Heliotis, abalone - what is it. The magical properties of the stone, who suits the zodiac

Heliotis is a mother-of-pearl stone that comes from the shell of marine gastropods. It has many names: haliotis, aballon, they are also called abalone and paua shell. This stone is obtained from marine invertebrate animals. It is popular for its healing and magical properties.

Heliotis - appearance, parameters and properties

The heliotis animal has a hard shell, or shell. It differs from other marine invertebrates in that it has one shell rather than two. In appearance it resembles a human ear. The entire body is covered with this shell, leaving only one hole for the “leg” with which the mollusk moves.

The muscular body of the mollusk is attached to the stones so firmly that it can only be removed with a knife. There are several types of heliotis, most of which are listed in the Red Book.

Price of precious inserts

Famous world brands, for example, Bvlgari, Cartier, LOUIS VUITTON and others offer jewelry with heliotis at exorbitant prices: the cost for a set of rings and earrings starts from a quarter of a million.

More budget jewelry can be purchased for several tens of thousands of rubles. But costume jewelry and jewelry with jewelry alloys will cost you from one to ten thousand rubles.

A cabochon with the simplest cut, excluding the cost of its processing and coloring, costs about 100 rubles. The main criteria by which jewelry is evaluated:

  • Quantity, processing method and weight of inserts;
  • Color;
  • Frame material;
  • Mass character of the party;
  • Exclusivity of design;
  • Age of decoration.

Thanks to hypoallergenic jewelry alloys with rhodium or gold plated, you can add exquisite stylish jewelry to your collection at low prices.

Heliotis shells

Heliotis is a shell formed from limestone and calcium carbonate. The shape is flat and the last curl is wide. The length of the shell is 7-35 centimeters. The stone inside the shell is able to split light into all the colors of the rainbow, fusing them together. One stone combines several colors and shades.

The iridescence is so rich and magical that the shell has received the nickname “feather of the firebird.”

The hardness of sea pearls is high: 5-6 on the Mohs scale (other pearl shells have no more than 4). Pearls with a unique pattern grow in the shells, sometimes very large. The record weight is 469 carats.

How did heliotis appear and what properties does it have?

Heliotis stone came from sea creatures that are also called. Unlike other invertebrate mollusks, they have only one valve, instead of two, like the others. They consist entirely of a shell, in which there is a passage for the “leg”. With its help, they move and live in warm water, no deeper than 30 meters.

The inside of the shell is covered with mother-of-pearl. Mother of pearl split the rays of the sun into many iridescent colors. Therefore, in addition to other names, they began to call it the feather of the Firebird.

The stone was used for various purposes. Initially, dishes were made from it, jewelry and tools were created. For some time it was used as money. Then they ground it and turned the mother of pearl into powder. It was used to create medicines and was also used in the production of clothing and cosmetics. The powder was also applied to wounds, as it had a disinfecting effect. Fans were treated with it to protect themselves from infection and head decorations were created to prevent the appearance of lice.

Compared to other pearl mussels, the hardness of nacre reached 5-6 points on the Mohs scale. The peculiarity of heliotis pearls is that they grew large and of various shapes. The maximum weight was 469 carats. The aballon consists of limestone, protein and calcium carbonate. The length of the abalone varies from 7 to 40 centimeters. Haliotis can produce about 130-133 pearls over a lifetime.

Color scheme

The uniqueness of Jaliotis lies in the fact that out of thousands of specimens, no two shells are identical. The color palette of abalone, combined with its unusual patterns, resembles a kaleidoscope of intertwining purple, blue, black, orange-red, emerald and crimson colors. The play of colors is explained by the structure of the shells - they do not contain coloring pigments, but have tiny plates that refract light. Between these plates there are layers of air.

Mother of pearl, formed by other mollusks, usually does not have a bright color. His palette is cool shades of blue and pink. It is not only the spectrum of colors that distinguishes halotis from pure mother-of-pearl. The shells of these crustaceans are strong but flexible. The weakness of their particles makes halotis a shock absorber against mechanical shocks.

