The meaning of the Slavic symbol black sun: who is suitable and how to wear the amulet

Magical talismans played an important role in the cultural values ​​of ancient peoples, especially those that provided strength and assistance from past ancestors. One of the most famous Slavic amulets is the sun amulet. Centuries later, the Slavic amulet of the black sun is revered by the Slavs and Scandinavians, as it carries the symbolism of Svarog.

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Appearance of the Black Sun amulet

History of the black sun amulet

If we look at the sun amulet from the point of view of symbolism, its true meaning cannot be determined immediately. The complexity of the symbolism lies in the ambiguous meaning and application of this sign. But from ancient documented sources one can obtain information about the occult amulet of the black sun. It is known about the talisman that it was not worn by ordinary people belonging to the lower strata of society. The magical talisman of the sun was used in ritual and ceremonial actions of magicians and priests.

One day everything changed, and the magicians made the amulet available to ordinary people so that they could gain power. Historians agree that people massively used the solar amulet five thousand years ago. According to legends, the solar amulet was given to four Slavic-Scandinavian peoples on the eve of the Black Night, the onset of which was predicted by the god Svarog.

Symbolism of the Black Sun

The connection of the talisman is inextricably linked with the family, but not with the direct origin of each person, but with the ancestors of all people. The Black Sun Amulet is the true meaning and its symbolism is quite dark because it must be destroyed by people whose parents committed incest. In ancient times, Slavic blood mixed with the enemy was considered not only a crime, but also an insult to great ancestors. The souls of such people, according to the priests, should have been destroyed.

From historical sources it is known that supporters of Hitler’s policies meditated under this sign. In a state of meditation they can see the dark light of the sun. Not everyone had the right to such an activity, but only trained people, otherwise a person could lose his mind.

Origins of the symbol

It is not easy to thoroughly determine the origins of the amulet. Such amulets are originally Slavic, but similar symbols are also spoken of among the Old Scandinavian tribes.

According to various estimates, the amulet has a history of more than one and a half thousand years. It is noteworthy that this amulet has never been famous.

This talisman was not available to the average person; only priests and some healers could use it. The true meaning of the Black Sun is unknown.

The symbol is generally believed to have protective properties because the sun is shaped like a circle, similar to a shield.

It is also believed that this amulet symbolizes the beginning and end of everything that exists - everything was born from the sun, everything will die from it.

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The meaning of the Slavic amulet black sun

The Nazis used the energy of the talisman to their advantage. Two sides of the coin of this amulet:

  • Symbolism means knowledge, wisdom, respect for ancient traditions, protection from Descendants and Svarogs;
  • Hitler and his followers used the pagan sign in their ideological ideas.

Black Sun symbol on the floor of the German castle Wewelsburg

The real meaning of this talisman is little known, as it acquired a very negative reputation in the last century. The amulet in the form of a black sun retains the positive qualities of its origin. Through the amulet you can activate a power that will help in any case, provided that it will benefit someone.

The black sign of the Sun in Russia was considered Navi and was a guide to the world of the dead. He contacted the dead and developed magical powers. Hence, people used it with caution. The almighty sun is an amulet that can bring knowledge and guidance for generations to reach those who have passed on before. The Sun symbol also helps in obtaining magical power and protection, which will be useful to modern magicians for their ritual activities.

The black sun is endowed with additional power:

  • lie detection;
  • energy purification;
  • acquiring new abilities;
  • strengthening the spirit;
  • removing obstacles to make your dreams come true.

Origin story

The history of the symbol goes back several thousand years. The exact time of his appearance is unknown. The first mentions of the solar sign are found among the Sumerians, who inhabited the 4th-2nd millennium BC. e. territory of modern Iraq. This ancient people believed that there were 2 luminaries in the world:

  • white (physical), which people see in the sky;
  • black (invisible), reflecting the spiritual enlightenment of a person.

A legend has survived to this day that the origins of this sacred sign originate in Hyperborea, a country mentioned in ancient Greek myths.

Historical evidence telling about the appearance of the amulet in Rus' has not been preserved. Experts were only able to discover a legend stating that the “Black Sun” in the Slavic lands for a long time could only be worn by selected representatives of tribes who had the gift of communicating with higher powers. They used it to summon the spirits of great ancestors in order to receive answers to important questions from them.

