Tektite – formed after the collision of the Earth and a meteorite
Tektite is a mineral belonging to the group of meteorites and has different colors and shapes. His distinctive
Jewelry factories and jewelry manufacturing enterprises
The production of jewelry in Russia and throughout the world has become widespread. To products
Answers to crossword of the day No. 23393 from Odnoklassniki
If you love intellectual relaxation, then you probably do crossword puzzles or scanword puzzles in your spare time. Certainly,
Lawyer Pavel Smyslov explained the role of Rosfinmonitoring letter No. 50
Rosfinmonitoring Letter No. 50, which we recently wrote about, continues to raise questions among those who
The man who hacked De Beers. Where did the Russian diamonds go?
A whole motorcade of limousines delivers Lev Leviev to Zhitomir. There he is greeted with an orchestra and traditional
Corundum: description of the stone, magical properties, who is suitable according to the zodiac sign
All jewelry connoisseurs, when talking about corundum, are primarily interested in this
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