Shungite is a miracle stone of health, will protect against misfortunes and damage

Today there is an endless variety of mineral and hard rocks on the planet. Stones have different origins and uses. They are used in construction, design, jewelry and even medicine. There are also those that perform several tasks at once. Shungite stone is the oldest, Precambrian representative of rocks, combining carbon and silicate material up to 1 micron in size.

The first mention of a natural mineral was made at the end of the 18th century by academician Nikolai Ozertsovsky. The name was officially assigned in 1877 and is reminiscent of the single largest stone deposit, the village of Shunga in the Republic of Karelia. Its reserves are estimated at 35 million tons. According to experts, the age of the stone exceeds two billion years, and its origin remains a mystery. There are the following main hypotheses:

  • Part of a huge meteorite.
  • Fossilized remains of ancient microorganisms of oceanic nature.

To date, scientists have not come to a consensus about the source of the “stone of life.”

Natural shungite

Physical properties

The properties and composition of the rock are in the intermediate range with anthracite and ordinary graphite. The structure of the stone includes:

  • up to 95% carbon C60, or fullerenes, round particles 10 nm in size;
  • oxygen;
  • water;
  • nickel;
  • tungsten;
  • molybdenum;
  • vanadium;
  • titanium;
  • hydrogen;
  • sulfur;
  • silicon, up to 60%;
  • selenium.

The rock is characterized by electrical conductivity, solubility, thermal capacity of 7500 kcal, high density (up to 2.4) and hardness up to 4.0. When exposed to external environmental influences, shungite becomes soft.

Processed shungite

Medicinal properties

People knew about the healing properties of shungite even before their scientific substantiation. In the 17th century it was called the “slate stone.” According to legend, water from the slate spring helped the disgraced princess Ksenia Romanovna get rid of epilepsy. On the advice of local peasants, the young woman constantly drank healing water. Soon her health improved, and she gave birth to a boy, the future Tsar Michael. A hundred years later, Peter the Great, the founder of St. Petersburg, heard the legend. Having tested the water from the source on himself, the emperor ordered all his soldiers to take a small piece of the mineral on campaign to prevent and treat abdominal ailments.

Shungite is often called a healing stone. It contains most of the elements from the periodic table. Being a natural antioxidant thanks to fullerenes, the breed has a beneficial effect on the human immune system. The beneficial properties of shungite include anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antihistamine and bactericidal effects.

The stone has a sorbent quality and helps eliminate dangerous compounds from water and air. The effectiveness of its use for water disinfection has been scientifically proven. It destroys dangerous bacteria and viruses, reduces the concentration of impurities and heavy metals. After treatment with medicinal rock, water has a beneficial effect on the body: it cleanses, helps in the fight against viral diseases, and also copes with allergic reactions. A unique stone is able to reduce the impact and protect against the effects of electric fields. In the 21st century, the time of information technology, this is a unique means of reducing the sources of their constant impact on humans.

Shungite beads

Medicinal properties allow it to be effectively used to solve serious health problems. The stone helps people cope with the following diseases:

  • musculoskeletal system;
  • epidermis;
  • joints;
  • respiratory tract, including asthma;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • colds.

The valuable healing properties of shungite stone help eliminate dandruff and promote rapid healing of wounds and burns.

History of the stone

The mineral was first mentioned in materials dating back to the sixteenth century. In those days it was called viper stone, or slate stone. The history of the discovery of the magical properties of shungite is connected with the name of nun Ksenia Romanova, the mother of the Russian Tsar Mikhail.

A healing spring flowed from a gem deposit not far from the Tolvui Monastery. Ksenia, exiled here as a nun, was seriously ill, but thanks to the water she was able to recover and successfully carry the future founder of the Romanov dynasty. The spring was named Princess Spring in her honor.

A hundred years later, it was appreciated by another Russian ruler - Emperor Peter I. He ordered the establishment of a mineral resort for officers and nobles - “Marcial Waters”. After the death of the ruler, it was closed and opened again only in the sixties of the twentieth century.

The scientific study of shungite began in 1792 by the outstanding academician Ozertsovsky, who dedicated several scientific works to it. In 1848, his endeavors were continued by another researcher, N. Komarov.

