A high-quality emerald can be more expensive than real diamonds. These are not legends at all, and beautiful stones of rich green color can indeed be very expensive. But along with natural crystals, the market also offers completely mythical stones at the price of real emeralds. These include red and black emerald. By calling other minerals, beautiful in themselves, after the name of a precious stone, traders are trying to profitably sell their goods.
High-quality emerald can be more expensive than real diamonds
History and origin of the stone
Emerald stone is a subtype of beryl, colored by molecules of chromium and vanadium. The saturation and tonality of the color is determined by the proportion of impurities. The mineral is of hydrothermal origin and is rare; You can often tell where it was mined by its appearance. The name of the gem reflects its color: “emerald” in Greek means green stone.
Archaeologists have found that four millennia BC, the Babylonians were already trading in green gems. It is known that ancient Egypt attached great importance to jewelry. Two thousand years before the current era, the Egyptians were already developing deep mines - hundreds of people worked in complete darkness in mines at a depth of 200 meters. Since then, it is generally accepted that the stone symbolizes the night and does not like daylight and the sun. He personified Isis, symbolized eternal youth and beauty, and was suitable only for noble persons. Emerald placers were found in the tombs - the Egyptian aristocracy took their favorite gems with them to another world. The most famous deposits - Cleopatra's mines - were located near the city of Asuna. For many centuries, stories about them were considered myths, but in 1818 they were rediscovered.
The ancient Egyptians knew the mineral
The green mineral was loved by the rulers of India. Thus, Sultan Shah Jahan, who built the Taj Mahal, wore the gem as a talisman. The best carvers of that time engraved sacred texts on his amulets.
Jews, Persians, and Turks knew what emerald (emerald) looked like. This is shown by the name of the stone: the original root is in Hebrew, from where the word passed into Persian and Turkish, and only from there into Russian. Linguists believe that the Semitic root is related to the Sanskrit word "marakata", from which the name "smaragd" was derived, later transformed into "esmeralda".
Jewelry beryls and emeralds were valued under Pliny and Tophrastus. Pliny mentioned the ring of Polycrates, inlaid with a green stone. At that time, the gem was considered a powerful talisman that protected against the bites of poisonous animals. Looking at the green value was believed to kill the poisonous snake. The chronicles tell about Nero's gem, which the owner used as a monocle while watching gladiator fights.
In Islam, green is a symbol of religion, so the stone has long had a good reputation. In Christianity, he is attributed to Satanic origin - allegedly he fell from the helmet of a fallen angel during his expulsion from Heaven. They believed that emerald tablets were engraved with formulas for transforming metals into gold, and that the Holy Grail was created from the rock. In Central Asia they thought that the stone strengthens the spirit and heart, protects against pestilence and evil magic. In Russia, the gem was associated with composure.
The stone was associated with Lucifer
The South American variety in world history appeared in 1525, when Pizarro and Almagro organized the first expedition to Colombia. It was they who noticed that the local population was offering bundles of small beautiful beads for exchange, which on closer inspection turned out to be emeralds and chalcedony.
Emeralds appeared in abundance in Pizarro's descriptions of war booty. For the King of the Incas, he received a huge amount of gold and silver items, inlaid with green gems and other expensive rocks. Even part of his booty, once in Santo Domingo, made an indelible impression on the public. In 1534, Pizarro obtained treasures in Cusco - gold items decorated with emeralds.
Natural jewelry is of geothermal origin. The gem sometimes appears at exocontacts of pegmatites; more often it is formed due to the interaction of acidic magma and ultramafic rocks. Geologists associate the deposits with areas of greisenization, phlogopite mica, where ultramafic rocks are transformed into complex ones, often with veins of valuable ores.
The highest quality gemstones are found in hydrothermal veins in carbonaceous shales. In Colombia, the stones form in low-temperature carbonate veins in bituminous limestone deposits.
Rock formation conditions are rare
What is the difference between a natural emerald and a fake?
