Table of compatibility of stones with each other - recommendations on how not to harm yourself

Every woman will be delighted with precious stones in jewelry. Not only the metal from which the jewelry is made plays an important role in creating an image and a complete image. Stones serve as a harmonious addition to outfits, demonstrate the status of their owner, embody the most cherished dreams and influence self-expression. Thanks to stones in jewelry, you can emphasize your individuality and uniqueness.

The jewelry industry has a rich offer of jewelry that may contain several precious stones at once, sometimes not quite matching each other. This does not mean that minerals cannot be combined. A combination of them is quite possible, if the crystals themselves do not mind.

This means that there is such a thing as a combination of stones: right or wrong. Therefore, when choosing minerals by name, horoscope, belonging to fundamental elements, Feng Shui or other criteria, it is necessary to take into account their compatibility with each other.

Selection of minerals according to their color scheme

Undoubtedly, the compatibility of stones in their color is an important aspect when choosing jewelry. As with the combination of other items, crystals in white or black, or clear, will go with everything else . Therefore, diamond, pearl and onyx are universal crystals. Red gems can only be combined with diamonds. In the spectrum from black to violet, it is almost impossible to find harmony.

Although yellow-hued gems are universal, they are not compatible with their blue and purple counterparts. Conversely, blue, violet and cyan minerals do not accept combinations with orange, yellow and black crystals. Green minerals are the most unpretentious, they can be combined with almost everything. But the ruby-emerald combination is impossible. Jewelers know the secret of precious stones, according to which pastel-colored minerals combine well with each other, and rich and bright ones - with each other. This rule plays an important role in creating “tutti-frutti” combinations, that is, a multi-colored variety of minerals in jewelry.

Description, production

Agate is a type of quartz, which is an aggregate of chalcedony and thin fibers. It is distinguished by a layered structure and a stepped arrangement of colors (layering). Agates also include all gems that do not have layering, but contain some inclusions that give certain contours: mossy, star-shaped and others.

The palette of mineral shades can be very diverse: orange, blue, red, yellow, brown, purple and others. But all stones are characterized by the presence of stripes distributed zonally. By type of pattern there are dotted, ruined, spectacled, striped, spherical, landscape, mosaic and bastion. And it cannot be said that the shades and type of striping of the gem are limited to this. There is a huge variety of agate, which is simply impossible to list: onyx, moire, iridescent, flame, cloud, jasper agate, chrysocolla, porcelain, cer-agate and others.

As for hardness, like all quartz, agate received a 7 on the Mohs scale, which means that in terms of this characteristic it is second only to diamond and corundum.

The shine of a natural gem is not bright, but matte and greasy. But after polishing you can achieve a glassy sheen. The transparency of the mineral is not pure. It may be slightly translucent, but it is essentially an opaque stone because the density of color fills its entire structure.

In nature, crystals form very often, and finding it is not so difficult. By its origin it belongs to volcanic rocks. It can be found not only in frozen lava cavities, but also on mountain slopes, in sea pebbles or in old deposits of valuable rocks. Gem deposits can be found all over the world:

  • Russia;
  • Crimean peninsula;
  • Georgia;
  • Armenia;
  • Brazil;
  • Mongolia;
  • India;
  • Germany;
  • Ukraine.


Today it is no longer possible to know exactly where the name of the mineral came from. According to the teachings of Pliny the Elder, it was named after the Achates River in Sicily. And according to another version, “agate” in translation means “kind”, “good”, “happy”.

The stone has been known for more than 6,000 years and in every era it has been given great importance. At one time it was considered the “eye of the Creator,” which monitors the actions of people, then it served as a talisman against vampires and evil spirits. But one thing always remained base: agate was respected, endowed with special superpowers, it became a talisman for emperors, kings, and celebrities.

Legends and beliefs are associated with the mineral, the authenticity of which can no longer be verified. It is believed that the Holy Grail is agate.

In addition, not only jewelry was made from stone. In Ancient Greece, images of rulers were cut out of it, and the characteristic striping only added expressiveness to such products.