Magic abilities

It is this unsurpassed combination of color tints that has led to the fact that heliotis has been considered a magical stone for more than two millennia. There is evidence that in ancient times it was identified with currency.

Heliotis stone products

The magical properties of heliotis are that the stone:

  • has a positive effect on the microclimate of the home, protects the inhabitants from any manifestation of negativity;
  • does not allow pessimistic thoughts or bad desires;
  • promotes the formation of mutual trust;
  • creates sympathy for the owner on the part of other people;
  • activates a person’s mental and intuitive abilities;
  • helps with travel;
  • attracts good luck;
  • protects married couples from marriage breakdown and infidelity.

Description of Heliotis pearl

Heliotis is a type of pearl. But the clean belt has calm pastel shades with cool tones. It shimmers in the blue and pink spectrum.

  1. Heliotis stone plays with shades of emerald green, blue, lilac and pink-red tones.
  2. Hardness: no more than 6 on the Mohs scale. Density: 2.7 g/cm3.
  3. A special feature of the mollusk is its ability to create pearls. Each individual produces about 130 beads during its life.
  4. Ordinary shells are small in size - up to 7 cm in length. But you can also find larger options with a length of 25 cm.

The pearl, weighing more than 400 carats and weighing 90 g, was listed in the Red Book. In 1990, a clam with a giant stone was found in California. In 1991, the pearl was valued at $4.7 million.

Heliotis - beauty from the ocean

Heliotis is the shell of the gastropod mollusc Haliotis; the shell has the appearance of a spirally twisted cap. The mother-of-pearl shell ranges in size from 3 to 25 cm in length. The mollusk has one leg, with which it presses against the rocks of the seabed and protects itself from underwater currents and chaotic movements.

The chemical composition of the outer part of the shell is calcium carbonate and conchialin, the inner surface is a petrified mother-of-pearl substance made from a mixture of organic and inorganic substances. In addition to the valuable mother-of-pearl shell, one mollusk produces up to 130-150 pearls during its entire life cycle. The peculiarity of haliotis mother-of-pearl is its unusually bright range of color shades, which shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow when exposed to sunlight.

Where is heliotis used?

Heliotis is most often used to make jewelry. It can be combined with other stones and metals such as silver and gold, or hung on a fishing line as a pendant. Apart from costume jewelry and jewellery, mother of pearl is also used in watch dials to add status.

Numerous small accessories made from Heliotis mother of pearl are also produced for the consumer market. These include buttons, pocket mirrors, figurines and so on.

Mother of pearl stones are often used to make jewelry such as rings, earrings, bracelets, and necklaces. This is due to the original pattern of weaving a mother-of-pearl flower. Metals used as decoration:

  • tin;
  • silver;
  • copper-nickel alloy.

Gold is rarely used, as heliotis looks out of place in an expensive setting. Heliotis is often used in jewelry and in combination with other minerals:

  • pearl;
  • malachite;
  • jet;
  • coral;
  • turquoise;
  • opal;
  • hematite.

Mother of pearl is often purchased by Swiss watchmakers for use on dials. It can also be used in the production of home decoration items such as boxes, vases, snuff boxes, figurines and so on. Using this mineral is believed to purify the air and increase energy levels.

Application in jewelry

What the craftsmen didn’t come up with when introducing pebbles into jewelry and exclusive household items.

A wide variety of heliotis jewelry is recognized: earrings, necklaces, necklaces, bracelets, brooches, cameos, pendants, rings, rings. The main distinguishing feature of the products is the unique pattern of the stone.


Jewelry set in silver, tin, and cupronickel looks most harmonious. Gold is used less frequently for frames. Heliotis is combined with pearls, jet, turquoise, malachite, and coral.

Earrings with heliotis

Prices for jewelry made from sea mother of pearl are affordable. This is especially true for jewelry.

The magic of the original stone from the depths of the sea inspires manufacturers of luxury items, in particular, world-famous Swiss watches. The dials are decorated with mother-of-pearl, which gives the products additional charm.

Heliotis in silver

Boxes, vases, snuff boxes, watches, mirrors, and buttons are inlaid with heliotis. Large shells are used to make dishes.

