On which hand are wedding rings worn in Russia and other countries?

  • How are wedding rings worn in Russia?
  • Do Muslims wear wedding rings?
  • How do Catholics deal with this?
  • The Armenians?
  • The Turks?
  • On which hand do Americans wear wedding rings?
  • Jews?
  • Divorced?
  • Widows and widowers?
  • What do they wear instead of rings?
  • Are Wedding Rings Safe?
  • Do homosexuals wear wedding rings too?

The tradition of wearing wedding rings appeared before our era, presumably in ancient Egypt (according to other sources, in ancient Greece), although archaeologists and historians cannot yet say for sure - it is not a fact that some of the unearthed ancient rings were wedding rings.
In ancient times, rings, due to their complete circle shape, symbolized infinity. Thus, wearing wedding rings symbolized endless love and fidelity in marriage for both spouses.

This tradition has survived for centuries and has survived almost unchanged to this day. Now crossed wedding rings are a recognized symbol of newlyweds, marriage, and family.

However, in different cultures, countries and religions, the tradition of wearing wedding rings varies slightly, most often slightly.

On which hand do they wear a wedding ring in Russia?

In Russia, it is customary to wear a wedding ring on the ring finger of the right hand for both men and women. It is on the right hand that the wedding ring is worn, because Orthodox Christians cross themselves with their right hand.

It is by the ring on the ring finger of the right hand that others can determine a person’s status: whether he is married or single. There are many jokes and anecdotes about guys or girls who want to flirt and take off their wedding rings at this moment.

This applies to secular or moderately religious (not fully following the canons and prescriptions of religion) Russians of different nationalities and Orthodox Christians, from whom the tradition of wearing wedding rings on the right hand and ring finger originated in Rus'.

On which hand do Muslims wear a wedding ring?

Russian Muslims, for example, Tatars or Muslims of the North Caucasus, if they profess religious service, do not wear wedding rings at all.

Firstly, a Muslim man is, in principle, not allowed to wear gold rings, only silver and other metals. Secondly, this tradition is not Muslim in principle, which means it is based on imitation of “infidels,” which automatically imposes a ban on it.

In addition, the belief that wearing wedding rings in one way or another strengthens the marriage, and that removing or not wearing rings, on the contrary, puts the family at risk, is considered a harmful superstition, something of a heresy.

Tatars and representatives of other nationalities, living according to secular laws in big cities, wear wedding rings in the same place as Russians - on the ring finger of the right hand.

On which hand do Catholics wear their wedding ring?

Catholics, unlike other Orthodox Christians, wear wedding rings on their left hand, but also on their ring finger. By the way, in some countries this finger is not called the ring finger, but is called the “ring finger” - so rooted and entrenched is the idea of ​​wearing a wedding ring on this particular finger.

Why is it worn on the ring finger?

Which finger the jewelry is placed on is also important. Explanations exist so far only in the form of hypotheses:

  1. In the Chinese tradition, each finger is responsible for a part of the family: the thumb is the parents, the index finger is the sisters and brothers, the middle finger is the person himself, the ring finger is his spouse, and the little finger is the children. Accordingly, the engagement ring is worn on the nameless one.
  2. In the European tradition, it is believed that each part of the palm is connected to other parts of the body. If you massage it correctly, it will have a positive effect on your health. The ring finger is traditionally considered to be associated with the heart.

Interestingly, fingers could change in different cultures. Consolidation occurred relatively recently by historical standards.

On which hand do Turks wear a wedding ring?

The Turks, like many other nationalities, unlike Russia, have a tradition of engagement. So, after an engagement, Turks wear wedding rings on the ring finger of their right hand, and after the wedding they put it on their left.

Wedding rings for Turkish men, due to the ban on Muslims wearing gold, are most often made of silver.

The meaning of a wedding ring on different fingers

The symbolism of wearing a ring is a different concept than jewelry etiquette. Astrologers have long identified general patterns in the location of jewelry on the fingers. They help you get to know a person better without words and find a common language with him.


