Another trend that deserves to be talked about, and not only talked about, but
LevashovaElagina A jewelry brand at the intersection of punk and glamor, which Zhenya Levashova-Elagina founded six years ago
Posted by Katarina December 17, 2015 11:29 am Tags: celebrity engagement ring 23421 21 Engagement
The formation of diamonds from carbon occurs at a depth of 150−200 kilometers at a temperature of 1100−1300 degrees Celsius
What silver looks like in nature In nature, it looks far from what it looks like in
A ring is an ancient accessory that has been used by people for thousands of years. It is not surprising that for such a long time
The birthstone of a Capricorn woman or man, like any other symbol of the zodiac sign, must correspond to the character
The rules of etiquette concern not only norms of behavior. They also extend to a person’s appearance,
Platinum, a metal with a steely white luster, is rightly called the “queen of metals” because
This figure shows the measured and visually assessed proportions that affect a round diamond. For