Talismans and amulets to attract love and happiness

Love is one of the most beautiful feelings on earth. You can't buy it with money, but you can find it where you don't expect it. He inspires and can rise to the skies, but sometimes he drives you crazy and causes unbearable pain. Everyone dreams of living this, and everyone will experience it. The easiest way to attract love and happiness into your life is to choose a love talisman. A love talisman made with your own hands will become a guide on the path of cherished feelings and will be a faithful defender of happiness.

Why do you need a talisman for love and marriage?

Love talismans will help everyone who believes in them:

  • get rid of loneliness;
  • find and acquire the other half;
  • maintain existing relationships, give passion and direct it on the right path along the path of happiness;
  • protect yourself and your loved ones from evil views, conspiracies, envy, evil;
  • They will give you confidence in yourself and your attractiveness.

When you turn to magic, you need to remember that all your thoughts and desires should be aimed at good, without harming others.

Amulet made of wood

To attract love feelings into life, make a talisman out of wood. You just need to choose a specific tree for this. Choose it according to your horoscope. Or, as a last resort, just take a masculine tree if you are a man, or a feminine tree if you are a woman. Even an ordinary tree branch can become a talisman in a love affair if you put the right spell on it.

On the evening of the waxing moon, take your wooden amulet and say the following words to it:

“Tree of life, tree of love, you are the personification of the race. Help me make sure that I can continue my family line. Help me find a person with whom I would like to put down roots, with whom I would like to be together. Plant strength, power, give me the power of life, the energy of love. Your moment of happiness, my moment of love. With you I will find it, with you nothing is scary. Forward. Find."

Let this branch dry in a secluded place at home. They say that enchanted branches are good to sew into pillows. By the way, a similar spell can be cast on a living tree. To do this, you need to hug the tree and say all of the above. The tree responds very quickly to sincere requests. You will notice that your state, thoughts, feelings regarding relationships with the opposite sex have changed, now there will be more hope and faith in them. This means that you will broadcast other feelings into the world.

Feng Shui to attract love

According to ancient Chinese teaching, everything in the world must have a pair. Loneliness destroys harmony; for us it is unnatural by nature.

The entire Feng Shui space is divided into zones. The southwestern part of the home is responsible for love and the success of marriage. It's best if it's a place where you like to relax, such as a bedroom or living room.

Basic rules for arranging a love zone:

  1. Clean and good lighting. In the southwestern sector, or rather in the entire house, there must be impeccable order: washed windows, clean furniture, curtains, bedspreads, no loose or broken things;
  2. There should be no old or unnecessary items, items or gifts from past relationships, items from deceased people or antiques;
  3. In the love zone, the element of Earth predominates, so it is best to choose a brown color palette. And to strengthen the love sector, add the colors of passion - the element of fire: red and orange. Just don’t overdo it, there should be moderation in everything;
  4. There should be no paintings depicting water, lonely people and predatory animals;
  5. It’s bad to see your reflection in the mirror when you are sleeping or lying on the bed.

Feng Shui talismans to activate the love and marriage sector

  • Paired amulets.
    This can be any item, the main thing is that they are combined: two red candles, two beautiful pillows with hearts, bird figures, for example, a pair of doves, a pair of swans, two dolphins or mandarin ducks - a symbol of eternal love; Mandarin ducks
  • Image of hieroglyphs “love” and “double happiness”;
  • Couple image: Phoenix and Dragon. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, this is the most powerful amulet for lovers. The dragon is a symbol of male energy (Yin), and the Phoenix bird is female (Yang), together they are the ideal combination for a long and happy family life in harmony and love.
  • The mystical knot of happiness is a symbol of boundless love according to Feng Shui. In China they are used to decorate interiors and clothing. You can embroider this symbol on pillows or hang it on your front door. Or you can make it yourself and put it under the mattress.
  • Peony flowers are a symbol of passion for Feng Shui; they help you get rid of complexes and believe in yourself. Hang a picture on the wall or place a vase with fresh flowers in the room, and love will not keep you waiting.

Manufacturing rules

It’s not difficult to make a reliable amulet at home. The main thing is to tune in to creation. Required conditions:

  • positive attitude;
  • good mood;
  • good intentions.

