Slavic runic signs of happiness and success: how to use amulets 


The purpose of a money amulet is to attract money, finances and preserve them. A money amulet will also help ensure success in business and work. A money amulet will provide significant assistance to businessmen. Amulets for attracting money are used in various countries. Correctly selected or made independently money amulets can bring prosperity and good luck.

Who will the amulet help?

In our lives, money solves many problems, so the desire to increase its amount is completely justified. In no case should one assume that money is evil. However, sometimes, no matter how hard you try, luck passes you by. In this case, talismans for attracting money that have a strong magical effect can help. They can be purchased or made with your own hands.

A necessary condition for the successful use of amulets for money is unshakable faith in them. Distrust and skepticism will not allow them to fully demonstrate their magical qualities. If a person begins to constantly grieve about the lack of money and the inability to cope with this problem, then a program of poor existence will be launched. The presence of a money talisman will program the subconscious of its owner for success and good luck.

How money symbols work

The use of magical signs allows us to solve the problem of the automatic presence of an egregor that protects a person in one place or another. Being gateways to certain egregors, symbols of attracting money help you receive huge amounts of energy and change the space around you.

Any graphic design is a framework for an energy structure. Its power depends on how "charged" it is by the practitioner of magic. A simple sign drawn on a wallet to attract money or wealth will be useless if it is not present in the person’s mind. In order for the money channel to open, you need to combine the idea of ​​a magic symbol with its image and send your energy to this area.

In order to charge a banknote, while drawing it, you must be in a deep meditative state: think only about your desire, visualizing its fulfillment in all colors.

At the same time, magical symbols to attract money and good luck should be applied to materials that are good batteries and conductors of energy. It can be natural stones, metals, natural fabrics, wood, bone.

The most suitable wood for money talismans is honeysuckle, almond, oak, pine, and cedar. Of the metals, preference should be given to gold. In the case of stones, you need to choose specimens of yellow and green shades (chrysoberyl, peridot, chrysoprase, labradorite, citrine).

Star of the Cross

This one of the most ancient Slavic symbols is designed to bring good luck and financial success to its owner. Having such an amulet for attracting money, a person will definitely achieve all his goals of ensuring prosperity.

The memorable ornament is a crosshair of parallel lines. This image is simple, so it is often used in the form of embroidery.

The magical properties of the Star of the Cross allow the owner to begin to live a successful life, believing in the correctness of his actions, while searching for new paths and solutions.

Nuances of use

When wearing amulets, remember that the Slavic symbol of good luck and success is an individual thing. It should not be shared or boasted. It works for one person. Amulets need to be recharged after wearing for a long time. Avoid negative vows and impossible desires and do not lose. During prolonged use, it enhances its properties. It can be passed on by inheritance. You can independently recharge the amulet with consecrated water or with the help of a spell. Otherwise, contact experts who will perform the necessary rituals. Proceed with the creation of amulets, talismans and amulets with caution and attention. Rituals are not performed for the sake of entertainment. And the main thing is to believe in them.

Amulet of God Belobog

God Belobog is the bearer of good luck and prosperity. All who turn to him gain benefit in life and success in business. The sign of Belobog serves as a symbol of the coming of the White Light into a person’s life. The owner of the amulet receives the patronage of God Belobog in the field of good health, success in business and career advancement, together with all the joys of life.

The amulet of God Belobog will save you from material hardships and mistakes along the way. God Belobog loves to work himself and respects all workers, helping them on this path.

Spells for Slavic amulets

Conspiracies can enhance the effect of the amulet and tune the owner to the wavelength. You should read the text in a calm environment; it is better to do it alone. First you need to cleanse your body and soul. It is advisable to take a shower or go to the bathhouse, and then meditate or simply concentrate on thoughts about the amulet, what you would like to achieve with its help.

You can turn to the forces of the 4 elements or the patron deity of the talisman. It is advisable to memorize words rather than read from a piece of paper. You can compose the text yourself, putting the meaning of your wishes into it, but you can also use a ready-made one. Possible spells:

  • From detractors:

“Fire God, my Father, illuminate me with your flame! Cross your fiery fingers, grant your protection! Your flame burns dry grass and trees, so you have incinerated my enemies, let all those who wish me harm writhe from your anger! So it was, so it is and so it will be!”

