Why do you dream about a ring: interpretation of the meanings of dreams about gold and silver rings according to the dream book

June 1, 2022 Why did you dream about the ring? This is one of the most frequently asked questions in modern dream books. From time immemorial, the decoration of our fingers has been considered sacred - it is not for nothing that newlyweds exchange it, and the coat of arms of ancient dynasties or religious cults are applied to it. Therefore, the image of an expensive piece of jewelry is so important to a person, subconsciously reflected in thoughts, which are often remembered by colorful visions in the kingdom of Morpheus.

In this article we will tell you what dreams about rings mean, what are the interpretations in Western and Eastern culture, and also what to do in reality if the dream turned out to be not very pleasant.

The dream book answers - why do you dream about the ring?

Many mystics and psychologists have been involved in the interpretation of dreams for several centuries, but they do not have a consensus on jewelry, here are just a few examples:

  • Miller's dream book claims that most subconscious images with a ring are a very good sign in every sense, especially for single men. It promises well-being not only in your personal life, but also in money, at work or business.
  • The maestro of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, adhered to purely sexual overtones. According to his teaching, the circle is a symbol of unity of command and the female womb, therefore any ring-shaped objects mean deep intimate dissatisfaction.
  • The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga, known for her ascetic lifestyle, associated jewelry with unresolved problems. The worst dream, in her opinion, is when a large ring falls off her finger - it promises betrayal of loved ones.
  • The Muslim dream book associates dreamed rings with big money or a long-awaited addition to the family. A gift seen is considered a particularly good omen, and it must fall into the hands of a priest or, for some reason, a foreigner.
  • A definite bad omen associated with a gold ring is voiced by Tsvetkov’s collection. For him, a blackening noble metal is a precursor to divorce, and if the wedding jewelry darkens, the spouse is in mortal danger.

A non-standard approach to interpretation is offered by Grishina’s noble dream book - in it, the ring symbolizes the rupture of, as it is fashionable to say now, a toxic relationship. Moreover, for an accurate prediction, you must remember all the smallest details - where he was found, what the weather was like, how many people were around you, whether there was a city or a dark forest.

Ring with emerald

Sometimes girls dream at night that they are given this precious jewelry. If a ring is used as a piece of jewelry, this symbol is a harbinger of the fulfillment of cherished desires and a happy marriage. But the mentioned sign cannot be deciphered so unambiguously, since some interpreters claim: a dream in which a girl saw a ring with an emerald stone is a signal that she should think about her reputation. Perhaps in reality I didn’t have the best opinion about her.

Does a guy give a ring to a girl in a dream? This means that in reality he is making every effort to achieve mutual feelings from her. The dream hints that he should not give up, as he will soon win the heart of a sweet young lady.

If you happened to choose and buy a ring with an emerald in your night dreams, this sign is considered a harbinger of an unsuccessful deal.

Dream with a ring in the interpretation of esotericism

A contradictory and largely controversial doctrine presents its view:

  • A wedding or engagement item is strictly the opposite meaning. Most likely, a person will unconsciously decide to end a cordial union with a spouse or lover, and he is little concerned about the consequences, even if the divorce will bring a lot of sorrows to both.
  • To dream of a ring with a red stone is a great insult; with a diamond - your innermost desires will not come true through your own fault. Esoteric traditionally strong stones - turquoise, crystal and sapphire - their visions promise profit in business or monetary gain.
  • A conversation about an engagement or a box with a prepared gift - you will soon be amazed by an unexpected declaration of love from a stranger. Trying to measure the size of your own or someone else’s finger means doubts about your feelings for your loved one.
  • Tarnished jewelry, no matter what metal it is made of, should alert you, because such dreams in reality are often followed by adultery. But a shining, iridescent thing indicates that there is no reason for concern.

From an esoteric point of view, the best dream about a ring is to see it as an old, worn piece of jewelry with someone’s initials on it. If you manage to remember the letters, they will form the first and last name of a person who was sent down by karmic forces for great love and a long life together.

Universal dream book

This collection is an excellent example of the fact that any dream can be reasonably explained. Interpreters know why emerald is dreamed of. They claim: this symbol is a sign of reconciliation and renewal of relations. A person who sees a pure gemstone in his night dreams will expect harmonious relationships and new acquaintances, which promise a lot of pleasant impressions and emotions. Sudden financial gain is another positive sign awaiting the person sleeping in reality. He will probably inherit a large sum of money.

Has a man ever seen emeralds on his beloved in a dream? This is a harbinger of possible betrayal, as the girl will meet a more influential person. If you dreamed of buying these stones, it means that in reality the dreamer will make an unprofitable deal, so you should sign the documents more carefully. Deception can even come from a colleague or business partner.

