On which finger do they wear the “Save and Preserve” ring: how to wear a church ring correctly

A ring is an ancient accessory that has been used by people for thousands of years. It is not surprising that over such a long period of time, many beliefs associated with this decoration have appeared. Christianity has also formed traditions, for example, wearing the church ring “Save and Preserve.”

This phrase is not just words, but a prayer addressed to the Almighty. Products with such an inscription help the owner not to stray from the righteous path, protect against evil thoughts, and also cleanse the mind from evil. Since this jewelry is filled with sacred meaning, it is important to wear the ring with the inscription “Save and Preserve” correctly.

History of the accessory

There is no mention of items with such engraving in early Christian sources. This is due to the fact that the prayer phrase “Save and preserve” was not widespread. In the Eastern Roman Empire, they used accessories with the engraving XP, meaning Christ. The letters were considered a symbol of faith and a demonstration of one’s belonging to the Orthodox faith.

The first mentions of rings with the inscription “Save and Preserve” appear in history only in the 19th century. Then they were produced in workshops at monasteries. Many pilgrims purchased accessories as sacred mementos, reminiscent of their journey and visiting holy places.

Silver ring “Save and Preserve” (go to the SUNLIGHT catalogue)

Travelers often faced dangers during their travels, so the phrase “Save and preserve” had a special meaning for them. In the modern world, Catholics, Protestants and representatives of other faiths rarely use rings with such engraving. Accessories are distributed mainly among Orthodox believers.


As mentioned earlier, the ring “Save and Preserve!” works only when a person sincerely believes in God and is faithful to the Church. It is in such conditions that the ring will fulfill its tasks - to remind you of the Lord, strengthen faith, and help with your presence in difficult times. It cannot be denied that any object, and of course a consecrated ring, is imbued with the energy of its bearer, and in our case, prayer and pure faith. Therefore, it is important to remember some unacceptable things associated with wearing it:

On which hand and finger to wear the “Save and Preserve” ring

The Christian Church considers resorting to magic and amulets to be a sin, regardless of denomination. That is why there are no strict rules regarding this accessory. Despite this, in the orthodox branches of Christianity it is believed that one should wear the “Save and Preserve” ring on the right hand.

The fact is that the sign of the cross is made with three folded fingers of this hand. Hence the tradition of putting the accessory on the middle, index or thumb of the right hand.

Sometimes jewelry with such an engraving is presented to a girl as an engagement gift. It is believed that such a product is a symbol of consent to connect life with a future spouse and an imminent wedding. That’s why women wear the “Save and Preserve” ring on their ring finger. After the wedding, it is worn on the left hand or kept at home.

The main symbol of the Orthodox or other Christian denominations is the cross. It is recommended to carry this product with you at all times. A ring is not considered such, so there are no strict rules or prohibitions.

Believers often exchange wedding accessories with the engraving “Save and Preserve.” They are worn on the ring finger of the right hand. There is a tradition after the death of a significant other to put jewelry on the left hand. This symbolizes grief for a departed lover and eternal love. This means that rings with the inscription of widows can be worn on the ring finger of the left hand.

Which stones to choose for each finger

The choice of stones must be treated very carefully, because almost all of them are endowed with certain magical and energetic properties. And the fingers, in turn, have a huge number of sensitive points and react acutely to changes in the biological field.

We advise you to study Prayer for winning competitions

So which stone is better to wear on each extension of the hand:

Mars (thumb). It is recommended to wear pure blue or green-tinged minerals. In this case, you can use several options and change them depending on your goals at the moment or how you feel.

But stones with the following colors are contraindicated:

  • Reds suppress logic;
  • blue people push towards alcohol and drugs;
  • gray ones cause complete apathy to what is happening;

Jupiter (index finger). It is recommended to opt for minerals that are close in shade to the color of sea green in a gold frame, for example:

  • sapphire;
  • aquamarine;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • turquoise;
  • amazonite;
  • coral;

Saturn (middle finger). Be sure to choose silver with black and purple stones. However, it is not recommended to wear them all the time; it is best to wear them only on the eve of important events, and take them off after them.

