Bear claw and the meaning of other bear amulets

The bear's claw is one of the most powerful amulets. In ancient times, it was used by shamans and hunters wherever this mighty beast was found. It meant strength, protection of the weak, wisdom. And also - courage and fury, characteristic of the owner of the taiga and European forest.
Separately, it should be noted that many peoples considered the bear as their symbol. It was often found on knightly shields, coats of arms of cities and entire kingdoms. Why this happened, and how you can use an amulet with a bear claw these days, we will tell you in this article.

Master of the forest: what does the bear symbol mean?

At all times, people believed in magical powers. Perhaps ethnography does not know of a single people who would be alien to mysticism. People have always asked for help and intercession from good gods, spirits and magicians. And they tried to protect themselves from the evil ones or force them to serve themselves. Amulets and amulets were an indispensable aid in this matter.

The Slavic god Veles took the form of a bear and a bull.

Among ancient men who were hunters and warriors, talismans made from the skins, fangs or claws of predatory animals were especially popular. Firstly, they were visual evidence of the strength, courage and luck of a person who was able to defeat a boar, tiger or bear. Secondly, such hunting trophies store the animal’s vitality.

A bear amulet, be it a trophy taken from it or just an image, is a very powerful thing. In fairy tales and legends of forest peoples, the bear is not only a formidable rival to the hunter. He is his protector, patron and guardian of the forest.

In fairy tales, evil spirits never take the form of a bear, because they fear it almost more than the cross. But the gods - yes. Veles, the inhabitant of three Worlds, took on different guises. But among his favorite images is a bull, which is still depicted on the symbol of Veles, and the formidable brown owner of the forest.

So the meaning of the bear as a symbol is quite clear - he is strong and wise, and his followers will receive the same qualities. In our time, we, too, can, like our ancestors, use their beliefs for our protection and benefit.

Using a talisman in the modern world

In the modern world, men wear a bear tooth amulet around their neck as a talisman in order to strengthen their basic masculine qualities. However, other uses are possible:

  • storage in the car is a talisman for good luck on the road, an opportunity to avoid serious problems on the road;
  • use in love magic (a girl, having scratched the hand of her loved one with a charmed fang, receives the favor and attention of a man);
  • a claw or tooth suspended over the entrance, barring the door to all evil spirits.

Charms with attributes of a bear among the Slavs and other peoples

The cult of the bear was, as mentioned above, extremely widespread. The owner of the forest was especially respected by the ancient Slavs, who associated him with Veles, the god of nature, magic and wealth. It was also very popular among the peoples of Siberia. It was believed that the bear contained within itself all the qualities that fascinated man in the wild: indomitable power, abundance, deep wisdom.

The most powerful amulets associated with the bear cult are, of course, the claws and skins of the beast. However, the ancients also revered simply images of the “forest prince” on stone, metal or wood.

The bear is a symbol of strength, courage and kindness.

In addition to these images, archaeologists have found many talismans with a bear paw imprint. People who today are trying to profess the faith of their ancestors call such amulets the “Seal of Veles.”

Fangs or bear claws were hung over the entrance to the home to protect the house from evil spirits. An amulet with a bear paw and with a separate claw, by and large, means the same thing, the only difference is in the way it is worn. A real claw can be worn on your neck or in your pocket; it has the energy of an animal. In the case of a paw, it will be more of a symbolic image applied to the amulet.

There is a version that the cult of the bear and other predators, in the form in which it is recorded in sources, was brought to the Slavs by the Celts. Bear amulets were also popular among the Germans, along with wolf fangs. Among European peoples, the bear symbolized the same thing as among our ancestors. He was considered the personification of strength and power, but at the same time kindness. Therefore, both men and women willingly turned to him.

How to use it correctly and who is it suitable for?

The magical meaning of each amulet is supported by special activation rituals. To activate the selected talisman, you must first cleanse it. To do this, place the amulet in salt for a day or a couple of hours. Then rinse the talisman with water. It is preferable to dry the amulet in the sun. When the amulet has dried, you need to take it in your palms, bend over it, and whisper a spell, in which you need to indicate everything that the talisman should protect from and what it should help with. If the plot mentions the Slavic God Veles (patron of wildlife), then after activating the amulet he needs to take the gifts under a tree in the forest. Honey and good wine work best in this case.