By focusing on emotions, while alone at home, a person imbues the object with vital energy and his own feelings. Anyone offended by the opposite sex will not be able to make an effective talisman. Mystics recommend working through the situation, letting go of the past, forgetting grievances, and only then casting a spell.

Products that attract men's attention are made when the moon is waxing. The night luminary symbolizes the energy of feeling, intimate connection. It enhances the sacred power of the conspiracy.

When making a product, it is important to get the setup right. Mystics recommend not concentrating on the guy you are currently attracted to. They create a collective psychological image of an ideal partner, expanding the boundaries of the effectiveness of the enchanted thing.

The effectiveness of the finished item is determined by the mood of the owner. Slavic gods and subtle energies help only those who sincerely believe in their power.

Hope determines the outcome of the ritual. You should not waste time and effort on making a product if you do not believe in its effectiveness.

Plant power

Flowers are our silent helpers. They not only decorate the interior, but also protect us, helping us find happiness.

The most powerful plants are talismans that attract love and happiness to the house:

  • Spathiphyllum (female happiness) is the most popular flower among women, it helps to find love, get pregnant, regain lost happiness and revive faded feelings;
  • Anthurium or (male happiness) - the flower of true male love, helps to return male strength and passion to relationships;
  • Purple is a symbol of family, it will bring harmony and peace to the family, relieve tension and negativity;
  • Myrtle means “balm”, this evergreen flower is suitable for a successful marriage, it is often given at weddings to young spouses with wishes for the husband to love and the house to be full of peace and happiness.

Activation of love talismans

The most common way to activate amulets for love (and not only) is to call on the help of the 4 elements. For substantive appeal, symbolic personifications of the elements will be required:

  • water (spring, snow or rain, most importantly - of natural origin);
  • candle (fire);
  • salt (earth);
  • incense stick, incense (air).

IMPORTANT! During the entire activation ritual, complete solitude and concentration are required.

In the above order, you need to ensure contact of the amulet being charged with the symbol of each of the elements, while asking for help in fulfilling a specific desire (find your love and happiness, get married, have offspring, etc.).

It should also be remembered that before activation, the amulet needs to be cleansed of foreign energy (especially if it is purchased). To do this, you need to bury it in salt for a day or leave it in a container with spring water.

The power of natural stones

Rose quartz is a powerful talisman of love and marriage. He, like a magnet, attracts love and fills life with meaning. In addition, it has healing energy that can help you get rid of painful love experiences or losses. This stone is actively used by fortune tellers for love rituals. If you are looking for your happiness, pick up this stone and take it with you. It is also perfect for the bedroom: it can be placed on the nightstand or combined in the shape of a heart shape.

Ruby is a symbol of passion, a stone of queens and kings. Charges the owner with passionate mutual love, perfectly protects against the evil eye and envy.

Pale blue turquoise is an excellent talisman for girls, it reveals beauty and femininity, clears negative thoughts and helps attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Moonstone is a female stone with lunar energy, it perfectly heals emotional wounds, helps to find peace, and promotes a long-awaited pregnancy.

Pomegranate is a talisman of love and fidelity; it is like fire, capable of reviving forgotten feelings or opening new ones. Awakens sexuality and excitement in the owner, a sense of respect and tenderness, protects against betrayal.

Carnelian - means a jubilant heart, is associated with the goddess of beauty Venus, and has long been a stone of fertility and true love. In addition, it is used as a strong amulet against evil looks, love spells and damage. It is great for pregnant girls, protects and facilitates childbirth.

Remember that talisman stones are personal items and should not be shared with anyone. Always carry the stone with you, close to your heart - in the form of a pendant or talisman - in your pocket.

Other popular ways to attract love

An amulet for lovers is not the only way to solve relationship problems. There are other, less popular, but still popular methods. Here are some of them.


Surely you have thought about paired tattoos for lovers. Like a name swap where the guy gets the girl's name and the girl gets his name tattooed. Yes, this is practiced quite often. But many believe that such an exchange of tattoos is a manifestation of a lack of imagination. And some are afraid to do this, because you can always break up with your chosen one, but the tattoo will remain for life.

If you are also not happy with this idea, think about a different type of tattoo. A symbolic image of a man and a woman, two united hearts, a tattoo in the form of rings, doves or cats curled up as a heart - the choice is yours. The main thing is that the images are paired


Among the unusual love talismans are runes. We are used to thinking of them as a way to predict the future, but ancient icons can also act as amulets. Runes can help in fighting diseases, making money and, of course, attracting love.

