Cameo - miniature jewelry for luxurious ladies
Delicate cameos appear every now and then in the collections of fashion designers. True, not everyone knows
Bismarck bracelet for men
Bismarck weaving - varieties and photos of gold chains
History of origin "Bismarck" is a dense, strong and reliable chain of complex weaving. Looking at
Budget Jeweler: 3 Ways to Grow Gemstones at Home
Features of artificial stones Of course, artificial crystals are different from real ones, and any jeweler will see the difference
table minerals sand clay granite limestone
Clay, properties, types and varieties, origin, extraction and use
CLAYS (a. clay; n. Tone; f. argiles; i. argilla) - sedimentary rocks consisting
types of fuel minerals
Minerals: concept, characteristics, classification. Types of minerals (table)
Even in the early stages of its development, Homo sapiens actively used the resources that it provided
Whiskey cooling stones
Whiskey stones: why they are needed and how to use them
When whiskey stones first appeared on sale, many perceived them as just another promotional
Native silver
Silver compounds. Silver oxide. Silver nitrate. Complex silver compounds
Silver is one of the rare elements that form the group of precious or noble metals. TO
Granite and basalt
Granite, Basalt, Marble, Sandstone, Limestone - as they are. Sublunar stone.
What characteristics do granite and basalt have, and how do they differ from each other? Firstly, these
volcanic glass
Volcanic glass. Volcanic obsidian glass. Photo
Origin of the name The first mention of this unique mineral was found in Ancient Rome. They refer to
4 easiest and most effective ways to clean blackened silver
Silver has been known to mankind since ancient times. Coins, cutlery, and jewelry are made from it.
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