Ametrine stone - who suits it according to their zodiac sign, properties and price

What is this stone?

Ametrine (in the literature it is also called two-color amethyst, bolivianite or amethyst-citrine) is a semi-precious stone that is one of the varieties of quartz classified by color.

The color of ametrine crystals is very rare and extremely beautiful: alternating areas of citrine and amethyst colors are distributed either unevenly or zonally. The greatest rarity are large and transparent crystals with zonal coloring.

Being a rock of volcanic origin, ametrines are formed under conditions of enormous pressure and high temperatures, with the obligatory presence of iron and magnesium.

Gems are found in rock cracks: in places where magma once bubbled under high pressure.

Place of Birth

It's amazing how nature combines different components. Bolivianite is one of the clear proofs of the limitless possibilities of the mineral world. Ametrine, from which valuable jewelry and amulets are made, is mined in Anajai, a Bolivian mine that has gained worldwide fame. The legend of two-color quartz is dedicated to this mine.

Ametrine mined in Bolivia

Outcrops of a less beautiful, but similar breed in Russia (Siberia) and Brazil were found.

The value of specimens found outside Anahai is low.

Origin story

An unusually romantic legend is associated with the origin of the stone. According to him, one of the Spanish conquistadors who took part in the colonization of Bolivia (his name was Felipe de Urriola y Goitia), married young Anahi, the daughter of the leader of one of the local Indian tribes, against the wishes of all her relatives.

In order to be with his beloved, Felipe invited her to run away with him to Spain, but the girl refused. Shortly before the ship sailed, angry tribesmen, who considered marriage to the invader an unheard-of insult, mortally wounded Anahi.

Dying, she gave her husband a stone of unprecedented beauty: it was a two-color ametrine, symbolizing her heart, divided in half by love for her husband and for her people (according to legend, the donated stone was found in a deposit that belonged to the Anahi family).

Having buried Anahi, Felipe returned to his homeland and presented the priceless gem as a gift to the King of Spain.

A little later, thanks to the Spanish queen, there was a great demand for jewelry with ametrine among the European nobility.

Delicate ametrine stone

The stone is a little capricious in decorations. Its “amethyst component” is sensitive to bright sunlight. Under their influence, ametrine can become ordinary citrine. Agree, these are different stones (and different prices for them).

When caring for ametrine products, follow these simple rules:

  1. No ultrasonic cleaning, no steam cleaning.
  2. Before doing household work (washing dishes, doing laundry), remove jewelry.
  3. Before going out, the last thing you should wear is ametrine jewelry. Protect them from exposure to cosmetics.

If your ametrine jewelry becomes dirty, clean it with a soft brush and soapy water, rinse it with clean water, and dry it carefully. And don’t forget to give your jewelry a separate case, box, pouch, and thick soft fabric.


  • The value of ametrines, which lend themselves well to cutting and faceting, lies solely in their use in jewelry. All types of jewelry are made from them.
  • In jewelry offered for sale in Russian online stores, all ametrine inserts are made of stones of synthetic origin (in the description they are designated as glass-ceramics).
  • Natural ametrines are a valuable collection material.

Ennoblement or fake

Natural ametrines are not refined. This stone is too capricious. But synthetic ametrine is produced in Russia. Although it is not in great demand.

Tricky...made jewelry sellers may offer to buy "very rare ametrines" in yellow-blue or blue-green colors. So, put them to shame with your knowledge. Inform such sellers that natural ametrines only come in purple and yellow colors . There are no other ametrines produced by nature. We recommend: What types of DIAMONDS are there?

Physical properties

The main physical properties of ametrine, which is a transparent polychrome variety of quartz, are as follows:

  1. The chemical formula of the mineral, which is silicon oxide, is SiO2.
  2. The hardness of ametrine on the Mohs scale is 7 points.
  3. The two-color color of transparent crystals with a glassy luster involves a combination of yellow and violet tones of varying degrees of saturation.
  4. The mineral is characterized by a moderate density of 2.6 g/cm3, thanks to which it can easily withstand cutting and faceting and is suitable for making figurines and all kinds of jewelry: earrings, beads, pendants and rings.
  5. Ametrine crystals are fragile, their surface at the fracture is conchoidal. They are characterized by a complete absence of cleavage.
  6. Ametrine must be protected from direct sunlight, as this can lead to complete discoloration of the crystals.