The origin of the symbol is associated with the ancient Slavs.

However, on the eve of Svarog night, which marks the end of the world, the high priests decided to give a solar amulet to people in order to protect them from terrible times. Having received it, the Slavs were able to survive difficulties, preserve their clan, and pass on their spiritual and cultural values ​​to subsequent generations.

The magical power of the black sun

The magical interpretation of the Slavic amulet is to balance and balance several worlds - Reality, Nav and Prav. By using magic through an amulet, you can stretch the energy channel between worlds to create a connection, summoning dark forces. In runology, specialists create runic messages from talismans. The sign of the Black Sun is the rune of Saul, symbolizing the achievement of goals and results. By casting a rune, you can get a lot of things, no matter what.

The dark meaning of the Black Sun symbolism

By adding this symbol to runic formulas, you can quickly activate the fulfillment of desires. However, it should be remembered that not all rituals relate to white magic.

Important! Black spells using this talisman require sacrifice. If the magician has not paid for his ritual, the splinter can occur 28-29 days after the end of the lunar cycle.

When a person installs this talisman in his home, it begins to give him magical protection. The house will be protected from:

  • failures;
  • Accidents;
  • hexes;
  • evil eye;
  • damage;
  • Natural disasters.

The one who activates the talisman for magical purposes must have not only power, but also a strong connection with his clan. Such a magician must a priori respect ancient pagan customs.

Meaning for women

The black sun is the beginning of everything, so the talisman can be worn by women who are carrying a child. The symbol will protect and strengthen the bond between the expectant mother and the child. After childbirth, the amulet will support the woman until she gets stronger, and will lay the foundation for raising an honest, brave and respectful new person.

It should be remembered that the power of the Black Sun is great, it is not intended for wearing or use by children and adolescents.

It is also worth giving up the constant use of a talisman for women with a strong and strong-willed character. It can weaken your aura and undermine your self-confidence.

How to choose and use a talisman

A person unfamiliar with esotericism may accidentally confuse the symbolism of this multi-valued amulet with the amulet of the sun and moon. There are different meanings of a dark amulet. The black sun has a unique beauty. In order not to mistakenly acquire another amulet, it is worth remembering what the pattern looks like on this sunny Old Slavic sign. The sun forms two circles. The circles are intersected by curved rays of the sun. The symbol has 12 shining directions, as well as 12 months of the year, emanating from the center of the talisman.

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Talisman of the Black Sun in the form of an exquisite pendant

A Slav or Slav often wore the amulet close to the body. It is most convenient to wear the pendant on the neck - this is how our ancestors wore the amulet. The pendant is so convenient that you can hide it under your clothes at any time. If you hang it on a beautiful chain, the Black Sun will go with many outfits.

As a sun talisman, it can be worn on a necklace, chain or choker. Silver alloy has protective properties. Silver is a good power accumulator and gives the wearer positive energy.

In addition to the widespread wearing of the amulet on a chain, wizards and priests more often wore it on their fingers. The inscription will look beautiful on the ring. The strength of the talisman will vary depending on which finger the symbol is worn on:

  1. Wearing an ornament on the index finger suits leaders with character. People in positions of leadership by position may become smarter and stronger in character.
  2. The middle phalanx ring is best worn by people who often feel emotionally destabilized. The person becomes more restrained and attentive.
  3. Men and women who decide to get married can wear this symbol on their ring finger. A ring with this symbol allows you to strengthen family ties and receive support from your family.
  4. A pinky ring is suitable for creative people. This symbol reveals potential and gives inspiration.

Ring with the symbol of the Black Sun

The Black Sun has an important feature that distinguishes it from the swastika signs: its rays are located in accordance with a certain cut. It seems that each ray is cut into a circle. In this case, the rays create the effect of overlapping the sun's rays.

Appearance and photo

The basis of the Black Sun is the sign of Kolovrat, the movement of the Sun, the eternal cycle of life and death, summer and winter. The basis of the symbol is inscribed with three Kolovrat, uniting all worlds and symbolizing the unity of the laws of all lands, both divine and human. Each of the suns has its own meaning:

  • Formation is the birth and development of something new.
  • Being is stability and preservation of what was created at the first stage.
  • Passage is dying and the end of all phenomena, after which everything begins anew.