Bear amulets are suitable for the following categories of people:

  1. Military.
  2. To the police.
  3. To the rescuers.
  4. Firefighter.
  5. Medical workers.
  6. Hunters.
  7. For fishermen.
  8. Beekeepers.
  9. Athletes.
  10. Businessmen.

Talismans can be useful to people of any profession, but the long-term effect of amulets on those who are not accustomed to danger and difficulties can be oppressive.

Talismans associated with the owner of the forest should be worn like pendants. It is acceptable to use them in other jewelry: belt buckles, earrings, bracelets. Sometimes people get bear tattoos. Here it is worth understanding that a person inextricably connects himself with the spirit of a totem animal and there will be no turning back. You need to think carefully before getting a tattoo.

Bear Claw: the meaning of the amulet

An amulet with a bear claw symbolizes protection, strength, abundance and the protection of the forces of light. It also has the following properties:

  • Protects against evil witchcraft and the machinations of evil spirits;
  • Promotes health;
  • Protects against lies and hypocrisy;
  • Helps preserve and increase livestock;
  • Attracts good luck.

However, you should be careful with bear amulets. They have very strong, wild and unbridled energy, and such a talisman can cause harm to a weak person.

How a bear's claw protects against evil

The functions of the bear claw amulet are related to the fact that the bear is the sacred animal of Veles. This powerful god among the Slavs corresponded to the Scandinavian Odin and the Greek Hermes. Veles was the god of magicians, traders and shepherds, but he was also associated with Navy, the other world. Spirits, including evil ones, live in Navi; witches and sorcerers draw their power from there.

Unlike many otherworldly forces, Veles is favorable to people. Therefore, amulets made from the claws and fangs of his totem animal protect against the dark influences of Navi, for example, from possession, the evil eye and damage. After all, who can come to an agreement with otherworldly forces and convince them not to harm a person better than one who himself is their relative?

The wearer of a bear claw receives the protection of Veles.

Protector and amulet for boys

The souls of children, according to Slavic beliefs, fly from the other world to inhabit the baby’s body. Veles, the god of Navi, still feels affection for them for some time, so he loves small children. It is believed that if you hang an amulet with a bear's paw or a beast's claw over the cradle, then God will protect the newborn from illness and adversity.

Our ancestors believed that a bear would never harm a child.

If a boy grew up in the family of a hunter or merchant, then Veles paid special attention to him, because children in those days continued the work of their fathers. And he always favored merchants, as well as people engaged in hunting. The bear's claw protected such children until adulthood. You can also use it to protect your little ones so that they grow up strong and healthy.

Bear amulet as an assistant in love affairs

Surprisingly, bear claw also helps in love. It was believed that simply running it over a person’s skin was enough to arouse passion in him. However, this will only work if the chosen one’s heart is not occupied. Meditating on the bear claw can bring you some romantic ideas that will add variety to your relationship. The amulet will save older people from impotence.

History and description of the bear claw talisman

The bear claw is an amulet that has a very long history. Even during pagan times, people respected the formidable predator, considering it a protector of the forest. They firmly believed that there were no evil spirits in its habitats.

According to an old legend, the bear was the animal into which the god Veles could transform. Therefore, the owner of the forest was considered a sacred beast. They worshiped him and asked for strength and wisdom.

For a long time, amulets in the form of a bear claw could only be used by hunters. It was not easy to obtain such a talisman on your own. To do this, it was necessary to enter into a fight with a dangerous predator. If a man managed to defeat the beast and obtain its claw, this was considered evidence of his bravery.

The Slavs believed that the use of a talisman endows its owner with the powerful energy of a bear. Thanks to this, a person became more courageous, strong and resilient.

Representatives of other nations also used the bear claw amulet.

  • Indian warriors wore claw beads around their necks. They believed that the talisman helped protect against death and defeat enemies during battle.
  • In the Caucasus, natural claws were used to protect homes. It was believed that they protected the house from evil spirits. To do this, the talisman was attached above the front door.
  • The claw amulet was also used by shamans in Siberia. They combed a person with a bear's paw with claws and believed that this contributed to recovery from illness. For deceased people, claws were placed in burials. It was believed that this would make their path in the other world easier.

Products made from bear claws were used by a variety of nationalities.

Who is this symbol suitable for?