It is known that Catherine the Great preferred products with this mineral. She did not hesitate to wear discreet agate beads, which were given to her by an ordinary girl, in gratitude for her dowry.

Matching stones to eye color

If you want to create an emphasis on your type or eye color, you can choose jewelry with a specific gem. In order to highlight the shade of blue eyes, a mineral of a similar color is needed in the jewelry. And to make an unforgettable impression, the owner of heavenly eyes can choose stones of a warm shade: yellow or orange.

For brown eyes, green, purple, and red colors are suitable. These are the following minerals: amethyst, tourmaline, jasper, carnelian, amber, charoite, emerald, jade. Sparkling eyes will be even brighter if you use a combination of tiger stones.

Mysterious owners of green eyes can become even more attractive with malachite and turquoise.

Black eyes are compatible with stones of any shade. But turquoise, ruby, pearls, amethyst, malachite and corals are especially suitable for such eyes.

Sapphire stone - magical properties

Among predictors, the mineral was called the “fateful stone.” The properties of sapphire are surprising; corundum can help solve many problems.

  1. It is recommended to wear it to eliminate financial difficulties and enhance female attractiveness.
  2. Jewelry with the mineral helps achieve goals, relieves the owner from illnesses and develops his strengths.
  3. Sapphire stone is a protector from deceitful and unkind people. A blue gem can give the owner prudence and clarity of mind, and help in making the right decision.

Selection of gems by type of appearance

Everyone knows the four-vector system of color types, based on a combination of eye color, hair color and skin tone. So, using this system you can calculate the compatibility of minerals in jewelry.

Representatives of “Winter” can safely choose rock crystal, black agate and onyx, all diamonds, dark rubies, green emeralds, jade, sapphire, aquamarine, amethyst and jasper. If you really want to buy pearls, then it is better to opt for stones of black, frosty white or gray shades.

“Spring” loves bright colors: turquoise, yellow topaz, blue sapphire. For a spring type of appearance, cream pearls, coral, red amber, carnelian, topaz, jasper and cat's eye are suitable.

With the autumn type, a combination of reddish, golden and yellow minerals is appropriate. These are the following stones: corals, topazes, agates, citrines. “Autumn” people can wear jewelry made of genuine leather and wood, which gives them an unusual coloring.

It is acceptable to combine the following stones in jewelry with the summer type: pink jasper and pearls, carnelian, ruby, jade, garnet, aquamarine and opal.

When choosing jewelry, first of all you need to decide on earrings. A chain is already being selected for them, then a bracelet and a ring. The ring and pendant are chosen according to the color of the earrings. But the necklace may well have a different shade, bringing original contrast to the set.

Who is sapphire suitable for according to their zodiac sign?

Not all people can feel the magical properties of the mineral. Answering the question of who is suitable for sapphire, experts are of the same opinion that everyone can wear jewelry with the royal gem except Capricorn. It is mostly recommended:

  1. Sagittarius
    - for men for determination and bold actions, for women - to increase sexuality.
  2. Aquarius
    - to reveal inner potential and abilities.
  3. Aries and Leo
    - in order to find a place in life and fight incontinence.
  4. Gemini
    - to fight depression and make true friends.

The influence of a combination of stones on a person’s vital energy

In order to determine the compatibility of stones, you can use the deductive method. Each mineral has certain healing and magical properties. Depending on the relationship established between the planets, a certain combination of minerals is selected. If the combination is correct, the jewelry brings happiness, health and good luck to its owner. With the wrong combination, failures and even tragedies can occur in life. Thanks to the table below, you can determine whether the stones are compatible with each other depending on their properties.