Today, instead of real stone, you can buy an artificial variety. It is produced using growing technology invented by the Germans in 1935. Counterfeits are often made from cheaper minerals. The latter include tourmaline and chrysolite. To identify an imitation, when buying an emerald in a store, you need to pay attention to such signs as:
- color. Natural gems are colored green. Its intensity varies from yellowish and bluish to the shade of luscious young foliage. You should be wary if the stone is excessively shiny. A significant cause for concern is if the color of the emerald is too light. The latter indicates that beryl was used instead of the specified mineral;
- reaction to light. Under the influence of this factor, a fake will sparkle with brown and yellow highlights, a real stone will not change its shade;
- cut. Emeralds have clear, sharp and geometrically regular edges;
- presence of inclusions and cracks. Minor internal defects are an indicator that the stone is of natural origin;
- weight. The imitation usually weighs less than the real nugget.
Emerald is a stone that is resistant to external influences. However, it is quite fragile and needs careful use. The gem may be damaged by the influence of cosmetics and household chemicals, so the jewelry must be removed when cleaning and applying makeup. To clean it, use a soft cloth and warm soapy water. The use of aggressive chemical compounds is strictly prohibited.
The products, having previously been wrapped, are placed in cells whose walls are lined with velvet fabric. Harder stones, particularly diamonds, should be kept separately. The room where gems are stored should be cool. To extend the life of precious jewelry, it is necessary to regularly restore the protective oil layer. Knowing these nuances, the owner will be able to wear his favorite talisman for a long period of time.
Physical and chemical properties
Properties of the emerald gemstone:
- green, yellow-green color;
- white line;
- glass-like shine;
- transparency, translucency;
- hardness up to 8 units;
- density up to 2.78 units;
- hexagonal system;
- imperfect cleavage;
- conchoidity of the fracture.
Formula Be3Al2Si6O18.
Emerald is a transparent beryl of a grassy color caused by impurities of chromium, vanadium, and iron. The stone fades when heated above 700 degrees, but firmly resists the effects of chemically active substances.
Most natural gems are characterized by a network of fine cracks, due to the high fragility of the rock.
Emerald belongs to the beryl group
Place of extraction
Jewelry emeralds are rare. The main share comes from Colombian deposits, New Granada, and Brazil. Many stones are found in Zambia and Egypt. Relatively low-quality stones can be obtained near Salzburg, in the Irish Mourne Mountains, near the Norwegian Lake Mjoesen.
Emerald deposits are known in Russia, North America, Kazakhstan, and Namibia. The stone is found in Madagascar and South Africa, in German, Bulgarian, Italian, and Spanish mines, but only in small quantities.
Leader in gem mining - Colombia
Colombian deposits account for 50-95% of world production. During the first decade of this century, the volume of gems mined in Colombia increased by 78%.
Some of the best emeralds are Zambian. The largest deposit is Kagem. Thanks to him, the country occupies second position in the world ranking of rock production. Brazilian minerals are distinguished by their lightness and purity. The largest emerald in the world, Theodora, weighing 57,500 carats, was found here. Afghan stones are the densest, brightest and purest, hardest and relatively simple to cut. In Russia, stones are mined in the Urals. These crystals are large in size.
Varieties and colors
Enchanting, magical, bewitching - this is how connoisseurs describe emerald. A large category includes subspecies of the gemstone. The generally accepted classification by deposits is:
- Zambian - with a blue tint;
- Brazilian – yellow-green;
- Russian - opaque, interspersed with mica;
- Colombian - herbaceous;
- trapiche - reminiscent of snowflakes, rings, flowers;
- Zimbabwean - with yellow inclusions;
- South African - cloudy light.
The main color of the mineral is green. Shades range from light honey, yellowish through herbaceous to rich bluish, dark green tones. Coloring is often the first sign by which appraisers determine where a specimen was obtained.
The type of stone depends on the place of origin
Artificial emerald
Artificial stones are similar in appearance to natural stones, but refract light much worse. They are usually colored rich green with a blue tint, resembling a rare Colombian variety. When using the Chelsea filter, stones are perceived as bright red (much redder than natural specimens).
