Svarga is a symbol of labor and creativity, a talisman of Svarog

The Svarog amulet uses the power of the sacred fire - it was he who served as the patron saint of the Slavs since ancient times. The flame came from lightning or was produced with the help of a spark; they prayed to it for help, carefully preserved it for generations, worshiped it, and appeased it with gifts. The fire sign was depicted on various objects, such as weapons and military attributes, clothing, jewelry, household utensils; people believed that this symbol cleanses the human soul, helps to get rid of negativity - problems, obstacles, envy, anger.

History of origin and properties of the amulet

Svarog, according to ancient legends, was a blacksmith god, he gave people light by sending the sun - his own son Dazhdbog - to earth. Svarozhich personifies earthly fire sent down by the heavenly blacksmith. The sign was very revered by the forefathers; it personified the connection of people with God, who created the earth.

The talisman with the fire of Svarog not only bestows protection, but also allows you to change your life for the better. The Slavs believed that he was able to burn away everything bad, bring enlightenment, and find a way out of darkness. The amulet protects the owner from all types of evil and helps to find his own path in life. In addition to the original source - Svarozhich - such amulets as the Cross of Svarog, also called Alatyr, and the Star of Svarog are associated with the blacksmith god - these are only his most famous incarnations.

The main function of the talisman is protection through divine protection; it also creates conditions for positive personality transformation. According to the generally accepted interpretation, the Slavic amulet Svarog has the following meaning:

  • helps to avoid conflict situations;
  • stimulates creativity;
  • gives enlightenment, developing the bright sides of every day;
  • protects from negativity;
  • relieves depression, internal discomfort, bad thoughts;
  • increases confidence in life values, helps to achieve significant goals.

What does Svarog's amulet look like?
The amulet will direct a kind but confused person to the true path and illuminate his soul. But if the amulet is worn by a selfish, evil, deceitful owner, the symbol will make him pay for what he has done.

What does the symbol consist of?

Each line in the amulet has its own sacred meaning. The more accurately the owner of the amulet interprets the symbolism, the stronger he will become.


The combination of the three worlds formed the basis of the eight-pointed star. Navi is the kingdom of the dead, where ancestors rest. Reality is the world of living beings. Rule is the space where the gods rule. Each of the worlds is closely intertwined with each other - all this forms the basis of the universe.

And also the amulet of the ancient Slavs, Svarog, means the connection of the future, present and past. Here, each action has a corresponding justification in the past or a result in the future.

The most appropriate meaning for a modern man is harmony and unity of three components: will, strength and soul.

Diamond and lines

This sign in the Slavic amulet has one simple meaning - fertility. Ancient people depicted a field with a diamond, hence the interpretation. The lines beyond its border expand consciousness and also symbolize natural elements. For a virtuous person, additional interpretation of these signs: honor, independence, faith, conscience. The lines are equal - this speaks of the harmony of everything in a person’s life.


The main symbol of the god Svarog is enclosed in a circle and, in addition to the main meaning of protection, also speaks of unification. And also about cyclicality and constant self-development, the inevitable continuity of movement.

Each line in this amulet of the ancient Slavs has its own meaning and strengthens the neighboring one. The circle unites the entire philosophy of the universe and harmonizes space. Therefore, the star of Svarog should be worn by those who strive to find themselves.

Types and meaning of Svarog amulets

The Slavs used several varieties of this sign, which differed not only in appearance, but also in properties.


The amulet Cross of Svarog is also referred to as the Star; it personifies the 4 cardinal directions, filled with beauty and grandeur. This symbol is often embodied in the form of embroidery, which helps protect the one who wears it from the life-destroying influence of otherworldly forces.

The Slavic amulet Star means patronage and support in difficult times; it is customary to give it to men, women and children experiencing health problems. The amulet not only removes illness from the body, but also helps to achieve peace and inner harmony.


The Hammer of Svarog amulet is charged with special energy, stimulating the desire to work hard, successfully solve complex problems, and increase endurance. The heavenly patron does not condescend to everyone; he insists that noble thoughts and honest work are needed to achieve what you want. The talisman calls upon the one who wears it, determination, perseverance, immense patience and physical strength.

The Hammer of Svarog amulet would be more appropriate for those who are often exposed to stress and earn their living through hard physical labor.


It embodies the continuous cycle of life, symbolizes movement forward, and is realized as an endless desire for improvement. The owner of the Wheel of Svarog amulet attracts family well-being, good luck, material wealth, good health, including mental health. The amulet will serve well for someone who needs help balancing work and personal life. Wooden talismans are optimal here - pine, ash, maple, oak.