Silicon dioxide is a prismatic crystal characterized by hardness. Due to its sufficient density, the mineral can be cut. Jewelers make various jewelry from two-color ametrine. The correct cut emphasizes the glass shine and the original combination of two contrasting shades. The main qualities of the gem are listed in the following table.

Varieties, colors

The color varieties of ametrine are created by different combinations of yellow and purple.

Depending on how the areas of amethyst and citrine tones are distributed in the crystals, ametrine crystals can be:

  • Purple-golden. Stones with a predominance of purple tones, actively used by magicians, church ministers and representatives of the highest nobility, unite two worlds: the otherworldly and the ordinary. They are absolutely not suitable for people with vulnerable psyches.
  • Golden peach. With the help of such crystals, their owner can easily get rich, overcome the insidious plans of ill-wishers, and also restore his strength after a serious illness.
  • Honey and purple-lilac. The lilac color, associated with the ancient muses led by Apollo, makes this variety of ametrine a real talisman for scientists and people of creative professions, capable of becoming a source of inspiration.
  • Peach and violet-lilac. A gem in which the lilac hue predominates helps its owner not only find, but also keep love. It is recommended to be worn by young girls or artistic middle-aged people.

Compatibility with other stones

It is not recommended to combine bolivianite with other minerals, since it contains the energy of two minerals. If you need to create a combination of stones, choose varieties of quartz.

Ametrine goes well with:

  • jasper (red);
  • smoky quartz;
  • amethyst;
  • quartz chlorite;
  • prasiolite.

Bolivianite is combined with different varieties of quartz

Magic properties

The magical properties of ametrine are truly unique and unlike the similar qualities of other gems used as talismans:

  1. Ametrine is a stone of world balance. According to ancient legends, with his help many years of hostility between Indian clans and fratricidal wars were stopped more than once. In ancient times, amulets with Bolivianite helped people not only avoid the wrath of the gods, but also earn the favor of the supreme rulers.
  2. Nowadays, the gem is mostly used to establish contacts with others, prevent violence, conflicts and quarrels. This is precisely its main purpose.
  3. Amethyst-citrine , which enhances magical abilities and helps reveal the secrets of the universe, is used with great success by sorcerers, magicians and shamans. It greatly simplifies the ritual of communicating with spirits.
  4. In order to reveal the gift of clairvoyance with the help of Bolivianite, a special ritual must be performed on the night of the full moon. Taking a piece of purple natural silk, you need to wrap the gem in it and place it so that the moonlight falls on the package. One burning candle should be placed on both sides of it. A person who performs this ritual will gain the ability to predict the future.
  5. With the help of ametrine placed under the pillow, you can see a prophetic dream.
  6. In addition to all of the above , the gem helps improve memory, vision and hearing.
  7. After acquiring the stone, its owner, having gotten rid of excessive aggressiveness and cruelty, can become more responsive, tolerant and compassionate towards other people.

Magic and astrology

Contrasting colors are responsible for activating energy centers. Once the balance is stabilized, a person’s life will become much easier. He begins to value time, reconsiders his values, and gets rid of bad habits. Bad emotions are transformed into positive ones.

When using a gem as a magical artifact, the owner expands his capabilities. The realization of abilities that were previously hidden comes to the fore. Another manifestation of ametrine is loyalty and tolerance towards others.

Decoration will have a positive effect on relationships between household members. The risk of financial problems and minor troubles is significantly reduced. Spouses stop being jealous and begin to trust each other. The meaning of the ametrine stone is peace, harmony, tranquility and spirituality. Figurines and other decorative elements made from two-color minerals will be a wonderful home decoration.

Magicians use the stone to open and expand the gift.

Thanks to this gem, empaths begin to understand other people better, and soothsayers see the future more clearly. Ametrine stone is universal and suitable for representatives of all zodiac signs.

Ametrine can become more tolerant and wiser, and promotes the development of non-standard thinking.

Medicinal properties

Ametrine also has a whole range of medicinal properties.