The production of artificial emerald is an industrially established process. A synthetic specimen does not have magical or healing properties, but in terms of decorative features, coloring, and performance characteristics, it is superior to a stone of natural origin.
The details of creating an emerald in the laboratory are a closely guarded secret.
The first synthetic crystals were created in Germany in 1935, although experiments began to be carried out in the second half of the 19th century. Since 1940, the process has been launched in the USA. Currently, synthetic specimens are also produced in France, Russia, and Belarus. The largest enterprise is the Russian-Thai company Tairus, specializing in specimens identical in composition to natural Colombian ones. Crystals weighing hundreds of carats are created in laboratories. The flux method, platinum crucible, and natural emerald seed are used.
Synthetic stones are used in the jewelry industry. Small quantities of crystals are needed to construct solid-state lasers. The stones are used in quantum electronics.
What is the "emerald garden"?
Some varieties of gemstones (Colombian, Tanzanian, Indian emeralds) contain inclusions of liquid, air or salt crystals of quite large size. They are usually visible to the naked eye. A network of small cracks may also form inside the crystal. The value of the stone is noticeably reduced due to such defects, but very few pure stones are found, and varieties with such inclusions are very common.
To avoid overstocking and falling prices for emeralds, jewelers use a simple marketing technique. In low-grade stones, defects are presented as advantages, they come up with a poetic name and sell the minerals, although inexpensively, but in large quantities. In this case, the name was suggested by the color: an emerald with flaws in the light resembles the interweaving of branches and green leaves.
Do not mistake stones with inclusions for fakes. This is most often a real natural emerald. An artificially grown crystal usually has a completely transparent mass, rich color and an ideal surface.
Medicinal properties
According to lithotherapy emerald:
- Rejuvenates. The crystal is full of positive energy, eliminates age-related changes, improves health, and neutralizes negativity. It even helps as a home decoration - you don’t have to wear it on yourself.
- Improves visual acuity. To relax your eyes, look at the crystal for 2-5 minutes. If it is necessary to relieve inflammation, place the crystal in a container of water overnight and rinse the eyes with the liquid in the morning. For eye diseases, apply the stone to the eyelids every day for a third of an hour.
- Promotes good sleep. To better rest, look at the mineral for 5-10 minutes every evening. This eliminates insomnia, helps you wake up refreshed, and drives away nightmares.
- Treats skin, inflammatory, heart diseases, liver pathologies, diabetes. Unprocessed specimens and jewelry containing jewelry are used to prevent or treat disease.
- Prevents epileptic attacks. The most effective pendant.
- Stabilizes the psyche. The stone gives peace of mind, relaxes, calms, gives emotional balance, and drives away constant fatigue.
- Relieves heat, accelerates regeneration in case of burns.
- Improves the condition of the bladder and urinary tract.
Medicine stone
The stone is characterized by strong positive energy Qi.
It is believed that the jewel drives away headaches, relieves psoriasis, night blindness, and cough. Jewelry with a green gem enhances the effectiveness of the therapeutic course.
The magic of the green gem
Like many precious stones, green emerald in Rus' was known under a completely different name. The modern name, borrowed from Arabic and Turkish, comes from the Greek word “smaragdos”. And it is emeralds that are mentioned in the chronicles where green precious stones are discussed. In the Romance languages, the Greek word also changed, and emeralds are still called “esmerald”.
Both the precious emerald and the zumurut mentioned in Avicenna’s treatises, and the green stones beloved by the Mayans and Incas, which the conquistadors identified as esmerald, are one and the same mineral, currently known as emerald. The magical properties that are attributed to it have been used to solve problems since ancient times.
In European medieval magic, emerald is a symbol of chastity and motherhood. The description of the stone notes its special properties: to cleanse, help fight one’s own shortcomings, produce noble impulses and radiate a positive mood. Since ancient times, emerald stone has been considered a protector against the evil spells and thoughts of others, against despondency and short-sighted actions. It is believed that the magical properties of the emerald stone increase if it was inherited from previous generations.
