Chalcedony stone: varieties and colors, magical properties

Chalcedony is a semi-precious mineral, which, thanks to its wide range of shades, is very popular in the manufacture of jewelry and costume jewelry.

A ring or earrings with chalcedony will not only complement your look - they can become a real talisman for their owner , whose magical properties will ward off blues and depression.

History and origin

In museum exhibitions around the world you can find figurines, jewelry and interior elements made from the mineral and dating back several hundred years BC.

According to one of the most widespread legends, the stone was discovered by the ancient Greeks on the coast of the Sea of ​​Marmara near the city of Chalcedon . It got its name from the name of the settlement.

The mineral was used in the manufacture of interior figures and bas-reliefs, carved gems with images of animals and people, cameos, carved seals - intaglios.
Interesting! In the Revelation of John the Theologian, the mineral is described as a stone decorating the gates and foundation of the walls of the New Jerusalem.
Unfortunately, the invasion of barbarian hordes wiped out the city from the face of the Earth, and the mineral was forgotten for a long time. Interest in it was revived again , when elements of wall decoration and sculpture began to be made from chalcedony.

Physicochemical characteristics

Chalcedony belongs to the minerals of the quartz group , and the abundance of color options for the stone can be explained both by the territorial features of geological processes and by the variety of impurities.

Chemical formula: SiO2. Chalcedony is quite hard; on the Mohs scale it is rated from 6 to 7 units.

The density of the stone is from 2.58 to 2.64 g/cm3. The mineral has no cleavage, the fracture is uneven, sometimes shell-like, trigonal system. Matte shine, imperfect transparency, cloudy. There are a lot of shade variations.

Colors and varieties with photos

Mineralogy knows more than 100 varieties of chalcedony. Since in ancient times people named minerals not by their composition (few people knew about chemistry for a long time), but by their composition and appearance in general, each species has an individual name .

Green chalcedony

Better known as chrysoprase. The stone is apple green or emerald in color with a matte sheen, translucent or not at all transparent in light.

Jewelers love this mineral very much; they make rings, earrings, brooches and bracelets with inserts from it. Chrysoprase polishes well.

Interesting! Esotericists attribute magical properties to it and use it as a talisman that attracts good luck.

It is known that chrysoprase loses its color intensity when exposed to sunlight, but few people know that it can restore color in water.

Mtorolite is another variety of green chalcedony with a dense color. The stone is opaque, often monochromatic, but there are striped specimens. The mineral contains chromium, which causes its unique color.

Pink chalcedony

Carnelian, in Latin carnelian (dogwood berry). The intensity of the shade can vary from deep red to pink - this is due to the presence of iron oxides (hematite) in the mineral.

Under the influence of ultraviolet light, the stone loses its shade intensity and may acquire orange tones.

Interesting! There is a variety with a red tint - sarder.

Blue chalcedony

The most famous variety is sapphirine, although this species is quite rare. It has a high collection value , jewelry with it is very elegant and beautiful, although it has nothing to do with sapphire.

A stone with a beautiful blue tint, it is almost opaque, with a waxy thick shine. But under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures it can lose all its charm.

White chalcedony

Otherwise known as cacholong, or milky opal. A rare gem of a milky white hue with a porous structure.

Red chalcedony

Heliotrope, or bloody jasper. The mineral is a dark shade of green with bloody inclusions.

This stone has been known since ancient times; there are mentions of it in the works of Pliny . Heliotrope stains are also called “blood of Christ.” The mineral was used to make religious attributes.

Red varieties include Dzhambul chalcedony , named after the deposit where the mineral was discovered. The stone is translucent, and the intensity of the shade varies from dark red to pink.

Striped Chalcedony

Perhaps the most famous representative of chalcedony is agate. A very beautiful layered chalcedony, whose colors and arrangement of lines are literally mesmerizing.


  • Brazilian agate, whose distinctive feature is the finest layering;
  • dendritic - the pattern of the mineral is similar to a forest thicket or the crown of a tree;
  • mossy—the location and shape of the lines of the pattern resembles moss;
  • stellate;
  • disk;
  • bastion

Black chalcedony

Onyx. It is difficult to call this mineral black in the full sense; this is a historical name.