StonesHarmonious combinationForbidden combinationQuestionable combinationNeutral relationship
Diamond, aventurine, ruby, hyacinth, carbuncle, heliotrope, chrysoprase, peridotWhite pearl, turquoise, beryl, agate, emerald, lapis lazuli, alabaster, sapphire, coral, carnelian, amethystOnyx, obsidian, malachite, sardonyx, marcasiteRock crystal, garnet, jasper, moonstone, aquamarine, opal, bloodstone, rubyCarnelian, golden topaz
Beryl, crystal, opal, moonstone, coral, aquamarineAmethyst, turquoise, alabaster, blue and blue sapphire, onyx, lapis lazuli, labradorite, white pearlHeliotrope, garnet, ruby, jasper, chalcedony, agate, bloodstone, carnelian, malachite, chalcedonyDiamond, emerald hyacinth, peridot, aventurine, topazAmber and obsidian
Golden topaz, variegated agate, carnelian, emeraldWhite pearl, agate, dark and blue sapphire, turquoise, amber, jasper, alabaster, emerald, sardonyx, chalcedony, amber, light topaz, lapis lazuliBeryl, moonstone, coral, aquamarine, opalDiamond, hyacinth, ruby, dark topaz, aventurine, amethyst, chrysoprase and peridotObsidian, rock crystal, labradorite
White pearl, blue sapphire, alabaster, light agate, coral, turquoise, lapis lazuli and carnelianEmerald, moonstone, garnet, aquamarine, amethyst, opal, chrysoprase, bloodstone, aventurine, jasper, hyacinth, turquoise, rock crystalMalachite, beryl, sardonyx, marcasiteJade, variegated agateAmber, dark topaz
Hematite, red garnet and jasperEmerald, sapphire, bloodstone, alabaster, agateDiamond, beryl, lapis lazuli, ruby, moonstone, pearl, hyacinth, aquamarine, heliotropeOnyx, malachite and black agateVariegated agate and carnelian
Black agate, sardonyx, onyxCarnelian, golden topaz, emerald, variegated agateDiamond, peridot, hyacinth, ruby, aventurine, heliotrope, carbuncle, chrysoprasePearl, beryl, coral, aquamarine, moonstone, turquoise
Jade, amber, topaz, light amethystLabradorite, golden topaz, rock crystal, emeraldRuby, diamond, chrysopraseBeryl, aquamarine

Sapphire stone - legends

The magical qualities of the blue sapphire gemstone have been confirmed in legends and stories.

  1. In 1391, an ordinary artisan, Richard Preston, donated a sapphire to the cathedral. St. Paul in England, and asked to be placed in the bishop's tomb. Richard claimed that the stone had healing properties, and indeed, for a long time it relieved people of various ailments until it was lost as a result of a major fire.
  2. The St. Edward sapphire is known throughout the world. On one of his campaigns back in 1042, Edward, King of England, met a beggar, and, having no money with him, gave him a ring with a sapphire. Many years later, a delegation from the Holy Land arrived at his palace, and along with other gifts, the guests presented the king with that same ring. The old beggar, to whom the young ruler gave the ring, handed it back, predicting a quick meeting in heaven. Edward died at the prescribed time, he was buried with a ring on his finger. For unknown reasons, the king's body did not decompose for a long time. Contemporaries believed that the reason for this lay in the magical properties of sapphire.

Perfect color combination

There is no single perfect color combination because natural pearls come in different colors (white, black, dark gold, pink, silver, cream)

White pearls are universal, they combine harmoniously with minerals of any color and emphasize the beauty of gems. Ideal color combinations are obtained with coral, lapis lazuli, turquoise .

Pink pearls successfully coexist with light crystals of tourmaline and amethyst, gray pearls with rock crystal, rubellite, cacholong, yellow pearls with smoky quartz and citrine. diamonds go perfectly with pearls of any shade .

Medicinal properties

Sapphire has the ability to heal various diseases, so as a healing stone it is almost universal, and helps in cases where the owner has:

  • insomnia;
  • backache;
  • cold;
  • eye disease or poor vision;
  • headache;
  • joint pain;
  • paralysis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney disease;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • depression;
  • leprosy;
  • epilepsy;
  • eczema;
  • fever;
  • melancholy.