Which runes to take:

  • hebo is a symbol of the unification of male and female energy;
  • laguz - personifies purity, tenderness, helps to develop femininity;
  • otal - useful in critical situations (quarrels, divorce) - will help return everything to normal;
  • Inguz - this rune should be used by men, as it symbolizes male sexuality, as if attracting women like a magnet.

The main thing here is that the image is applied correctly. Errors in the design can lead to very serious consequences, and your talisman will turn into a source of trouble. So, it’s better to buy runes at.

There are no restrictions on the use of runes. Carry runic dies with you or draw runes on a piece of paper. It is not the method that is important, but your belief in the power of the talisman to attract love.

Amulet of Marilyn Kerro

Another popular amulet that attracts love is the talisman from Marilyn Kerro, an Estonian witch and participant in the popular TV show “Battle of Psychics.” Externally, it looks like a silver pendant - a triskelion, decorated with Celtic weaves and inlaid with red rubies.

Fans of the witch usually do not even realize that the basis for the accessory was a symbol known in many ancient cultures, including the Celts. The triskelion itself has nothing to do with love affairs; rubies give it the ability to influence them.

The help of ancient amulets to strengthen love

In all centuries, people of different cultures have used the magic of objects, talismans, amulets and amulets. Passing on their knowledge to their descendants, they tried to preserve the most precious and secret things. Solving them has become very important today.

Let's look at the most popular pendants that came from antiquity for love and happiness.

Amulet “Faith Hope Love”

Faith, Hope, Love: three main symbols in life, three main Christian names, three sisters. This is a very strong Christian amulet: the three names of virtues contain great power that protects from temptation, gives strength of spirit and boundless love and faith in God.

The amulet consists of three symbols:

  1. The heart is a symbol of love that conquers all;
  2. An anchor is a symbol of hope, a bright future, an unchanging talisman of a safe return home for all conquerors of the seas;
  3. The cross is a symbol of faith in God.

Charm of Faith, Hope, Love

This talisman is suitable for everyone who wants to love and be happy; it will help achieve success in all areas of life. With its help, the most important feeling on earth will enter your life: love.

It is better to wear a love charm in the form of a medallion on the chest, closer to the heart.

Amulet of Venus

Venus, the ancient Roman goddess of fertility and beauty, has always personified the true beauty and love of a woman. Everyone who wanted family happiness, love for each other and children turned to her.

Venus Talisman

It was also believed that it endows people with the ability to seduce, oratory and the ability to control people.

The Venus talisman or the talisman of love is a female attribute of happiness; it will protect the beautiful hostess from black magic and give beauty and attractiveness.

There is a belief that if this talisman is placed in an enemy’s drink, then this person will turn into the most faithful friend for life. And if you give the amulet to the desired man or woman, he will soon become your husband or wife.

Aphrodite flower - a symbol of female happiness

Amulet Flower of Aphrodite

The amulet came to us from Ancient Greece, where the goddess of love Aphrodite was worshiped. It looks like a flower with six petals. The number 6 means balance, harmony, ideal union. Each petal of its beautiful beloved gives itself what is important for a woman: beauty, sexuality, health, kindness, tenderness and love.

Dancing Goddess Shakti - an amulet from ancient India

Shakti is the wife of Shiva, personifies divine feminine energy, harmony in the family and throughout the world. This talisman transforms a woman, teaches her to love and feel like a partner.

Yin Yang

- an eastern symbol, symbolizes the harmony of the feminine and masculine principles.

Will help you achieve harmony in all areas of life. It protects marriages from quarrels and jealous people and helps single people find happiness.

Types of amulets

Various amulets can help you meet your destiny. Everyone can easily name a couple of dozen symbols of love, because there are many varieties of magical attributes of this bright feeling.

White doves are a symbol of love.

Making an amulet for love is a fascinating and creative process that everyone can approach individually. So. What can become a symbol and magnet of happy and pure love:

  • paired amulets (rings, animal figures, symbols);
  • figurines or images of birds, fish, animals, plants;
  • angels, especially handmade ones;
  • hearts;
  • stones with magical properties;
  • dried plants;
  • dolls;
  • embroidery on clothes, bedding, interior items.

