Beauty myths: why rose quartz and other miracle crystals are bad

What is rose quartz

The crystal was first discovered by miners in the Alps. It looked like drops of frozen water, for which it was called crystal (from the Greek crystal - ice). A chemically pure mineral is colorless and transparent. This type of crystal is still called rock crystal. In nature, quartz is pinkish in color; the color is formed due to iron impurities under the influence of sunlight. From a chemical point of view, rose quartz is nothing more than silicon oxide with the addition of titanium. Thanks to the shade, the crystal got its name.

What does it look like

The color of the crystals varies from pale pink to red. Minerals are rarely transparent, often translucent crystals (milky) or almost transparent. When exposed to light, the color fades and disappears completely when heated to 300 °C. It has a glassy sheen. Pinkish quartz is dissected by cracks to varying degrees. Rose quartzite, similar in name, is a stone consisting of quartz and impurities, used as a facing material in construction. Rose quartz powder, which has a high vibration, is added to all kinds of creams.

How to distinguish from a fake

Gemstones are often counterfeited for profit; pink minerals and other varieties of quartz are no exception. Fake pink crystals are made from ordinary painted glass. If the mineral is very clean, without cracks, but is very cheap, it is a fake. Transparent rose quartz without cracks is considered very rare, so their price is significantly higher than the cost of ordinary crystals with cracks.

How to spot a fake

Rose quartz is counterfeited with plastic or glass. Here are some ways to spot fraud:

  • the specific gravity of the natural mineral is greater;
  • the color of rose quartz is uneven;
  • in transparent varieties of the mineral, air bubbles are noticeable;
  • natural stone has cracks and internal defects;
  • Unlike plastic, stone does not conduct heat well, so it remains cool when touched.

High-quality fakes are difficult to distinguish from rose quartz of natural origin, so it is better to buy jewelry in trusted places that value their reputation. Before purchasing, it is better to look at the product certificate, which indicates the origin of the mineral.

Rose quartz jewelry

Pinkish quartz minerals are used as an ornamental stone. When creating jewelry, transparent crystals are used, that is, highly translucent specimens. Such minerals are inserted into brooches and rings. Pendants, necklaces, beads, necklaces, and bracelets are made from milky pink stones. Minerals with the effect of asterism are cut in the form of high cabochons, others are cut with step cuts - all kinds of souvenirs are made from them.

How to wear a pink crystal correctly

Rose quartz crystals are combined with silver. Only this precious metal reveals all the properties of the mineral and makes it work at full strength. Heavy precious metals such as copper, bronze and gold dampen the energy of the crystal. If you use the mineral as a medicinal one, it is better to purchase a pendant with a silver chain or a silver ring with a large-cut stone. Translucent stones have stronger energy.

This crystal is often called the “heart crystal”. To attract love, pink quartz jewelry is best worn close to the heart so that the crystal is in contact with the skin. If you rarely wear jewelry, you can purchase a quartz pyramid as a talisman and place it at your workplace or a small keychain for keys or a phone. Quartz helps heal mental trauma, helps restore and maintain harmony of soul and body.

Who is it suitable for?

The pink mineral has many advantages. Many people note the positive effects of the stone. However, it is suitable only for people with good intentions, charged with optimism, who are eager to help themselves without resorting to others for help. Often people, putting on a talisman with this mineral, stop doing anything, in the hope that the crystal will do everything on its own, but this is a misconception. The stone needs periodic replenishment of human energy.

Unclean people with evil motives need to think carefully before buying and wearing this crystal as an amulet. In this case, the stone will in every possible way counteract the evil intentions of its owner, which can have a bad effect on the psycho-emotional and physical health of a person. Quartz illuminates and enhances the most vibrant qualities.

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A similar sign

Who knows the signs (I bought it to improve my personal life - to get married for unmarried people or to attract true love into my life), the person who is next to me now and I love him very much - he is busy with someone else, I can’t be with him? I bought rose quartz and now I lost it, what’s the point?

Best answer

You lost it on purpose, but unknowingly, because the stone did not live up to your expectations.

STEVENHigher Intelligence (961856) 6 years ago

This is nonsense. You lost it on purpose, but unknowingly

Pafnutiy Seleverstych Oracle (84376) This is science. Read “Introduction to Psychoanalysis” by S. Freud. There, in one of his first lectures, he talks about similar things.

IngaStudent (176) 6 years ago

how is this special? Well, I think it’s too early to talk about my expectations, because I was hoping for a stone

Pafnuty Seleverstich Oracle (84376) Perhaps there were unpleasant associations with the stone.

Impact on the emotional sphere

The impact on the human psyche includes:

  • assistance in coping with a breakup or divorce;
  • calming down, bringing a sense of security during any crisis events in life;
  • stress relief;
  • reduction of chronic nervous tension;
  • reducing the number of outbursts of anger and jealousy;
  • bringing balance to sexual desires and emotions;
  • eliminating feelings of self-pity that cause health problems;
  • facilitating the release of negative emotions that are lodged deep inside and do not allow you to live normally.

