorn. Alunite causes them only harm, losses and problems.

Table of compatibility of alunite with zodiac signs (“+++” – fits perfectly, “+” – can be worn, “-” – is strictly contraindicated).

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion

For Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Aquarius, alunite is suitable only as jewelry or an unusual interior element. There will be no magical or healing help (or harm).

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

The signs that alunite will help realize their strengths and cover their weaknesses are Gemini and Sagittarius . Its use will make them more open in relationships with loved ones - family and loved ones.

If misunderstandings arise in the family due to different values ​​or a different worldview, then alunite will smooth it out and bring harmony to the family.

For creative Geminis and Sagittarius, the mineral will help strengthen their abilities, open up to the end and maintain inspiration. In difficult times, he will become a source of courage, spiritual strength and self-confidence.

It will not bring any changes to Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Aquarius and Pisces But Leos, Virgos, Libra, Scorpios and Capricorns should stay away from alunite, it will not bring them anything good.

How to distinguish natural Alunite

The highest quality, effective and comfortable - well-processed, chemically pure stones made from solid, natural rock.
But like all good things, they are quite expensive, so the chemical industry has long learned to synthesize alum; there is nothing complicated about it - these are ordinary sulfuric oxides of aluminum. But if for leather and other industrial production synthesized alum is happiness and savings, then for use as a cosmetic product they are not safe, because they are produced from heavy industrial waste and contain a large amount of chemical impurities.

Here are a few signs by which you can distinguish natural stone.


The only ingredient must be indicated on the packaging: 100% Potassium Alun.

If the composition contains the term “Amonium”, it is a synthesized stone.

Best before date

A natural mineral cannot have an expiration date; it does not deteriorate over time and does not lose its properties.

Chemically synthesized stone has a limited shelf life.


A stone of natural origin is a crystal; when viewed through light, it is heterogeneous and translucent. A tangle of white deposits can be seen inside. Each stone has a unique pattern, so if you have two exactly the same ones in your hands, it’s a synthetic fake.

The synthetic stone is uniform throughout its entire volume, milky in color, and opaque.

Natural alum stone OSMA (France)

Other forms of alum release

Natural alum is produced not only in the form of a solid block: compact “pencils” and “matches” are made from alunite, it is added to cosmetics and wound-healing gel products. All alum in our catalog is only natural: we do not sell artificial alunite.

Alum pencil

For topical application in the area of ​​cuts, it is convenient to use small, compact and lightweight pencils, often made from pressed chips of natural alunite.

The pencil is convenient for travel, as well as for experienced razor users who rarely make cuts: if you need to treat the entire face with an alum block, then the pencil is optimal for spot application and processing small single cuts.

Alum-based gels

Technological healing and hemostatic gels for topical use are also produced based on alum. They are extremely effective and easy to use: the gel can seal almost any wound, even relatively large ones.

The gel acts like glue: it hardens in a droplet right on the wound, stops the bleeding in a minute or two, after which the frozen ball just needs to be removed from the skin.

Various forms of alum release: gel, bar, pencil

Even in the 21st century, humanity has not come up with anything better for instantly healing cuts after shaving than alunite, a natural crystalline mineral mined in the mines of Central Asia, South America and China.

Alum stone is a deodorant! Reviews and impressions of people

Few people know that alunite is an excellent deodorant. And, most importantly, of natural origin! Deodorants with alum stone have a number of useful qualities and properties, in particular:

  • calming;
  • antibacterial;
  • drying;
  • regenerating;
  • hypoallergenic.

Reviews from people who have tried alunite-based deodorant are extremely positive. This product has a very soft and gentle effect on the skin, without disturbing the work of the sweat glands and without clogging the pores on the human body. It does not contain any fragrances, fragrances or other harmful additives. Alunite deodorant is suitable for absolutely everyone: men, women, and even children.

Deodorants based on alum stone can come in different forms. This could be a block of mineral, a crystal in a plastic sticker, or a familiar spray with a salt mixture.

Alunite stone is a good remedy for acne and acne. It not only kills harmful bacteria on the skin, but also improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and also perfectly cleans all pores. For facial care, it is best to purchase the most common solid alunite crystal. There is no need to wash your face after using this deodorant.

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