Symbols for attracting good luck, prosperity and luck

How to attract luck by getting out of a period of total failures? What to do if you feel lost in life and don’t know where to move next? How to make not only yourself, but also your loved ones happy? Of course, there are many options for solving these issues. Why not start with the simplest thing - buy a talisman of happiness.

This is exactly what we will talk about today. You will learn about the most interesting symbols of happiness from all over the world and the origins of their appearance, understand how to use them, and also learn how to make simple amulets.

Is it possible to invite happiness into your home?

During conversations with friends, relatives and acquaintances, we often complain about depression, illness or failure. This is an eternal topic, the discussion of which makes your soul a little lighter.

Surprisingly, very few people think that something can be changed. Most often, people take their bad luck for granted. That's the whole problem. If we change our view of what is happening around us, then the world itself will change for us. Our ancestors knew about this and applied their knowledge in life.

The Slavic heritage supports the idea that bad luck can be scared away by inviting happiness to visit you. To attract him, the pagans made many different amulets. Among them were dolls wound from scraps of fabric and homemade brooms. To attract good luck or prosperity, bright colors and sacred symbols were used.

One of the most famous ancient signs that brought success and prosperity was the alatyr. This symbol was used to decorate clothes, bedding and even dishes.

Another good luck talisman that was popular in those days was the horseshoe. The symbol could perform several functions at once - to deflect fear and attract positivity.

But for amulets to work, it is not enough to simply buy them or order them from a master. You also need to learn how to use them and how to take care of them. If you know how to do all this, joy will definitely settle in your home.

gold fish

Fish has been a symbol of abundance in Chinese culture since ancient times. Strictly speaking, the words “abundance” and “fish” have the same meaning in Chinese. In addition, the fish symbolizes marital happiness. If you believe the wisdom of the Chinese people, a medium-sized aquarium with goldfish can bring good luck, happiness and prosperity to your home. The main thing is to follow certain recommendations:

  • the water in the aquarium should always be crystal clear and saturated with oxygen (after all, the well-being of the fish directly depends on this);
  • the optimal number of fish is nine (one fish should be black in color, and the other eight should be red or silver-red).

How and when did talismans of happiness and good luck appear?

No one knows how and when the first talismans appeared. But archaeological finds can confirm that people began using symbols of happiness a very long time ago.

It is generally accepted that talismans of happiness came to us from the ancient Druids.

One of the theories about the appearance of the first amulets says that the first sacred symbols originated in the Druid culture. It is difficult to judge how true it is, because historians also failed to find any mention of the time of the appearance of the Druids themselves.

The Druids themselves did not keep records. They transmitted the secret knowledge of their brotherhood exclusively orally. This not only complicated the process of training new followers, but also led to the fact that now this knowledge is practically lost.

Subsequently, amulets and amulets either gained popularity or fell into oblivion again. It is known for certain that symbols of happiness and talismans were popular during the heyday of the Roman Empire. After that, they were forgotten again, only to be remembered once again in dark times. Now they are also becoming fashionable, despite the fact that no one burns witches at the stake anymore.

Tree element – ​​arrangement by zones

Feng Shui symbols associated with wood greatly influence our lives. Thanks to them, you can forget about health problems, always have a full wallet of money, and not worry about your relationships with your family. Such talismans will take care of everything and clear your path in life of all debris.

This element includes house plants - essential companions of the comfort and beauty of your family nest. They support the spark of love between spouses, help find a compromise in the most difficult situations and, of course, contribute to procreation.

Paintings as feng shui symbols

Drawn or photographed plants do not lag behind living representatives of the flora. Such Feng Shui symbols also extend their effective power to the family members living in the house.

You've probably noticed more than once that Chinese products, such as curtains, tiles or plant pots, are usually decorated with sprouts stretching upward. It is this version of the depicted plants that can favorably change your life and bring joy into it.

The use of such talismans has long been proven by many years of experience - they can help you find a profitable place of work. If it is now necessary to resolve a similar problem, then in the Career zone hang a small picture with fresh growing plants and flowering trees.