This is a wonderful amulet for young mothers: emerald and its varieties can be given to your spouse after the birth of your first child. Jewelry with inserts made of processed stones will give a woman peace of mind and satisfaction with her new position. The protection of the crystal also extends to the child: he will not be jinxed, he will sleep more peacefully at night and suffer less from various childhood diseases.
Emerald in lithotherapy
Modern healers especially highlight the healing properties of emerald. Traditionally, contemplation of the green depth of the crystal was recommended for the treatment of eye diseases. Currently, it is believed that any type of emerald can relieve tension in the organ of vision.
The precious green crystal is also credited with the ability to calm the nervous system and neutralize the manifestations of chronic fatigue syndrome. Cleansing and antiseptic properties are also noted: it is believed that there are no bacteria in water infused with the gem. It can be used to wash your face for acne and skin irritations, and to wash poorly healing wounds.
The Egyptian queen Cleopatra, whose beauty amazed her contemporaries, greatly valued the emerald: its value as an amulet that prolongs youth was incredibly important to her. But it is still believed that constantly wearing jewelry with a gem rejuvenates and gives vitality. In practice, improvements in metabolism and normalization of the functioning of the entire body have been noted.
Magical properties of emerald (video)
Combination with zodiac signs
The magical properties of emerald allow not everyone to wear it. Regardless of who the gem is suitable for according to the horoscope, dishonest people who are at odds with their own conscience will not be able to wear jewelry with it. The inserts will split, the item will be lost, and, like many precious stones, the emerald will not help its owner.
But when choosing a piece of jewelry, you need to take into account which zodiac sign the emerald suits. This will help to avoid problems that arise when there is a discrepancy in the influence that crystals have on the life and destiny of their owners.
Ideal companions would be emerald and the zodiac sign - Virgo. People born between August 21 and September 20 often have a pessimistic outlook on life. A product that contains Ural emeralds will help them treat their surroundings with great confidence and give them the ability to enjoy every moment of their existence.
For courageous Sagittarius, the magical mineral emerald will help them get rid of the desire to surpass others and make them calmer. But most of all it will be useful to Gemini: the importance of the emerald stone for them lies in its ability to give wisdom and composure. Impressionable, insecure representatives of this sign will be able to gain sober thinking and a philosophical attitude towards any situations in life. It will be easier for single people to find a partner, and married people will be able to trust their partner more.
Cancers, Pisces and Scorpios are also among those who are suitable for jewelry containing magic crystals. They equally need endurance and ease in relationships with others. Despite the difference in potential, both the hot-tempered Scorpio and the modest Cancer are signs corresponding to the element of Water. It is her receptivity and ability to change shape that makes those born under these constellations so sensitive to external influences. The ability of a coldish crystal to protect from external negativity was noticed in ancient times and can help the signs of the Water trine.
The magical properties of emerald allow not everyone to wear it
Representatives of other zodiac signs are better off not wearing emerald jewelry too often. While helping in some situations, they may well harm in others. The criterion for choosing a gem as an amulet or talisman that attracts wealth should be the expected events themselves: at a business meeting related to financing their enterprise or obtaining a loan, such jewelry will be very useful.
It is best to purchase gems and jewelry with them from trustworthy large jewelry companies. Experts will provide full information about where the emeralds of the presented group are mined, if necessary, conduct an examination and provide confirmation of the authenticity of the crystal.
When buying jewelry in random places, you should remember that the characteristic of emerald marks the green color of different shades as the only possible one. Dark, rich colors increase the value of the stone, but completely black emerald does not exist in nature. Careful attention to the choice of crystals will greatly reduce the risk of disappointment in the purchase.
Magic properties
Emerald has been used as a magical stone for a long time. Esotericists believe that someone who meditates on a crystal sees the future, opens the way to the astral plane, and establishes a connection with the souls of the deceased. The stone gets rid of bad traits: laziness, the tendency to steal, deceit. While in the house, it protects the home and cleanses the aura of negativity.
Emerald is the stone of sailors and mothers. It protects from death in the waters, helps to run the house, promotes successful pregnancy and easy childbirth.
