Talisman stones suitable for male and female names

Since ancient times, various minerals have served as amulets and talismans, bringing good luck to people and protecting them from troubles, diseases and dangers. Such an amulet is chosen individually for each person, based on different characteristics. Often an ornamental stone is selected based on a person’s name, which largely determines his fate and character. This selection criterion makes it possible to correct fate and improve character traits, since the stone will balance the influence of the name on a person’s life.

ATTENTION! If a person wears an imperial amulet on himself, he will never be poor. His debts are closed and a streak of luck sets in, which brings him into a comfortable life. With an imperial amulet, money will come in abundance - there will be much more of it than you expect... Read more"

What is the basis for selecting a stone by name?

Esotericists say: any pebble accumulates the energy of the Earth and Space. This is one of the most powerful “accumulators”, because forces accumulate over hundreds of thousands or millions of years.

Part of this supply goes to the person: through jewelry, household figurines, ordinary stones in a pocket or purse.

The sound of a person’s name, like any word, also generates a burst of energy. For the stone to help, these “energy emissions” must resonate and act in unison.

Over the centuries, people have become convinced that each human name has its own stone. Esotericists have learned to identify these unions.

Why are name stones needed?

When naming a newborn, parents take into account family traditions, fashion, and personal preferences. And they don’t realize that along with the name they are “gluing” a destiny onto the child. It’s not for nothing that they say: whatever you name the yacht, that’s how it will sail.

The name imposes positive and problematic character traits. A talisman stone by name can strengthen the former and smooth out the latter.

For example, it will make Alexandra softer and more feminine. Galina, on the contrary, will add firmness and determination.

It is generally difficult to overestimate the value of such a stone: it will tell you a way out of a problematic situation, protect you from ill-wishers, and make you healthier.

Correctly choosing a stone by name is important for a person of any age.

Historical reference

Rulers in different eras and times used the properties of minerals to gain power, success in battle and other purposes.

  • Ivan the Terrible admired the beauty and energy of the sapphire, with which he decorated his staff and numerous rings;
  • Alexander the Great also favored blue sapphire and chrysoprase, which were set into his belt;
  • A.S. Pushkin considered his emerald ring to be his talisman, bringing inspiration and good luck;
  • F. D. Roosevelt always took with him staurolite, crystals that form crosses;
  • Thanks to the favor of the malachite stone, the Demidov family rose to a new level, gaining wealth, fame and entering aristocratic circles;
  • The Crusaders wore garnet rings to gain strength in battle;
  • Coco Chanel considered a string of pearls to be her talisman.

List of stones by name

A list of stones corresponding to the names of women and men has been developed. For each item there are several options: precious, semi-precious, ornamental. In a magical sense, they are equivalent, so stones by name can be chosen based on personal preferences or financial capabilities.

Male names

The list shows full male names and the minerals that suit them:

  • Alexey – pyrope, sardonyx, spinel, jasper;
  • Andrey – andalusite, malachite, citrine, amber;
  • Bogdan - hairy, tiger's eye, rhodonite, citrine;
  • Boris – agate, beryl, serpentine, sardonyx, chrysoprase;
  • Vadim – hyacinth, selenite, hematite, onyx;
  • Victor – rauchtopaz, blue corundum, kunzite, selenite;
  • Vladimir – heliotrope, emerald, jasper (preferably greenish);
  • George - emerald, tiger's eye, citrine;
  • Gleb – lapis lazuli, malachite, zircon, fluorite;
  • Gregory – beryl, heliotrope, jade, topaz;
  • Daniel – azurite, moonstone, sodalite;
  • Denis – amazonite, jadeite, malachite, spinel;
  • Dmitry – agate, lapis lazuli, rhodonite, chalcedony;
  • Eugene – amethyst, kunzite, labradorite, amber;
  • Egor - agate, hairy, rauchtopaz, chrysolite;
  • Ivan – amazonite, heliodor, malachite, quartzite, selenite;
  • Igor – goshenite, turquoise, charoite, jade, kyanite;
  • Ilya – jet, opal, carnelian, citrine;
  • Kirill – white jade, rhodochrosite, tourmaline, jasper;
  • Constantine - aventurine, bull's eye, almandine, jadeite;
  • Leonid - hawk's eye, fluorite, obsidian, tanzanite, charoite;
  • Maxim – amazonite, beryl, malachite, chrysocolla;
  • Michael – morion, onyx, rauchtopaz, chrysoprase, citrine;
  • Nikita – hematite, garnet, obsidian, chrysocolla;
  • Nikolay – labradorite, hyacinth, jadeite, malachite;
  • Oleg – jet, rhodonite, hematite, spinel;
  • Pavel – bull's eye, demantoid, ruby, tourmaline, jasper (bloodstone);
  • Peter – serpentine, jade, tourmaline, amber;
  • Roman – amethyst, selenite, labradorite, rauchtopaz;
  • Ruslan – aventurine, agate, garnet, sardonyx, rainbow opal;
  • Semyon - amethyst, bull's eye, rhodonite, chrysoprase, jasper;
  • Sergey – bull's eye, azurite, chalcedony;
  • Stepan – garnet, hyalite, rhodonite, blue jasper;
  • Taras – jadeite, onyx, citrine, amber;
  • Edward – hairy, obsidian, hematite, rhodochrosite, tourmaline;
  • Yuri - aventurine, cat's eye, tourmaline, chrysoprase;
  • Yaroslav – grossular, demantoid, jade, onyx, jasper.