In the kitchen and bathroom you are constantly using piping. If these premises are located in the Wealth zone, then every time you open the tap, you wash your hard-earned money out of your apartment. But don't despair, Feng Shui has several secrets that will help in this situation.

It is the pictures of the plant world that will destroy the adverse effects of flowing water. After you use this advice, water will “water” the depicted sprouts and will no longer destroy your financial situation.

Flowers as feng shui symbols

Home flowers are useful in any sector. But they also need to be used in moderation. The correct arrangement of plants in the Glory sector will increase the respect of your friends, acquaintances, and colleagues. They will listen to your opinion, your words and suggestions will be taken into account and your mind will be valued.

A couple of house plants in the Family zone will forever bring harmony, mutual understanding and joy for your partner into your bedroom. You will stop quarreling over trifles and trying to prove something. Feng Shui symbols help you hear and understand your soul mate.

The Health Zone needs the freshness of green sprouts more than anyone else. After all, this is a sign of good health. You will fill your home with oxygen, clarity and harmony.

How happiness is attracted in different cultures

The ways of attracting positive energies vary from culture to culture. This is due not only to religious views, but also to the worldview in general.

While some peoples worry about earthly life, trying to become invisible to death, others are doing everything possible to become happy not only on earth, but also in the afterlife.

Among the Slavs

Among the Slavs, a good luck charm was not just a talisman, but a magical thing that one had to know how to handle. Some of them were even disposed of in a special way - burned in a fire away from the house or buried in the ground.

A small motanka doll with a long braid is a traditional talisman for good luck among the Slavs.

What did our ancestors call happiness?

  • symbols of family happiness and prosperity were applied to household objects;
  • they made protective figurines - dolls from twigs or fabric;
  • they appeased the brownie with treats and donated trinkets;
  • They hung symbols of happiness on walls or doors - for example, they hung brooms or a horseshoe on the wall in the kitchen.

The burdock was considered a traditional symbol of happiness. The Slavs thought that with its thorns this plant very firmly grasps good luck and does not allow it to leave.

Among other peoples

What they did to attract happiness in other countries:

  • they placed small figurines of gods at home, bringing joy and prosperity;
  • they made an amulet of happiness with their own hands - it could be a bracelet or a dream catcher;
  • bought figurines of animals believed to be associated with happiness (scarab, three-legged toad, cricket);
  • used talisman stones (both for personal happiness and to protect family well-being).


Amber is a gem that has retained the warmth and color of the sun's rays. Healing and magical properties are attributed to him. In China, amber is called the soul of the tiger. Many people associate it with victory and prosperity. There are many deposits where these gems are mined. Depending on this, amber can have different shades.

Since amber is a frozen resin, it may contain leaves and insects. Amber with such inclusions is valued much higher. They give uniqueness and originality to products with them. Amber is considered a protective talisman that brings good luck and happiness.


For help from nature: plants and animals are symbols of happiness

Thanks to the will to live and resilience of the plant, burdock is rightfully considered a strong talisman of happiness.
People who are not particularly knowledgeable about amulets have only heard about the most popular amulets. Who doesn’t know about one of the seven Japanese gods of happiness, Hotei? Or about the Egyptian god Ra?

But all these are higher entities - inaccessible deities, and among the symbols they are not the only ones found. There are animals and even plants there. In addition to the well-known three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth, others also joined the ranks of the chosen ones.

Symbols of happiness and good luck from the plant and animal world:

  • Bamboo. In Asia they believe that giving bamboo as a gift brings good luck. In esoteric shops it is usually sold under the name “lucky bamboo” or “friendship bamboo”. But to get your share of joy, you don’t have to wait for such a gift. You can buy the plant yourself and place it in the eastern part of the house. Being in this zone, bamboo will help the owner cope with the lack of vital energy.
  • Clover. A popular Irish symbol that has taken root in our realities. Who among us did not look for a four-leaf clover as a child in order to make a wish on it?
  • Acorn. In some countries, acorns are used to ward off evil spirits. To do this, scatter a handful of acorns on the windowsill or hang them on a string right next to the glass. The Scandinavians endowed this symbol with their own special meaning. Northern peoples are sure that acorns can scare away lightning from the house.
  • Cricket. This symbol of good luck is famous in Asian culture. Surely you know about this if you watched the cartoon “Mulan”. Crickets were bred to protect homes - it was believed that they were able to warn owners of danger with loud sounds.
  • Scarab. This image is often mistakenly associated with the world of the dead, because images of scarabs were found on Egyptian tombs. However, in reality it is a very light symbol representing the sunrise. He is able to help choose the right path in difficult situations and protects from evil.
  • Three-legged toad. One of the most famous symbols of happiness in the world. When using it, remember that the main purpose of the symbol is to help increase income; the red-eyed frog does not solve other problems.
  • The rearing horse is not only the Ferrari emblem, but also a symbol of good luck. There are several types of horse talismans in Feng Shui. One of them helps to win competitions, while the other has a greater influence on one’s position in society - it contributes to the emergence of profitable connections and enrichment.
  • The Dragon. Another useful symbol for businessmen and anyone who is in any way connected with the sales field. An amulet in the form of a dragon figurine helps to cultivate leadership qualities.

The entire figurine of an animal was not always used as a talismanic symbol. Among animal amulets you can also find more specific ones - dried rabbit feet and even crocodile teeth.

Mystic knot

The mystic knot is a sacred talisman, known by some other names (srivatsa, “lucky diagram”, eternal, endless or glorious knot, etc.). The amulet looks like a solid ribbon, a knot that seems to swallow its own tail. This talisman is the personification of the eternal nature of compassion and wisdom.

Origin of the sign

The homeland of the mystical knot is India. As the legend says, in time immemorial it was formed on the chest of Vishnu as a sign of the goddess of wealth Lakshmi. Therefore, it is not surprising that the endless knot symbolizes abundance and good luck. Many ancient cultures also have similar symbols: just remember sacred Celtic or Islamic patterns.

It is believed that the prototype of this ancient amulet is the image of a serpent - the personification of duality in many cultures. Buddhism focuses heavily on the idea of ​​finding a balance between feminine and masculine qualities in life, and this is what is reflected in srivatsa.

In Buddhism, the mystical knot is the sixth of the eight good symbols. The number eight is also important in this religion: this is how many gifts were presented to the Buddha after achieving enlightenment. In this context, the srivatsa talisman is often interpreted as a symbol of infinity and the circle of eternal rebirth.

Using a Talisman for Good Luck in Feng Shui

In Feng Shui culture, srivatsa is used to attract a harmonious flow of favorable energy, uninterrupted by any failures or misfortunes. Therefore, the endless knot symbol is often used in feng shui amulets to bring abundance, love and protection. In modern interiors you can often find jewelry for watches, clasps for wallets or pendants for necklaces that use the srivatsa talisman.

Mystical silver knot from Amorem.
View the entire catalog at the link >>
Interesting fact

This symbol of wealth and prosperity was found on clay tablets of the Indus Valley Civilization, made ca. 2500 BC

Three-legged toad

The money toad, better known as the three-legged toad, is a popular mascot in China and beyond. It is used in Feng Shui practice to attract wealth and prosperity. The three-legged toad, according to legend, is also capable of giving its owner long life and good luck in all matters.

Many pieces of Chinese decorative art contain the image of a three-legged toad. The basis for this good luck talisman is often metal or jade. By the way, in ancient Chinese legends, both frog and toad are used interchangeably.

Sometimes the “money” toad is “equipped” with different pictures on its back (as a rule, the sacred symbols “yin” and “yang” are placed there). The three-legged amphibian usually holds a coin in its mouth, sitting on a small platform of precious ingots. Chinese legends give the animal the magical ability to “generate” gold and silver, which pour out of its mouth. Such a toad has two front and one hind legs, sometimes replaced by some kind of tail.

Origin of the money talisman

There are various legends about the birth of the symbol. There is a belief that the god Liu Hai once fished this toad out of a well, not knowing that his worst enemy was hiding under the guise of an amphibian. Another legend says that one day the moon goddess stole the elixir of immortality from her beloved, and for this she was turned into a toad. Associated with this story is the belief that when a three-legged toad swallows the night star, a lunar eclipse occurs.