A ring on the thumb increases vital energy and normalizes the nervous system. This makes it easier to cope with your absent-mindedness and achieve harmony with the world around you. A person becomes more tolerant of everything and learns to build communications.


An index finger decorated with a ring promotes the development of talents and helps achieve success in creative endeavors. If the decoration is chosen correctly, it will fill its owner with courage. The finger represents power, ambition and leadership. Therefore, kings loved to put jewelry on this place.


The middle finger is called a symbol of the threads of fate. Due to its location, it is responsible for balance. Astrologers associate it with Saturn. This planet influences personal development in business and helps promote significant ideas on a voluntary basis.

Women show the makings of a leader and their own business begins to take off. The ring protects men from the negative influence of others. Decorating in this place embodies responsibility.


The ring on this finger attracts love and inspiration into life; makes you more optimistic. Decoration has a calming effect on feminine power. The ring finger has a vein that leads to the heart - the finger and the heart are connected by a nerve.

The energy channel located between the finger and the heart muscle will definitely bring happiness. The ring finger is called the finger of Apollo. The ring on it hints at the desire for everything unusual and even sublime.

Little finger

Jewelry on the little finger is responsible for the development of beautiful and correct speech, as well as the ability to establish contacts with the right people. The little finger helps activate the energy of Mercury. Artists, actors and representatives of other creative professions like to wear a ring on this finger.

On which hand do Jews wear a wedding ring?

For Jews, as always, everything is a little more complicated. At a wedding, a girl can wear a wedding ring on both her index and middle fingers (specifically in Jerusalem), but always on her right hand. After the wedding, the ring moves to the left hand.

The Torah does not directly prohibit a man from wearing a wedding ring (but does prohibit a girl from putting a ring on the groom during the wedding ceremony), but theologians strongly discourage this, again, for the same reason as among Muslims, due to the fact that this tradition came to them from other religions.

Interesting traditions of different countries and peoples

Since ancient times, some nomadic peoples have preserved a very unusual wedding tradition. Instead of a wedding ring, a man presents his beloved with “straw shackles” - bundles of fragrant straw, with which the bride’s feet are tightly tied so that she does not run away from the groom.

The gypsies also stood out when choosing a place to wear the accessory: women string the jewelry on a thin chain, which they always wear around the neck, because this way the “symbol of love” will be closer to the heart. In addition, this is how gypsies protect valuable jewelry from loss, breakage and theft.

Asia is also distinguished for its marriage traditions. In some areas, you can become a bride at a very young age - 10-14 years. Girls are required to wear a ring at all times, but in what place it is up to them to decide. Many Asian women decorate the toe on their right foot with a ring. Asian men are not at all required by ethics to wear a wedding ring, but many, paying tribute to modern traditions, still wear a “wedding ring.” They prefer to do this on any finger of the left or right hand. Most often, their choice falls on massive gold items.

In some regions of Australia, newlyweds, in addition to the traditional wedding ring, decorate each other with marriage necklaces, which symbolize a strong marriage.

But in Africa there are completely different wedding laws, which may seem very unusual and strange to a modern person. In some regions, as a sign of fidelity to their future spouse, African women decorate their wrists with wedding bracelets. Moreover, their number can vary from 10 to 100 pieces. Also, representatives of the fair sex can find wedding bracelets on their legs and even a special wedding piercing in the form of a ring. During the wedding, men wear bracelets that the bride makes in advance. Also, in some tribes, grooms get wedding piercings on their faces, which tells those around them about their social status.

There is also an unusual law regarding wedding rings in the UK. Employees of medical institutions are simply prohibited from wearing them. This is explained by the rules of sanitary standards: the space under them is not disinfected, and removing the decoration can sometimes be quite difficult.

On which hand do divorced people wear a wedding ring?

Usually, after a divorce, rings are not worn, but if the engagement ring is expensive or you like it on its own, for example, it is encrusted with precious stones, women simply change it to the other hand.

After a divorce, men prefer not to wear a wedding ring, primarily because they want to appear free to members of the opposite sex.