For example:

  • amethyst will create inner peace;
  • obsidian will not allow you to do something with bad consequences;
  • moonstone will help with eloquence and persuasiveness;

But a gold ring with a ruby ​​will destroy personal happiness; even doctors have noticed that many women with dissatisfaction in the intimate sphere experience a strange craving for this stone in a gold frame on the middle finger.

Sun (ring finger). Many women strive to put a ring on this finger, even if it is not an engagement ring, and an unquenchable thirst for love is to blame for everything.

Red stones are ideal:

  • ruby;
  • pomegranate;
  • tourmaline;
  • cornelian;
  • lal;

Yellow stones are also suitable:

  • topaz;
  • amber;
  • citrine;

Therefore, you will have to decide on which finger to wear topaz yourself, the main thing is that there is only one.

Mercury (little finger). It will be very useful to carry yellow stones here (listed above) and green ones:

  • emerald;
  • chrysoprase;
  • chrysolite.

How to wear the “Save and Preserve” ring correctly

There are no strict canons on this matter. There are only traditions that have developed during the existence of such products, and recommendations:

  • Representatives of the stronger sex are often engaged in heavy work involving the use of machines and tools. Therefore, it is better for men to wear the “Save and Preserve” ring in their free time. You should not expose yourself to danger for the sake of unnecessary demonstration of religious beliefs.
  • Engraving can be located on the outer or inner surface of the product. In the modern world, flaunting affiliation with a particular church is considered not the best form. Therefore, for those who regularly communicate with a wide range of people, it is better to choose the second option.
  • Married women can wear the “Save and Save” ring on one finger with an engagement ring if the accessory was given as an engagement gift.
  • Very often, such engraving is applied to wedding decorations. This tradition exists among deeply religious people who honor Christian covenants and regularly attend services. Accessories are usually worn instead of a wedding ring.
  • Unmarried women can wear the product on any finger of their right or left hand. Moreover, the jewelry can be worn around the neck with a chain or thread threaded through it.

The question often arises whether to wear the “Save and Preserve” ring with an inscription to yourself or from yourself. In various sources close to esotericism and magic, advice is often found to wear an accessory with an engraving from yourself. But church products, especially if they were consecrated, cannot be considered as pagan amulets.

The location of the inscription towards itself is considered correct not only because it contradicts esoteric beliefs. The prayer phrase “Save and preserve” on the ring, addressed to the owner, is read automatically. A person who regularly repeats it to himself strengthens his faith and receives the blessing of the Almighty.

There is simply no clear definition of how to properly wear the “Save and Preserve” ring. If you are planning to purchase such an accessory, choose it so that it is convenient.

Where should the engraving be?

We know which finger to put on. Now it’s worth finding out where the inscription should be. If part of a prayer is written on the ring, then you should be able to read it easily. When asked whether to turn the text toward or away from themselves, the priests answer this way: the bottom of the holy words should be closer to the hand, and the top to the fingers.

But many believers do not want to demonstrate their religious choice and buy an accessory with an engraving inside. In this case, should the inscription be positioned up or down? In this version, it doesn’t matter at all how the text is positioned. You still don’t see it, but you only know that it is there.

Which finger should I wear on my left hand? We know that this amulet is worn on the right hand. It is believed that she is close to God because she is baptized with the right. If the ring gets in the way during work or begins to fall off your finger, you can put it on your left hand on the same fingers.

Often close people bring it as a gift. If you received it as a gift and it doesn't fit. It can be taken to a jeweler to be enlarged or reduced in size. If nothing can be done, then buy a separate chain and wear it on it.

Is it possible to wear someone else's ring?

Very often, accessories with the inscription “Save and Preserve” are passed down by inheritance; they are given as gifts for engagements, weddings, christenings and other important events. Such products can be worn without fear. The question also often arises of what to do with a randomly found piece of jewelry.

