artificial ruby
Artificial ruby: features of the stone, properties and products
Ruby is an expensive red gemstone with a high degree of transparency. Its cost
How to become a jewelry designer if you have long dreamed of this profession?
Specialists working with precious stones and precious metals have always had a special social status. In
Rings on the phalanx of the finger: how to choose and what to wear with them
What are the types of rings for phalanges? Rings for phalanges vary in size, shape, prints, variations
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I want to know everything: is it possible to exchange wedding rings for new ones according to the rules and signs?
There are many signs associated with wedding symbols. Some of them are widely known. For example, if you purchase
Star ruby: does it exist or is it just a legend?
What kind of stone: Precious; Deposits: Burma, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Afghanistan, East Africa, Russia (Urals); Colors:
Mineral stone corundum
What is more expensive - sapphire or ruby: description of minerals, characteristics and photos
The largest jewelry brands have long identified the so-called big three precious stones that they prefer
Pink tourmaline
Pink Tourmaline
/ List of stones / Properties of Pink Tourmaline 0 5933 Article rating Rubellite or pink
What is Dubai gold really, what standard is it and how much does it cost + customer reviews
For many people, especially in the East, owning gold jewelry is an indicator of success and high income.
Mineral orthoclase: varieties, properties and characteristics
The rock-forming mineral orthoclase, despite the fact that it is not a precious stone, is endowed with important characteristics:
How to clean gold plating on silver
Features of cleaning gold-plated chains at home
Despite the fact that gold-plated jewelry is not made of pure gold, it always looks
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