Which zodiac sign suits pomegranate for women or men?

The existence of this magnificent mineral has been known since ancient civilizations. Garnet is a stone that imparts mystery and charm, which is why women love to wear it.

However, having decided to buy a stone, you need to find out its compatibility with your zodiac sign, since incompatibility can have a negative impact on the owner’s character.

Origin and properties of the stone

The mineral “garnet” does not exist in nature; this name refers to a group of silicate rocks. There are deposits on all continents.

Pomegranate has a centuries-old history. The ancient Greeks called it "anfrax", which means "burning coal". The Scythians valued garnet items framed in gold. The Arabs called the stone “bijazi”, which means “garnet seeds”. The Persians considered pomegranate a stone of power; every Persian ruler had a pomegranate talisman.

The love for the “bloody” mineral came to Europe from the East during the Crusades. The Crusaders decorated their shields with garnet crystals, symbolizing military honor and strength. Church servants decorated frames of icons, bindings of religious books, and temple utensils with pomegranate.

INTERESTING! The mineral received its current name in 1270. It was named garnet by the alchemist Albert Magnus, who noted the similarity of the red silicate crystals with the grains of the fruit of the same name.

Garnet is a silicon oxide with magnesium, manganese, calcium, iron, and less often with aluminum and chromium inclusions. The mineral composition determines the color of the stone. It doesn't just come in red. There are transparent and smoky silicon oxides, matte and shiny.

Physical and chemical properties of pomegranate:

  • formula – R2 + 3R3 + 2[SiO4]3;
  • hardness – 6.5–7.5 points on the Mohs scale;
  • density – 3.48–3.82 g/cm3;
  • system (symmetry of crystals) – cubic;
  • fracture - uneven;
  • cleavage – no;
  • shine – glass or diamond;
  • transparency – high or medium;
  • color – deep red, light red, orange, green, lilac, purple, black, as well as chameleon (bluish-green, lilac-green under light).

INTERESTING! Garnet has pyroelectric properties. If it is heated by friction, it will begin to attract nearby lint, fluff and other small light objects.

Tiger Eye for Men

In the field of view of the tiger's eye is not only the surrounding world, but also the owner of the stone. The deterioration of a person’s well-being and decreased performance does not go unnoticed. If you go on a long journey fresh and full of energy, the impending snowfall will not disturb the stone. But if you have a thousand kilometers covered behind you, and only an hour of night travel under slanting snow lies ahead, the tiger’s eye will not remain silent...

That is why among the customers of the My lovely Spirit store there are many men from responsible professions - heavy truck drivers, crane operators, railway workers. The most popular among them is the “Eye of the Tiger” bracelet.

Colors and varieties

Many people believe that garnet is only red.
In fact, there are several color varieties of the mineral. Change

pyropedeep redthe name from Greek means “like fire”, this color is due to the inclusion of magnesium and aluminum in the composition
almandinelighter red shades - from pink to purplecolor is created by potassium and magnesium inclusions
grossulargreen or yellowish greenthis pomegranate, which includes aluminum and calcium silicates, is also called “gooseberry” for its similar color to the fruits of garden berries
uvarovitebright greenThe stone is named after academician Sergei Uvarov, and the second name is “Ural emerald”, since the first deposit was discovered in the Urals in 1832
andraditeyellow, greenish-yellow, brown, brownnamed after José d'Andrada, the scientist who discovered it
melanitisblackrare type with low transparency and matte surface
shorlomiteblackdiffers from the previous one in metallic luster, which is due to the content of iron salts
demantoidlight greenthe name means “diamond-like”, as the stone has a bright iridescent shine, is highly valued and expensive
spessartineorangethe name is given after the first deposit - near the German settlement of Spessarti
hessoniteshades of brownleast hard variety
rhodonitevioleta hybrid variety of pyrope and almandine containing a large percentage of iron
leucogranatecolorlessalso called "white garnet"

Where is the gem mined?

Pomegranate deposits are scattered throughout the planet.
Garnet is mined in many countries - from South Africa to Russian Yakutia.

Where else deposits have been found:

  • USA;
  • Canada;
  • Brazil;
  • Mexico;
  • Finland;
  • Norway;
  • Madagascar;
  • Sri Lanka;

The Czech garnet is also famous. It is in this country that the largest deposits of the mineral are located. Of the states nearby, mines can be found in Ukraine.

