Marina Haribi: “They serve me breakfast in one bowl, lunch in another”

Marina Haribi: “They serve me breakfast in one bowl, lunch in another”

On Fridays and Saturdays, Monplaisir hosts special evenings called “Gastronomic Symphony”. Chef Nikolai Solyarzh comes into the hall and personally presents guests with signature salads, soups and hot dishes, which are not on the main menu of the establishment.

The menu of the “Gastronomic Symphony” includes European dishes: for example, guests can taste thick, creamy onion soup Creme A L’Ognon, rich spicy fish Soupo Di Mare with seafood, mussels stewed in a pot with tomato sauce, juicy and tender beef tenderloin Filet de Barre 'and even the famous Hamburg steak.


The seemingly ordinary ritual “from ordering to waiting” takes on special significance: the chef not only tells the guest the history of the dish, but also brings it out himself - and here surprises often await the guest... One of them was appreciated by Marina Haribi. However, first things first... After listening to Nikolai’s detailed story about the dishes he offered, the guest of “Monplaisir” opted for a salad with shrimp and mango, and for the main course she decided to enjoy halibut with vichyssoise sauce. While waiting, we whiled away the time with small talk, which revolved, of course, around gastronomy...

“Oatmeal - and no frills!”

— Marina Nikolaevna, what cuisine do you prefer?

— To be honest, I eat very simply. In the morning I always eat oatmeal cooked in water. No frills: no milk, no honey, no raisins. I’ve been eating this porridge for 18 years, sometimes buckwheat instead of oatmeal, I can’t even imagine another breakfast! Although sometimes I’m ready to treat myself to a village soft-boiled egg...

— What other principles of healthy eating do you adhere to?

— I lived in Nika for ten days as part of a project by your colleagues. I lost five kilograms thanks to proper nutrition, walking, active exercises... Before the project, I worked out with a trainer, both in the park and at home. I walked a lot, did squats, did push-ups, and even worked out with elastic bands. And after the project I went to the gym. I maintain weight. There is only one conclusion: a healthy lifestyle is work. You need to give up everything and do only this: split meals five to six times a day, drinking regimen, activity... And when sometimes not only you shape the circumstances, but they also “shape” your day, it’s difficult. I love tasty things, but I try to eat little. And the main thing is that everything should be beautiful and elegant. Beautiful presentation is a must! I am served breakfast in one bowl, lunch in another. Morning dishes are English service, but not prim. And bright and colorful. Just looking at it lifts your spirits! A beautiful plate with special handles for porridge is placed on the tray, a beautiful cup with coffee in it... Napkins to match, shiny cutlery, spoons and forks... This is how everything should be for me! Lunch (when I dine at home) is served in German dishes. White, black and gold service, an elegant status classic.

- What's for lunch?

— I love fish; among meats I prefer turkey; I don’t eat lamb or pork at all. I’m indifferent to sweets, but I can happily eat a piece of bacon. You know, you need to maintain a balance. Be tougher on yourself. Yes, sometimes indulge your weaknesses, but remember: if you allow it once, you will immediately be tempted to repeat it.

...the salad has arrived. Nikolai brings out the dish and takes off the shiny cloche. “What splendor!” - Marina Haribi exclaims and immediately posts photos and videos on her Instagram: “Today I am invited to the Monplaisir restaurant to try extraordinary dishes from the Gastronomic Symphony menu.” The chef himself greets you at the restaurant and personally offers the dishes!” Now I will taste this splendor with pleasure.”

“Signature” pilaf from student Marina

— What’s the most unusual thing you’ve tried?

— The last time I was in Thailand, I tried crocodile meat. Nothing special: the meat is nutritious, but not fatty, similar to chicken. When I’m in a foreign country, I try to try something local and exotic, but it only lasts me two or three days, and then I go back to my usual food.

— Is choosing a restaurant abroad a spontaneous matter?

- No. We find out where to go, read reviews, ask those who have already vacationed there. Spontaneously - quite rarely, it is better to prepare. I like to visit not only those establishments that are located on the “tourist trails”, but also those where the locals like to eat. I like small European restaurants, as they say, with three tables, where the owner himself often cooks and communicates with the guests.