  • From evil:

“I appeal to you, powers of the earth, fire, water, earth and wind, protect me from the forces of evil, slander and disasters. Dark spirits, I conjure with a prophetic word, avoid my house.”

  • To fight diseases:

“Lada, my goddess! Be glorious and heed those who call you. I ask you for health, bread and peace for my family, my children (names...). Protect from illness, give long life and prosperity.”

  • For love:

“Lada is my protector! I ask for your help and protection. May I be white and full of beauty. I ask you, help, bring a good fellow! Send me happiness, love and a strong family!”

Imperial amulet


The amount of money a person has is not always directly dependent on how he works. The Imperial Amulet can come to the rescue. When used correctly, a very noticeable effect can be obtained.

The amulet is presented in the form of a coin that was previously in circulation. The historical period during the time of Peter the Great is especially valued. This coin must be charged with a prayer said over it.

An imperial amulet will help increase your income when there may be an urgent need for this, for example, if serious competitors have appeared in the business or there has been a decline in business. Help can also be provided if performance has decreased or a loss of strength has occurred. An imperial amulet will easily solve all these problems.

The use of such an amulet for money will contribute to the quick return of borrowed money, an increase in wages, winning the lottery, and receiving an inheritance. Helpful people will appear in the owner’s life, cooperation with whom will lead to increased income. A person wearing the Imperial Amulet will be rewarded with self-confidence, which will allow him to achieve his goals and defend his own interests.


Rules and recommendations

There are certain rules, without following which, the use of runes will do more harm than good:

  1. Before carrying out work, you need to familiarize yourself with the signs themselves, find out what they are used for and how they work.
  2. Realize that runes are a kind of adapter to another world, allowing you to establish a connection with the deities. Since these entities work for the benefit of man, they need to be properly thanked (in words or left gifts). If you don't do this, God can charge the fee himself.
  3. When making runes exclusively for yourself, you can paint them with blood. If the alphabet is made for someone or will be used by several people, this should not be done.
  4. You should not try to exert an evil or good influence on anyone without prior agreement. If runes are used, such magic will turn towards the operator.

These are just basic rules, knowledge of which is not enough for full-fledged work.

Runic amulet Money Mill


The Money Mill is an amulet in the form of a rune to attract money. Its task is to bring good luck and attract money into your life. According to ancient Saxon legends, the millstones of a magic mill could grind stones into gold. This process is reflected in the image of the money rune.

Such an image can be depicted on paper and carried with you. Money will begin to be attracted at high speed, wide financial channels will open, and additional sources of financing will appear. There is protection from various obstacles along the way.

The effect of the Money Mill is also that opportunities to earn extra money appear, the salary at an existing position increases, and friends who borrowed money from you return it. A sponsor may appear. There is an unexpected appearance of expensive gifts. Valuable finds will begin to appear in unexpected places.





The main function of the Yarovik amulet is to protect acquired property. In ancient times, it was believed that Yarovik absorbs solar energy and then transforms it for the benefit of righteous people. After harvesting, he protected it from pests and theft. The Yarovik sign was painted on barns with collected grain. This gave rise to confidence that the harvest would be preserved throughout the winter. The image of the amulet is a cross with curved blades.

An amulet with the image of Yarovik also protected livestock and all domestic animals. It makes it clear to its owner that they are trying to deceive him and take away his property. It helps in difficult work, increasing wealth.

Valkyrie symbol

This is a masculine sign; women cannot wear such amulets. The origin of this symbol is not entirely clear. It is believed that it is not originally Slavic, but came to Rus' along with the Varangian squads that accompanied Rurik.

But be that as it may, this amulet was very loved and in demand among the ancient Slavs. It should be worn by military personnel, police officers, firefighters and all those whose occupation may somehow be related to the duties of ancient warriors.

The amulet will not allow anger to cloud the mind, will not allow fear in the heart and will protect from enemies, bringing victory.


In Slavic mythology, Khors is the god of the Sun. Externally, the amulet dedicated to this god is a solar circle in which a cross with curved ends is inscribed.

The functions of such an amulet include assistance in accumulating wealth and preserving it. It can attract both buyers and clients. Provides assistance in selling goods in the shortest possible time and at favorable prices, and protects against unprofitable transactions. Is not suitable for unfair trade.

Runes - signs that attract money

Scandinavian futhark is widely used in magical practices. It contains 24 signs, four of which are directly related to monetary luck.


