Swarovski cubic zirconia or Swarovski crystals: what to choose?
There is a whole category of inserts in jewelry that do not fall under the usual classifications of stones
Green agate: properties of the stone, who it suits according to their zodiac sign, talismans and amulets
Green agate: properties of the stone, who it suits according to their zodiac sign, talismans and amulets
Agate can come in several shades of green, including pale green, lime green, and dark green. In his
Jewelry scales
9 important tips on how to hand over gold to a pawnshop without returning it
Financial difficulties in the family associated with a lack of money encourage people to turn to pawn shops in order to
Jewelry business: How to open a jewelry workshop. Business plan for a jewelry workshop
Despite a slight decline in the growth rate of the jewelry market, jewelry continues to be in demand and
Let's choose 375! Jewelry with benefits: all the pros and cons of 375 gold products
The most popular among buyers are jewelry made of 375 and 585 gold. IN
armored weaving
Armored chain weaving: features and advantages
A gold chain is a piece of jewelry that shows a person’s wealth and style. But
Blue amber
HTML colors, color codes - their descriptions and names in Russian and English
History of VIA "Gems": early years, albums, photos and facts
Gems are a wide group of natural stones, predominantly of a crystalline nature. There are about 4 thousand in the world
blue diamond
Blue diamond is a real luxury for the rich and fearless
Blue diamond is a rare and quite valuable stone. Percentage of blue crystals
Emerald stone
Emerald stone: properties and who is suitable according to zodiac sign
Emerald is a stone that can be more valuable than diamonds. This is not a myth or an exaggeration.
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