— Do you stand up to the stove yourself now?

- No. Don't want! I remember the time when I had to do this every day... We got a housekeeper when Kirill was in first grade. And before that, you come home, put everyone to bed, and even cook. You try to cook and fry more, so that you have enough for several days... Chicken in an electric frying pan, pancakes with mushrooms and meat - I did everything myself. Yes, I made excellent and very tasty meatballs, my family still remembers them, but... No way! Excuse me!

— When you cooked it yourself, did you have a “signature dish”?

— What’s interesting is that I’ve always loved canning. Cucumbers, tomatoes, compotes. I always treated preparations very rationally, again trying to make everything look aesthetically pleasing: clean, washed, shiny, beautifully laid out. My husband cooks very well, he has talent. When we got married, he even baked buns for me. Sometimes he bakes a leg of lamb in the tandoor so that you will lick your fingers!.. In my student years I loved pilaf, but I was lazy, took frozen minced meat, cut it into portioned pieces, fried them and stuffed them into rice. The result was this kind of “pseudo-swimming”, but... Hungry students, we ate everything.

— What is your favorite childhood dish?

- Oh... Everything is always delicious in childhood! Both grandmother and mother cooked. Unlike other children, I loved milk with thick foam. You could eat it separately, with a spoon - it was so tasty, brown-golden. Country baked milk from the oven is fantastic! And my grandmother baked “dummies” in a cast-iron frying pan in the oven - like shells for custard pies, not stuffed with anything, but for me it was a delicacy.

Meanwhile, Marina Haribi finishes eating her salad. Praises the tender shrimp and the incredibly tasty and slightly sour mango, the salad leaf is the perfect size. "Beautiful! Tasty! I didn’t think that mango combined with shrimp and arugula was such a gastronomic pleasure. “Monplaisir” knows how to surprise!”

“I like to chew bones...”

- Do you still have a favorite dish?

— Depending on the mood and the season. “Out of season,” I admit, I like to gnaw on the bones of small birds: quail, even chicken. There are such tasty morsels there... And I even prefer beef on the bone - for me it’s the most delicious. For drinks, I like champagne with ice, homemade cherry compote and regular classic tea with thyme or other herbs.

— What about gastronomic taboos?

— I don’t eat sugar, candy, sweets, a maximum of a slice of dark chocolate. But on the whole I can easily do without it. Everything depends on my mood... When I come to the village to visit friends, there are my own potatoes on the table, my own salted herring, all this is incredibly tasty, incredibly appetizing... I eat this kind of food there. And at the birthday party of the owner of Monplaisir, Tatyana Semikina, she fell in love with the tomatoes that her mother pickled. Amazing taste! By the way, she promised me a jar!..

— Do you still prefer restaurant food or homemade food?

- Homemade. I go to restaurants to socialize, try delicious food, and spend the evening in a pleasant atmosphere. And at home, dinner is a kind of ritual of relaxation. When the weeks are stressful, in the evenings you don’t really feel like eating, but I set the table beautifully, sat down, exhaled, and finally realized that the hard day was over.

— Your granddaughter Laysan will soon be two years old. For her - or with her - are you ready to stand at the stove?

“I was recently thinking about starting a culinary tradition. When we lived with our parents, we made dumplings, froze them... I also had a friend from school, and she and I always baked something on Saturdays, looking for recipes in a cookbook. I once asked my housekeeper to bake something on Saturdays. We didn’t even really eat these pies and buns, but I wanted the house to smell like baked goods. The smell of fresh baked goods is the smell of home.

The Monplaisir cook brings the second course: halibut with vichyssoise sauce and mango. The chef quickly works his magic over the plate, and the most tender fillet on a feather bed made of creamy onion sauce drowns in a cloud of “living fog”... The special effects make an indelible impression on the guest. “What a pitch! - Marina Haribi admires and tastes the hot stuff.. - The fish literally melts in your mouth! A true pleasure of taste."

Cafe "Monplaisir" invites you to the evenings of the "Gastronomic Symphony". A unique menu, exclusive presentation of dishes and personal attention from the chef will make the evening unforgettable and full of discoveries. We are waiting for you at st. Lenina, 38.