Three Kolovrat are enclosed in two circles. The outer circle seems to hold the energy of the suns within the boundaries of the talisman, preventing it from escaping. The inner circle helps the lightning rays converge at one point.

Who is suitable for the black sun sign?

If in the distant past the talisman was worn only by priests and sorcerers, then in the 21st century it is worn by men and women. Usually the Black Sun becomes the favorite talisman of those people who need universal support. In addition, the talisman brings spiritual strength and wisdom.

The energy of this sign is considered masculine, so it is a great gift for a husband, friend, father or boss. Women should wear it with caution on special days - the most important thing is to wear the Black Sun for a reason. This could be a business meeting, a trip or an agreement.

Features of using the talisman

Pendants, rings, pendants with the image of the Black Sun are special things. They should not be treated as simple decorations. The sign requires respect and careful treatment.

Neglecting sacred symbols can be fraught with problems. People with evil intentions and unclean thoughts should not rely on support. The talisman will come to the aid only of those who honor the memory of their ancestors, respect traditions, and are pure in heart and intentions.

Do I need to charge and activate?

The meaning of the amulet speaks of its almost limitless power. But nevertheless, the amulet must be periodically charged and activated. To activate the amulet, you need to hold it in your left hand and say the words of the spell three times: “As a tree goes down into the earth with its roots, so does the family go back into the depths of centuries. Spirits of ancestors, hear, protect, guide. I call you by my will.”

Activation takes place during the new moon. You can first hold the talisman in the moonlight to saturate it with the energy of the night luminary. The ceremony must be performed while in full health. If you feel unwell, it is better to postpone the process.

Symbol tattoos for men and women

If someone does not like to wear jewelry on their body or often loses it, a tattoo will be the best alternative to jewelry. Charging and cleaning the tattoo from negatives is also not required, since the symbol is cleared when taking a shower or bath.

Black sun tattoo

In the form of a tattoo, this symbol does not lose its power; on the contrary, being as close to the body as possible, the Black Sun begins to resonate with its wearer. Thus, a person receives the necessary magical help in different directions in time. The sun, as esotericists advise, is best placed on other parts of the body that are invisible to the eye.

Cleansing and activation

The talisman gives strength every day, protecting the owner from dark energy from the outside. Therefore, the symbol is periodically cleaned and energetically recharged. Previously, the Slavs performed a ritual on the waxing moon.

Before the ritual, preparatory actions follow: bathing, changing clothes to clean ones, cleansing the soul and thoughts from negativity. During the ritual, you need to wholeheartedly ask for help from the spirits of the ancient Slavs. In addition, you need to understand which deity to appeal to.

Cleanse and saturate the Black Sun with natural forces:

  • Earth - bury the amulet for about half an hour;
  • Water - lower it into a river or stream for 5 minutes or more;
  • Fire - hold a candle or fire over the flames;
  • Cold - take it out into the frosty air or keep it in the freezer;
  • Moon - on the night of the full moon, leave the amulet on the windowsill until the morning.

By the way, on our website there is also an interesting article about the ancient Slavic amulet Svetoche.

Image of the symbol on smartphones and computers

If a picture is placed on a screensaver with a sun symbol, it will transfer protective energy to the owner of such a device. Additionally, there are certain conditions:

  • The effect of the amulet on a person occurs only when a person looks at the picture;
  • The energy emanating from symbolism can be reduced if it is not meditated on for at least a few minutes a day.

“Black Sun” can be recharged by temporarily placing a candle near your phone or computer. It is also recommended to say magic words: “My red sun, become for me an amulet of the black sun. Give the strength of the ancestors, in the name of Svarog and the Ancestors.

Meaning for men

The amulet is allowed to be worn on a permanent basis by insecure and timid men. The black sun will help them gain the necessary authority and sense of self-worth. The symbol also helps to achieve your goals in the work sphere.

The sign gives strength and the ability to change negative character traits: hot temper, instability, aggressiveness, carelessness and others. The main thing is a sincere desire and real actions for self-improvement . The amulet only provides an initial impulse and does not tolerate lazy and cheating people.

Is it possible to make a talisman with your own hands?