Who is it suitable for?

In order not to make a mistake with your choice, it is important to know for whom the Slavic amulet Svarozhich is suitable, and for whom it is better to refrain from purchasing. In general, it is suitable for both men and women, except for the square version. It is exclusively masculine. Everyone else fully reveals their capabilities, regardless of gender.

The Slavic amulet Svarozhich is especially needed by those people who:

  1. They have lost the meaning of life and are in a depressed state.
  2. Suffer from alcoholism, are under the influence of drugs, or are prone to excessive smoking.
  3. Excessively addicted to gambling.
  4. Tend to spend a lot of money on unnecessary things.
  5. They often get sick and often feel unwell.
  6. Whose life is connected with extreme sports and hard physical labor - stuntmen, firefighters, people in military professions and others. It protects life and maintains health. Same .
  7. They are forced to give their emotions to their professions - social workers, teachers, doctors, creative people, and so on.
  8. Representatives of a creative calling will receive a dose of inspiration, new strength and impressions thanks to this talisman.
  9. They occupy a high position and have serious obligations to other people - the head of a large company, an official, a person in any other leadership position.

Home use options

According to researchers of the Vedic era, divine symbolism became widespread in the everyday life of the Slavic people; many household items with the sign of the heavenly blacksmith were found:

  • guns and armor;
  • agricultural tools;
  • images of Svarog in the form of figurines carved from wood;
  • embroidery on elements of everyday clothing - collar, shoulders, hem;
  • carvings on household utensils;
  • paintings.

Within modern culture, you can find images of deities in the form of interior compositions, embroidered with beads or a cross. The symbol is depicted on functional textiles, for example, handrails, curtains, towels, bed linen, and is made with paints intended for painting on fabric.

Materials for production

To make a talisman with your own hands, you can use wood (birch is optimal), copper, gold and silver, and textiles. A very popular solution is to apply a symbol to clothing through embroidery with threads or beads, gold embroidery, or using professional permanent paints.

Earrings amulet of Svarog

Before starting work, the master must undergo a cleansing ritual. Sequence of the ritual:

  • take a steam bath three times in one go, wash your body thoroughly;
  • at least a week before you start making the amulet, you need to drive away heavy thoughts from yourself, not let evil into your soul, it is important that your thoughts are pure;
  • in cases where it is not possible to find harmony and get into an upbeat mood, you can light a candle (not a church candle) and circle this flame around your head. As a result, the fire will burn away all negativity.

The design of the Svarog amulet is relatively simple; it can be easily transferred to any material. It is advisable that the picture with the prototype of the amulet is always before your eyes while working; it will reinforce the power of the future talisman. If you decide to give preference to embroidery, you need to do it in such a way that there are no tangled threads or knots on the reverse side - they can destroy the power of the sign.

Days dedicated to the god Svarog fall on special days of the year.

Summer Svarog (June 29) and autumn Svarog (October 1 and a series of holidays from November 1 to 7) are days when the power of Svarozh is revered. In particular, June 29 is the day of Svarog and Lada; the ardent heavenly fire is celebrated on this, as a rule, the hottest day of the year. And on October 1, it is believed that Svarog covers the ground with fallen leaves, and sometimes with the first snow, nature is preparing for winter and cold weather. From November 1 to November 7, the Name Day of the Forge of Svarozhy is celebrated. The time when winter comes into its own, and Svarog calls on the gods to ascend from the manifest world to the Svarog Forge until spring. Also on Maslenitsa the god Svarog is also revered, for it is believed that the gates of heavenly Svarga open when the bright gods come to the manifest world. June 3 is the Trigods Day, when the gods of Triglav are glorified: Svarog, Perun and Veles. In Rus', quite recently, at the end of the 19th century, they celebrated a holiday called “Zvorozhin” (“Svarozhin”) and on this day they glorified the god Svarog and revered their ancestors. At the festive ceremony, they elected a sorceress - “Zvorozha Baba”, who predicted the future, and also told tales about the magical distant land of Iria.

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How to activate the amulet?

In order for the Slavic amulet to bring as much benefit as possible, before putting it on, it is important to organize a ritual of its spiritual unification with the future owner. Regardless of whether the amulet was made independently or purchased second-hand, it is necessary to pronounce an ancient sacred conspiracy.