- gives inspiration;
- helps in research, scientific work;
- strengthens memory;
- lures money;
- shows the truth;
- awakens clairvoyant abilities;
- brings harmony to your personal life and relationships with loved ones;
- maintains marital fidelity;
- helps a lonely person find a mate;
- increases the owner's self-esteem;
- stabilizes the emotional background.
The stone has long been used in rituals and esoteric practices.
The stone is filled with magical power
Emerald - the fragile inspiration of spring
We are pleased to continue publishing articles on green stones. Now we decided to write about emerald - a stone that, together with diamond, sapphire and ruby, is included in the first four stones of the first group, according to the classification of stones, which takes into account their market value and use in jewelry and stone-cutting items. Emerald is a very interesting and original gem, which is not spoiled at all by its inclusions, but, on the contrary, gives it a special “ice-stone” charm. Such inclusions are characteristic of many beryl group stones - aquamarine, morganite and beryl itself. Agree, if emerald were just a transparent green stone without a slight haze, it would hardly be so interesting and mysterious. For jewelers, setting an emerald into jewelry is an owl-like challenge. Emerald is fragile and can easily be chipped.
And if you attach the emerald in a roll (just a metal bezel), then you can turn a little gray. But, a certain experience and dexterity of the master makes all the wishes of the clients possible.
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Among the first order precious stones there are such stones as emeralds. Emerald is a clear, deep green variety of beryl that is rare and highly prized. Everyone knows that emeralds have a pronounced green color; chromium or vanadium compounds give this color to emeralds. Sometimes you can find emeralds that have a yellow tint, which is formed as a result of iron salts entering the composition of the emerald. If you want to identify a real emerald in front of you, or you are holding a fake in your hands, then simply examine the emerald under artificial lighting. A real emerald will not lose its green glow under any type of lighting. For the first time, emeralds began to be mined in Egypt, where the extraction of these stones was put on an industrial basis. Cleopatra made a significant contribution to the development of emerald mining copies, which is why for some time these stones were called after her. Over several centuries of mining, the Egyptian mines were greatly depleted and now emeralds are not mined in this country. After the discovery of America, vast deposits of emeralds were found in Colombia, after which, for a long time, Colombia was the world's main supplier of emeralds. In the nineteenth century, deposits of emeralds were found in the Urals; it was considered good in quality, but not the best. The Colombian gem is recognized as the most popular. Currently, emeralds are being mined in Norway, Pakistan and some African countries.
Typically, emerald is green in color. In Colombia, stones of a bright grassy green color are mined. These gems are especially valuable. Green Trapiche gems are also mined in this country. This variety has one distinctive sign - six amazingly beautiful rays extend from the center of the crystal. Zambian stone is transparent. These minerals are also known for their clear green hue. The gems are darker than Colombian ones. Zambian stones may have a bluish tint. In Zimbabwe, the most common gemstone is considered to be the main distinctive feature of which is the presence of a yellow tint. The amazing combination of green and yellow is highly valued in the jewelry industry. Often an emerald has many microscopic cracks. Even despite its hardness, this mineral can easily crack. Therefore, when making emerald jewelry, strict rules must be followed. Almost the entire range of jewelry is made from emerald, the cost of which on average is about two hundred dollars. The main criterion for the quality of an emerald is its color, followed by transparency. The ideal emerald is a transparent stone with an evenly distributed rich green color. The brighter the green, the higher the cost. To determine the cost of an emerald, a special table was developed, according to which the price of an emerald directly depends on how pure green color is present in this stone. In terms of its attractiveness and value, emeralds are quite comparable to diamonds. For example, a large, clear emerald may cost more than a diamond of similar size and clarity. Unlike a diamond, a beautifully colored emerald does not lose much in value if it contains inclusions. Emeralds weighing more than five carats look especially attractive, expensive and presentable.