The power of the talisman is many times greater if you make it yourself at home. You can make it from beads, stringing each one on a wire. It is important that the symbols are made of a material that will reflect sunlight, and not vice versa - attract it. The symbol can also be embroidered on the inside of the shirt collar using red or black thread.

Homemade plaster on a background of black sun

The black sun engraved on metal looks very solid. The symbol also looks beautiful on frosted glass. A correctly made amulet additionally accumulates energy. Thanks to energy power, a person will be able to protect himself from evil witchcraft, damage and the evil eye.

DIY options

In ancient times, it was customary to make various amulets with your own hands. It was believed that such a talisman had greater power than one made by someone else.

There are many options for making amulets:

  • Embroidery. This is one of the most common methods of applying magical symbols to clothing items. It was performed on shirts, shirts, and belts. Every stitch was done with special care. For symbols to be valid, important conditions had to be met. For example, on men's clothing, patterns were embroidered according to men's days, and on women's clothing, according to women's days. It was strictly forbidden to embroider on holidays and Sundays. Young girls and women were engaged in embroidery.
  • Wood carving. This activity was purely male. The owner of the house, furnishing his home with wooden furniture, painted on it images of various amulets intended to protect the house from bad influences. Symbols were also carved into the front door frame and window frames.
  • Blacksmith products. Many blacksmiths could make a silver or copper amulet. The Black Sun, made from silver by blacksmiths, is often found in ancient excavations. Today, such an amulet can only be made by individual craftsmen familiar with jewelry making.
  • Woodburning. This method of making amulets is accessible to anyone who has the right tool at hand. The design of the symbol is applied to a thin board and the desired pattern is burned into it.

Making an amulet is a type of creativity where a person invests part of his soul. Therefore, a talisman made with your own hands is more powerful than one bought at the market or in a store. It may look worse, but it contains a piece of its own energy, which directs the power of the amulet in the right direction.

Thus, the Black Sun symbol has a very powerful effect on humans. Therefore, you need to wear it with caution. It is suitable only for people with good intentions. And if a person is a source of negativity, wearing a talisman can only do harm.

Amulet care

If you have time to deal with the talisman, you need to perform the following simple rituals, such as clearing it of negative energy and giving it new strength. Pure accumulated bad energy can be purified under running water. The power of the amulet is recommended in the rays of the scorching sun. If the symbol is made of silver, charge it by placing it on the windowsill at night when the full moon is shining. The energy of the full moon gives the symbol maximum strength and protection, and also removes all negativity.

Black sun bracelet

The Black Sun gives the owner strength, justice and strong character. The activation of this sign is closely related to the restoration of family ties. This symbol will become a real amulet for those who are ready to accept wisdom from their ancient ancestors.

Possibilities and magical effects of the amulet

In addition to its main purpose, which is to communicate with the spirits of ancestors, the amulet ensures the development of supernatural abilities. He will become a faithful assistant to those who perform magical rituals or want to develop intuition.

Some people who have chosen the sign as an amulet claim that it attracts good luck, happiness and prosperity, protects against the evil eye and damage, and blocks negativity directed at the wearer on an energetic level.

For men

The sacred sign has masculine energy, so esotericists recommend wearing it to representatives of the stronger sex. It has a diverse impact on them:

  • increases self-esteem;
  • helps in achieving goals;
  • gives wisdom and self-control;
  • teaches to distinguish truth from lies;
  • protects against negative influences.

Black sun increases self-esteem and helps in achieving goals.
If a person lacks courage and wisdom, he can use an amulet to develop these qualities in himself.

For women

The symbol represents the sun, thanks to which life is born and maintained. It will become a powerful amulet for pregnant women and those who want to conceive a child. The sacred sign will protect the expectant mother until the very birth, exerting a positive influence not only on her, but also on the baby.

A woman whose child is often sick should wear an amulet to protect him from negative energy and strengthen the child’s health.


So that you can independently choose an amulet for yourself or your loved ones, we have created unique services and articles for you to facilitate the selection and identification of an amulet or palace. They also described the basic principles of how to clean and charge the amulet yourself. If you still have questions, write, we will be happy to help you with your question.

How to determine the Hall and the Hall of the Svarog Circle?

How to Charge and Clean the Amulet?

How to choose an Amulet?

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