History of origin "Bismarck" is a dense, strong and reliable chain of complex weaving. Looking at
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In Rus', the Slavic amulet Odolen-grass was used to protect against diseases, unkind words and the evil eye.
The story of scientists and sailors Pliny the Elder mentions tourmaline under the name “lychnida”. Moreover
09/08/201605/17/2017 Maria Ivanova Many beautiful ladies prefer gold jewelry to costume jewelry. But similar products
March 26, 2022 How to effectively clean gold is a question that sooner or later you will be interested in
Hello, our dear and beloved readers of the Women's Magic website. We are glad that you
Features of artificial stones Of course, artificial crystals are different from real ones, and any jeweler will see the difference
Physical and chemical properties Amethyst's chemical composition is silica. The stone is very sensitive to
CLAYS (a. clay; n. Tone; f. argiles; i. argilla) - sedimentary rocks consisting