For men, talismans or amulets are almost always stones in a pocket or a body pendant.

Another list of compatibility of gems with male names:

  • Abram - sapphire
  • Alexander – rauchtopaz
  • Alexey – chrysoprase
  • Anatoly – black agate
  • Andrey – onyx
  • Anton - amethyst
  • Arkady – topaz
  • Artem – turquoise
  • Boris - pomegranate
  • Bronislav – ruby
  • Vadim – zircon
  • Valentine – citrine
  • Valery – rhodolite garnet
  • Vasily – aquamarine
  • Veniamin – onyx
  • Victor – olivine
  • Vitaly - emerald
  • Vladimir - carnelian
  • Vladislav – rose quartz
  • Vsevolod – blue topaz
  • Vyacheslav – sapphire
  • Gabriel - pomegranate
  • Gennady – rock crystal
  • George - amethyst
  • Herman – malachite
  • Gleb – black agate
  • Gregory – coral
  • Danila – rock crystal
  • Demyan – chrysolite
  • Denis – spinel
  • Dmitry - aventurine
  • Evgeniy – chrysolite
  • Egor – zircon
  • Elisha - topaz
  • Eremey – spinel
  • Efim – tourmaline
  • Ivan – corundum alexandrite
  • Ignat – black agate
  • Igor – malachite
  • Ilya – obsidian
  • Innocent - serpentine
  • Joseph - opal
  • Hippolyte - chrysolite
  • Kirill - amethyst
  • Klim - pomegranate
  • Konstantin – hematite
  • Kuzma – zircon
  • Laurel – chrysolite
  • Leo - sapphire
  • Leonid – citrine
  • Luca – rose quartz
  • Makar – pomegranate
  • Maxim - emerald
  • Mark – rock crystal
  • Matvey - sapphire
  • Michael - aquamarine
  • Nazar - ruby
  • Nahum - emerald
  • Nestor – topaz
  • Nikita – citrine
  • Nikifor - heliodor
  • Nikolai - alexandrite
  • Oleg - pomegranate
  • Pavel - opal
  • Peter – rauchtopaz
  • Plato - pomegranate
  • Prokhor – olivine
  • Robert - sapphire
  • Rodion - rock crystal
  • Roman - obsidian
  • Rostislav – citrine
  • Ruslan – topaz
  • Samson – zircon
  • Svyatoslav - pomegranate
  • Semyon – aquamarine
  • Seraphim - chrysolite
  • Sergey – spinel
  • Taras – rauchtopaz
  • Timofey – citrine
  • Timur - amber
  • Tryphon – olivine
  • Trofim - pomegranate
  • Fedor - pomegranate
  • Felix - ruby
  • Philip - opal
  • Thomas – malachite
  • Edward - sapphire
  • Emil - mother of pearl
  • Julian – turquoise
  • Yuri - jade
  • Yakov – chrysolite
  • Yaroslav - sapphire

Female names

A lady's amulet is most often a piece of jewelry with precious stones. However, a semi-precious or ornamental gem is also suitable:

  • Alexandra – demantoid, alexandrite, spinel;
  • Alena – labradorite, emerald, white jade;
  • Alina – tea rose quartz, fluorite, sapphire;
  • Albina – diamond, heliodor, rhodonite, citrine;
  • Anastasia – fire opal, rhodochrosite, chrysolite;
  • Anna – red carnelian, kyanite, citrine, green amber;
  • Angelina – lapis lazuli, fluorite, malachite, chrysocolla;
  • Arina – ruby, kyanite, blue tourmaline, chalcedony;
  • Valentina – heliodor, amazonite, vltavin, carnelian;
  • Valeria – agate, rubellite, citrine;
  • Vera – pink amethyst, ruby, red jasper;
  • Veronica – quartzite, sapphire, chrysocolla, tourmaline;
  • Victoria – azurite, heliodor, kyanite, coral;
  • Galina – hyacinth, white jade, rhodochrosite;
  • Daria – agate, diamond, jadeite, selenite, malachite;
  • Diana – rock crystal, pearls, selenite;
  • Evgeniya – aventurine, amethyst, beryl, jadeite;
  • Ekaterina – lapis lazuli, selenite, rauchtopaz, jasper;
  • Elena – jadeite, malachite, obsidian;
  • Elizabeth – turquoise, tea rose quartz, charoite, olivine;
  • Zoya – amazonite, beryl, lapis lazuli, kyanite;
  • Inna – diamond, emerald, jade, orange amber;
  • Irina – agate, pearl, coral, opal, topaz;
  • Christina – andalusite, garnet (almandine), coral, onyx;
  • Ksenia – topaz (bluish), chalcedony;
  • Larisa – aventurine, turquoise, rhodochrosite;
  • Lydia – amethyst, tea rose quartz, tourmaline, charoite;
  • Love – aventurine, lapis lazuli, chalcedony;
  • Lyudmila – aventurine, beryl, rhodochrosite, sapphire;
  • Margarita – chrysocolla, rhodochrosite, pearls;
  • Marina – amethyst, chrysoprase, spinel;
  • Maria – green garnet, pink corals, rhodonite, jasper (bloodstone);
  • Nadezhda – rose quartzite, spinel, Baltic amber;
  • Natalya – agate, turquoise, hematite, selenite;
  • Nina – corals, azurite, selenite, rauchtopaz, amber;
  • Oksana – amazonite, cat's eye, tourmaline, spinel;
  • Olga – amethyst, citrine, charoite, amber;
  • Polina – selenite, rhodochrosite, chrysoprase;
  • Raisa – rock crystal, labradorite, kyanite, spinel;
  • Svetlana – agate, coral, opal, rhodonite, jasper;
  • Sophia – agate, pearls, azurite, onyx, topaz;
  • Tamara – rhodochrosite, opal, carnelian, amber;
  • Tatyana – hairy, jet, citrine, green amber;
  • Julia – emerald, aquamarine, turquoise, white jade;
  • Yana – aventurine, serpentine, beryl, chrysoprase, citrine.

If a multi-colored mineral (topaz, hairstone, tourmaline, cat's eye, sapphire, jasper) does not have a stone type or color specified by name, it is chosen randomly.

Additional list of compatibility of talismans with female names:

  • Agata - heliodor
  • Ada – blue topaz
  • Alevtina – chrysolite
  • Alexandra - cat's eye
  • Alina – rose quartz
  • Alice – lapis lazuli
  • Alla - turquoise
  • Albina - mother of pearl
  • Amalia – topaz
  • Anastasia – obsidian
  • Angela – opal
  • Anna – hematite
  • Antonina – rauchtopaz
  • Bella – topaz
  • Bronislava – opal
  • Valentina – amber
  • Valeria – amethyst
  • Varvara – malachite
  • Vasilisa – rhodolite garnet
  • Veronica - sapphire
  • Victoria – coral
  • Violetta – spinel
  • Galina – aventurine
  • Helena – zircon
  • Darina – chrysoberyl
  • Daria – citrine
  • Diana – golden topaz
  • Eve - ruby
  • Evgeniya – jadeite
  • Evdokia – corundum alexandrite
  • Ekaterina - pearl
  • Elena - Tiger's Eye
  • Elizabeth – carnelian
  • Zhanna - Hawkeye
  • Zinaida - pomegranate
  • Zoya - emerald
  • Yvette – sapphire
  • Isabella - topaz
  • Inga - pearl
  • Inna – pomegranate
  • Irina - pearl
  • Karina – chrysolite
  • Carolina – citrine
  • Kira – zircon
  • Claudia - amber
  • Clara – chrysoprase
  • Christina – onyx
  • Ksenia – golden topaz
  • Larisa – black agate
  • Lydia – malachite
  • Lily – rhodonite
  • Louise – spinel
  • Love is turquoise
  • Lyudmila – white agate
  • Maya - ruby
  • Margarita – amber
  • Marina – chrysolite
  • Maria - amethyst
  • Maryana – emerald
  • Milena – aquamarine
  • Muse - agate
  • Hope – rose quartz
  • Natalia – malachite
  • Nellie - beryl
  • Nina – jasper
  • Nonna – coral
  • Oksana – chrysolite
  • Olesya – opal
  • Olga – carnelian
  • Polina – jade
  • Praskovya – amber
  • Raisa - moonstone
  • Regina – golden topaz
  • Rimma - cat's eye
  • Rose – citrine
  • Svetlana – rock crystal
  • Serafima – red spinel
  • Snezhana - pearl
  • Sophia - amber
  • Stanislava – coral
  • Stella – topaz
  • Taisiya – pomegranate
  • Tamara – sapphire
  • Tatyana – rauchtopaz
  • Ulyana – rhodolite garnet
  • Faina – quartz hairy
  • Edita - pomegranate
  • Eleanor - ruby
  • Elvira - pearl
  • Elsa – heliodor
  • Emilia – turquoise
  • Emma – rhodonite
  • Julia – lapis lazuli
  • Yana - jasper