Interesting on the topic! Jade Stone: A Wise Symbol of China

How to wear jewelry

  • For young people , elegant rings, chains, pendants made of gold and silver, jewelry made of turquoise, pearls, and items with semiprecious stones are well suited.
  • For older women, first-class jewelry will be expensive and more massive items with precious and semi-precious stones.
  • A strict rule: sapphire is worn on the index and ring fingers , opal - only on the middle finger, selenite and emerald - only on the little finger .
  • Alexandrite is considered one of the most capricious stones . He practically does not accept neighbors and is usually carried by a couple
  • Since ancient times, it has been customary that the number of stones worn at the same time to ensure happiness and positive action should be 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. Do not tempt fate by wearing 2, 4, 8 or 13 stones.
  • If the stone cracks or falls out of the frame , it is better not to wear it anymore. The stone is not yours if it seems to be pressing on your hand.
  • Thin rings or bracelets do not look good with massive earrings or pendants.
  • You can have several rings on your hand at once, but it is advisable to have only one stone. There should also not be many rings at the same time, optimally - no more than two on the hand.
  • Many people believe that white and yellow gold do not go together. However, this opinion can be called erroneous. It would be ideal if two metals are combined in one piece of jewelry, than, for example, on one hand you will wear 2 rings, one of which will be made of white metal, and the other of yellow.
  • What you should not do is wear gold jewelry together with silver , even if they are not on the same hand.
  • You should not wear items with stones if the color of the stones does not go well with the color of your clothes : turquoise should not be worn with blue or green things; rubies - with red ones, etc. It is best when the products look contrasting.
  • Jewelry with stones also doesn't look good with bright jewelry.

If there are difficulties, then you can opt for gold jewelry without stones, and if with stones, then with pearls or diamonds. The main thing to always remember is a sense of proportion!

When buying jewelry, it is advisable to first study the description in specialized literature. Each stone is an integral part of nature and has a certain energy; accordingly, there is direct contact between the stone and the person who wears it as decoration. Incorrect interaction can negate the beneficial properties that stones have.

First of all , the stone must be liked , evoking a certain range of feelings. If a stone does not evoke sympathy, even if it fits “all the criteria,” it will not be of any use. If you don’t like the stone, it’s better not to deal with it at all, as appropriate feedback will inevitably be established.

It is very important to choose the right jewelry with matching stones if you communicate a lot with people in your line of work or are a “public person” - jewelry usually attracts the attention of others. Try to choose jewelry so that it suits you and makes your image unique and unforgettable. If you also like the stone itself, then it can truly become yours.

PS . All the above theories can only serve as recommendations for action, but how to wear and how to combine precious stones is up to you to think and decide. As a rule, when choosing jewelry compositions made of gems, everyone is primarily guided by personal preferences and, of course, financial capabilities :o) Based on materials from,,

See also:

Astrological compatibility of stones in jewelry

Combination of colors in clothes

Origin story

Sapphire is a gemstone that comes in many varieties and shades, the standard one being blue. The main qualities of the mineral are its beautiful rich color and strength.

Sapphire is included in the category of corundum - minerals second only to diamond in hardness.

Sapphire is native to Southeast Asia. The first gems were found in Ceylon (present-day Sri Lanka), but today the deposits of this country are no longer particularly valuable. India and Burma are recognized as the leaders in the largest sapphire deposits. Mining sites for the mineral are also found in Pakistan, the USA, Australia, Vietnam, Thailand and China. It is worth noting that the most valuable sapphire is Kashmir sapphire, mined in the valley between India and Pakistan. It is distinguished by its rich blue and cornflower blue colors and is considered the standard when assessing the quality of all sapphires. The Kashmir gem is extremely rare - the first beautiful specimens were found in the Himalayas back in 1880, after which, until now, sapphires of better quality have not been found.

Presumably, sapphire got its name from the Greek word sappheiros, which means “blue,” or the Latin or Persian sapir with an identical meaning. Sapphire is also called sapphire and yakhont.

Character of stones and elements

According to astromineralogists, each stone has its own character. Minerals are classified into 4 categories. The determining factor is belonging to the elements. “Airy” gems are translucent and smoky. Looking at them, you can see inhomogeneities and inclusions of impurities.