Feng Shui

Many people know that arrangement according to Feng Shui can bring prosperity, harmony, love and health to the home, but few people use this teaching.

To maintain love and harmony in the family, it is important to have a cozy corner for two.

Ancient Chinese philosophy is based on the influence of space on human life. This takes into account convenience, colors, lighting, interior and other factors affecting comfort.

Feng Shui suggests selecting a specific place in the house for two and arranging it so that the flows of energy that attract love and tenderness are as free as possible and, if possible, enhanced.

In the zone of romantic relationships, you can add talismans and amulets that attract love, harmonize relationships, and reveal the desire of partners to understand each other. How to decorate the room, choose according to your wishes.

The color scheme also has its meaning. Shades of brown, orange and red are good for romance and enhancing love energy.

To harmonize family relationships and attract love, it is important to keep your home, clothes and thoughts clean.


According to Feng Shui, figurines of birds, dolphins, and animals can become an amulet of love. The main feature of magic figurines is pairing; the material of manufacture plays a secondary role. The main thing is that there is a couple.

in addition to various figurines, you can use incense, candles, aromatic herbs aimed at increasing comfort, enhancing feelings, and harmonizing relationships. liberation and reduction of constraint.

If there is no soulmate yet, it is important to find a place for your destiny and conditionally allocate it in the house.


Many semi-precious and precious stones have magical powers that can attract good luck, tranquility, harmony in relationships, and prosperity into life. There are also stones that protect against the negative influence of damage, conspiracies, curses and the evil eye. Some minerals influence the human condition: improve health, increase confidence, help develop or reveal a natural gift.

Anyone can make a talisman with a magic stone; you can use it when making jewelry or weave it into a certain image, for example a tree, or you can simply leave it unprocessed, maintaining its original appearance. Which love stone to choose depends on several aspects:

  • purpose of the talisman;
  • a form of amulet to be worn on the body or used in the interior;
  • personal preferences.


A stone that has magical powers to protect against negativity and attract love is turquoise.

Turquoise is used to make amulets for love and marriage.

As a love amulet, choose a stone of a blue or light blue hue; green does not have love magic.

How a decoration or amulet made using turquoise will help:

  • strengthens relationships within an established couple;
  • creates an aura that attracts a soul mate for single people;
  • protects against the evil eye;
  • reflects curses;
  • destroys the “crown of celibacy” - the generational curse of loneliness.

Important. If the stone begins to deteriorate, it should be replaced with a new one. The destruction of turquoise occurs under the influence of negative energy that the stone destroys. If the magical power of the amulet comes to an end, it begins to collapse or is lost. Thank the amulet for its service and bury it in the ground or water



Green emerald represents fidelity, devotion, purity and harmony of relationships. Suitable for couples.

An amulet with an emerald helps strengthen the sacred union of a man and a woman where there will never be a place for betrayal or betrayal in their lives.

Often used in making jewelry.


Many people consider garnet to be a stone of love and passion. This mineral is suitable for young people to attract a soul mate or for married couples who want to rekindle the extinguished fire of passion.

This mineral enhances passion, refreshes the senses, and looks great in jewelry.

Pomegranate is most suitable for people belonging to the zodiac signs of Taurus or Aquarius.


A bright ruby, like a garnet, ignites the flame of passion in the hearts of lovers; it is suitable for the signs of the element of fire: Leo, Sagittarius and Aries.

Ruby attracts a reliable partner who wants to create a strong family into the life of a single person.



Amethyst stone is suitable for young girls to overcome shyness and embarrassment. It will attract pure and bright love into the life of a lonely girl, and with it the harmony of family life, prosperity and good luck.

Topaz and jade

The magic of topaz and jade stones is designed to strengthen the already existing union between husband and wife. A talisman using these stones will be useful to people whose relationships have become neutral or have cracked for the revival of love and tenderness.

Carnelian and sapphire


Carnelian and sapphire have significant power to attract love. Making a talisman using these minerals will have the following effect:

  • family relationships will become more harmonious, respectful and gentle;
  • quarrels and betrayals will be avoided;
  • luck will come knocking on the house, and with it your material fortune will strengthen;
  • mental and physical health will become stronger for both spouses;
  • Vivid feelings between spouses will last for a long time.

