Onyx stone: varieties, influence and properties, who is suitable according to their zodiac sign? How to distinguish onyx from a fake: tips, cost. How to care for and wear onyx: compatibility with other stones

In this article we will study the influence of a stone such as onyx, which even by its name speaks of power and some kind of magical power.

People have appreciated this semi-precious stone since ancient times. They lined palaces, tombs and various works of art. Beautiful jewelry was made from it. Onyx was even used as money and used for medicinal purposes. Many recipes and technologies have survived to this day and are widely used in various areas of human activity.

Onyx products and their effect on humans

Onyx is a very beautiful quartz mineral belonging to the agate variety. It is distinguished by the presence of unique, parallel to each other stripes on the cut, differing in shape, color, location and pattern. These stripes are the result of the specific temperature conditions at which the stone was formed, as well as its physical and chemical composition.

Abundance of color shades

It is difficult to list all the types of products that are made from this stone today. It attracts not only with its beauty and unique design, but also with a variety of useful properties.

Interesting: The “biblical stone” received special meaning in temples and sanctuaries, for example, the famous Temple of Solomon was built from it.

  • Therefore, onyx jewelry in the form of rings, earrings, beads, pendants, and bracelets are often used as amulets. In addition, they helped to cure almost all ailments, improve potency in men and calm the psyche, normalize sleep and drive away depression.
  • And household items - vases, figurines, figurines, various decorative crafts - as things that can improve the energy of the room, create an atmosphere of well-being in the house, and also ward off bad energy.
  • Great importance is also attached to the healing properties of onyx. It is believed that it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calms in stressful situations, and stabilizes mood.

Although each of its varieties has its own individual characteristics, which we will discuss a little below.


Who is it suitable for?

The stone is suitable for people engaged in entrepreneurial activities - it will strengthen leadership qualities and help them to persevere through emerging problems. Black onyx should also be worn by those engaged in mental activity - students at school or higher education, scientists, professors.

Minera is equally favorable for both men and women, but you should choose it based on your own feelings - if wearing it gives you pleasant sensations, you feel warmth and a surge of energy, then you can wear the stone without removing it.

The stone goes well with bloodstone, aventurine, mother-of-pearl, quartz, jasper, pearls, lapis lazuli and rubellite. Both jewelry with this stone, as well as figurines or other decorative crafts, have a beneficial effect on the owner.

Varieties of onyx: magical properties, compatibility with zodiac signs

In nature, there are no two onyx stones identical in composition and pattern! However, depending on the appearance and some individual properties, stones are classified into individual varieties. The following groups are considered the most common.

Sardonyx or fire onyx

  • It is distinguished by a silky glass luster and alternating red, brown and white stripes, formed due to the iron contained in its composition, natural silicates and oxides of non-ferrous metals. Sardonyx stones are divided into male and female. Men's - a more contrasting and clear pattern, with stricter lines, women's - softer shades and halftones.
  • The color scheme and various iridescent shades of sardonyx are simply amazing! That is why, despite the very low price of this stone, products made from it are in great demand among fashionistas, and masters of making mosaic paintings use it to create their unique masterpieces. In rich homes and salons you can also often find magnificent sardonyx finishes.

Incredible beauty

  • The healing properties of this mineral were noted in ancient times, and today they are successfully used in lithotherapy (stone treatment). Its beneficial properties include the regeneration of damaged tissues after fractures, sprains, and dislocations. It activates the process of bone fusion and promotes the healing of wounds and abrasions. In addition, sardonyx has a positive effect on the function of the thyroid gland and digestive system.
  • Astrologers classify this stone as a “travel” stone and recommend having it with you during travel, trips and long hikes. This especially applies to people whose profession or lifestyle involves constant travel.
  • It is believed that sardonyx also helps during travel to the astral plane, illuminating the path and facilitating easy return. In ancient times, it was used to protect against the influence of black forces, love spells and damage.
  • It was believed that sardonyx adds self-confidence to its owner and prolongs his life.
  • This stone has a beneficial effect on many signs of the Zodiac, but Leos and Virgos receive special protection from it. Moreover, in the first case, the stone enhances leadership qualities, and in the second, it increases sociability and eliminates some of the natural coldness of the sign, especially if their work is related to finance. Also, red shades are well suited for fire signs in order to calm their ardor. It is contraindicated for Scorpio, Pisces and Gemini!

    No stone is alike!