On which hand do widows and widowers wear their wedding ring?

People who have experienced the loss of a spouse and do not want to enter into a new relationship usually leave their wedding rings, but everyone wears them differently.

  • So, for example, some widows simply wear their wedding ring, without removing it, where it was during marriage, as a symbol of fidelity to their deceased spouse - this symbol also “scares off” potential strangers-admirers.
  • Some widows wear two rings at once on one hand or even on one finger - their own and their husband’s ring.
  • There are those who wear rings on different hands, for example, theirs on their left hand, and the deceased’s on their right.
  • There is also a tradition of wearing the ring of a deceased spouse on a chain around the neck, which is also a symbol of fidelity and love.
  • Because men's rings are often larger than women's, some widows wear their husband's ring on their thumb.

Rules for wearing rings for men

When choosing and wearing jewelry, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. “Less is better, but better.” It is advisable to limit the number of them worn at the same time. If there are more than three of them, thoughts arise about the imperfection of the owner’s sense of style and taste.
  2. Unity of color scheme. No matter what modern stylists say about the possibility of wearing different metals at the same time, it is preferable for a man that the metal of his rings be in harmony with his wristwatch.
  3. Balanced placement of jewelry. If a man wears more than two rings, the optimal solution would be to distribute them on two hands and still not cross the line of three jewelry. The wristwatch can be balanced by a bracelet on the wrist of the other hand.

Attention! Great A.S. It is no coincidence that Pushkin said: “You can be a efficient person and think about the beauty of your nails.” Wearing rings places increased demands on the condition of men's hands!

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What do you wear instead of a wedding ring?

Each tradition has its exceptions and nuances. Some cannot wear wedding rings for religious reasons, some cannot because of work, many are allergic to precious metals, and there are those who simply do not want to wear rings due to simple discomfort.

However, lovers, one way or another, require symbols of their love. In order to indicate your belonging and affection to a loved one, there are many options:

  • a variety of bracelets, decorated with or without symbols of love;
  • rings made of wood, glass and other hypoallergenic materials;
  • threads of different colors that are tied around one of the fingers;
  • key rings that you carry with you all the time;
  • tattoos on fingers or other places symbolizing love and devotion.

What types of rings are there and on which fingers are they usually worn?

Men's jewelry can be roughly grouped into groups:

  • Engagement. Previously, they were made in the form of a traditional gold band, but now the range includes rings decorated with engraving, decorative elements or small stones. For men, a wedding ring symbolizes the seriousness of a relationship and is usually worn by everyone.
  • Signets. In the old days, signet rings were not only a status accessory. They were additionally used to seal documents, leaving an imprint on the seal. The surface of the signet ring was engraved with a mirror image of the owner's initials or the coat of arms of the family. Modern signets, in addition to coats of arms or monograms, are decorated with various ornaments.
  • Rings with a precious or semi-precious stone. The ring attracts attention to the owner and serves as an indicator of status and authority. In the old days, rich people decorated themselves with rings.

The old traditions of wearing rings on the hands have long been no longer observed, but the placement of the rings on the fingers of men is of great importance. A person unconsciously puts on an accessory in accordance with his character.

For lovers of men's jewelry, there are many options, each with its own meaning.

Let's dwell on one of the men's habits. Probably every man, during negotiations, during communication and conversation, constantly touches or twists the ring. Depending on the environment, psychologists give several explanations for such actions:

  • Attraction. When talking with a woman he likes, a married man experiences unconscious embarrassment and, twisting his wedding ring, tries to mentally renounce the marriage bond, showing his chosen one the serious meaning of his intentions.
  • Nervousness. In difficult situations, when a serious decision needs to be made, a representative of the male half of humanity intuitively tries to take advantage of the magical power of the ring. Additionally, nervousness is accompanied by increased breathing and increased heart rate.
  • Family discomfort. During marital quarrels, this gesture has the meaning of a subconscious desire to remove the ring and get rid of an uncomfortable situation.

There are other possible meanings for this gesture. But almost always the desire to twirl jewelry on your finger is associated with psychological discomfort.