Representatives of fire are characterized by purity and transparency. “Earth” minerals have a high level of strength and rich color. Gems of marine origin, which include pearls and corals, are characterized by medium hardness and translucency.

Friendly relations are observed between the stones of Fire and Air. When purchasing “earth” stones, you should pay attention to “water” minerals. The owner should not simultaneously wear stones that are classified as:

  • Earth and Fire;
  • Water and Air;
  • Water and Fire.

Origin and areas of application

The original patterns inside the gem are formed by microscopic voids. They were formed due to the resin that flowed from ancient coniferous trees. In nature there are over two hundred different shades. Yellow specimens are more common, but sometimes it is possible to find specimens of green and even blue flowers. Mining amber is a difficult and even dangerous task.

The inner splendor of a gem is revealed only in the hands of experienced craftsmen. To determine the value of a mineral, it is weighed. Specimens weighing more than one kilogram are considered rare stones. Products made from them are not available for free sale. Other gems are classified as semi-precious. After special processing, they are used to create jewelry.

The mineral can be used not only to create amazing jewelry. It has found application in other areas:

  • crop production;
  • food industry;
  • medicine;
  • wood processing;
  • art.

Compatibility by planets

Pearls in combination with other gems work for the benefit of the owner if their planets are friends. Regardless of the horoscope, you can consider options with Jupiter stones . Given a certain position of the planets in the natal chart, combinations with minerals ruled by the Sun, Mercury and Venus are possible.

The safest and most balanced are the minerals of blue-blue shades, which are patronized by Jupiter. These include: lapis lazuli, turquoise, topaz . Lapis lazuli and pearls can make an ideal combination, strengthen intuition, protect against negativity:

  • the first gem is a symbol of friendliness and sincerity;
  • the second is a symbol of wealth, virtue, health.

Combinations with:

  • turquoise – a stone of luck, love,
  • topaz - a symbol of prudence, forethought.

Combinations with Jupiter minerals will bring stability, peace, material well-being into life, and protect against negative energy.

How to distinguish natural sapphire from a fake

There are signs by which you can determine the authenticity of a sapphire:

  1. the mineral has a heterogeneous structure, and the color at the top and bottom of the mineral is different. But you should be careful, since now artificial sapphires are created from stones with a similar internal structure - tourmaline, cyanide, cordierite, spinel and tanzanide. It is possible to distinguish them from each other only with the help of special equipment;
  2. There should be no gas bubbles in the stone.
  3. Due to the strength of sapphire, not a single sharp object leaves scratches, marks or chips on it.
  4. When studied under ultraviolet light, the luminescence of blue sapphire is violet, yellow sapphire is yellow and orange. If the stone has acquired a greenish glow, then the reason for this is titanium, which is part of its composition (fake).
  5. if you put a sapphire in water, it will immediately sink to the bottom, unlike a fake.

Sapphire is not only an exquisite piece of jewelry, but also a powerful talisman in the right hands. He prefers benevolent owners and does not forgive evil, repaying the bad owner for his deeds. Always test yourself for honesty when choosing this stone as an assistant.

Combination according to Yin-Yang theory

According to the Yin-Yang theory, the energy of minerals is masculine (Yang) and feminine (Yin). Jewelry with masculine energy is worn to develop leadership qualities and increase self-esteem. Bracelets, necklaces, rings with Yin gems are needed for calmness, development of the maternal instinct, sexuality, and femininity.

Pearls have Yin energy. To enhance it, it can be combined with other gems of the Yin group: coral, cacholong, aquamarine, lapis lazuli. To neutralize excess feminine energy, pearl jewelry is complemented with Yang group gems: opal, jade, rock crystal, diamond, alexandrite .

Pendants, earrings, and necklaces look fresh and modern if colored crystals are adjacent to classic, “baroque” pearls. The combinations of gems that fashion designers offer are original and unusual, bring aesthetic pleasure, and are interesting from an astrological .


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