If you are a sincere believer, it is not prohibited to wear someone else’s “Save and Preserve” ring. The fact is that negative energy, curses and related superstitions threaten only those who allow their existence. The Orthodox Church clearly states that the only power in which one can believe is the Lord.

Those who feel remorse are advised to give the product to the temple as a charitable contribution. If the ring is worn as a protective amulet or talisman, it is better to take care of its energy. There are rituals for cleansing and recharging an accessory. The most effective way to get rid of possible negativity is to melt down the jewelry and make a new one from the metal.

From an esoteric point of view, even trying on someone else’s accessory is undesirable. so you can take the owner's fate for yourself.

How to use?

Anyone who attaches religious significance to a ring needs to know how to wear it correctly. There are several important rules here:

  1. The product must be blessed.
  2. It is important to believe in its properties and in the Lord.
  3. You should not mix different metals so as not to harm your energy.
  4. The ring is worn daily without removing.
  5. The owner must be baptized.
  6. You cannot use jewelry taken from another person’s hand.
  7. You should handle the ring with care and follow Christian commandments.

The loss of a talisman portends misfortune. This indicates a breakdown in man’s connection with God.

What material should the “Save and Preserve” ring be made of?

The Orthodox Church traditionally uses gold or silver to make ritual objects. Therefore, jewelry can also be made from these metals. Remember that Christianity bequeaths being modest and not striving for wealth.

You should not order massive items with precious stones. It is best to opt for a small silver ring with an engraving or openwork inscription “Save and Preserve.”

See all “Save and Save” rings in the SUNLIGHT catalog

If the ring is planned to be given as an engagement gift or used as a wedding ring, gold options are allowed. But even in this case, it is better to refuse inlay with stones or pearls.

Recommendations for selection

If there is absolute confidence in a person’s religious views, then Orthodox symbols can be an excellent gift. But when there are doubts about whether it is possible to give a ring, it is better to refuse such a gift and choose something neutral.

General recommendations:

Silver and gold are classic materials for making Orthodox symbols. Therefore, you should not look for exotic combinations of metals. In addition to engraving with prayer words, you can find a talisman with a stone, for example, cubic zirconia. Jewelry made of white gold with cubic zirconia looks discreet and sophisticated, which is why they are most often chosen as a gift for young girls.

For mature people, massive and wide rings are suitable. Just before purchasing, you should check with the person about the finger size.

Signs about the “Save and Preserve” ring

Despite the position of the church, different beliefs arose among the people regarding this product:

  • A man should give a product with this inscription to his wife after childbirth. It is believed that it will protect both mother and child.
  • If a ring with the phrase “Save and Preserve” is lost, this is good. Many believe that in this way the product sacrifices itself and saves the owner from misfortune and even death.
  • A cracked accessory promises a quarrel between spouses, quarrels and, possibly, separation.
  • A wedding ring with such an inscription that slips off your finger can mean the spouse is insincere. It is believed that the marriage will not last long, and the breakup will occur due to betrayal.
  • If the jewelry is lost, but is found very quickly, this promises positive changes. They relate to financial, family, social status.
  • It is not recommended to give products for New Year, birthday and other non-religious holidays.

To summarize, it should be said that this accessory is not considered a mandatory attribute of faith. Its history is not lost in the depths of centuries, so the ring is free from prohibitions and traditions. It is important that the owner likes it and does not contradict his worldview.


A little bit from the history of the engagement ring

Historians say that the tradition came out of ancient Egyptian customs. A ring made of metal (iron, gold), bone or simple reed was initially worn only by the wife; it was a sign that the woman belonged to her husband and was under his protection.