First of all, of course, travelers, traders, military personnel and police officers. Veles was also the god of poetry and magic, so another meaning of the bear’s claw is creative activity and knowledge. Thanks to this, bear talismans are suitable for writers, poets and artists, as well as people in dire need of worldly wisdom. For example, psychologists, teachers, investigators, judges.

Bear claws and fangs are also worn in the following cases:

  • If you have lost your life guidelines or cannot make an important decision. In this case, the amulet will help you choose the right path.
  • If you need to develop your intuition or magical abilities.
  • When a person feels that he is acutely lacking what is called the “inner core” - self-confidence and self-confidence.
  • If there is a boy growing up in the family. The wild, natural energy of the talisman will harmonize perfectly with the same energy of the children.
  • When you need to spend a lot of time on the road.
  • For people who sleep poorly, you can hang a bear paw or a dream catcher amulet with a bear claw above the bed.
  • The amulet helps those suffering from depression and fear to feel calmer.

Bear paw amulet (Seal of Veles)

This amulet has the shape of a seal, a bear's paw print. All the magical power of this talisman is explained by the fact that this symbol belongs to the god Veles, who rules over all the elements, as well as darkness and light.

  • The Veles seal is suitable as a talisman for hardworking and wise people. This talisman can inspire confidence, courage and willpower.
  • A bear's paw removes negative energy from a person, resists black magic and protects against the evil eye.
  • This talisman develops the creativity and intuition of its owner.
  • Bear paw is a reliable protection against theft. However, the talisman will perform its function only in the hands of an honest and decent person who does not suffer from alcohol or drug addiction.
  • The women's seal "Veles" helps to build strength of character, resilience, and develop leadership qualities. The bear's paw helps purposeful individuals to quickly climb the career ladder.

Where to get a bear amulet

Of course, it is best to catch the animal yourself and make a talisman out of the bear’s claw. If you really decide to do this, then remember that the animal needs to be killed only with edged weapons; our ancestors used special horned spears for this. The animal must be butchered right at the scene of the kill, and the claw must be taken from the right front paw while reading the sacred words.

A symbolic bear paw will be a good alternative to parts of a killed animal.

Perhaps the overwhelming majority of modern people will not be able to defeat the owner of the forests, and even without a gun. Therefore, the purchase of bear claws is allowed. Such amulets will be weaker, but still effective. You can either purchase a finished product or a raw claw, for example, from hunters, and use it to make a talisman with your own hands. The second option is preferable, because this way you will invest your energy in the future amulet. It should be remembered, however, that times have changed, and there are not many bears left in the wild. Therefore, it would still be reasonable to replace the real claw with a symbolic image. For this, the “bear paw” seal is suitable, the meaning of which will be the same as that of the parts of the killed animal, but no one will be harmed.

What does the amulet mean?

This magical amulet is endowed with 2 opposing qualities, each of which depends on the character of the animal. The bear has a creative disposition and natural strength. With such an amulet, a person will gain health to achieve great goals. But if you look at it from a different perspective, it is a predatory animal and it has a destructive effect. However, the amulet is endowed with a logical explanation. Because to gain something new, you need to strike at the old with your own hands. Further, due to natural power, it is possible to form a new, pure reality, which is why the bear claw amulet is needed.

Symbolic meaning

For people who have a desire to gain strength, courage and courage, a bear talisman is suitable. Since ancient times, it has meant masculine strength, determination and power. In modern times, an amulet is made from various materials, but in old times a real claw or fang of a bear was used to create it. They were especially proud of it if the components of the amulet were obtained by hunters or received as a souvenir from a famous person, then it was immediately put on as a magical decoration on the body.

The Slavs believed that the bear symbol was endowed with magical powers, since the animal was found on their lands and was considered a totemic animal.

How to activate bear claw

As a rule, amulets made from bear fangs or claws are cleaned with salt water. Water from a clean natural spring is best. You can also take plain water and freeze it for a week, leaving it in a dark corner, and then melt it. At the same time, it is better to store it in earthenware. Add a handful of salt to the water, then soak the fang or claw in it. Leave it for a day and then throw out the water as far away from your home as possible.

Then you need to activate your amulet. Squeeze it tightly in your fist, focus on the desires that you want to fulfill with its purpose. When finished, the amulet can be put on. Wear without removing, so that it touches the skin.