We recommend watching the video: women's names and stones for them.

Features of using stones

When choosing a mineral that matches the name, follow several rules.

Type of mineral

It is advisable to take into account the “character” of the gems.

Among them there are fastidious specimens:

  • Pearls, as an everyday and magical assistant, are favorable only to Pisces and sometimes to Cancers.
  • The magic of opal helps, regardless of the name, only those born on September 21-30. For others, the mineraloid causes apathy.
  • Sapphire is an ally of selfless people who are ready to help their neighbors. The stone plunges egoists and aggressive individuals into depression.
  • Amber and Amazonite are chosen according to the horoscope. The first serves only Leos, the second is in tune with the character of Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer. But it is strictly contraindicated for Sagittarius.
  • For a pomegranate, the character of the owner matters. He must be a charismatic mobile optimist. Otherwise, you will be consumed by black envy.
  • Hematite is prohibited if it is difficult to control emotions or whims.

Compatibility of stones according to the horoscope
If you like the stone, but do not match it by name or other system, you can replace the natural specimen with an artificial analogue .


To accurately select your stone, you need to take the following into account:

  1. To check personal compatibility with a specific gem, the stone recommended by year of birth, name or Zodiac is lightly squeezed in the hand. If there are no unpleasant sensations, it’s fine. Even better is the appearance of peace or tranquility when interacting with a gem: this means absolute “friendship”.
  2. If you want to wear jewelry with different stones (for example, rings on one hand), check the compatibility of the stones.
  3. It’s very good if you managed to find a talisman that fits several classifications: a stone by name and zodiac sign, or stones by name and date of birth.

The most powerful stones-allies are those inherited or presented from the heart.

Safety precautions

A purchased pebble or decoration will not be used immediately:

  1. First clean under running water. It is unknown who tried it on or simply picked it up.
  2. You cannot use (even pick up) a found pebble or jewel. It could have been damaged and thrown away deliberately.
  3. Talisman stones are not displayed publicly. That is, you need to wear them under clothes or in your pocket.
  4. Talismans are stored in a personal closed box.
  5. You need to take special care of them: regularly clean them from dirt (physical and energetic), protect them from impacts, household chemicals, perfumes, and hard sun.
  6. Only natural stones exhibit healing and magical properties.

Only natural, undamaged stones can become talismans by name. Specimens with chips, cracks, and other flaws will cause problems.


The character of Victor, whose name means “winner,” depends on his success in life and recognition. Successful in business and career, Vitya is a tough and pragmatic fighter at work, and an easy-going husband at home. If Victor suffers failure and the collapse of his career, then he turns into a tyrant, whose surge of aggression gives way to apathy. Stones that will help harmonize his inner world and attract good luck are corundum, smoky quartz, olivine and selenite.

Corundum. Varieties of the mineral such as sapphires and rubies will enhance Victor’s inherent courage, dignity and determination, and will also relieve nervous tensions of fear and depression.

Smoky quartz. A smoky quartz talisman will help Victor cope with life’s troubles and get rid of bad habits. In difficult situations, the stone will provide support, including intuition and intelligence.

Olivine. A powerful amulet that protects Victor from troubles, conflicts and misunderstandings. With his help, he will be able to remove any obstacles to achieve his goals. Olivine is an effective talisman in commercial and financial matters, attracting wealth and prosperity.

Selenite. The impulsive and purposeful Victor needs the stone of prudence and calmness in order to gain prudence and balance. This is necessary for making thoughtful and informed decisions when concluding business transactions, as well as focusing on important details. Selenite will make Victor softer and more attentive to family members, and will increase his emotionality and daydreaming.

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