Natural emeralds almost always have cracks and splits, which are treated with oil, most often cedarwood, since it has the same refractive index as emerald, and also with epoxy resins. With low-quality processing, the oil from the cracks evaporates after a few years and the defects are revealed again. Emeralds are one of the many gemstones that have been successfully grown in the laboratory. Synthetic emeralds have a characteristic rich bluish-green color that reveals their origin, although some Colombian emeralds have almost the same hue. Through the Chelsea filter they appear intensely red - much redder than most natural stones. It is impossible to notice the differences with the naked eye, because both in composition and in other parameters the synthesized mineral is identical to the natural one. There are several natural stones that look similar to emerald: chrysoprase, dioptase, chrome diopside, tourmaline, peridot, grossular, alexandrite in daylight, giddenite, fluorite and others. The easiest and most convenient way for jewelers to distinguish emerald from other jewelry stones is to use the so-called “emerald loupe”, or Chelsea filter. Unlike emerald-like stones, most emeralds seen through the Chelsea filter appear red or reddish. Due to ignorance and inexperience, instead of a solid natural stone, you can purchase a so-called doublet. In doublets, pale emerald is sawn along the girdle and glued together with emerald green glue. In a blind frame it is almost impossible to see the place of gluing.
“Green stone” is a literal translation of the name of the mineral from Greek. The beautiful gem has long fascinated people's eyes and has been popular at all times. During the times of the Aztecs and Incas, emerald was classified as a sacred mineral. Various mystical characteristics were attributed to him. He was loved and worshiped. The gem was given as a sign of love and fidelity; it was believed that it guaranteed happiness and good luck to its owner. Women who had this mineral claimed that childbirth was painless and quick. In addition, emerald has a positive effect on the well-being of anyone who possesses it. It needs to be felt, but it is almost impossible to convey in words. But there is no doubt that this gem is able to calm frayed nerves. Such properties can be observed in all green stones. Myths attribute emerald to the goddess of love, Venus. If lovers exchange rings with an emerald, their love does not weaken over the years, but only grows stronger. In order to preserve peace and love in the family for many years, it is necessary to give the newlyweds an emerald on their wedding day, which at the festive table the bride and groom should sprinkle with red and white wine, the groom with red and the bride with white. The talisman consecrated in this way should be kept in the bedroom at the head of the marital bed.
Whatever zodiac sign you belong to, remember: emeralds love kind and honest people. Those living in discord with their own conscience will not be able to wear this mineral as a talisman, even if their horoscope allows them to do so. Since ancient times, emerald has been used by orators. Before a public performance, they held an emerald stone under their tongue. Today this practice is used by everyone who has to talk a lot and often, especially in cases where it is necessary to convince someone of something, to win someone over to their side. Creative people should wear an emerald in a ring as a talisman. It is believed that a person wearing an emerald especially often has dreams come true. This is a talisman of mothers and sailors. He helps sailors and fishermen, protecting them from death in sea waters. Protects women and the home. Since ancient times, pregnant women wore emerald amulets and after giving birth to a child, they immediately placed it in the newborn cradle. Emeralds “guarantee” constancy of feelings, attract wealth, bring peace and tranquility. They strengthen memory, drive away bad dreams and dispel melancholy. Emerald gives inspiration and elation to creative people; it attracts success and good luck to business people. Helps in scientific research and philosophy studies.
Now let's admire the emerald jewelry
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Where is it used?
The main area is the jewelry industry.
Jewelry sphere
Jewelry is what most of the mined emeralds are used for. Earrings, rings, necklaces, and tiaras are encrusted with the mineral. Bright green crystals with small inclusions are especially in demand.
Stone evaluation
The main factor determining the price is color.
The expert assessment is regulated by technical specifications developed for natural crystals. Specialists analyze the weight, purity, and processing of the specimen.
The assessment is regulated by regulatory documents
Other areas
The gemstone is used in the construction of solid-state lasers. It is used in quantum electronics.
How to spot a fake
Expensive, rare stone is often counterfeited. Typically, imitation is:
- cheaper green stones (demantoid, fluorite, tourmaline, chrome diopside);
- laboratory grown crystals;
- glass, plastic.
The best way to check naturalness is gemological evaluation.
When assessing by eye, pay attention to:
- presence of impurities (they are not present in synthetic samples);
- poor shine, softness (typical of cheap stones).