A skillfully crafted item with mother-of-pearl in its design is an excellent gift with a positive connotation for the recipient.

Varieties of mineral

Heliotis, despite the fact that it is itself a type of mother-of-pearl, has received an additional internal classification for its subspecies. This is based on differences in shimmer colors. Contrary to popular belief, the color of mother-of-pearl does not depend on the presence of one pigment or another, but is determined solely by the structure of the mollusk shell itself.

Experts counted about 51 types of this mineral. In practice, the most common are:

  • giant heliotis;
  • heliotis disc-shaped;
  • rainbow heliotis;
  • superior heliotis;
  • abalone;
  • abalone;
  • spotted heliotis.

Interesting! All subspecies of heliotis have their original Latin names. Generic names were chosen to make them easier to understand by non-specialists and to enable jewelry manufacturers to use clear terms when marketing their products.

In Russia, the shell is found in the Far East. Through the Tsushima Strait, haliotis penetrates the waters of the Pacific Ocean and nests on Mineron Island - 40 km from Sakhalin.

Heliotis - jewelry

Heliotis is one of the favorite gems for men and women of all ages. Despite the high cost, jewelry is in great demand. The mineral goes perfectly with silver, gold, platinum, jewelry alloys, and newfangled titanium. Cabochons are set in metal or hung on a regular thread like a pendant. The gem can be combined with various gemstones:

  • Sea corals;
  • Turquoise;
  • Azurite;
  • Beryls;
  • Pearl;
  • Rock crystal and its varieties;
  • Malachite;
  • Jet;
  • cubic zirconia;
  • Diamonds;
  • Opal and others.

Earrings, beads, pendants, bracelets, cufflinks, signets, paired rings for families and lovers, and brooches are in high demand. In addition to jewelry and decorations, abalone is inserted into the dial, case or bracelet of watches to give them a status look. Graceful abalone shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow is valued for its unique, inimitable pattern. The extensive jewelry market offers products of various price categories - from “economy” to premium exclusives.

Accessories and household items do not lose their relevance: abalone is used for buttons, decorative elements, pocket mirrors, boxes, powder boxes, cigarette cases, figurines and so on.

Since the 10th century, it became a custom in Rus' to richly decorate clothes with semi-precious stones, most of which were delivered from abroad. With the light hand of the Romanov dynasty, the imperial house began to collect a collection of unique jewelry with natural gems. The Diamond Fund of the Russian Federation stores a great variety of jewelry and household items decorated with heliotis and pearls.

Heliotis - what is it?

According to scientific data, heliotis is called a stone or mineral only conditionally. In fact, this is a spongy layer of the shell of the mollusk of the same name. This invertebrate has a shape resembling an ear, which led to the popularization of the famous name "heliotis".

This mineral has been mined from the depths of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans since ancient times. Modern researchers have provided evidence of the presence of mother-of-pearl also in the Mediterranean Sea.


Heliotis is successfully used in the production of a variety of jewelry. Their prices may vary significantly. We present the average cost in the table.

product nameAmount in rubles
Ringsfrom 1000
Earringsfrom 1000
Braceletsfrom 1500
Beadsfrom 2000
Pendantsfrom 500

Jewelers use white metal as a frame: cupronickel, white gold, silver. The gem combines harmoniously with wood, leather and other minerals such as turquoise, garnet, opal, pearl, coral, cubic zirconia, opal.

Stylists advise giving preference to laconic forms and combining them with things in neutral and beige tones. Pendants and earrings look the most luxurious. They emphasize the beauty and color of the eyes.

In some cases, it is worth taking care to protect the stone from damage, which requires coating with special jewelry glass. In this case, the cost will be higher. Thus, the cost of the pendant can reach up to 5 thousand rubles.

The mineral is also used as a coating for watch dials and for making decorative items: candlesticks, figurines and boxes.

Heliotis - medicinal properties

The healing properties of heliotis are amazing. Since ancient times, shells have been ground into powder and used in medicine and cosmetics. Thanks to this, pearl powder whitens and rejuvenates the skin, eliminates blemishes and freckles.