    Green onyx

    • The most common and most popular stone, characterized by a glassy luster and a variety of translucent green shades - from dark emerald to light turquoise.
    • This group is distinguished by alternating brown, green and white stripes, the pattern of which depends on the structure of the stone and the content of iron, copper and magnesium in it.
    • Green onyx is used to create very beautiful jewelry and decorative items. All of them have healing properties to one degree or another. But it is believed that their therapeutic effect directly depends on the number and thickness of the stripes on the stone: stones with a large number of very thin stripes have the most powerful effect.
    • Green onyx can relieve pain, normalize calcium metabolism in the body and the functioning of the digestive system. It also helps improve memory and develop intuition.
    • Also, constant wearing of the stone will improve hearing acuity.

    Astrologers believe that green onyx is not a stone for everyone. It is most suitable for Cancers, since it gives them confidence, protecting them from bad weather. It gives spiritual harmony, brings inspiration and good luck to Capricorns and Virgos. It will give Scorpios peace of mind, but Geminis should refrain from wearing green onyx jewelry. Because their energy does not coincide with the energy of this stone and launches a program of destruction.

    Onyx glasses

    Black onyx

    • This stone is also called “Arabic”. It features a rich black color, a metallic sheen and a unique pattern of fine gray and white lines.
    • Widely used in jewelry and as a variety of ornamental materials. The formation process of this variety takes much longer and only in places where there are agate deposits. But it is precisely from it that jewelry and souvenirs in the form of various figurines, boxes, and ashtrays are obtained of extraordinary beauty.
    • Contrary to popular belief, pure black onyx does not exist in nature. If you are offered one, it is nothing more than colored agate or another cheap mineral. Real black onyx always has at least minor inclusions.
    • This is a stone for people of mental work and students; it helps them in mastering new knowledge, in creativity, in concentrating on achieving goals, in demonstrating leadership abilities.
    • The healing properties of black onyx lie in its beneficial effects on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
    • It also relieves pain well; lithotherapists recommend wearing beads made from this stone for migraine sufferers.


    Astrologers consider this stone to be energetically very strong, capable of eliminating unnecessary aggression or internal self-doubt. Moreover, it suits almost all signs.

    1. Black onyx is most suitable for Libra, Capricorn and Sagittarius!
    2. Leo's leadership qualities .
    3. For Taurus and Aries, the stone will help drive away bad thoughts and become more compliant.
    4. Scorpios , and give love happiness to Virgos
    5. But it has no effect Pisces
    6. for Geminis to refrain from wearing jewelry made from this stone. Because depression may occur.

    Despite the fact that black onyx is considered the most beautiful variety of minerals, its cost differs little from the cost of other stones and is not high. Black onyx jewelry is available to almost everyone.

    But still, these are relatively affordable jewelry

    White onyx

    • All light, opaque stones with a pinkish or pale blue tint and alternation of the same light stripes belong to the white onyx variety.
    • This stone has a higher density and is often used in cladding various surfaces: countertops, window sills, walls, floors. It is believed that a room decorated with white onyx acquires a special positive energy. But white onyx does not tolerate high temperatures well and can crack and collapse when exposed to them. This should be taken into account when using it in construction.
  • In jewelry, white onyx is called “bianco” and is used to make jewelry: beads, bracelets, earrings, which are often used as amulets.
  • This stone is known for its healing properties - it can have a beneficial effect on the nervous, digestive and genitourinary systems, as well as help relieve inflammatory processes.
  • It is this type of onyx that can cleanse our aura and drive away bad thoughts. It also helps to let go of resentment and anger.
  • White onyx is often used to make good luck amulets.
  • But astrologers say that it brings good luck only to those who have a pure soul and bright thoughts. White onyx is more suitable for creative people; of all the signs of the Zodiac, it has the greatest beneficial effect on Capricorns, Sagittarius and Virgos, but this mineral is not suitable for Cancers and Libra.


    Less common stones include the following varieties of onyx:

    • Carnelian

    Externally, a very attractive, bright stone, slightly translucent, characterized by alternating red-brown and white stripes. It suits almost all signs, revealing leadership qualities, giving determination and helping to find a common language with others. The exceptions are Sagittarius, Scorpio and Aries. It will not affect them negatively, it’s just that they are already strong representatives for whom it is simply useless.

    • Chalcedony

    Not a very bright stone, with alternating gray and white stripes. It is also called “milk”. It is this type that is most suitable for treating the circulatory and nervous systems, as well as all eye ailments and colds. Most suitable for Sagittarius and Cancer, the stone gives them confidence. The stone has no contraindications, and gives peace and balance to the rest of the zodiac signs.