Spiritual development and intellectual growth await people who were given an emerald in a dream. Finding a gem means that the sleeper will be accused of something. However, divorce or separation are negative events that threaten a person if he happened to see a similar scenario in his nightly dreams.

The universal dream book explains why you dream of a ring with an emerald. As a rule, such visions are visited by girls, for whom this symbolism is interpreted as follows: in reality they will meet a pleasant young man. However, a night dream in which one lost a precious piece of jewelry is interpreted in a completely different way, since interpreters say that this is a harbinger of separation.

I dreamed of a broken ring

Most dream books are of the opinion that a thing damaged by any means does not bode well for the owner:

  • To see how someone else breaks a ring or bites it with a tool - beware of monstrous deception from your closest relative.
  • The decoration breaks, falling to the floor - a long unpleasant conversation with your significant other is coming, perhaps based on jealousy and a possible affair on the side.
  • A stone falls out of a metal caste - think about your own health, visit your doctor to make sure there are no serious illnesses.

The worst scenario is that the ring cracks and injures your finger until it bleeds. In almost all European books, it foreshadows a broken heart with years of severe loneliness.

Why does a woman dream about a ring?

The beautiful half of humanity is accustomed to the fact that such dreams promise exclusively joyful events with positive emotions, but according to psychologists, not everything is so simple:

  • Jewish folk wisdom says that any dream with a ring in the lead role means a quick, cheerful wedding, and if a lady has been in a happy marriage for a long time, she will be an honored guest at a holiday, and not necessarily at her own.
  • For Muslims, this is a strictly family omen, mostly joyful. So, a young married girl will probably soon become pregnant or is already carrying a child under her heart, and most of the known texts point to a son. Under no circumstances should you lose the ring - the apparent trouble will lead to the death of your husband or father.
  • Gypsies explain such visions by the state of the woman’s health. When a product made of pure gold sparkles and brings joy, everything is fine. When in a dream they try to slip you a fake made of cheap metal, there is a danger of getting very sick.
  • Freud thinks in terms of hidden desires. Most often they talk about suppressed homosexual inclinations due to fear of being judged. The more rings there are in a dreamed image, the more likely it is that the fantasy will come true in reality.
  • Seeing a massive man's ring in a dream means good news for one of your closest relatives - a son, brother or father. Perhaps one of them will receive a promotion, win a sports award, etc.
  • Loff's dream book connects ring-shaped symbolism with women's obligations to other people. It’s worth remembering old promises, debts or upcoming exams; if you are a student, it’s time to cheer up and start preparing.

Other interpretations, to varying degrees, refer to a close marriage, gifts from an existing spouse, or good news. The exception is the Scandinavian dream books, in which any images of a ring are tied to the appearance of a lover in the life or betrayal.

Dream interpretation of a ring in a dream Interpretation of a dream

Dream interpretation of a ring in a dream Interpretation of a dream.

The dream book of the Magickum project is based on the analysis of dreams that have come true, which is why it is the best dream book on the Runet according to user recognition. There are many rules for deciphering dreams, however, after reading even this characteristic of the symbol, you will be able to understand the essence of what your subconscious has shown you.

Read the symbol options below and find those that match the plot of your dream. And the article, as always, will contain examples of the dreams of project participants about rings that have come true.

Rings in dreams always indicate a relationship with someone close to you, as well as partnerships, unions, alliances.

A golden ring dreams of fulfillment of desire, happiness and prosperity. The more beautiful it is in a dream, the more beautiful your future life and changes will be.

A silver ring is a sign of achievement, most often indicating work, service, business, money.

A gold wedding ring is a symbol of marriage or marriage, and for married people it is a symbol of marital relationships. Therefore, if rings break, burst, or crack in a dream, this means they are broken, lost, and are also a symbol of the “loss” of connection with a person.

Many gold rings - to a prosperous, happy life.

A pair of rings, two rings - for marriage, marriage.

A dream come true (from the Project's Dream Bank)

A month before the breakup, my boyfriend had a dream where I had two gold rings on my fingers. He didn’t remember which hand or which fingers. I took off one ring and gave it to some girl, according to him, he doesn’t know her. The dream came true a month later, I myself decided to leave him and we parted.

Three rings in a dream...

indicate another side in the couple’s relationship. It can also be an allegory or a prototype of a business relationship involving three parties.

A gold ring is given or given - a dream about a proposal. And if you chose a ring in your dream, you will choose your partner in the same way.

Trying on a ring is an attempt to establish a connection, a relationship, but at the moment not yet defined.

If the ring was stolen , the dream means a break in a relationship due to someone else’s fault. You can say this: someone stole your happiness. Of course, if the ring was beautiful and dear to you. Usually all this is visible and felt by dreamers. If such a dream disturbs you with its prophecy, change the projection of the future.”