  1. The important significance of the stone in Southeast Asia is its ability to strengthen the immune system, increase the vitality of the body and prolong the years of active life.
  2. Heliotis earrings are recommended for people with hearing impairment, and neck jewelry - beads, necklaces - for the treatment of respiratory diseases.
  3. Even the air can be purified thanks to the heliotis shells from which the fan is made: they have an antibacterial effect. For this reason, pearlescent powder was once used on the wounded to prevent blood poisoning and tissue buildup.
  4. It is believed that dishes made from heliotis shells improve the quality of food and drinks and their digestibility.
  5. Earrings with a shimmering stone are worn to improve hearing, get rid of hearing loss, and speech disorders. Pearl powder cleanses the skin, eliminates pigment spots and smoothes out wrinkles.
  6. A comb decorated with heliotis strengthens the hair, gives the curls a silky feel, and eliminates dandruff.
  7. The stone cleanses the blood, promotes wound healing and prevents the development of sepsis.

In ancient times, in some countries, the handle of a weapon was decorated with heliotis. People believed that the mineral would protect a warrior in battle, save his life and help him return home.

Magic properties

Thanks to the harmonious combination of iridescence, heliotis has long been considered a stone that has magical properties. Historians claim that our ancestors even used it as currency.

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As a magical tool, the mineral is used for:

  • strengthening relationships with family and spouse (for this reason, heliotis is often given to newlyweds);
  • increases creativity;
  • attracting good luck;
  • enhancing charisma (helps its owner win over people).

Heliotis suits who according to their zodiac sign

Astrologers agree that heliotis brings good luck to all zodiac signs. The most important thing is to believe in its positive power.

A skeptical attitude will weaken the magical power of heliotis.

Mother of pearl goes well with two zodiac signs - Pisces and Aquarius .

Mother of pearl will enhance the natural energy and intuition of Pisces , and will also relieve bad moods and strife.

For Aquarius , the shell will help them move up the career ladder and give them confidence.

The stone will bring peace and tranquility Cancer It will also stop the assertiveness and aggression of impulsive Aries .

For Pisces, this mineral will be a blessing in disguise. It will strengthen moral resources and protect its wearer from disease. Heliotis will help Aquarius to advance in their career. Cancers, always having a pearl stone with them, will become more confident, purposeful, and will have the opportunity to reveal their talent from a new side.

For Leo, mother-of-pearl will be a source of peace of mind and a way to minimize the aggressiveness, temper and sensitivity characteristic of this zodiac sign.

Astrologers' opinion

It is believed that Heliotis is suitable for all representatives according to the zodiac sign. But those born under the constellations of Pisces and Aquarius are simply native. With his support, Aquarians will become much more confident and will reach the heights of their career growth. It will give Pisces energy and will not allow them to take rash actions and succumb to pessimism.

Pendant with heliotis

According to astrology, talismans, amulets, and other products made from heliotis are needed by creative people and those who do charity work. Items made with mother-of-pearl are important to have in your home for happiness and peace. Gifts for newlyweds using the stone will become a wish and a guarantee of a happy family life, regardless of who the spouses are according to the horoscope.

Zodiac signCompatibility (“+++” – fits perfectly, “+” – can be worn, “-” – strictly contraindicated)
a lion

Reliable talisman

Heliotis stone jewelry is ideal for artists, composers and painters. Mother of pearl awakens creativity and inspires action.

  1. Haliotis talismans preserve family comfort and tranquility, and protect the personal happiness of spouses.
  2. In Ancient Rus', the shell was used to make household items, and was also presented as a gift to newlyweds on the occasion of their wedding.
  3. In Japan, vessels with mother-of-pearl are still considered a valuable wedding gift.
  4. Jewelry with heliotis brings good luck only to people with clear, bright thoughts. The talisman creates a positive energy field and attracts good, reliable friends.
  5. Jewelry that has sank into the soul forever has a special power.

Unbaptized babies are given a mother-of-pearl talisman. It is believed that it protects babies from evil spirits.

Magic of stone

In Buddhism, heliotis refers to the receptive, creative energy of Yin. Followers of Eastern cults consider the mineral a symbol of good intentions and associate it with purity of thoughts and wishes.