How to use rose quartz


Rose quartz can be placed in one of the rooms of your home, preferably in the bedroom next to the bed.

You can also place the crystal in the center of your home where it will radiate positive energy and pure love to everyone who crosses your threshold.


If you want to attract an abundance of love, joy and grace, then keep rose quartz close to your skin by wearing it as jewelry. Wear necklaces, bracelets and earrings.

If you are looking for healing crystals to match your rose quartz, try amethyst. Its serene vibrations make it an ideal soul companion.

Clear quartz also complements rose quartz perfectly, enhancing the energy of love.

The crystal goes well with diamonds and pearls, silver and white gold.


Rose quartz is a common meditation stone used by women. It helps strengthen loving relationships and bring gentle energy into your day.

Meditating with the stone will create an aura of love around you and activate the heart chakra.

The stone will dissolve the boundaries of isolation and mistrust, and will also help develop self-love. Healing heart wounds and awakening trust is one of the gifts of this stone.

Cosmetic procedures

Place the crystal in a jar with fresh spring water and a handful of rose petals. Place the jar in the sun for a few hours to allow the water to infuse the power of the rose quartz.

Strain the water and add to a pump bottle to moisturize your face morning and evening.

You can also buy a gua sha scraper or rose quartz roller and massage your face.

Magic properties

This love stone has a soft and gentle energy that heals the heart.

This applies not only to the love of others, but above all to the love of oneself. Rose Quartz encourages trust, compassion and emotional healing.

Self-awareness and acceptance are two of the most beautiful healing powers of crystal. It is also a great stone for people who have difficulty accepting love from another because they feel unworthy.

The stone is equally powerful for manifesting new relationships and deepening existing ones, be it with yourself, a romantic partner, or friends and family.

The gentle vibrations of rose quartz soothe and heal any wounds caused to the heart.

The crystal dissolves sorrows, anxieties, fears and resentments that suppress the heart's ability to give and receive love.

Forms a deep sense of personal fulfillment.

Rose quartz is also a stone for those who are unable to enjoy life because they have never loved.

Perhaps he didn’t receive enough love in childhood.

It is a healer for those inner wounds, erasing the hurt and reprogramming the heart to accept the endless source of love that comes from within you. Only by learning to give love to yourself can you truly love others.

Rose Quartz is the most important crystal of the heart and heart chakra, teaching the true essence of love, purifying and opening the heart on all levels.

The heart chakra is located near the center of the sternum and regulates our interaction with the outside world, as well as controls what we accept and what we resist.

It gives us the balancing ability to be ourselves in our environment and helps us clearly understand our own needs and emotions.

If your heart chakra is blocked, you may experience signs of unhealthy behavior in relationships. You are prone to codependency or jealousy, have little trust in yourself and others, and feel unworthy of love.

One of the most amazing healing properties of rose quartz is its ability to open the heart and bring you back into balance so you feel open to all of life's possibilities.

Rose Quartz also balances the yin-yang energy and brings all other chakras into harmony and unity with the heart.

This beautiful stone promotes sensitivity to beauty of all kinds.

Its vibrations can penetrate to the cellular level and reprogram cells for joy and longevity, rather than despair and death.

The crystal helps dissolve anger and resentment, fear and suspicion, brings light of healing, revival of hope and faith in the benevolence of the Universe.

Ritual for the Heart Chakra

Take out the rose quartz and place it on your heart.

Take six deep breaths (six is ​​a number often associated with love).

As you breathe, imagine the stone radiating love into your heart, clearing away darkness and pain.

You can use rhodochrosite, carnelian and red jasper to enhance the properties of rose quartz. These stones are used to attract new love or strengthen and deepen an existing one.

The magical properties of rose quartz

The calling card of the pink mineral is its magical ability to heal heart wounds, attract love, and protect the family. Pink stones have a great influence on people of art. Talismans increase creativity; under the influence of the mineral, writers begin to actively write texts, artists begin to paint pictures, actors find new facets in themselves and appear in new images. It is not advisable to wear the crystal for a long time: like most magic stones, quartz needs a break from the human biofield to recharge its properties.

Rose quartz spell

The magical properties of the mineral are difficult to overestimate: it protects a person from making wrong decisions, quartz helps to find a way out of the most difficult life situations, increases self-esteem, and gives confidence in oneself and one’s strengths. One of the most popular jewelry is a bracelet to attract love. Magic is manifested not only in jewelry: according to the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, in order to improve some aspects of life, for example, improve relationships in the family, you need to place a quartz figurine or just a crystal in the sector of marriage and family.

Astrological compatibility

According to astrologers, quartz has its maximum energetic influence on the first lunar day. It will be the most powerful amulet for people who were born on such a day.

The pink mineral patronizes Taurus, Libra and Pisces . They are advised to carry a talisman or jewelry with quartz on Sunday and Friday to replenish their vitality and get rid of negativity.