Omsk businessman Haribi had to go to court to get out of the land bureaucracy

The panel of judges of the Eighth Arbitration Court of Appeal, as SuperOmsk learned, made a decision on the dispute between businessman Kirill Haribi and the Omsk Department of Architecture and Urban Planning.

It should be noted that the initial proceedings ended on February 16 in favor of the businessman. He asked that the decision of officials regarding the possibility of changing the purpose of the land under the former billiard club on the territory of the Soviet Park be declared illegal.

Having contacted the mayor's office, the businessman, judging by the court materials, intended to change the purpose of the site with cadastral number 55:36:050208:3180 with an area of ​​659 square meters to a “wider” one - “culture and recreation parks.” However, he received a refusal, motivated, according to the court decision, by the inclusion of information about the billiard club in the territory planning project. The relevant information can be found in the cadastral map database (pictured below).

Judge Rasputina, in turn, admitted that the plaintiff was right in connection with the following circumstances:

“According to the urban zoning map, the land plot with cadastral number 55:36:050208:3108 is located in the territorial zone R-3, recreational zones of sports parks. Clause 2.4.2 of the regional standards stipulates that recreational zones are formed on public lands.” Type of permitted use 12.0 “land plots (territories) for public use” corresponds to one of the main types of permitted use established for the recreational zone of sports parks (R-3), in which the property owned by the Applicant is located. These persons may use the land plots in accordance with any type of permitted use provided for by the town planning regulations for each territorial zone.”

Summing up, Judge Rasputina indicated that Kirill Haribi’s request to officials of the Omsk mayor’s office is absolutely legal.

At the same time, representatives of the department insisted that Haribi himself cannot put forward such demands, since he does not have the status of a land rights holder. However, it turned out that this was not true: permission to put into operation a billiard club with 13 slot machines in a children's center in March 2016 was issued by Samovar LLC, the director and co-founder of which is the plaintiff's father, Vadim Kharibi. However, at the moment it has no relation to the disputed site - the rights to the object, as proven in court, now actually belong to the individual entrepreneur Kirill Kharibi. However, they refused to conclude a land lease agreement with him, precisely because by 2020 the territory was not actually used for the purposes specified by the type of permitted use.

The legal battles were preceded by an inspection carried out by department of architecture specialists in October 2022 - then officials identified the alleged misuse of land, since now another entertainment establishment was opened on the territory of the park. Subsequent refusals thus jeopardized further cooperation, as indicated by the plaintiff’s position in the court’s decision.

“Thus, from the provisions of land and town planning legislation it directly follows that capital construction projects legally erected before the approval of town planning regulations by the rules of land use and development, as well as the land plots on which they are located, the types of permitted use of which do not comply with the town planning regulations, may be used according to the previous actual type of permitted use, except for cases where the use of such land plots and capital construction projects is dangerous to human life or health, to the environment, or cultural heritage sites. At the same time, any reconstruction of such objects, that is, changes to these objects, can only be carried out by bringing them into compliance with the town planning regulations, and changing the types of permitted use can be carried out by bringing them into compliance with the types of permitted uses established by the town planning regulations,” cites the norm law, which is decisive for the outcome of the case, Judge Veronika Rasputina in her decision.

Having analyzed the conflict that arose, the court came to the conclusion that Kirill Haribi complied with the accepted procedure.

The subsequent appeal only confirmed the legality of the original verdict.

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Information from individual entrepreneur Haribi Marina Nikolaevna: address, telephone, fax, email, website, work schedule

Haribi Marina Nikolaevna

Region: Omsk region, Urban district of the city of Omsk, Omsk region

Address: Omsk region, Urban district of the city of Omsk, Omsk region

Telephone: +7 (877) 2123231 +7 (877) 2123231

Fax machine: +7 (813) 1815708 +7 (813) 1815708

E-Mail: n/a

Website: n/a

Working hours: Mon-Fri: 9-19, Sat-Sun: ClosedMon-Fri: 9-19, Sat-Sun: Closed

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