In Rus' and the East, the abilities of mother-of-pearl shells were equally associated with strong and happy family relationships. Jewelry and household items were given to newlyweds in order to strengthen and preserve the marriage union. It is believed that heliotis helps lovers or spouses find mutual understanding.

It will teach mutual respect, preserve your home, avoid negative emotions and protect you from ill-wishers. For those who despair of having offspring, the gem will give the joy of fatherhood and motherhood. A haliotis talisman will protect children from the evil eye, damage, and the influence of evil spirits.

The gem will be useful to people of the following professions:

  1. Public figures, speakers, politicians. The stone bestows the gift of oratory, eliminates the fear of public speaking, gives self-confidence, and promotes mutual understanding.
  2. Artists, writers, poets, performers, people of creative professions. The stone reveals creative potential, enhances intuition, awakens fantasy and imagination, creative thinking.
  3. Military personnel.

Many museums around the world keep bladed weapons and firearms, the handles of which are inlaid with mother-of-pearl inserts. It was believed that a talisman made of abalone made a warrior invincible, protected from injury, and protected him on a long journey. Warriors and soldiers wore pendants or small pieces of stone in close proximity to the heart - it was believed that the stone could ward off bullets and wounds, give strength and courage, and would certainly give victory over the enemy.

How to choose a stone

Heliotis is a bright and shiny material. Therefore, we recommend buying simple-shaped jewelry. A bright design will spoil the appearance of heliotis. The stone will look too catchy and pretentious.

Stone jewelry can be combined with any look. But it is advisable to choose jewelry to match clothes in pastel colors. A bright pearl detail will give the picture individuality.

There are no requirements for the color type of the carrier. The stone is suitable for any eye and hair color.

When to buy and how to wear heliotis talisman stones

Due to the unusual color and unique pattern of heliotis, stylists recommend choosing jewelry of strict, geometrically correct shapes. The natural form of a shellfish would also be appropriate. Carved cabochons or elaborate frames can spoil the impression of the owner’s taste.

Abalone goes well with casual, evening and business wear. It is better to choose dark or pastel colors for outfits - this way, the emphasis will be placed on gems.

How to distinguish natural stone from fake?

Plastic knockoffs are not impact resistant. It cracks with awkward movements and bends easily. If struck strongly, glass decorations may break.

  1. True heliotis also requires careful handling. The case can withstand strong impacts and does not break when dropped from a height.
  2. Tap on the material and listen. Natural mother-of-pearl sounds loud, while artificial mother-of-pearl sounds muffled and quiet.
  3. The stone has a naturally shiny surface. The pearlescent sheen cannot be wiped off with your finger. Even if you press hard on it.
  4. The artificial stone is coated with glossy varnish. It can be easily removed with a knife or sharp fingernail.
  5. Notice both sides of the heliotis. False ones are bright and shiny. Real beads have iridescence on only one surface. The other one is boring.

Carefully examine the drawing on the material. The peculiarity of heliotis is its uniqueness. Each sink is unique. If all the beads have the same pattern, it is a fake.

Briefly about fakes

It would seem that imitation of heliotis is excluded, because mother of pearl can only appear with the participation of a mollusk. But the scammers found a way out here too. Jewelry is made from cheap plastic and covered with artificial mother-of-pearl. The second option is to add dyes to the plastic mass during manufacturing.

Jewelry with stone

You can distinguish natural mother-of-pearl from an artificial fake by several indicators.

  1. The original has a unique pattern of component fragments. If, for example, all the stones in a necklace are the same, this is an obvious fake.
  2. The reverse side of a real shell is matte and unattractive. In plastic, both sides are decorated equally and play with mother-of-pearl.
  3. It's easy to spot a fake by its sound. The original is clear and clear.
  4. If the product is dropped or hit hard, the plastic will crack and the glass will break.
  5. The shiny surface of the imitation will be erased under the influence of a sharp object. A natural shell will pass this test without consequences.

Buy and wear the original heliotis, because it will bring a lot of good things into your life. Due to their low cost, products made from sea mother of pearl are available to everyone. Don’t forget that they will serve as an excellent gift for family and friends and will become a valuable acquisition in every family.