There is not a single zodiac sign for which rose quartz would be contraindicated. But still, it is not suitable for everyone, since energy compatibility is also taken into account. And if at first glance you don’t like the stone or subconsciously reject it, it’s better to choose another mineral.

Medicinal properties

Pink stone can protect a woman from many gynecological problems, for example, protect against infertility, prevent various pathologies during pregnancy and childbirth. The stone helps in the fight against uterine cancer and other gynecological diseases. In addition, many ancient medical treatises say that the mineral prolongs human life. The following healing properties of the crystal are distinguished:

  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • suppression of outbursts of irritability;
  • anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect;
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart;
  • normalization of blood sugar levels;
  • improvement of the genitourinary system.

For a stone to have healing properties, it must be donated by someone or passed down by inheritance. If you buy a talisman yourself, then the adjustment of the mineral occurs within a year, but its healing properties will work properly for ten years. After which the stone needs to be recharged. This process takes a long time, about a year. The mineral should be placed in a dark place and not touched. A year later, he can again serve his owner.

Love stones according to horoscope

I have prepared my own talismans for each sign of the Zodiac. Even ancient people firmly believed that beautiful crystals would bring good luck in love if you choose them according to the horoscope:

  • Aries. For Aries, carnelian will be the stone of love. It will give attractiveness to a girl, bring good luck to a man, make him decisive and courageous. Taurus - malachite will give great luck in love.
  • Gemini - must wear agate. It is he who will help you gain attractiveness, health, and family happiness.
  • Cancer - will know happiness if there is jade among his jewelry. This gem portends success in relationships with the opposite sex.
  • A lion. Which stone is suitable for Leos? For a passionate Leo, a passionate pomegranate will give tenderness and harmony in relationships.
  • For Virgo , lapis lazuli will help attract the attention of the other sex.
  • Libra - opal will relieve despondency and give happiness in love.
  • Scorpio will know happiness in love if hematite appears among the jewelry. The crystal can change Scorpio's personal life for the better.
  • Sagittarius - he will know happiness and find harmony in love if he acquires a rare mineral - chrysoprase.
  • Capricorn. Rock crystal will help this sign to know happiness, to live in fidelity and devotion.
  • Aquarius - amethyst will help a girl attract a man. A sign of love can give happiness for a lifetime.
  • Pisces can trust jasper. The mineral will dispel all doubts and give unearthly happiness.

When choosing a talisman, listen to your heart, rely on your intuition. After all, you trust the crystal with your destiny and personal life. On the music portal, all lovers can listen to the song “Cornerstone” to believe even more that there is an unearthly feeling in the world.

How much does rose quartz cost?

The price of rose quartz products depends on the size of the stone, its purity (transparency), and the framing material. The approximate price breakdown in Moscow for popular jewelry is presented in the table (as a frame - jewelry alloy or silver):

Decoration Price in rubles (range from to)
Bracelet 268-1489
Beads 339-2529
Rings 319-629
Pendants 259-489
Earrings 209-789
Souvenirs, amulets 289-599


The mineral has a low cost. For $10 you can buy about a kilogram of raw crystals. A cabochon with a diameter of about three centimeters with cracks and uneven coloring costs about a hundred rubles. But high-quality cutting or artistic cutting makes the stone ten times more expensive.

Designer jewelry in gold and silver from famous brands cost hundreds of thousands of rubles. Such, for example, is the collection of Tiffany jewelry with designs from Paloma Picasso.

On average, silver jewelry costs from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles. Bead bracelet – from 500 to 1000 rubles. If the product is cheaper, then you should think about its origin.

Origin story

Jewelry, weapons and tools made from this mineral were found by archaeologists during excavations of Late Paleolithic and Neolithic settlements.

Jewelry made from this stone was popular in the countries of the Ancient West (Rome and Greece) and the Ancient East (Persia, India, China).

The following myths and legends are associated with rose quartz:

  1. The ancient Greeks considered rose quartz a gift from the god Eros. He helped people find their “other half” and find harmony in a married couple.
  2. According to the views of the ancient Hindus , this mineral is the stone of the heart. It corresponds to the anahata (heart chakra) and fills the heart of the person contemplating it with love.
  3. Ancient esotericists call the stone “the juice of the nascent Earth.” In their opinion, it makes its owner feel his kinship with every stone, plant and living creature living on the planet.

Where is it mined?

Rose quartz is found in various regions of the planet, and the deposits occupy quite large areas. Selected specimens are found in Brazil; they are distinguished by their transparent structure, impeccable quality and bright color. In Madagascar, opaque stones of cloudy milky colors predominate. Large deposits are located:

  • in India;
  • USA;
  • Austria;
  • Japan;
  • Poland;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Germany;
  • France.

In our country, large deposits of rose quartz of good quality were discovered in Karelia.


Industrial mining of gems is carried out together with the mining of rock crystal and other minerals. The largest deposits are located in Madagascar. French, American, Japanese, Brazilian and German enterprises are also developing deposits. Mining of the mineral flourishes in Altai, Kazakhstan, North Karelia, and Central Asia.

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