A darkened ring indicates that you have stopped appreciating your happiness or that it has faded.

A rusty ring is a symbol of a damaged relationship.

A dirty ring means that the relationship is “stained” by the actions and actions of the people themselves.

A dream come true about tarnished rings:

Hello! I had a gentleman. About a week before breaking up with him, I dreamed that he gave me a ring. At first I was very happy about the ring and put it on my finger. And already on the finger it became somewhat dull with scuffs (at first it seemed golden). It turned out to be jewelry. In the dream, I scolded him for having a cheap ring. The dream came true in the following way. We went together to another city for a couple of days. I became terribly greedy. The last straw was that I didn’t buy lemonade. The toad strangled him :)) on the way home, he put an end to our communication with him. (If anything, the guy makes very good money).

Another dream from a project participant: I am a widow, I lived with my first husband for about 30 years. After a while, I met a man and there was already a conversation about marriage, and I wrote on paper the question: “What awaits me with him?” I dreamed that I bought pies and started eating at home, I felt something hard. I look, and this ring is a man’s, a wedding ring, but it’s broken, worn, and there’s rust inside. I understood the dream, but my feelings and hormones are playing, I think it was nonsense. But...... After 4 years I got everything in full and barely got rid of him. Got it, there was a warning!




A new ring means a new relationship.

In the near future you will meet a person who will change your destiny.

Diamond rings - to great happiness and prosperity. Such dreams can also indicate great success, fame and wealth. Of course, if the ring belongs to you in a dream, you see it on your hand, you put it on yourself, they give it to you, present it, offer it, give it to you.

Any rings with precious stones symbolize deeper feelings, high relationships, strong emotions, success, honors, glory.

The stones themselves mean certain previously deserved achievements, and with them a different, higher status.

For example, a ring with pearls - love after long disappointments. A dream in which you see a ring with a ruby ​​means passion, a strong emotional attachment, and often has a karmic trace.

A sapphire stone in a ring means a spiritual connection, kinship of souls, the love of a man, happiness from a man.

Emeralds - achievements in creativity and personal development.

Topazes dream of patronage, good luck in business and entrepreneurship.

By analogy, all rings (made of precious metals!!!) symbolize the following: a white ring - purity of relationships and devotion.

The red ring is ardor of feelings, passion. Green - devotion and new relationships.

Blue and blue - fulfillment of a cherished desire, personal achievements.

Black rings represent melancholy and sadness, which is hard to get rid of. Take off the ring in your dream! If you can’t induce such a dream yourself, use af.

But rings with black precious stones are symbols of protection, but they can be seen by people endowed with some kind of power or abilities. These are rare dreams.

Rings with signs or inscriptions almost always mean protection and patronage.

An old ring signifies a connection from the past. And an old or family symbol is a symbol indicating a family sign, a karmic connection. If you liked it in a dream, this is a sign of changes that you need to accept - they are for the better, especially since they are truly yours.

Seeing a big ring in a dream is a symbol of great love. If you put a ring on your finger, but it doesn’t fit, there are all the options: it’s small, it’s big, then you want the impossible, what doesn’t belong to you, and maybe unnecessary.

Putting on a ring means accepting the proposal.

Removing a ring from your hand or finger means refusing a relationship or proposal. Throwing away the ring, throwing it away means breaking the connection on your initiative or desire.

Dropping a ring or losing it means a break in the relationship due to your fault (the one who dropped or lost it in a dream), an accidental or intentional mistake.

Seeing someone else's ring in a dream means that you will soon learn about someone else's successes or engagement (depending on what kind of ring it was). If you see a wedding ring on the hand of a man you know, it means this person has a close relationship with someone.

A stone will fall out of the ring - a dream of great troubles, worries, suffering.

A dead man gives a ring in a dream - your plans are empty. Or someone who had a stone fall out of their ring in a dream.

A wooden ring is a symbol of difficult life in a marriage or union.

I dreamed of a ring in a box; the dream means prosperity and well-being of your home. If the ring was valuable and beautiful.

On the middle finger, a ring means wealth, on the little finger - for the well-being of children and pride in them. On the index - power and glory, on the ring - to a proposal or marriage, marriage.

And the rings on the right hand are changes regarding social status, people will learn about them. On the left hand - everything personal, perhaps secret on your initiative and what will happen in the future.

Synonyms for the word “ring”: circle, circle, link, ring, circumference





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Why does a man dream about a ring?