First, the artifact is carried over a burning flame - it could be fire from a candle, but it would be better if it was a fire. There is no need to lower the sign too low, it should not turn black. Then a conspiracy is pronounced, which boils down to the call of Svarog, the forces of heaven and fire, a promise to open the soul to the light.

The next step is to charge the talisman; you need to carry it with you for at least 24 hours so that the product is as close to the skin as possible, preferably near the heart. Over the next week, the owner will get used to the artifact; at this stage, it is important to listen to internal sensations, because the owner of the magic symbol will not always be able to cope with it. This period can be especially difficult for women, since Svarog most often shows favor towards men.

If the owner of the amulet experiences discomfort during the first week, it is better to part with the talisman for a while. During those periods when it is idle, that is, not worn on the body, it must be hidden so that no one else can see it. The product cannot be passed on to anyone, even your own children.

Mirror symbol Rodimich

Previously, ancient Slavic craftsmen made end-to-end amulets. This made it possible to make them double and further strengthen them. Almost every Slavic symbol has a mirror one. So, for the Star of Svarog it is Rodimich. It is dedicated to another god, Rod, who connects generations and strengthens the connection with ancestors.

These two symbols in a single amulet enhanced each other’s effect. They protected a man from the evil eye, strengthened his connection with his ancestors, imparted wisdom and cultivated fortitude. The meaning of the talisman for the owner may vary. It all depends on which sign is closer to the body, its strength will be leading.

Possible uses of the amulet

The sacred symbol can be used as follows:

  • on clothes, embroidered in places that primarily attract attention - on the shoulders, collar, hem;
  • as a keychain that can be hung in front of your eyes, for example, on the rearview mirror in a car;
  • carry with you, putting it in the pocket of a handbag, a purse, or attaching it to a briefcase;
  • in everyday life - placed in the red corner, under the windows;
  • in the form of a body decoration-pendant on a linen cord or metal chain.

The Svarog amulet can be used as a keychain.
In the latter case, the use of a cord made of genuine leather is prohibited.

Features of care and cleansing of the talisman

By analogy with all Slavic body signs, the Svarog amulet requires a regular cleansing ritual. The newly purchased product is also subject to this procedure. The optimal period for the ritual is considered to be the waxing moon; the talisman is passed through 4 elements, completing the cleansing with fire.

The amulet is buried in the ground for a day, having noticed a secluded place, while immersing the artifact in the soil, they mentally turn to the blacksmith god, asking for protection and well-being. Next, the talisman is washed in a natural spring. The next step is to find an open area where the wind will be felt; you need to hold the amulet in such conditions for some time, avoiding contact with the skin - it will absorb the power of the air. To finish, the magic sign is passed over the fire 4 times, maintaining silence.

If the silver sign of Svarog darkened, and it certainly did not come into contact with acids, then it reflected someone else’s negative energy from the owner. Plaque can be cleaned off with toothpaste, then you should go to the cleansing ritual and hide the talisman for a week and not use it. During this period, the owner must take a steam bath daily to restore his energy.

If the artifact was lost, it means, according to the beliefs of the Slavs, that it took away with it negative energy from the owner or from the house, which gradually accumulated or was obtained due to someone else’s evil intent.

In such conditions, there is no need to look for an amulet; you should purchase a new amulet, clean and charge it according to the ancient rules.

If the cross of Svarog is broken, most likely the person wearing it thinks too often about bad things; in the same way, a constant feeling of envy affects the artifact - the product suddenly collapses. It is advisable to burn the broken symbol, collect the ashes and bury them, and no one should see these processes. If the material does not burn, you can simply bury it.

If the accompanying rituals are observed and used correctly, the amulet can last a very long time. It is acceptable that after the death of the owner it goes to the descendants, but they must store it, in no case using it for its intended purpose. Such an attitude towards a secret sign can strengthen and strengthen the connection between generations without interfering with the natural life cycles of other family members.

What does Svarga protect from?

The Svarga symbol is a protective sign. It protects a person from all evil spirits. It is recommended to wear it to protect against damage and the evil eye. Such a need may arise when there is an inner feeling that you are surrounded by enemies. The symbol is able to reliably protect a person from the influence of the other world and does not allow him to succumb to harmful temptations. This amulet protects against insomnia and mental disorders that can arise in difficult life situations. A person retains common sense and is able to make reasonable decisions. The symbol is also a reliable protection against sudden death and great misfortunes. He will not allow a person to become dependent on anything. When wearing the amulet, there will be no craving for alcoholism or drug addiction.

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