Fehu is the main rune for attracting material resources and life energy. Its key quality is the patronage of the gods, the acquisition of new opportunities, growth and expansion, as well as the protection of existing wealth.

The symbol helps to increase capital, both through honest earnings and through undeserved luck. Traditionally, Fehu was considered a talisman of cattle breeders, who not only raised herds on their own, but also engaged in livestock theft.

This magical sign should be used by those who decide to take the path of getting rich quick. The vibrations of the rune will help to recount all the resources a person has in order to find the most profitable way to use them.

However, Fehu will not bring wealth to those who are accustomed to wasting money and do not know how to save what they have accumulated. Those who make money on mature and established financial markets should also use the symbol with caution. The rune opens up more opportunities for business activities in developing industries. Helps attract new investors and clients.

Also, a magic sign is used to ensure a favorable result of a real estate transaction and the safety of things when moving.

The effect of the Fehu rune is not limited to material objects. The symbol also helps to find a way out of a difficult and incomprehensible situation, make the right choice, and accumulate social and reputational capital.

When using Fehu, it is important to remember that the action of the rune should be aimed at achieving a specific goal, and not just achieving “wealth”. This is too abstract a concept, by which each person means something different. A wish made through Feha must be extremely specific. For example, you can “order” a specific position, a certain amount of money for apartment renovation, or the purchase of a specific brand of car. After such a detailed request, the magic sign will create the necessary circumstances for the realization of what you want.

It is best to apply the symbol to jewelry worn on the hands - rings, rings, bracelets. During the ritual, you can also turn to the god of fertility Frey and the goddess of love Freya, to whom the rune is dedicated.

Opilla (Odal)

The Othila rune symbolizes clan, family, tradition and property. The magical properties of a sign include the ability to perceive reference information and act in accordance with accepted norms and rules. In money magic, the symbol takes on the meaning of material property and its preservation.

Opilla facilitates the acquisition of land, real estate and other benefits, develops practical ingenuity, helps maintain labor discipline and helps improve relations with the work team. It is used to protect property, when dividing property between heirs or divorced spouses, and to conclude profitable contracts.


The Jera rune symbolizes the cyclical nature of the world process, the year, the harvest. It is drawn before the start of any large and important enterprise to ensure its safe development and success in the final result. Runes are also used as magic when there is not enough strength to complete the work started.

The magical sign of Yer does not force events, but helps to tune in to the natural rhythms of the Universe. As a result, a person gets rid of unnecessary fuss, false goals and values, and begins to intuitively lean only towards those actions, activities, and business connections that bring him success.


Dagaz is one of the brightest and most positive runes of the Scandinavian futhark. Symbolizes unlimited prospects and possibilities. Helps to escape from a difficult situation and poverty. Helps to gain an adequate understanding of the world around us. Eliminates ideas about a lack of resources from consciousness, eliminates negative associations with wealth and other psychological restrictions in the monetary sphere.

Blessed Doll

The Blessed Doll is also called the Hostess or Housewife. This amulet brings prosperity to the house. A characteristic feature is that in its folded handles there is a five-ruble coin. This symbolizes the preservation of the master's goods.

The main purpose of the Blessed Lady doll is to increase wealth and prosperity, ensuring a good life. It is used for good luck in business, competent and economical housekeeping, and to help quickly achieve your goals.

Symbols of luck and wealth

Over the entire history of mankind, a huge number of money “magnets” have been invented. Next, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the most popular of them.

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I would like to draw your attention to the fact that symbols are absolutely always created for a specific culture, and not for an individual person. And in order to fill them with life, to activate them, you need to be related to this culture, and not use it thoughtlessly. Otherwise, it simply becomes an incomprehensible “squiggle” on paper (or other media).

Money Tree

The money tree is one of the most powerful Chinese amulets designed to attract wealth. Its crown consists of many Chinese coins.

However, a real living tree can also be used for this purpose. It is called Crassula or Crassula.

They are placed in small pots and watered regularly. To enhance the effect, you can place several coins under the living Money Tree. You can also place large banknotes on its branches. If such a tree is grown independently, then before pouring soil into the pot, coins should be placed at its bottom.

To receive help, the tree needs to constantly talk about its financial difficulties and expenses.

Three-legged toad

According to Feng Shui, the Three-Legged Toad symbolizes the source of wealth. She sits on a handful of Chinese coins. Another coin, which can be inserted and removed, is located in her mouth. A toad with three legs sitting on coins is considered the guardian of wealth.