In fact, its colors range from dark brown to deep blue with plane-parallel stripes of other colors . In jewelry, striped agate is dyed to obtain a uniform color.

Grape chalcedony

It consists of beautiful spherulites of all shades of purple. The nugget resembles a bunch of grapes and has high decorative qualities.

Lesser known varieties of chalcedony

Mirikit is a semi-precious stone, a type of gray chalcedony, decorated with spots of red hues.

Stefanik , or point agate, is a white/light gray stone with a red dot pattern.

Enrigus has light shades. It contains quartz and lutein. The unusual coloring became a ticket to the jewelry world.

Belonging to zodiac signs

Being born under the influence of a certain sign endows a person with a certain set of properties and character traits. Cancer is the one for whom chalcedony is most suitable. This zodiac sign knows how to value love, home and family, so it can choose the mineral for itself as a talisman or amulet. For Gemini, chalcedony and its properties will also be very useful. Gemini, whose temperament is prone to nervous breakdowns, will become more thoughtful and organized if they regularly carry this mineral with them.

Leos and Capricorns are those for whom this stone is suitable for achieving financial well-being. Virgos who wear jewelry with this stone will find it easier to establish relationships with people around them. Sagittarians are those who benefit from this stone to restore their energy. It is not forbidden to wear this stone for those who according to the horoscope belong to Libra, Aries or Aquarius.

The main advantages of this gem over other precious and semi-precious stones include its low price. A nugget measuring 2-3 cm costs an average of 500 rubles. At the same time, rings, bracelets and necklaces inlaid with stones look beautiful and unusual. The variety of colors allows each person to choose the ideal option for themselves. The mineral does not require special care. However, blue and green nuggets should be protected from prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Aggressive chemicals, in particular acetone, can harm any stone. When purchasing a stone, you must carefully read the certificate that must accompany the nugget of natural origin. The absence of this document indicates the fact of forgery.

Chalcedony beads

The magical properties of chalcedony

From time immemorial , the stone was considered an assistant in matters of the heart ; its task is to attract a man’s attention and keep it.

In addition, the mineral, having positive energy, helps to cope with melancholy and depression, overcome the blues, believe in one’s strength, and attract good luck.

Different shades of color help enhance or suppress different character traits:

  • gems of orange shades can awaken acting talent and enhance attractiveness;
  • red and purple strengthen the will, increase energy reserves, evoke a thirst for movement and achievement;
  • green minerals increase patience;
  • blue reduces anger, suppresses outbursts of rage;
  • brown will become a guarantor of stability.

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Posted by Handmade Jewelry (@formula_bijou) Aug 12, 2020 at 5:21 PDT

Medicinal properties

Since ancient times, all chalcedony has been used to treat skin diseases and feverish conditions . A common property of all minerals in this group is a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Otherwise, the healing properties vary from variety to variety:

  • onyx helps with liver and kidney diseases;
  • heliotrope supports the heart muscle;
  • the serder treats ulcers and open wounds;
  • chrysoprase relieves weather dependence and stabilizes the condition of migraines;
  • carnelian relieves toothaches;
  • Hypotensive patients must have sapphirine;
  • Agate helps people with respiratory diseases and reduces toothache.

Chalcedony products

Chalcedony is used both for the manufacture of costume jewelry and in the production of jewelry.

What stones does it go with?

Considering that all the stones of the group have a strong personality, jewelers rarely combine them with other stones and minerals.

Indeed, not all stones can tolerate proximity to chalcedony without conflicts (the exception would be cubic zirconia , which does not have its own energy).

Chalcedony shows itself neutrally only in tandem with stones belonging to the elements of Earth and Air.

The mineral does not combine with:

  • rock crystal;
  • moonstone;
  • coral;
  • beryl.

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Posted by Jin | DZIN (@dzin_tlt) Aug 11, 2022 at 2:55 PDT

Decoration with mineral

The most incredible jewelry is made from chalcedony. The range is not limited to earrings and bracelets. of minerals , and brooches and rings are encrusted .

Ornamental grade stones are used to make pendants, beads, rosaries, decorative figurines and key rings .