Caring for heliotis jewelry

Protect heliotis from impacts. The material is durable but may be scratched. When transporting, wrap it in soft cloth and place it in a sealed bag.

  1. Heliotis should be stored in a separate soft box. Do not leave it in a box with other jewelry. The gold setting of stones or hard clasps in earrings will damage the mother of pearl.
  2. If it is not possible to place your jewelry separately, buy a soft case for them.
  3. Avoid constant contact with cosmetics. Eau de toilette, cream and skin oil will ruin the appearance of the shell. The shine weakens and is not restored.
  4. Wear the beads only on clean skin and do not forget to remove them before going to bed.
  5. Do not use detergents, toothpaste or brushes to clean mother of pearl. Place it in warm water and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse gently with your fingers and dry with a cotton cloth.

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Tags: Heliotis stone Properties of abalone

Choice and care

People who decide to acquire an item made of heliotis because of its magical or healing properties should listen to their own intuition when choosing, because it is this that can point to the desired decoration. Those who buy a product made from this material because of its aesthetics need to be guided by their own taste, taking into account the features of their wardrobe.

Since heliotis is considered a rather bright material in itself, when choosing jewelry with it, you should give preference to simple forms, because the combination of this stone with an elaborate design will look too catchy. It is also worth considering that such products will be better combined with clothes in calm shades, adding individuality to the image. There are no special requirements for the appearance of the owner of such jewelry, however, if you place them closer to the face, you can make its features brighter and more expressive.

The shell of a mollusk itself is considered a fairly durable formation, capable of withstanding powerful blows. However, after processing the material becomes more fragile, so heliotis products need to be handled with care. To make your jewelry last as long as possible, you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. The product must be protected from contact with creams, varnishes, perfumes and other seemingly harmless cosmetics. When interacting with these agents, heliotis usually loses its original shine and it is no longer possible to restore it.
  2. It is not advisable to drop the item, otherwise it may break. For the same reason, you should protect it from blows. When transporting such products, it is better to wrap them in several layers of soft fabric and place them away from each other.
  3. You need to store the jewelry in a separate box, upholstered with soft material, otherwise it may get scratches from other products. If it is impossible to allocate a separate place, it is worth placing the item in a fabric bag to prevent chipping.
  4. If contaminated, heliotis jewelry should not be cleaned with a brush or washed with chemicals, otherwise the product will be damaged. To remove dirt, it is better to rinse it in warm water using only a soft cloth.

Uses of heliotis stone

Jewelers use heliotis along with other gems because of its affordable cost. Costume jewelry is distinguished by its beauty and grace. An essential criterion when purchasing jewelry made from this stone is the affordable price, which makes it possible to regularly replenish the collection.

Heliotis becomes a successful addition to rings and earrings. The mineral looks very attractive in a silver frame. It is rarely combined with gold. Its undeniable advantage is the uniqueness of the pattern. Abalone pearls have an extraordinary pattern.

Switzerland is rightfully considered the birthplace of expensive and luxury watches. They are practical, reliable and accurate. Usually these are gold items. When designing the dial, heliotis is used, which gives the watch elegance and sophistication.

To create Swiss watches, exclusively natural mother of pearl is used. True, determining whether a mineral is real is not so simple.

Types of heliotis products

What kinds of jewelry have not been made by masters throughout time. They decorated everything with mollusk shells, from beads and bracelets to furniture and household items. Earrings, rings, pendants, necklaces, bracelets, necklaces, and brooches were made from haliotis. The products are striking due to the unique design of the stone.

Swiss watch manufacturers were also inspired by the magic of mother-of-pearl stone. Dials decorated with this original stone look especially attractive.

Most often, jewelry is framed with tin, silver or cupronickel. Gold is used less frequently than others. Prices for jewelry with sea mother of pearl are affordable. Typically, aballon is combined in products with turquoise and pearls, coral, malachite and jet. This combination of stones will captivate any look.

Heliotis is used to decorate clothing buttons, vases, jewelry boxes, wristwatches, mirrors and snuff boxes. And dishes are made from large types of shells.

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