And, of course, this stone is also mined in Russia, namely in the Urals and Karelia, as well as on the territory of the Chukotka and Kola Peninsulas. Of the listed mines, the Ural mine is considered the richest.

Magic properties

Garnet has long been revered as a stone of love. It was given to the chosen one, it was kept after the conclusion of the marriage so that feelings always remained strong. Women gave pomegranates to their husbands to rekindle cooled love feelings, restore former passion, prevent infidelity on the part of their spouses, and preserve family relationships.

RECOMMENDATION! It wouldn’t hurt to give the stone to your husband, who often travels on business, so that he can maintain marital fidelity while away.

Pomegranate is a good talisman for people who are noble, sincere, strong-willed, decent, and kind. It helps get rid of uncertainty and weak character.

A green stone talisman should be worn by housewives. It helps with household chores and preserves the beauty and freshness of your face. If family relationships have deteriorated, then pomegranate helps normalize them.

Red varieties of pomegranate are recommended for single women. It is advisable to purchase a necklace or pendant - a piece of jewelry worn near the heart. To meet your soulmate faster, it is recommended that during meditation, holding a stone in your hands, imagine the image of an ideal man.

Colorless garnet is suitable for career women; it improves business qualities and promotes career achievements. And the black mineral gives its owner a magical charm, making her irresistible, attractive, capable of controlling men with just a glance.

It also enhances intuition and helps find a way out of difficult life situations.

How to spot a fake

Externally, natural pomegranate is difficult to distinguish from artificial one. And its creation is such a costly process that making such fakes makes almost no sense. But this does not mean that the stone is not counterfeited at all. It is also counterfeited, and in addition, other minerals or colored glass are often passed off as it.

It will be difficult for a beginner to distinguish a fake from a real gem, but it is still real.

We'll share a few tips:

  • The natural mineral should become electrified - rub it on your fur or hair. If there is no reaction, it is synthetic.
  • Natural minerals differ from laboratory ones in color. In artificial ones, the color is uniform, and in those that are of natural origin, it can smoothly flow from one shade to another.
  • This is a fairly hard stone, but fakes (jewelry with other minerals or glass inserts) can be scratched, for example, with a needle.
  • Take a closer look at the size of the stone. Specimens larger than a coffee bean are rarely found in nature.

The best way to tell if it's a fake is to know what a real pomegranate looks like. Before buying, visit several stores with a good reputation, look at the jewelry there and try to remember their features.

Unfortunately, not every seller will agree to let a pebble rub against fur, not to mention scratch it. Most tests simply won’t be given to you until you make a purchase. Therefore, it is better to refrain from visiting stores with suspiciously low prices.

Study the market price and go to an elite store - it’s unlikely that anyone will want to cheat and lose a potential client.

Medicinal properties

Every precious or semi-precious stone of natural origin has healing properties, since it has retained the energy of the planet, and natural garnet is no exception.

Medicinal properties of pomegranate:

  • the red mineral is effective in many pathologies of the circulatory system - it increases hemoglobin levels, improves the condition of vascular walls, normalizes blood circulation, maintains the performance of the heart muscle, and reduces the intensity of bleeding;
  • helps with inflammatory diseases - lowers temperature, relieves pain;
  • normalizes the functioning of the respiratory system and thyroid gland (pendants should be worn);
  • reduces allergic symptoms - swelling, rashes, shortness of breath;
  • promotes rapid healing of broken bones;
  • eliminates skin irritations;
  • relieves migraines (you need to put a gold ring with a garnet on your middle right finger);
  • strengthens the immune system, reduces susceptibility to infectious diseases (mineral in a silver frame).

Depending on year of birth

Magic stones are often selected by year of birth:

  • Rat. Amethyst is useful for men, protecting against addictions; for ladies - a diamond that encourages you to really evaluate yourself.
  • Bull. Emerald will teach you how to get along with your relatives and will preserve the peace and tranquility of your home.
  • Amethyst will protect Tigers from impulsive decisions or actions.
  • Rabbit (Cat). Topaz organizes career advancement and financial independence.
  • Amber will make the Dragon lenient towards his own or others' weaknesses.
  • Snake. Jewelry with opal is designed to implement the principle: keep it simple, and people will be drawn to you.
  • Horse. Emerald or turquoise will help you appreciate your inner world and create conditions for personal growth.
  • Goat. Sapphire, emerald, green garnet are useful for intellectual improvement.
  • Monkey. With aquamarine, he will become a reliable, purposeful person, and will complete the work he starts.
  • Rooster. Topaz will reduce his pride to ordinary ambition.
  • Dog. Amber will lift your spirits and add activity in your chosen field.
  • Pig. Lapis lazuli will facilitate the process of self-knowledge, attract success in business, and make you an able-bodied, strong-willed person.