How to wear and care

Chalcedony may lose its color intensity if it stays in the hot rays of the sun for a long time. Excessive heating is also contraindicated for him. It is worth protecting the mineral from the effects of household chemicals and cosmetics .

Important! Chalcedony needs to rest from time to time to restore its energy. Therefore, the owner needs to leave the stone in the water for a while or let it “bathe” in the moon’s rays.

Who is it suitable for?

  • Sailors, fishermen traveling on water (sea, rivers, lakes).
  • Will the devil break his leg in your little one's room? Give your child a chalcedony amulet. M. Loiri assures that the stone will gradually teach your child to be neat.
  • Pregnant women. The experience of our ancestors says that the gem will help you calmly bear and easily give birth to a healthy child.
  • Readers, teachers, speakers - those who like or have to talk a lot.

Zodiac signs

  • Good for Capricorn and Virgo. If Saturn is prominent in your natal chart, feel free to wear chalcedony jewelry.
  • J. Stone advises people born under the sign of Sagittarius to wear chalcedony.
  • For Aquarians of the third decade, the gem will provide all available help.

Is Chalcedony Right for You?

Not really











The price of chalcedony stones depends on several factors:

  • types of stone, its color, size;
  • metal that forms the frame.

So, for a figurine made from a common stone you can pay about 500 rubles , and gold earrings with agate can cost about 20 thousand rubles .

Areas of application

  • Chalcedony has long been used for jewelry. Until now, some varieties of gems are highly valued.
  • The mineral is used in the production of tiles (even for wet rooms).
  • Furniture inlay, decorative objects (vases, figurines, glyptics).
  • It is almost never used for “serious matters”. Stone is used to make mortars for grinding solid materials in the production of analytical balances.

How to distinguish an original from a fake

Inexpensive minerals are rarely counterfeited, since it is unreasonably expensive. But rare varieties with jewelry value are often replaced with plastic or glass .

You can detect a fake:

  1. By weight. Natural stone is always heavier than glass or plastic.
  2. Temperature change . The stone, even in a warm room, is a little cool. It heats up slowly from the warmth of your hand, changing the temperature evenly.
  3. A natural gem will always have inclusions or air bubbles in its structure, which can be seen in the light or under a magnifying glass.
  4. A mineral of natural origin will never be homogeneous . Its shades will have specks of a lighter or darker shade.

We check for authenticity

The prevalence of the mineral in nature does not exclude the creation of fakes. In order not to come across a gem created by man, it is important to be able to understand the differences between a fake and an original. To recognize a fake, follow these steps:

  • pay attention to the weight: without the frame it should remain heavy. The stone is light or heats up - it is fake (plastic or glass).
  • a genuine gem will not contain bubbles;
  • stone comes with color splashes and transitions, but they should be smooth and natural;
  • if the product consists of a number of stones, then it is worth taking a closer look so that they do not exactly repeat each other;
  • It is worth requesting certificates confirming the quality of chalcedony from the seller.

Having studied the features and magical properties of chalcedony, everyone can find something useful in this stone for themselves. The abundance of colors, textures, and varieties of the mineral allow the future owner to be scrupulous when purchasing a product with a mineral. A talisman made using a stone will definitely bring good luck to each owner.

Talismans and amulets

Chalcedony is a stone of people who devote themselves to science. It helps increase concentration, strengthens willpower and helps achieve goals.

This mineral is considered the patron saint of sailors : sailors believed that a chalcedony amulet would help them find their way to home.

Agate talismans (bracelets, pendants or beads) help children avoid injury.

Chalcedony is also a stone of women . It enhances natural female magnetism and helps to find true love.

Place of Birth

Chalcedony is a type of quartz that is one of the most common minerals. It is formed by crystallization in volcanic rocks at temperatures between 700 and 1000 °C or as a result of hydrothermal action.

Germany is known as the longest deposit. In addition to Germany, the mineral is also mined in

  • Russia (Primorye, Eastern Siberia, Moscow suburbs).
  • Brazil.
  • Madagascar.
  • India.
  • Australia.
  • USA.
  • Uruguay.
  • Italy.
  • Czech Republic.
  • Poland.
  • Scotland.

Mining sites are also located in Ukraine and Transcaucasia.

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