It can be used to improve:

  1. State of the nervous system. The owner of the stone, succumbing to its calming effects, can forget about insomnia, depression and feelings of causeless anxiety.
  2. Functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. To do this, you must constantly wear a pendant with natural bolivianite.
  3. The composition of the blood , cleansing it of harmful substances: you just need to constantly wear beads, a ring or earrings with natural stone inserts.
  4. Condition of the genitourinary apparatus. The healing effects of the gem can stop the development of inflammatory processes in the kidneys and bladder.
  5. The functioning of the immune system.
  6. Functioning of reproductive organs. Wearing a ring with ametrine will speed up pregnancy in women and improve potency in men.
  7. Vision and get rid of headaches: for this you need earrings with ametrine.
  8. Condition of the skin and cope with many skin diseases: in this case, it is recommended to wear a bracelet made of natural stone.

Ametrine can enhance the effect of any medication, so wearing it during drug therapy is especially welcome.

The healing effects of ametrine

Lithotherapists consider the gem:

  • improves memory;
  • activating the intellect;
  • treating migraine;
  • stimulating the reproductive system;
  • accelerating recovery of the gastrointestinal tract.

The stone is expensive, so it is rarely used in lithotherapy. It is used to make special talismans for seriously ill patients. Psychics are confident in the mineral’s ability to extinguish anxiety, fear, and bestow harmony of the soul. Under the influence of the breed, body tone increases, immunity strengthens, a person is filled with energy and the desire to create. The mineral banishes depression and despondency, improves sleep.

Ametrine treats the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract

Rings affect the entire body. Beads and pendants are useful for the circulatory system and general strengthening, getting rid of headaches. Brooches are worn for stomach and kidney diseases. Neck and wrist jewelry are effective against stress, overexertion, and phobias.

Bolivianite stabilizes blood pressure.

The stone enhances the effectiveness of medications used by humans.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

Not every zodiac sign can bear the powerful energy of ametrine, so the following can become owners of the stone:

  1. Aries , whose vital energy is compatible with the energy of this gem, which gives them peace of mind and relieves them of aggressiveness and irritability.
  2. Lions. Bolivianite's help will help them be at peace with themselves and harmonize their relationships with the outside world. In addition, the stone will help Leos get rid of negative character traits, enhancing only their most positive traits.
  3. Sagittarius. A talisman with ametrine will help them say goodbye to excessive aggressiveness and outbursts of anger, and will also teach them to get along with others.

Talismans with ametrine are absolutely not suitable for Virgos , since the influence of this stone can develop cowardice and indifference to everything in them.

The negative impact of the gem is fraught with the fact that, having fallen under the influence of others, Virgos can completely lose their own opinion about anything.

All other zodiac signs may not feel much of the impact of Bolivianite, but thanks to it they will be able to avoid conflicts and have the opportunity to establish contacts even with obvious ill-wishers.

Ametrine and Zodiac

Astrologers are divided on the usefulness of the stone for the signs of the Zodiac. Some believe that ametrine is suitable for representatives of the Fire element. Others consider Pisces, Cancer, and Aquarius their favorites.

Ametrine brings changes with the plus sign, regardless of the zodiac sign.

According to the horoscope, ametrine stone is useful for everyone:

  • Aries will be peaceful and reason sensibly.
  • Taurus will be able to accurately select their communication style.
  • For Gemini, this is a stone of wealth in every sense.
  • Cancers will evaluate themselves objectively and will tolerate failures more easily.
  • Aquarius spenders will become more careful with money.
  • Libra will lose their rigidity of character.
  • Scorpios will understand how to avoid conflicts.
  • The degree of stubbornness of Capricorns will decrease.
  • Sagittarians will find themselves, set a goal and focus on achieving it.
  • Contemplation of the stone will become a relaxation for Leos, after which they will rush into battle with renewed vigor.
  • Pisces can become magicians with ametrine.

Ametrine in gold will help calm arrogance and irritability, making it easier to get along with others.

The problem sign for the stone is Virgo. Jewelry with ametrine is suitable for them if they are not afraid of falling into depression or becoming overly compliant and indulgent.

Table of compatibility of ametrine with zodiac signs (“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is strictly contraindicated).

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+++

Who is the name suitable for?

An amulet with ametrine is ideal for owners of the names:

  • Marina. With his help, believing in a miracle, she will receive hope for the realization of her old dream.
  • Elena. Having gained self-confidence and taken a well-paid position, she will get rid of financial problems forever.
  • Natalia. Thanks to the support of the amulet, she will say goodbye to loneliness by meeting a worthy life partner.
  • Paul. Having received the amulet as a gift, he will receive a powerful energy impulse, giving him a chance to unleash his rich creative potential.
  • Victor. The help of natural stone will give him the peace of mind necessary for a balanced solution to pressing problems.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs and names

The breed patronizes fire signs. It is especially useful:

  • Scorpios;
  • Aries;
  • Pisces;
  • Sagittarius.