An amulet in the form of a Three-Legged Toad brings prosperity and financial independence to the house where it is installed. She has the power to provide assistance if the need for additional financial investments arises. The toad will provide the owner of the amulet with the necessary confidence in business matters.

The Three-Legged Toad amulet will assist in concluding profitable deals, will help you save a large amount of money and spend it wisely. Red stones should be inserted as the eyes of the toad, which helps activate this amulet.

How to charge and activate Slavic amulets

It is believed that an amulet created with one’s own hands does not need to be activated.

He is initially attuned to the owner, feels his desires and knows his thoughts. If the amulet is purchased or given as a gift, you need to clean it and tie it to the owner. To do this, the magical object should be washed under running water or covered with salt for a day, then taken in the palm of your hand and pressed against your forehead.

It is necessary to greet the amulet and tell who the owner is, what his desires and needs are. After this, you need to charge it to work. It is advisable to do this on the waxing moon and on the days of Slavic holidays. A suitable place is the territory of power, holy lands, but you can do this at home.

To charge, you can use one of the elements:

  • Fire . Ideally, you need to make a fire at the place of power, without using garbage, wood chips, scraps of cardboard, but only tree branches. Looking at the flame, you should turn to the gods of fire and the patron of the amulet. The talisman should be brought closer to the fire. If it is not possible to make a fire, you can light a candle, hold a magical object in your hand and move it over the flame while reading the plot.
  • Earth . It is necessary to bury the amulet in the soil, preferably in a place of power, but it is also possible in a ceramic pot. During the procedure, you should contact the patron deity of the item and the talisman itself. It is covered with a layer for a day.
  • Water. Only clean flowing or melted water will do. A stream, spring, or river can act as a reservoir. The amulet needs to be placed on the bottom and, looking at the waves, try to establish contact.
  • Air . It is advisable to go to a field on a windy day, or go to a park or other place with a small number of people. It is necessary to hang the talisman on a string, lift it to it and allow the elements to blow on it. In this case, you should read the conspiracy. It is acceptable to replace this option with fumigation with smoke from noble tree species.


This hieroglyph promotes the acquisition of material wealth.

Prosperity is ensured in the area and direction where there is a need for the owner of the amulet with this image.

Possessing the Abundance amulet, you can attract success and material wealth into your life.

Cup of Wealth

The Cup of Wealth amulet brings abundance and prosperity to the home. There must be a lid on top of the Cup of Wealth so that the acquired wealth does not have the opportunity to get out.

This bowl is made of silver, copper, or with gilding. Various symbols can be depicted on the surface. You can place jewelry or a bag of banknotes at the bottom of the bowl.

Grass-Overcoming Symbol

Not all amulets were worn around the neck or hung in the house. For example, the sign of Overcome Grass, which prevents a person from getting sick, was usually applied to rings or rings that should be worn on the fingers of the right hand.

This tradition is due to the fact that the Slavs believed in the possibility of transmitting illnesses at the moment of a handshake.

Overcome grass is a fire symbol. Such a talisman not only prevents the onset of diseases, but also expels and burns out those that already exist. In Little Russia, amulets with the image of a fern flower were endowed with the same properties. It is likely that both of these symbols have a common “ancestor”.

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Hotei is the ever-laughing god of wealth and happiness. An amulet with Hotei is capable of fulfilling any desire of its owner. To do this, you need to rub this figurine on the tummy, while thinking about your dream, for example, to get rich.

This amulet is also called the laughing Buddha.

What signs of money are relevant for Russia

It’s sad, but we have heard a lot about the Chinese symbolism of wealth and other nations, but we find so few examples of domestic, Russian banknotes. But they can help us most of all, since they relate to our people and are imbued with their energy. What is it?

So, Russians should turn to Slavic symbolism for help. Not Chinese, American or anything else. Only Slavic signs correspond to the egregor of the Russian population, and yet we are part of it. These are runic signs and symbols of the deities of Slavic mythology Dazhdbog and Veles.

Three linked coins

An effective amulet that attracts money into the owner’s life is three interconnected coins. In the center of each coin there is a hole through which a connecting element, always red, passes. A ribbon or lace can be used for this.

Such tied coins are convenient to carry in a wallet or purse. They will ensure the attraction of cash flow and prevent unnecessary waste.

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