In Rus', betrothal and wedding rituals (after the spread of Christianity - weddings) differed. The first took place several weeks, months or even years before the second. The engagement ring showed that the girl was busy - she was a bride. Preparation of the dowry took many months; with the bride, part of the property could be transferred to the new family, so sealing the “deal” was very important for the economy of peasant, and even more so boyar families. The ancient patroness of marriage, the goddess Lada, was depicted with a ring in her hand. Only by decree of Peter I in 1702 was the betrothal ceremony abolished; rings now had to be exchanged during a church wedding, although the tradition was preserved in the villages.

What does the ring symbolize?

According to one version, in ancient times, when the presence of any rings: gold, silver, iron, testified to the well-being of their owner.

The future husband brought them as a gift to his bride's parents as a sign that he was able to support his wife and she would not need anything.

According to another theory, in ancient times the ring symbolized infinity , therefore, by wearing this symbolic jewelry, the newlyweds made a vow of boundless and immortal love.

The third version says that the rings are links in the chain that connected husband and wife. The spouses wore them as a sign of the inviolability of the bonds by which they were bound.


Planet: Sun.

Symbol: love.

The most striking representative is the wedding ring, testifying to harmony, tranquility, well-being and tenderness. A vein passes through this finger and leads to the heart itself. It is best to wear gold - it is the metal of the sun, and its shine strengthens family values ​​and preserves marriage.

The person loves chic and shows interest in works of art. The nature itself is creative - singers, poets, artists. They are considered amorous, but at the same time calm and inactive. But if the product is large, the meaning becomes the opposite. These people rush from one extreme to another and can easily get burned by little things.

It is worth wearing a ring on the ring finger if your goals include universal recognition and glory.

The sun will charge you with energy that is enough to achieve your goal and show you the right path.

Decoration for women

Women are much more interested in Christian jewelry, and they often wonder on which finger to wear the “Save and Preserve” women’s ring. There are no such divisions in production, because God sees no difference between his children. But since in modern realities rings have moved from the category of souvenirs to the section of expensive jewelry, which can be seen in the photo, women's rings can be distinguished by a rich scattering of stones, men's rings are more restrained, but are made using complex technology from expensive metals.

Since the thumb is responsible for a person’s inner strength, the “Save and Save” ring on this finger can cause serious changes in life. For an unmarried girl, this may first of all be a meeting with her betrothed. It adds willpower to a married woman, attracts wealth, and increases influence. Married couples can wear the ring along with the wedding ring on the ring finger.

According to etiquette, you are not supposed to wear jewelry with stones on your thumb, so as not to attract attention or irritate with pretentiousness. But this is the right place for a Christian amulet, since it not only indicates high spiritual development, but also helps the owner herself.

Women wear the “Save and Save” ring on their index finger. This moderates ambitions, but at the same time develops the desire for leadership. Women who are not confident in their inner strength, but aspire to leadership positions, need such spiritual support. Building a career, but not having the necessary strength of character, unmarried girls wear the “Save and Preserve” ring on their index finger.

The middle finger is responsible for the balance of life. “Save and Preserve” on the middle finger harmonizes events and neutralizes unwanted outbursts. The balance brought by the ring into the life of a married woman will help those with delicate sensitivities or work exposed to risks.

It is better for unmarried girls not to put the “Save and Preserve” ring on their middle finger, since it is believed that in this way they can block the feminine energy, which will lead to a decrease in the interest of the opposite sex.

Middle finger

Planet: Saturn.

Symbol: luck

Self-admiration is an integral part of these people. They consider themselves cute and beautiful. But at the same time they constantly have their head in the clouds, sometimes completely disconnected from reality. They are very easy to hit. A person is afraid of difficulties and tries to avoid them. Women can deliberately pretend to be weak so that men become a support for them. This is not hypocrisy - on the contrary, girls are very kind and do not like quarrels and shouting. They escape from many unpleasant situations by some miracle. The larger the size of the ring or stone in it, the stronger the indicated features.

Will you bring luck in work, love, money? Wear jewelry on your middle finger more often - thanks to the rings of Saturn, good luck will come and guide you on the true path.

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