Any Libra stone is effective in jewelry, items or crystals.

Zodiac compatibility

Pomegranate is unique in that its varieties belong to different elements, therefore, they are suitable for many zodiac signs. For example, red varieties are recommended for fire signs - Leo, Capricorn, Sagittarius. But it is not advisable for water signs to buy this stone.

In the table you can see the compatibility of pomegranate according to the horoscope.

Zodiac signcompatibility (“+++” – high, “++” – normal, “+” – acceptable to wear, “–” – unacceptable to wear)impact of pomegranate
Capricorn+++fills with energy, helps in career and love relationships, relieves stiffness and isolation
Aquarius+helps to achieve constancy in love, increase communication skills, wearing the stone is recommended only for rational and purposeful representatives of the sign
Fish+relieves stress and depression
Aries+gives rationality to thinking
TaurusOnly men of this zodiac sign can wear a pomegranate to replenish mental strength
Twins+gives the energy necessary for self-improvement, eliminates the inconstancy characteristic of the sign
Cancercontradicts the dreamy, detached, unpassionate nature of people of this sign, and can drive them into depression
a lion+++helps to achieve success and respect in the business sphere, to establish contacts with employees
Virgo+makes love relationships harmonious
Scales+gives confidence and perseverance
Scorpion+++improves character, eliminates jealousy and moral contradictions, makes love relationships more passionate
Sagittarius+++enhances love passion, protects against negativity, helps in everyday situations

Recommendations for Libra

Garnet is a universal stone suitable for any zodiac sign. If you are not sure which mineral to give to a friend for a holiday, it is better to choose this option.

Libra has a changeable mood. Garnet stabilizes the internal state, making the owner collected and balanced.

The ideal variety is uvarovite. Pomegranate helps fight depression and helps to collect thoughts.

For Libra, garnet stone is useful because:

  • indicates the right path in life;
  • helps to believe in yourself;
  • fills with vital energy;
  • gives optimism to life;
  • improves financial condition.

Garnet Stone for Libra Women

Girls can be advised to buy a red pomegranate. Since fire products symbolize love and passion, the decoration will help a woman find her love. It is recommended to give such an amulet if the husband often goes on business trips and spends little time with his family. Garnet stone for Libra women will strengthen family ties. They give pomegranates to girls who cannot get married for a long time.

The best choice to find your other half is almandine. This is a stone of passion that attracts male attention. In long-term relationships, the gem allows passion to not fade away.

Garnet for Libra men

If you give jewelry to a man, the amulet gives the owner the following powers:

  1. Inner self-confidence.
  2. The ability to implement your plans without delay or wrong actions.
  3. Charm. If a man was previously unsuccessful in communicating with the opposite sex, then after acquiring the stone the situation will change in a positive direction.
  4. The owner of the gift will become fair and will make rational decisions in solving many problems.

Compatibility with other stones

Garnet is a capricious stone in terms of compatibility with other minerals. There are not so many stones that are ideally combined with a “bloody” crystal, which is due to its belonging to different natural elements.

Red crystals belong to the fire element, green crystals belong to the air element. Of all the varieties of pomegranate, only uvarovite can make friends with the elements of earth and water.

All varieties of pomegranate can be combined with:

  • diamond;
  • pyrite;
  • carnelian;
  • ruby;
  • topaz;
  • amethyst;
  • coral;
  • beryl;
  • rock crystal.

You cannot combine pomegranate with:

  • opal;
  • pearls;
  • zircon;
  • tourmaline;
  • emerald;
  • alexandrite;
  • aquamarine;
  • moonstone.

Tiger eye bracelet for women

One of the customers complained: “The team is female, at least don’t go to work! Envy, pettiness, bitterness; squabbles with and without reason; permanently finding out who is the prettiest, the brightest and the whitest in the world... My head starts to hurt even as I approach the office building!”

We recommended that she pay attention to bracelets made from eye stones. The stones helped! The headache subsided, and a feeling of armored security arose. “Without a protective bracelet, I’m like without clothes! - says the buyer. “Now I don’t leave home without it.”

Women's Kugrat bracelet

Mineral: tiger eye

Price: 8,000 rub.

More about the bracelet

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