    • Three-layer onyx

    One of the most beautiful stones, with a unique pattern of graceful multi-colored lines: red, blue, gray and white. It acts as a strong talisman, protecting against major losses and accidents; it has practically no contraindications according to the Zodiac, since it acts as protection. But Gemini and Pisces should be careful when choosing onyx jewelry.

    • Marble onyx

    This is a translucent green stone with calcite and argonite fibers. Has pink, golden, white or light gray streaks. This stone aims to open the chakras, especially the Third Eye and Crown. It is also able to strengthen memory and consolidate acquired knowledge.

    Important: Onyx with blue tints suits air signs, as well as Cancers! It is this stone that gives them confidence and protection from external influences.

    marble stone

    History and origin of the stone

    In ancient Greek, onyx means nail. There is a legend that Eros, while Venus was sleeping, cut off her nails and then scattered them all over the earth. Since marigolds were of divine origin and could not simply disappear because of this, the gods turned them into stones, which became known as onyxes. Since ancient times, the stone has been widely used to create various jewelry, as well as amulets.

    From Arabic, onyx is translated as “sad”, since the stone was used primarily for decorating tombs and burial vaults.

    This stone is formed in the form of layers in mineral thermal springs. Under suitable natural conditions, calcium carbonate crystallizes, resulting in onyx. The stone fills tectonic cracks and voids, accumulates in caves and in the thickness of sandstones.

    Significant deposits of onyx are found in Algeria, the USA, Mexico and India.

    Onyx pleases with its color range - there are minerals:

    • beige;
    • golden;
    • brown;
    • blue;
    • blue;
    • green;
    • orange.

    The color of natural stone directly depends on the concentration of various impurities in it.

    The following types of stone exist:

    1. Sardonyx. The color of such a stone can be brown, white-brown, or with bright orange and scarlet stripes.
    2. Arabian onyx. Characterized by black and white layering.
    3. Carnelian Features a combination of red and white layers.
    4. Chalcedony. Stone with gray-white layers. Sometimes almost transparent.
    5. Marble. Combines various shades of green.
    6. Black.
    7. Ordinary multi-colored. The stone contains stripes of blue and light coral colors.

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    Differences between natural onyx and fake

    Onyx is not a precious stone, so it is extremely rarely counterfeited in order to pass it off as a natural mineral. However, due to a certain demand for facing work, souvenirs and jewelry made of onyx, today the production of its artificial substitute is widely established, which without certain training and experience is quite difficult to distinguish from the original.

    • Therefore, the first advice for lovers of this stone is to purchase products in specialized stores that require a quality certificate.
    • In addition, you should pay attention to some important differences: artificial onyx, unlike natural onyx, most often has unnatural bright colors that fade and fade over time;
    • stripes in artificial stone often look very contrasting, as if painted. But sometimes, on the contrary, they are vague and indistinct;
    • artificial stone is lighter in weight than natural stone;
    • natural stone is more transparent, with a visible internal structure. In the structure of the fake, it is usually visible only through the polishing layer.
  • We also note that natural onyx is always cool and even practically does not intercept heat from the hands.
  • And a little advice - it’s very easy to scratch a fake with a knife blade or even a fingernail.
  • The price of a stone cannot be too cheap!

  • Diversity

    Application of onyx

    Nowadays, the mineral has not lost any of its relevance. Jewelers are still willing to work with this material. Jewelry: rings, pendants, beads, bracelets are in demand. Gems are quite cheap and available to buyers with any budget.

    Figurines, exclusive dishes, and boxes also find their consumers. Talismans in the form of animals or symbols look harmonious in any interior. Designers love to emphasize the luxury of furnishings with elements made from this mineral.

    Modern technology allows you to create elaborate, extensive compositions from stone. Bar counters, fireplace mantels, long durable tabletops can be made from several parts. First, the figured parts to decorate the facade of the product are sculpted separately. Then, using special glue, they are combined into a common composition. When gluing, the seam remains completely invisible and durable. Even when a stone is chipped, it does not crack at the joint, but in the natural structure of the mineral.

    Due to the availability of natural stone and its low cost, artificial onyx is not produced on an industrial scale. There are fakes in the form of low-grade agate or jasper, but this does not bring any benefit or satisfaction to the fraudster. Therefore, there really is natural onyx stone on the shelves.

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    How much does onyx cost and when to buy?

    The average price ranges from 10 rubles per 1 g. Yes, it is valued in grams, since it is not a precious stone. The most expensive are white and black onyx. The cost of jewelry is, of course, influenced by the setting. For example, in silver - from 4 thousand rubles, and for gold - from 12-17 thousand. If you want to buy in simple metal, then the price starts from 1 thousand.