Shungite owes its name to the village of Shunga, not far from which the largest deposit of stone known in the 19th century was located. This name was given to him by Academician A. Inostrantsev in 1877.

For some time they almost forgot about the stone. They remembered it only at the end of the twentieth century, when the problem of drinking water pollution became urgent, especially in large cities. Then fullerenes, substances that help purify it, were discovered in shungite. This discovery turned out to be so significant for society that the scientists who made it were awarded the Nobel Prize.

Magic properties

The magical qualities of shungite are subjective. It is used in white and black magic. The prevailing dark color in the color served as a reason for classifying the stone as a receptacle of negative energy. From a scientific point of view, the opinion is not justified. The stone has the ability to absorb the energy of space and cleanse from negative factors.

Shungite jewelry is popular among consumers. To enhance positive qualities, special symbols are applied to beads, rings, earrings, and medallions. Sacred inscriptions and drawings carry the function of a talisman, they calm, attract loved ones, give strength, protect from the evil eye and negative influences. Shungite products in the shape of a pyramid, cube or ball are sold as amulets.

Shungite bracelet

To restore energy balance and cleanse the aura, shungite rooms are used in bioenergy. These are special closed rooms with pyramids or any other stone products.

It is recommended to take Shungite with you to important events, business meetings, and when applying for a job. It will help cleanse your aura in any situation that is uncomfortable for you.


The gem attracts all negative energy, so you need to periodically wash it with clean water. First, we rinse it with running water, then soak it overnight (this water must then be thrown away, it is no longer suitable for use) and wash it again with a small addition of soda.

It is recommended to carry out such procedures once every 2 weeks.

If the mineral has darkened and brown spots have appeared on it, the stone’s useful life has come to an end and needs to be replaced. Jewelry made from shungite should be stored separately from others in a box or fabric bag.

Types and colors

Today there are several varieties of shungite:

  1. Elite. It has a rich, deep black color and porous structure. When interacting with the surface, the stone leaves a black mark reminiscent of coal.
  2. Shungite shale. The material is distinguished by its gray-matte color and has similar features with an elite look. Used in construction and is not effective for medicinal purposes.

Geologists divide the mineral into five types, depending on the percentage of carbon levels.

Application in massage and cosmetology

The use of natural materials is widely used in modern medicine and cosmetology. Shungite is the most sought-after mineral for facial and body massage. The healing qualities of the stone have a beneficial effect on the body, allowing you to get the maximum effect after the first procedure.

One of the simplest massage methods available for self-administration at home is foot massage. It is enough to walk on shungite for 10–15 minutes, and the feeling of fatigue will go away, new strength and vigor will appear, your mood will improve and your performance will increase.

With regular foot massage, the effectiveness of the procedure will increase. The session should be performed no later than an hour before going to bed. The recommendation is due to the tonic effect of the procedure. A massage course is used to solve many health problems:

  • varicose veins;
  • arthritis;
  • radiculitis;
  • bouts of depression;
  • nervous disorders.

Cosmetologists recommend using shungite water for washing. With regular use, the skin becomes more toned, pores are cleaned, color is evened out, acne and flaking go away, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and the first signs of aging recede. The procedures are recommended to be carried out at least twice a day for two weeks. The effect is not noticeable immediately; after a full course, the first results appear.

Shungite water is also used to strengthen hair follicles. The procedure helps get rid of seborrhea and achieve healthy shine in hair.

A shungite bath has become an effective way to rejuvenate and relieve stress. It is enough to lower the mineral pyramid into water for 10 minutes and you can begin the procedure.

Name compatibility

Not only the zodiac sign, but also the name determines whether an amulet with such a stone can serve faithfully.