One of the markers of a fake is a low price. A real stone cannot be cheap.
The mineral is often faked
Emerald color is always green
All mineralogical encyclopedias characterize emerald as a transparent mineral with a crystalline structure belonging to the beryl group. The color of the stone is described as green with a hint of blue. It has its own name - emerald. This indicates the unique color of the stone.
Depending on the deposit, precious gems may have a slightly more pronounced yellow or blue tint, but it is impossible to find a blue emerald. Dim stones with a bluish color can be simple beryl or of artificial origin. The same applies to the mineral, which is often sold as red emerald. We are talking about a rare, beautiful and valuable crystal of bright red color. It is called bixbite and belongs to the same group of beryls as real emerald.
Sometimes you can find transparent minerals of very dark shades on sale. Unscrupulous traders may offer them as a rare black emerald, but do not pay attention to their assurances of the authenticity of the stone. Any crystal of dark gray color can appear under this name.
All mineralogical encyclopedias characterize emerald as a transparent mineral with a crystalline structure belonging to the beryl group
Natural emerald can only be green. The heterogeneity of the color of a large crystal allows you to obtain jewelry stones that are lighter in color, with a bluish tint, or yellowish-green. Depending on the color saturation and transparency (purity) of the crystal, its price is also determined. On the jewelry labels you can, among other things, notice the designation 2/2 or 3/3. In the professional environment of jewelers, these numbers indicate the color and purity of the stone: the higher the number, the higher the stone is rated according to the five-point system. Designations are found only on jewelry with natural stones.
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A cloudy, opaque crystal appears this way due to inclusions of air bubbles or other minerals (for example, talc). At the same time, it is considered an emerald, but will have a low cost. In this case, a low rating is given on the product label.
Natural emerald can only be green
How to wear and care
Rules of care:
- store in an individual box with soft inner surfaces;
- clean with soft textiles and soapy water;
- regularly wear to a jeweler to restore oil impregnation;
- avoid contact with cosmetics and perfumes;
- Remove before active movements or water procedures.
The stone is usually worn with diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and chrysolites. It goes well with holiday outfits; simple pendants and earrings fit into an everyday look.
The stone is stored in an individual box
Additions and recommendations
Emerald is universal, suitable for men, women and children.
Stylists advise:
- platinum and gold earrings with crystals for middle-aged and older people;
- for children and teenagers, choose studs with small stones;
- combine carnations with casual formal clothing;
- With a shocking dress for a fashionable party, you can wear a massive cross inlaid with emerald chips;
- combine emerald rings with evening and office sets;
- Wear emerald bracelets with plain clothes.
Emerald is suitable for men and women
Men are advised to wear platinum and blackened gold rings with crystal, cufflinks and tie pins with rectangular inlay.
As decoration
Astrologers recommend wearing jewelry with emerald in the form of rings and pendants. The stone is often combined with sapphires, white diamonds, rubies and peridots. A nugget in a precious frame will be an excellent addition to a luxurious outfit and office wear. The latter includes formal dresses and fitted suits.
When choosing an accessory, you should be guided by the design and size of the stone. For example, an emerald bracelet made with gold, silver and platinum will go well with light-colored clothing. The shape of the cut depends on the number and type of inclusions, the size and transparency of the stone. If the stone is not of high quality, it is cut in Cabochon. As a result, a gem without edges is obtained.
Compatibility with zodiac signs and names
Emerald protects Cancer: it enhances intuition, awakens talents, and reveals abilities. The stone helps to protect yourself and take control of your emotions. Benefits for other zodiac signs:
- Taurus gain self-confidence, learn to foresee the future, and become luckier;
- Libra finds reliable friends, true love;
- Aquarians live prosperous lives;
- Leos successfully control themselves in a difficult situation;
- Geminis feel spiritual harmony;
- Sagittarians are distracted from negativity.
The mineral patronizes the names:
- female: Alena, Zoya, Maryana, Yulia, Inna;
- male: Naum, Georgy, Vitaly, Vladimir, Maxim.
Emerald helps Cancers