This sign, which attracts money and luck, can also give longevity. It is often depicted with one of the Eight Immortals, which gives it the ability to grant the wearer long life and wisdom.

Correct placement according to Feng Shui

To get the most out of this good luck charm, place the three-legged toad on a small raised surface (like a table). You cannot place the figurine on the floor. Feng Shui experts also recommend not placing the “lucky” toad too high, otherwise it will not be able to accumulate enough energy of prosperity. The amphibian's gaze should be directed deep into the room. It is advisable to wrap the toad with a red ribbon or place it on red paper.

The location of the “money” frog can be your home or work office. It is allowed to have more than one figurine in the room. Keep in mind that auspicious numbers in Feng Shui philosophy are 3, 5 and 9, and this is the number of toads that will be optimal

Money talisman made of silver.
Price - 1400 rub.
Interesting fact

In Chinese, the name of this talisman sounds like “zhaocai chanchu”, which literally means “toad that attracts wealth.”

Top 5 symbols of happiness and good luck in the world

There are many more symbols of happiness than you might think. Not only the familiar clover leaves or the money toad, but also other, more unusual things act as talismans. Let's look at the most recognizable of them.

5th place: key

It would seem that such an ordinary item, but it can also become a powerful amulet. Various meanings are attributed to it - from the ability to open doors to happiness, to the acquisition of spiritual wisdom.

There is a version that the key helps to discover hidden talents. In addition, it protects against the evil eye, as if closing its owner from strangers.

The key helps to find female happiness. If a woman is unable to conceive a child, she is advised to put a key under her man’s pillow. He should help in creating a full-fledged family.

It is not necessary to use a real key to any door. Typically these keys are large and heavy. You can replace it with a decorative one, sold in a jewelry store.

4th place: knots for luck

Many people have heard that you need to tie an odd number of knots on the red thread on your wrist so that they increase energy protection. But tying knots on a bracelet is just the basics of knot magic. Knot magic is a more interesting area of ​​magic than it might seem.

There are many different types of knots that help you find happiness, including a happiness knot, a money knot, and knots that help you find or establish a love relationship. Such knots can be woven with thread bracelets or left in the form of a cord, hidden in a pocket or in a small bag.

People who find themselves in a difficult period of life are recommended to make an amulet of double happiness, also called a double knot of luck.

3rd place: coin pendant

They say that money can't buy happiness. And to some extent this is true, because money cannot buy either friendship or love. But you can buy a dog, ice cream, a new book by your favorite author and much more. But all this will give us joy and make life a little better. Therefore, it should not be surprising that coins have become associated with happiness. They are the ones who end up in the honorable third place.

Chinese coins with a square hole in the middle are usually used as a symbol of happiness. But you can also use running coins. The drilled one is used to make pendants for the neck, and the regular one is put in a pocket or purse. The talisman attracts good luck and money.

Not only a coin pendant, but also an ordinary, undrilled coin can become an amulet. For example, the one you received as change while traveling around the world.

2nd place: Laughing Buddha

This talisman, like the previous one, also helps to get rich. In fact, his name is not Laughing Buddha. It was named that way because of the god’s resemblance to Buddha. Hotei, as the god of happiness, wealth and fun is actually called, helps to get out of poverty.

There is an interesting tradition associated with the figurine of Hotei. In order for money to come into the house, the figure needs to scratch its belly regularly. At this point you should think about how much money you want to receive. To speed up the fulfillment of a desire, you can read a special conspiracy.

1st place: horseshoe

So we made it to first place in our small top! The most common horseshoe took first place in the list of popular symbols. Who would have thought, right? Surprisingly, it was used as a symbol of happiness back in the days of Ancient Egypt.

There are several ways to hang a horseshoe: horns down and horns up. The arcs, lowered to the bottom, turn the horseshoe into a protective symbol - it will protect the house and its residents from negativity. In order for a horseshoe to turn into an amulet and retain the positive energy entering it in the house, you need to hang it with its horns facing up.

You can read about how to do this correctly in our article on horseshoes.

