For a long time, transparent sapphire was considered not as an independent decoration, but only as a substitute
The mystical properties of fluorite stone allow it to glow in the dark. The amulets that were created from this
Aries is the most impetuous and passionate sign of the Zodiac. He always strives forward and does not
Amber has long been used not only to create small jewelry; it is used to make
Everyone knows such substances as graphite and diamond. Graphite is found everywhere. For example, from it
Colored diamonds are quite popular among jewelers. They are rarely found in nature, so their cost is high.
The situation when the ring has become large is not uncommon. This occurs most often due to dramatic changes
The article contains detailed information on the issue of piercing a child’s ears, including describing the main
A gold bracelet on a hand often becomes a favorite piece of jewelry for beautiful ladies, as it emphasizes
Diamond is perhaps the most famous and coveted type of stone on earth. In many