The masculine principle has a slightly different attitude towards expensive jewelry, so the interpretation of dreams about them can at first glance be completely unpredictable:

  • In almost all cultures, a ring purchased or received as a gift in a dream means the imminent acquisition of serious power. This could be a literal career in big politics, or an unexpected rise up the career ladder.
  • If a bachelor dreams of putting a product on the hand of a stranger, you should not expect a romantic continuation of the story. Psychologists interpret such a gesture as an unconscious fear of taking responsibility, both at work and in relationships with a woman.
  • Making a ring with your own hands means your closest friend needs help. According to another version, this is a good sign, promising a successful start in business or a creative project. The main thing is to remember under what circumstances the events took place.
  • Seeing someone being sold a fake piece of jewelry is an alarming warning that there is a traitor among your friends. He can be an elementary deceiver, or, what is much worse, a homewrecker who encroaches on family happiness.
  • The indigenous peoples of America pay special attention to the finger, which is decorated with a ring during sleep. If this is the little finger, the sleeper is considered very lucky in any matter, because, according to beliefs, all life energy is concentrated there.

To dream of a ring with a ruby ​​or other red stone symbolizes the jealousy of the chosen one. It is better not to give such a lady of your heart a reason to doubt your partner.

General dream book

Processing emeralds in a dream means that all sad events will pass the sleeper in reality. Receiving such a stone as a gift is a sign that a person can trust his friends and relatives. Therefore, he should not be afraid of difficult life situations, since he will always be supported.

If the question arises about why a green emerald is dreamed of, interpreters answer this way: long-awaited success awaits the dreamer. He will be rewarded for his hard work and patience. A good sign is a dream in which you had to pick up jewelry from the ground, as this is a harbinger of sudden monetary profit.

In addition, emeralds in night dreams are considered a kind of embodiment of the mystical power of the sleeper.

What does it mean if you find or lose a ring in a dream?

The interpretation of a dream depends on the cultural traditions to which the person belongs:

  • Among Muslims or in the East in general, any discovery is a joyful divine providence, especially for gold items.
  • Slavic superstitions, on the contrary, are categorically against this. The found ring will bring many problems that will be passed on from the previous owner.
  • The unexpected loss of an accessory that has slipped off your finger because the tone has become large signals inflated pride and the need to lower the bar of expectations.
  • Losing a ring in most nations means trouble or sorrow. Gypsies, for example, seriously believe that a lost wedding ring is a sign of a widow's fate.

But not everything is so bad, the disappeared thing that is boring or brings back memories of a failed relationship will finally get rid of negative thoughts, allowing you to move forward.

If a gold ring was stolen in a dream

Everything is relatively obvious here:

  • The sleeping person steals the ring from another - make sure that you do not show unnecessary signs of romantic attention to a married woman or a married man. Such subconscious behavior indicates a tendency to spoil other people's relationships.
  • You are trying to take a piece of jewelry out of the store - a contradictory symbol, interpreted in different ways. The French dream book says that disappointment in one's own views is expected soon. Other European books claim that this is a sign of impending problems at work, and most likely it is not your fault.
  • If stolen property is sold before your eyes, expect bankruptcy or very dangerous financial losses. Especially when an entrepreneur dreamed about it.
  • Stealing from a friend or relative warns that in the future there will be a conflict with him, because of which you will stop communicating for a long time.

When someone steals from a woman in a dream, you should take a closer look at your friends. Suddenly, a professional homewrecker is skillfully disguised among them, preventing them from finding happiness. A similar picture for a non-free man paints the prospects for aggravation of relations based on jealousy.

Earrings with emerald: explanation of the dream

These pieces of jewelry come in pairs. Therefore, if a person is interested in why he dreams of earrings with emeralds, then he should look for the answer to his question in his love relationships. Such a gemstone reflects the depth of affection between two people. If the person sleeping in real life has a family or a loved one, then such a dream is a harbinger of a long and happy life. For a lonely woman who dreams of an emerald, this is a sign of an upcoming meeting with an attractive young man.

Losing such earrings in a dream means that the sleeper in reality may have problems associated with loss and separation. A person just needs to show a lot of patience and attention to maintain love relationships. In addition, interpreters say that emerald earrings are harbingers of a prestigious and interesting job that the dreamer has long wanted to get. He needs to be patient and expect changes for the better.

What to do when you have a bad dream about a ring?

Back in the real world, think about the following:

  • If you have any unresolved problems at work or study, organize the coming days.
  • Go to the doctor for an unscheduled examination, even if nothing bothers you.
  • Call parents, close friends or relatives with whom you have not spoken for a long time.
  • Distribute debts, arrange a pleasant surprise for someone who helped you out in difficult times.
  • Make peace with your other half, even if you consider yourself innocent in the disagreement.

After all, a dream is just a reflection of our hidden fears and desires, and they are easy to realize. The main thing is to bring only positive emotions to yourself and others.

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