Ring materials

To make accessories, metals are used in combination with semi-precious or precious stones:

  • Iron. The material is preferred by creative individuals or representatives of informal movements. Iron jewelry symbolizes the presence of a “steel core” in a man.
  • Silver. Silver accessories with many decorative elements in the form of a signet are preferred by bohemians. For young guys, a silver ring with a minimum of stones or decorative inserts is suitable. A massive ring for a young man has a dual meaning, but older people are allowed to wear large jewelry.
  • Gold. Precious metal is a sign of wealth. A gold ring carries the meaning that its owner has a high status, has achieved a lot in life and can be relied on.

Pay attention to the stone (if there is one). The meaning of gold with diamonds speaks of the desire to show off your wealth or emphasize your high position in society. Most men prefer inserts made of small semi-precious stones.

Designer jewelry

Many guys go without jewelry and wear only a simple wedding ring. A man’s desire to wear rings on his fingers can have the following meanings:

  • A person wants to attract the attention of others. This is typical for creative individuals or people who lack self-confidence. For insecure men, jewelry helps increase self-esteem and convince them of their irresistibility.
  • A man wants to emphasize his status. For men, rings have the meaning of a kind of identification mark. Informals, representatives of bohemians and some other groups recognize each other by the accessories on their fingers.

A man chooses the design or material for a ring taking into account the environment to which he belongs. For example, bankers or entrepreneurs will not wear an ornate iron ring. But the person chooses the finger on which the jewelry will be worn, taking into account his inclinations.

To highlight your individuality and add meaning to the ring, it can be made to order

Is it safe to wear a wedding ring?

Wearing a wedding ring may be unsafe in some cases. For representatives of some professions in some countries (for example, in the UK for medical personnel), there is even an outright ban on wearing wedding rings. For doctors, the reason is that the space under the ring is not disinfected during standard disinfection procedures, which means that a medical worker with a wedding ring may pose some danger to patients and to himself.

For those who work with their hands (car mechanics, working on factory machines, construction workers), wearing a wedding ring is prohibited by safety regulations. Many representatives of blue-collar professions themselves remove their wedding rings while working to avoid risk.

However, it is not uncommon for a wedding ring to get caught on any part leading to damage or even the cutting off of a finger and other, even more serious injuries.

There is a known case of a Swiss football player who caught his wedding ring on the stand fence while celebrating a goal. Jumping from the fence, he tore off his finger, which, however, the doctors present at the match managed to disinfect and freeze in time. Subsequently, the football player’s finger was sewn on.

Do homosexuals wear wedding rings?

Gays who have officially married in countries where this is permitted wear wedding rings in accordance with the traditions of the country where they married and live.

However, in Russia officially married gays and lesbians are exotic, although there are those who specifically go to get married in other countries, where this is allowed. However, not many people live in an open marriage, given the society that has little tolerance for such relationships.

Lesbians have a tradition of wearing a ring on their thumb.

If a lesbian wears a ring on her right thumb, she is currently in a relationship with a regular partner. If the ring is located on the thumb of the left hand, the lesbian is in search and would not mind meeting a new girl.

Dmitry Bogdanov

The text was published under the editorship of the author of numerous articles, an expert in the field of relationships, family and marriage.

How betrothal and wedding took place in Rus'

Until the eighteenth century in Rus', weddings did not take place immediately. Previously, there was a special holiday - engagement, which was reserved for betrothal. At that time, the groom gave his future wife a shawl, scarf, ring, and poured strong drinks for the guests. Then the wedding took place, the newlyweds went to church, having already put on their wedding rings.

In 1755, the Holy Synod decided to simplify the entire process. The future husband sent the wedding ring and other gifts to his priest, who would later marry the newlyweds, and he, in turn, passed all this on to the bride through his proxies. That is why rings began to be put on directly at the wedding altar.

It may seem very unusual that wedding jewelry was much more expensive and beautiful than those exchanged between young people in church. However, there is a simple explanation for this: in the church code of rules it was prescribed to choose a simple decoration.

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