  • For Roman, the stone will help him look at the world differently and expand his horizons. This will relieve loneliness and boredom.
  • It will help Ivan to concentrate on the main thing, not to waste time, not to limit himself to what he can do, but to try to discover and develop his abilities.
  • Maxim lacks stubbornness, which would be useful in carrying out his plans. The power of the stone will give you patience and courage to continue walking towards your goal without turning away.
  • Fedor is kind and sympathetic, this is used without a twinge of conscience. The mineral will protect against the importunity of people who abuse its goodwill.
  • Arkady is prone to wastefulness. Shungite will help develop prudence and protect one from exorbitant spending.
  • The mineral will help Catherine get rid of uncertainty. With the acquisition of a shungite amulet, you can get rid of excessive hesitations that interfere with making the right decision.
  • Varvara is an exemplary wife, mother and homemaker. However, crossing the invisible line, she falls into the captivity of everyday life; gem jewelry will not allow her to fall into this trap.
  • Zoya is endowed with a quiet, dreamy character. Shungite will help her discover her restless spirit, pushing her to take bold actions;
  • The mineral will push Anna to develop intuition, the tips of which will protect her from troubles and disappointments in the future.

How to care for shungite?

Owners of shungite jewelry should be careful. The stone is fragile; if it falls to the ground, it will easily crack and lose its shape. Products should be stored in a separate fabric bag. To maintain an attractive appearance, it is necessary to carry out timely cleaning. For the procedure you will need plain water and soap. The stone is washed and wiped dry with a soft cloth.

When purchasing a mineral in the form of crushed stone, it is necessary to wash it several times. The procedure allows you to get rid of dust and achieve shine.

Before using shungite for water purification or a massage session, it is necessary to rinse and dry the stone.


There is an opinion about the alien origin of the stone. They say that these are pieces of a meteorite that once fell to Earth long ago. This explains the existence (until recently) of only one gem deposit in the village of Shungi, located on the shores of Lake Onega in Karelia. Stone reserves amount to about 35 million tons.

A new field, Koksuyskoye, was recently discovered in Kazakhstan. According to scientists, the stone was formed from the fossilized remains of ancient microorganisms living in the ocean.

How to distinguish an original from a fake?

Shungite does not belong to the group of precious stones. Its healing properties have made it popular among consumers and a desirable target for scammers. Unscrupulous sellers often pass off ordinary coal or shungizite as a valuable stone. The following signs will help you recognize a low-quality product:

  • low, tempting price;
  • appearance: the fake is characterized by increased strength and smoothness;
  • polished material with clear boundaries: fragile shungite is not polished, it is matte;
  • no electrical conductivity;
  • when lowered into a glass of water, bubbles do not appear on the surface of the stone, and the water does not change its taste;
  • There are no golden veins.

When purchasing shungite crushed stone, you should check it for dust. In a quality product it should be present in large quantities.

Who is it suitable for?

When choosing a stone, you should focus on the individual characteristics of the person: eye color, gender, zodiac sign.

One of the main features of shungite is the ability to absorb electromagnetic currents and negative magical effects. Such qualities make it a relevant amulet for public, famous people.

The stone is suitable for representatives of the stronger and weaker sex as a home talisman.

Astrologers recommend the mineral for representatives of two signs: Gemini and Capricorn. For the former, a gray mineral is more suitable; for the latter, preference should be given to rich black stones.


The oldest natural mineral looks like anthracite. It is considered an anthracite-like variety of graphite. It contains a unique natural formation, found exclusively in this stone - fullerene. Fullerenes are a new form of carbon discovered in the 20th century.

Their presence explains the energetic and healing qualities of shungite.

There are two varieties of this rare breed:

  • a brilliant mineral with a fairly hard and dense structure containing up to 97-99% carbon;
  • shungite is matte gray in color, has a loose structure and contains 63-65% carbon.

Contraindications and harm

The stone is not a medication and does not require a prescription. There are no restrictions on age or gender. Despite the presence of positive properties, the mineral also has contraindications. Its use is not recommended in the following cases:

  • Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The stone has a strong influence on all internal organs of a person.
  • In the presence of neoplasms.
  • If you have chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Are there any foci of inflammation?

At the first stages of using the mineral, the following side effects are observed:

  • mild dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • cramps in the limbs;
  • tingling in different parts of the body.

Unpleasant symptoms are a consequence of the removal of toxins from the body. Treatment should be started gradually. At first, direct contact with the mineral should not take much time; little by little, you can increase the duration. If you feel discomfort, you should stop using it for a while. With the right approach, negative feelings will quickly disappear, and a beneficial effect will not be long in coming.

Shungite has a broad positive effect on the body. In addition, it is inexpensive and can become a helper in any family.

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