General information about making your own amulet

Amulets are made from real animal claws. They are cast in silver or carved into them. If this is not possible, the claws can simply be sewn into a talisman or placed in a small fabric bag.

If a bear attribute cannot be found, a bear's claw can be depicted on a stone. To do this, find a light stone and draw a claw on it with permanent paint.

Then bury the stone in the ground for seven days to recharge with earthly energy. After that, dig it up and hang it on a black thread. To do this, you need to drill a hole in the stone in advance.


It is possible that some potential owners of a protective talisman are able to acquire, naturally, legally, real magical objects - a claw, a fang and even a bear’s paw. But the main part uses decorative elements made of precious metals, stone or wood. To transform an ordinary piece of jewelry into a talisman, some rituals should be performed. An attribute purchased in a store must be pre-cleaned, observing the following rules:

  1. Before starting the ceremony, you should take a bath and put on clean clothes. The best way to cleanse the body is a bath.
  2. It is recommended to give the talisman its own name, which will be suitable for it, this will help bind the protective amulet to itself more strongly.
  3. The ceremony must be carried out on the waxing moon, which carries positive energy.
  4. An object can be cleaned with the fire of a fire or a candle, with the idea of ​​the combustion of negative energy in it; running water will also do. It is advisable to turn mentally to the patron God or the spirits of your ancestors.

The amulet also needs periodic recharging, which can be done in urban environments. The procedure is somewhat reminiscent of the cleansing process in terms of the cleanliness of the owner’s body and clothes, and a naked ritual is not excluded, which will only enhance the effect. Charging is done over the flame of wax candles with an appeal to the elements of nature.

Note! At least one day must pass between two charges of the amulet.

4 ways to make an amulet for good luck and wealth

Sage Vadim Vedznich tells how to charge the amulet.

The meaning of the talisman

This magical talisman, like many others, has two opposite sides. Each of them is associated with the character of the bear.

On the one hand, the bear, as an animal, has a creative character. This is about creative power, creativity, about natural power. In this talisman a person can find health to accomplish great things.

But on the other hand, a bear is a predator, and it can have destructive actions. The same natural power can, under certain circumstances, turn into death for something.

But in general, the bear mascot has a logical meaning. After all, in order to get something new in life, you need to destroy everything old with your own hands. And then, using the same incredible power, you can create a new reality, where you will need a bear claw.

Advantages and disadvantages of the amulet

Wearing a metal or natural attribute in the form of jewelry does not have protective properties; the amulet must be endowed with them. The table lists the pros and cons of owning a bear talisman.

Protection from mental influenceThe new attribute needs to be cleared and charged
Absorption of negative energyRequires periodic recharging
Additional decorationSome items cannot be displayed
No negative situationsIt is not advisable to talk about the work of the amulet

A bear amulet in the form of a decorative item protects its owner from negative manifestations, helps in running a business, strengthens family relationships, promotes the growth of a healthy child, protects the family and home from intruders, and gives the owner positive character traits.

Rite of Activation

If you have a bear symbol, then you need to perform such a ritual to activate its power. This must be done during the waxing moon. Take the amulet in your hands, close your eyes. If it is possible to perform a magical ritual right in the open moonlight, then do so. Imagine how a lunar magic ray passes through the top of your head. It fills your entire body, first filling your feet, then your legs, thighs and then all the way to the top of your head. And, of course, lunar energy is concentrated in the talisman that you hold in your hands. Imagine the object getting hotter and hotter, the light getting brighter and brighter. At this moment, you can feel the symbol in your hands getting warmer. Then imagine and feel yourself becoming one with your talisman. A single force, energy, now you feed off each other. Then you need to say the following conspiracy:

“Bear skins, bear paws, bear souls are now friends with me. They were relatives, recognized each other, found each other on the shore and hugged each other. Now together, we hear, we see. Do it at once. Together we are strength, together we are power, I am for you, you are for me, trust, security, surrender to the inner beast, the symbol is with me, I am with him, one for one. Forward. Find."

At this moment, a picture associated with this animal may appear in your mind. This is very good, it means you really got in touch with your animal. Also listen to your bodily sensations at this moment; perhaps you will feel a surge of energy. You created the image of a bear in your imagination and charged the amulet with it.

The amulet can be recharged in this way in the future. At the end of the magical ritual, be sure to thank the moon for helping you.

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