In addition to attracting love, sapphire and carnelian have protective power against the influence of negative energy on


person. Negative energy includes the evil eye, damage, curses, words spoken at a moment of anger or resentment, slander, love spells and other actions aimed at reducing a person’s willpower and imposing their love on him.

This is interesting. The best amulet against litter and scandals is trust and the ability to talk with your other half. All omissions, deceptions, and unexpressed grievances bring destruction to relationships.


In addition to the listed stones, love can be attracted by a mineral selected in accordance with the zodiac sign. The most common stones that have the magic of attracting love: crystal, rose quartz, jasper, hematite, jade, pearls. This is not a complete list of stones aimed at love.

House plants

Plants have their own energy and are able to attract happiness, prosperity, love and success into the home. Which plants to choose depends on the purpose. Some plants will attract love into life, others will help establish harmonious relationships within the family, others are aimed at enhancing passion, and others are designed to smooth out the rough edges of the character of one of the spouses. The choice of plant depends on the purpose and aesthetic preferences. Let's look at a few examples of indoor plants that can actually improve marital status and attract much more love.



A flower representing harmony, wisdom and fidelity in a family union. Attracts happiness to the home. Harmony, favors the birth of children. For single people it is an assistant in finding family happiness.



Peace, love and harmony reign in a house where there is myrtle among the indoor plants. Suitable for a gift to a young couple as a wish for a harmonious and long relationship. The power of myrtle grows when you express gratitude to it.



The aichrizon plant in appearance resembles a small tree and is an excellent talisman for the family hearth; people can hear such names as “Tree of Love” or “Tree of Happiness.”

Represents comfort, well-being and peace, and is an excellent housewarming gift.


Usambara violet

Uzambara violet has been known since ancient times as a talisman of love. Increases wealth, well-being, and brings a sense of celebration and joy into the atmosphere of the home.

Violet is a rather capricious plant in terms of the atmosphere in the house. Where harmony reigns, it flourishes and increases happiness; where there are quarrels and irritation, it fades.


The houseplant “anthurium” is a purely male amulet; it increases potency, desire, and attractiveness for women.

If the anthurium began to fade, this may indicate the husband’s infidelity.

The flower “male happiness” will be useful for married couples to maintain the fire of love and harmony in relationships. Another popular name is “male fidelity.”


Chinese rose enhances the feelings of lovers, strengthens family ties, enhances passion and attraction between spouses.

It will also be useful for single girls, it improves well-being, increases attractiveness and femininity. Among other things, hibiscus gives strength, confidence and promotes the development of creative potential, which has a beneficial effect on family life and the creation of comfort in the home.

Whatever plant you choose as a talisman to attract love, it is important to properly care for it, take care of the flower and give positive emotions. In a house where scandals, laziness, depression and apathy are frequent, negative energy accumulates and is absorbed by plants.

If you want the plant to radiate light and healing energy, create a similar atmosphere in your home.

Slavic symbols of love

Lunnitsa is an exclusively female love amulet, helps to find long-awaited love and maintain a strong marriage, quickly get pregnant and safely give birth to a child.

Lunnitsa amulet

Ladinets is a female amulet that reveals the feminine principle. The Slavs gave it to their daughters from the age of three to protect them from evil and the evil eye; in addition, it gave beauty and protected health.

Guardian Ladinets

Makosh is a symbol of the Slavic goddess Mokosh.

Makosh is the great mother of the earth, who gave birth to all living beings and guarded the happiness of the family. This amulet is suitable for any girl, it helps:

  • Find and keep love;
  • Experience the happiness of motherhood, give birth and give birth to a child;
  • Attract prosperity.
    Amulet of Makosha

Love talisman with orange (marriage ritual)

The talisman will help you choose your person and find true happiness.

In addition to the orange, you will need a few more ingredients:

  • a few sprigs of cloves
  • 20 g each of ginger, cinnamon and coriander
  • 10 g crushed orris root
  • clean bowl and 7 candles (must be pink)

Using visualization, imagine that in an orange fruit (pick a beautiful and healthy fruit) your love lives - sincere, eternal, real. Take cinnamon and sprinkle it on the fruit - form a small heart. Then use the remaining ingredients (mix them in a separate container). Place an orange in them. Cover its entire surface with spices. Next, place the lit candles around the container. Say: “The candles burn brightly and set my heart on fire. They give warmth and strength to my protector. Amen".