The only sign for which Bolivianite is contraindicated is Virgo. Under the influence of the stone, they acquire indifference, timidity, and asociality.

Aries and Sagittarius stone makes them reasonable, calm, and less hot-tempered. It will help Gemini improve their financial situation, and Aquarius will learn to spend money wisely. Capricorns, under the influence of amulets, become less stubborn. The Lviv amulet protects against flatterers and liars, teaches you to dominate the audience. Libra gains cheerfulness, confidence, and gentleness. Scorpios have increased intuition and resistance to stress.

The mineral patronizes the names:

  • Pasha;
  • Lena;
  • Natasha;
  • Marina.

The stone patronizes Marina

Talismans and amulets

The talisman with ametrine has powerful energy, thanks to which its owner can:

  • learn to avoid conflict situations or easily resolve them;
  • gain wisdom and patience;
  • discover your ability to think outside the box;
  • learn to rationally assess what is happening;
  • perceive the maximum amount of information.

Its owners can be businessmen, schoolchildren and students, media workers, as well as those who dream of developing psychic abilities.

At the same time, you should know that ametrine as a talisman can help in the implementation of exceptionally good deeds and intentions.

Ametrine amulets are recommended to be worn by extraordinary individuals and people seeking peace of mind: they not only strengthen the aura, but also contribute to the physical, psychological and moral development of their owner.

In order for ametrine to acquire the qualities of a reliable amulet, jewelry with it should be worn regularly, but not around the clock. It is recommended to wear them during periods of severe illness or during healing sessions, after which it is necessary to send the stone to rest.

To do this, just put it on a small hill of table salt and keep it there for the whole night. Freed from negative energy, ametrine will fully restore its magical and healing properties.

Beneficial features

Ametrine is used for medicinal purposes.

Thanks to its amazing color, the gem has double power. The powerful energy of each shade has a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person. Golden tones are responsible for a positive attitude. The stone activates the production of the hormone of joy. Also noteworthy is its ability to:

  • increasing sexuality;
  • improving brain functions;
  • replenishment of energy flows;
  • eliminating stagnation;
  • more efficient functioning of the endocrine glands, liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder, central nervous system, organs of vision, circulatory system;
  • prevention of skin pathologies;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • relief from severe headaches.

An additional bonus is the pain-relieving and warming effect. The crystal helps to cope with anxiety, insomnia, groundless fear and apathy. Ametrine is recommended to be worn by people who have lost their zest for life.

Purple is a color that symbolizes spirituality. People who prefer it achieve harmony faster. The lilac gem is well suited for creative individuals who seek inspiration in the world around them.

Minerals characterized by dual colors were used for the preparation of medicinal compositions and massage. Ametrine nourishes its owner, giving him peace of mind.


Ametrine, which lends itself well to cutting, is used to make magnificent beads, inserts for rings, pendants and earrings.

Before cutting, ametrines are subjected to special processing. First, they are immersed in boiling water and wait until cracks appear on the surface of the gems, along which the mineral is disassembled into separate fragments: further work is done with them.

The correct cut of bolivianite should highlight its unique color. Most often, it is given a rectangular shape, subjected to a step cut called “baguette”.

With this type of cut, the color zones of the gem are located at right angles to its site. As a result, two natural shades of ametrine mix, giving rise to an indescribable play of colors.

The most magnificent and expensive jewelry is made from Bolivian ametrines, which have a brilliant shine and are painted in the most saturated colors. Gems are set in gold and silver, complemented with cubic zirconia and precious stones.

Ametrine deposits

The main source of high-quality raw materials is the Anahi mine (Bolivia, Central America). Local stones are beautiful and do not need processing. It is no coincidence that the second name of the mineral is bolivianite. It is the most expensive of the ametrines.

Ametrine mining

Deposits in Brazil and Siberia account for the remaining 10%, but the quality is worse. Ametrine from Brazil is not so bright, and Siberian samples are golden-smoky.

Amethysts and citrines are mined all over the world, however, ametrine has not been found anywhere else.