    Important: You should buy onyx on the 5th lunar day, but start wearing it on the 19th day. At the same time, sardonyx has its own time - 24 and 10, respectively. But buy and wear carnelian on the 3rd and 17th lunar days.

    Religious significance of the stone

    Mention of onyx is found in myths, legends and Holy Scripture. Royal chambers, tombs, and priests' clothes were decorated with this mineral. The Old Testament says that onyx was used in the construction of Solomon's temple.

    The ancient structure had no windows, but inside it was filled with light because the material transmitted it well. In addition, the mineral is mentioned 2 times in the Bible: as a building material in Eden and as a decoration on the ring of the Jewish high priest Aaron.

    Muslims also immediately liked the mineral, especially in black. It decorates the main Muslim shrine - the Kaaba, which is located in Mecca.

    The Aztecs valued this natural material most of all. They decorated temples with it, created sacrificial vessels from it, and were engaged in the construction of religious and secular buildings.

    How to properly care for onyx?

    Onyx storage

    • When storing onyx, it should be borne in mind that it is a rather fragile mineral; it does not tolerate direct sunlight, hot air, or too high or too low temperatures.
    • It is also necessary to exclude contact with other objects, impacts and falls.
    • Therefore, the best option for storing jewelry would be a separate soft bag or box with foam rubber.
    • Souvenirs and other onyx products are stored at room temperature. They should be protected from falls, scratches, and contact with other objects.

    Requires careful handling
    Cleaning onyx

    Caring for this stone must be extremely careful - even a light touch with another object or brush can leave a scratch on it. Basic rules to follow when cleaning:

    • The stone should be cleaned only with a soft cloth that can be slightly moistened with warm water;
    • the use of any detergents in caring for onyx is contraindicated;
    • Under no circumstances should you use ammonia, which is used to clean other stones;
    • Polishing the stone using special polishing cloths is contraindicated;
    • Do not soak onyx in water! Due to its porous structure and ability to absorb it;
    • Ultrasonic cleaners cannot be used to clean onyx - this destroys the structure of the stone;
    • you can clean the stone with bread crumb;
    • After washing, the stone should be wiped with a napkin, dried at room temperature, and only then sent to a storage location.

    Delicate cleaning

    Healing properties of the stone

    The healing properties of onyx have been known to people for a long time. In the old days, the stone was crushed into powder and used to treat oral pathologies. Water was infused with the mineral, and they drank it to lose excess weight. It was also used to treat wounds to speed up their healing.

    Modern stone treatment experts recommend using the mineral to improve brain activity. It improves mental abilities and strengthens memory. Therefore, students are advised to wear it.

    The mineral helps cope with pathologies of the speech organs. It gets rid of stuttering.

    The stone normalizes the state of the nervous system. It relieves depression, depression, causeless anxiety and phobias. It also helps solve sleep problems.

    Stone treatment experts advise men to use minerals with red or bright stripes. It will protect them from impotence or help solve existing problems.

    Onyx improves heart function and the condition of blood vessels, helping to cope with pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

    The characteristics of the mineral allow it to be used to treat almost any pathology. To do this, you need to apply the mineral to problem areas.

    Stone healing experts attribute rejuvenating properties to green onyx. In addition, it increases the body's protective properties and helps cope with chronic fatigue. The more stripes the marble onyx has, the better it will “work”.

    How to wear onyx jewelry?

    • As already mentioned, onyx is a very fragile mineral! Therefore, any jewelry made from this stone requires careful use.
    • Protect onyx products from impacts, falls, scratches, contact with other objects and chemicals - any of them can leave marks on the stone and destroy its structure.
    • You should wear earrings, beads or rings with onyx only after applying makeup, since any exposure to cream, perfume, or deodorant on the stone can also damage the stone.
    • Before washing your hands, taking a shower, swimming in a pond, or doing any housework, onyx products should be removed. also undesirable to be exposed to rain or sleet while wearing jewelry made from this stone.
    • Since the stone is cold, it should not be worn in summer.
    • The mineral has the strongest effect on middle-aged people. At the same time, it “works” only when worn for a long time, even constantly!

    Some stones can suppress its energy

    Compatibility of onyx with other stones

    • This magical stone should be worn carefully with other jewelry. Remember - this is a leading stone, whose strength and power should not be suppressed. Otherwise he will be powerless. Therefore, we exclude contact with ruby, pearl or amethyst!
    • You should also avoid association with citrine. This stone interrupts and crushes the energy of onyx.
    • Since this is an earthly stone, under the auspices of Mercury and Saturn, we exclude fire stones: diamond;
    • pomegranate;
    • zircon;
    • red tourmaline.