When the ritual is completed, tie the fruit with seven pink ribbons. Select a place for the amulet close to the bed.

Runes to attract love

Runes are symbols of the ancient Scandinavian alphabet. Each rune has its own name and meaning. Runic writing was also popular in Rus'. The Slavs believed that runes had powerful powers and used them in all areas of life.

Combination of runes to attract love

  • rune MANNAZ - helps to fulfill a desire, preserve previously acquired feelings;
  • rune GEBO - means “gift”, helps to meet love, enhances feelings, passion, attraction;
  • the URUZ rune is a rune of strength; it will strengthen the spirit of men, give them energy, and reveal sexuality and attractiveness to women. Helps to win friendship and love;
  • rune FEHU - success in everything, stable and faithful relationships, prosperous and long family life.

Self-esteem as the basis of happiness

You can make a strong amulet or amulets with your own hands, insert or weave magic stones into it, put signs of runes or names on them, charge them with the energy of ancient conspiracies or perform powerful rituals, but without what will you not be able to achieve your plans? Without self-respect and self-love. Do you want the amulet to help you? Any amulet that attracts attention will not work if you do not know your true worth.

Be sure to take care of yourself, wear bright colorful clothes and stylish trinkets, act as if you already have happiness and good luck. This will create a strong aura around you, which, combined with powerful amulets and amulets, will attract the man of your dreams to you in the shortest possible time!

DIY love amulet

The most powerful are amulets and talismans made by hand. They are original, made by a specific person and belong only to him. Making an amulet is not difficult. As you work, you should definitely think about what results you want to achieve with its help.

Useful tips on how to make a love amulet

  1. Create your amulet in a good mood, spiritually and physically healthy;
  2. Think over your wishes in advance and express them during the production process, the main thing is that your thoughts are aimed at good;
  3. The ceremony is best performed in the morning when the moon is waxing. You should be alone, turn off your mobile phone so that nothing interferes with your privacy;
  4. Don't tell anyone, don't give away your amulet and don't take someone else's;
  5. Belief in the power of the talisman is the main attribute of the production process;

Amulet for attracting love from an apple: video

Scroll of Wishes

This is the easiest way to make an amulet to attract love and happiness to your home.

On the waxing Moon, take a small piece of paper and write on it your wishes in the present tense without the particle “not” and the phrase “I want”. Desires must be real, concern only you and do not harm either you or others.

For example: “I thank the Universe for the love and happiness it has given me. I am happy and loved by the best man!”

Describe all your feelings of joy and happiness! Next, roll the sheet into a tube and tie it with a red ribbon or thread. The finished parchment must be hidden from view, placed under the mattress or in the southwestern part of your room. And may this activity seem useless to you, but before you hesitate, try it!

How does the amulet work?

It all starts with an attitude.
Everything in the world happens thanks to the influence of a special biofield that is created in the universe. We are all connected to the fabric of the world and involuntarily send impulses there, to which the response will be different events. For example, if a person is depressed for a long time, he will definitely get sick.

Why is it so important to create amulets with your own hands?

When working on a talisman, one concentrates on positive emotions and feelings, creating an image of a happy life. These impulses influence the human biofield “aura”, which helps to attract certain events or phenomena into life.

Of course, making a talisman and staying within your home, excluding all contacts with people, and hoping that love will come into your life is stupid. Although there have been such cases. The guardian must be helped by his actions. Mainly, you should be internally prepared for changes, communication, acquaintances, and starting a family. When a person is mentally ready, the amulet will push events in such a way that the wish comes true.

The talisman for love acts as a beckoning attractant to the other half who is also attuned to the same relationship as you.

Amulet of Marilyn Kerro

It is called the amulet of absolute love.
The well-known psychic Marilyn Kerro was able to attract her lover, who was a powerful magician. Even he could not resist the magical powers. These talismans are made individually for everyone. They use rare metal and embedded garnet. This tandem is a strong protection against love spells and the evil eye, it also energizes and relieves many fears.

In addition, the talisman helps:

  • increase your confidence;
  • increase your sexuality;
  • recharge your batteries with strength and energy;
  • improve relationships with other people;
  • find a loved one.