Lucky omens with birds and other living creatures

Know that if you hear a cuckoo, it is probably a great luck, especially if the bird is cuckooing to your left. This sign says that in addition to a successful combination of circumstances, events will result in material benefits, even big money. Therefore, do not rush to ask the cuckoo how long should I live, but pay attention from which direction the sounds of cuckoo are coming from. Another lucky bird is the magpie, but to catch a good moment, it must sit and not fly. Unlike the stork and the eagle, which promise good luck if they are seen soaring in the heights.

It is considered a lucky omen to meet three nuns. Moreover, they can either walk or stand in one place; this does not matter at all to obtain a lucky fate. The day will go well if the first person you meet on the street is a child; It would also be a lucky coincidence to meet a pregnant woman first. Probably the most famous sign is to cross the road with buckets. And whether the buckets are full or empty, events will depend on this: they will turn out to be lucky or not so lucky.

In any case, if you are crossed with full buckets, you should definitely expect gratitude, a salary increase or a bonus. In case of empty buckets, the lucky bird will fly past you, leaving you behind its tail. And then you should count on a negative outcome in situations on a particular day. The sign of empty and full buckets is not very powerful, so it can be easily interrupted by another sign. To do this, you can knock on wood or use the energy of the talisman that you have with you.

Making a talisman of happiness with your own hands

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a symbol of happiness, you can always make it yourself. Now we will tell you about the easiest ways to get a talisman.

What can you use to make an amulet for good luck:

  • From paper. This is the most budget option. It does not require any drawing skills or the purchase of expensive materials. Arm yourself with a small piece of paper and a pen and draw a protective sign on the sheet. Kolovrat, Star of David, pentacle or any other symbol of your choice. The main thing is to be sure that this is a lucky symbol and draw it exactly.
  • From stone. Apply an ancient Slavic sign or runic symbol to its surface (do not forget that you need to use waterproof paint). This could be Fehu, who brings money, Ansuz, who helps deal with the past and increases vitality, or Soulu, who fulfills wishes.
  • Made from wax. To make a talisman, you need to light a candle in a glass filled with water. Dripping from the candle, the wax will create some kind of figure. Hide it in an envelope or bag and don’t show it to anyone.

Amulets made of paper and wax will not last long, so they will have to be replaced more often than others. But the stone can be used until it becomes unusable. As soon as it cracks, get rid of it immediately and replace it with a new one. But don't throw it away! Bury it in the ground, moving away from the house and thank it for how it helped you.

Today we told you about symbols used around the world. Some of them are popular, others are little known, but all can bring happiness if you know how to handle them.

Don’t forget to please your amulets with gratitude, wash them if the material allows, and cleanse them of negativity. And, of course, believe in their strength. After all, without faith in success you will not be able to achieve anything.

Elements of Water - location by zones

Feng Shui water symbols have unusual properties: they can radically change the entire destiny line of each person. Sometimes, we thoughtlessly place an aquarium or a small decorative fountain in a place where, as it seems to us, it looks most impressive and decorates the apartment. But the correct placement of such talismans will turn them into real guardian angels.

For example, if you place Feng Shui water symbols in the north of your home, you will not notice how your success at work will begin to grow every day, your bosses will appreciate your hard work and will provide an increase in pay for your hard work.

The eastern area of ​​the apartment is responsible for the family and relationships in it, therefore, if you are trying to improve your communication with relatives, then place one of these talismans in this place. If you have problems with sufficient financial security, place a small oriental water amulet in the southeast of your home.

About the magical meanings of the Star amulet

An amulet or talisman is an accumulator of the mental energy of the wearer; a magical object serves as protective protection or a conductor of energy to fulfill the plans and intentions of the wearer. So you can briefly determine the meaning of the Star amulet . But, as I said, the Stars are different. Next, we’ll talk separately about each of several of the most famous Star amulets.

Magical objects, in this case the activated Star talisman, can significantly increase the internal strength and potential of their wearer. The magic of a charmed object enhances or neutralizes certain character traits of a person. The Magic Star will provide the wearer with protection and endow him with the necessary physical and spiritual powers; in addition, some witchcraft Stars, such as the Pentacle of Solomon, can also be considered money talismans.

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