    This amazing gem is incredibly beautiful, magically powerful and accessible to its owner!

    How to use it correctly?

    Onyx himself chooses his owner, whom he will help, but not vice versa. Before purchasing, you should hold the stone in your hands and feel the energy it emits. It is worth looking for another mineral if negative feelings arise.

    Depending on the type of onyx, the purchase must be made at a certain time:

    • sardonyx on the 24th;
    • carnelian to thirds;
    • other types of stone on the fifth lunar day.

    You can start wearing sardonyx from the 10th, carnelian - from the 17th, other variations of onyx - from the 19th day of the lunar calendar.

    In order for the magical properties of onyx to always operate, you need to wear it constantly. It is important to observe changes in your behavior; if there are any, the stone should be temporarily put aside.

    Since onyx is a cold mineral, the optimal time to wear it is winter and late autumn.

    The power of onyx is greatly enhanced when set in silver.

    It is recommended to wear a ring with a round-shaped stone on the index finger or place the pendant in the solar plexus area.

    Onyx is quite demanding and needs special care:

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    • you should avoid contact with various substances, since onyx remains traces of coloring compounds, even coffee or juice;
    • Onyx can only be cleaned with neutral products;
    • there are special impregnations that protect the stone from negative influences;
    • To make the mineral shine like new, it can be treated with wax polish;
    • To store the stone, you should find a special place where it will not come into contact with other objects;
    • Onyx loses its color in bright light.

    The mineral tends to accumulate negative energy. To clean, just hold it under cold water. Onyx is charged from moonlight.

    Areas of use

    The main area of ​​use of onyx rocks is jewelry. Green, black, white and marble minerals are used to make jewelry. They make beautiful rings, earrings, bracelets, beads, rosaries and pendants.

    The density of the stone allows it to be used for countertops and window sills. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, it is suitable for covering kitchens and bathrooms. Bathroom walls are often decorated.

    Marble onyx is used to create asymmetrical shelves and dishes.

    Columns made of white onyx are erected in museums. Candlesticks, boxes and figurines are made from black and green minerals. Many figurines are used by sorcerers during magical rituals.

    If you want to enhance the properties of a crystal, its frame should be made of silver. Try not to buy gold jewelry, because metals (except silver) weaken talismans.

    The cut is created in several ways:

    • oval processing;
    • round;
    • cabochon.

    Physical and chemical properties

    Onyx is a fibrous variety of quartz that is rich in impurities. In many respects, the mineral is similar to marble and granite, and is somewhat superior to them in terms of moisture absorption, frost resistance and hardness.

    ColorWhite, black, blue, green, red, pink, brown, yellow and others, the pattern is always striped
    TransparencyOpaque or translucent 3-4 cm
    Density2.65-2.667 g/cm3

    Compatibility with other stones

    There is an ideal compatibility of onyx with four rocks.

    1. Emerald. Its texture is similar to onyx varieties.
    2. Blue and golden topaz.
    3. Blue carnelian.
    4. Iridescent agate.

    Yellow heliotrope, transparent hyacinth, red aventurine, chrysoprase and ruby ​​are not suitable for this mineral.

    The combination of onyx varieties with diamond, chrysolite and carbuncle is harmful to humans. It will be difficult for the owner to contain the energy of all powerful talismans.

    Compatibility is possible, in rare cases, with aquamarine and turquoise. Sometimes a good combination is red coral, moonstone, pearls and yellow beryl.


    The magical and healing properties of the stone depend on the specific variety. There are 4 types of semi-precious mineral in total. Let's consider their description.

    1. Black. It is considered the rarest and most beautiful. In nature, this Arabic gem is found in a dark brown shade, and there are thin white lines on the surface. In its natural state it looks inconspicuous, resembling a chicken egg. After cutting, the crystal takes on an elegant appearance and attracts the attention of others.
    2. White. One of the most valuable varieties. The main background is white. There are light stripes on the surface. Color varies from soft pink to peach. There are gems that have a light brown or aquamarine tint. The most expensive piece is crystal white onyx.
    3. Green. The price of chalcedony green onyx is low, so it is used by magicians to make talismans and amulets. There are several shades - light green, emerald and pale green. The veins on the surface are brown, gray and white. Reminds me of a small apple.
    4. Marble. It is one of the most popular gems. The veins on the surface are brown and red. They aesthetically intertwine with each other. Sardonyx is another name for the marble mineral. It is used to make precious jewelry, the price reaches 1000 euros.
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