For the amulet to truly bring good luck, you must carry it with you all the time. And very quickly good luck comes to the owner of such a thing. But, this cute product should not be picked up by people other than the owner, otherwise it loses its power.

An amulet from Marilyn Kerro secludes the physical and spiritual state of a person, and attracts the necessary personalities and events into the life of its owner.

It is impossible to buy an amulet that attracts love in a regular store; this can only be done on the official website. By the way, it must be added that this Amulet of Love received only positive reviews from consumers.

How to make a love knot yourself - instructions with activation

To attract love, you can weave a love knot. Suitable time for making: on the full moon or during the growing month, on Monday or Friday. Work progress:

  1. Take a red cord. Place the middle of the cord at the top, and take each end in your hand and place it near you.
  2. Place the left tip (hereinafter “A”) on top of the right half (“B”), holding it in the middle to form a “corner”.
  3. Stretch edge “B” over “A” and bring it under the left thread. Also hold the middle.
  4. Place the tip of “A” under the central thread and place it on top of the left side. Do not tighten it all the way, leaving a “loop” on the right.
  5. Bring the same edge under the left side of the thread and pull it over the entire structure.
  6. Pull the tip “A” under the right side and leave it on top of the “loop”.
  7. Pull slowly until the knot is formed evenly.
  8. Place a clasp on the ends or tie them together.

The resulting node must be activated. You need to put it on the windowsill overnight so that the talisman gains lunar energy. In the morning you should take the amulet in your hands, tell it your wishes and ask for help.

Tattoos for finding love

Esotericists note that the closer the amulet is to the human body, the more efficiently it works and the faster it tunes into the owner. In this regard, a tattoo is considered one of the most effective means of attracting love, because... she is in direct constant contact with the owner. The most suitable places for applying such symbols are:

  • ankle;
  • the area behind the ear or below the hairline on the neck;
  • forearm;
  • area around the collarbone.

One of the most popular tattoo options that attract a bright feeling is the word “love” and an image of a heart. Also for this purpose can be used:

  1. A pair of animals or birds. For example, pigeons, ducks, elephants, etc.
  2. Martin.
  3. Hieroglyph “love”, “happiness”.
  4. Angel.
  5. Horseshoe or clover.
  6. Infinity sign.
  7. Rose, lily.
  8. Runes of love.
  9. Ladybug.
  10. Love knot.

What runes help in love and how to use them

The Scandinavian and Germanic tribes of northern Europe used runes - special pictographic symbols - to display the forces of nature and deities. These signs were used to communicate with the elements, attracting their forces and power.

Runes also help in resolving love issues - they enhance the attractiveness of the owner, preserve the family, allow the birth of a long-awaited child, and strengthen feelings.

To use Scandinavian symbols, you need to make an amulet with their image. You can engrave a rune on a metal pendant on a bracelet, pendant, brooch, emboss on leather parts of a talisman, or embroider on clothes. It will also be effective to carry a small wooden sign with a sign, or secure it in the bedroom or living room.

The following runes are used as a love amulet:

  • Berkana . Its meaning is family and birth. Using the rune will give impetus to the beginning of new relationships, bring happiness to existing ones and help those who are planning the event to safely give birth to a child. A letter image on a piece of furniture will allow you to turn an ordinary living space into a “home where the heart will remain.”
  • Feu . The sign will help those who are experiencing difficulties in relationships and are trying to overcome them.
  • Turisaz . An amulet with such a symbol will attract an unexpected meeting, which can become fateful. She also protects existing relationships.
  • Kano . The rune helps attract the opposite sex, helps start new relationships, and also have a child. Usually symbolizes a man, and is recommended for wearing by members of the stronger sex.
  • Gebo . Symbol of partnership, gift. Suitable for those who are in existing relationships, helps to move to a new stage in the form of marriage, resolve family conflicts or protect them from them.
  • Teyvaz . The rune of success under any conditions, masculinity, passion. It will give emotions, help achieve reciprocity, and start a new romance.
  • Inguz . Gives a happy ending to what was started, relieves family quarrels, anxieties, and promotes conception.
  • Vunyo . The rune of joy, which attracts positive changes and good luck. In the love sphere, it gives deep and lasting relationships.
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