Ametrine belongs to the category of sensitive stones, which, if handled carelessly, can lose not only their beauty, but also most of their magical power:

  1. The effects of cosmetics and concentrated detergents are detrimental to it, so before taking a bath or applying makeup, you must remove jewelry with this gem.
  2. From time to time it is necessary to clean ametrine with a soft brush without using any detergents (except for baby soap), placing it under a stream of lukewarm running water.
  3. A product with ametrine should not be exposed to direct sunlight, as this will lead to complete fading of the stone.
  4. Given the high sensitivity of ametrine to bright light, jewelry with it should be stored in a light-proof box.

Astrological recommendations for ametrine lovers

Those who often read articles on our website know that most birthstones have a birth month.

Ametrine is an exception. Leading jewelers in Britain and America believe that ametrine does not have such a month.

Jewelry with a gem is suitable for fire signs of the Zodiac. These are Leo, Sagittarius, Aries. Ametrine will help keep the hot temper of these guys in check, add prudence and help “not run ahead of the locomotive.”

A polychrome crystal according to the Gemini horoscope is suitable. These nimble children of the star circle can greatly improve their well-being by having an ametrine amulet.

Virgos should not wear the ametrine gemstone often. He is able to reduce Virgo’s social circle and limit their interest in life.

Interesting: lithoastrologers believe that ametrine prefers people who think outside the box.


Formally classified as a semi-precious mineral, ametrine is quite expensive.

In Bolivia, which is the main supplier of the rare mineral, the average cost of ametrine is at least $70 per carat. In Europe it does not exceed $30. The cost of the highest quality stones is over $100 per carat.

The final price of jewelry with Bolivianite depends on several factors: its weight, the metal of the frame and the presence of additional stones (for example, garnets, pearls, cubic zirconia).

Their cost in Russian online stores is as follows:

  1. Tumbling (polished small pebbles ranging in size from 1.5 to 2.5 cm) can be bought for 530-590 rubles. a piece.
  2. A cut gem weighing 10.5 carats costs 27,000 rubles.
  3. A bracelet or beads made of bolivianite can be purchased for 1,500-2,500 rubles.
  4. The cost of a rose gold ring is from 11 to 22 thousand rubles.
  5. Gold earrings with cubic zirconia cost from 14 to 35 thousand rubles.

Since almost all inserts in products distributed via the Internet are made of artificial stones, their final cost mainly depends on the material of the frame.

On the world market, the price of products with natural ametrine is much higher:

  1. The pendant with a natural inlay set in gold costs at least $600.
  2. The cost of silver earrings is $250.
  3. A string of beads will cost the buyer $300.

Scientists have calculated that the reserves of ametrine in explored deposits may run out within a couple of decades, so its value will only increase every year.

It is possible that over time it may become equal to the cost of precious stones. Thus, purchasing natural Bolivian ametrines is an excellent investment.

How to distinguish from a fake?

Very often, unscrupulous traders sell synthetic minerals under the guise of natural gemstones. Most often, crystals of an artificially grown stone - sital, which looks very similar to topaz, are passed off as natural ametrine.

In order to avoid purchasing a fake instead of natural ametrine, you need to know the following:

  1. In natural crystals, the transition from one tone to another has no clear boundaries: they flow into each other very smoothly. The coloring of artificial ametrines is characterized by a clear separation of colors. This is precisely the main difference between natural stones and their artificial counterparts.
  2. All synthetic ametrines are crystal clear and, compared to natural gems, look almost flawless. Even the largest artificial crystals do not contain any inclusions, which cannot be said about natural stones, which always have an irregular shape, small inclusions and irregularities.
  3. Natural ametrines are painted in discreet tones. An overly bright color of the crystals is a clear sign of a fake.
  4. Natural bolivianites, despite their hardness, are easy to scratch. Unfortunately, you can test the strength of a purchased gem only after purchasing it.
  5. An indicator that a gem is synthetic can also be its low cost.

Not only in Bolivia

The bulk of ametrine (and the most valuable, pure crystals) is mined at the Anajai mine in Bolivia. The mine, by the way, is located on the territory where the Aureios tribe previously lived. This mine is of greatest importance in the extraction of jewelry ametrine.

There are small deposits of ametrine in Brazil, but the stones here are of poorer quality. Here in Siberia, among the minerals of the Ura pegmatite field, ametrine is found. Single finds; gems have little brightness and are often transitions from citrine (citrine quartz) to smoky quartz. The sunny color of citrine cannot be found here.

What stones does it go with?

  1. The compatibility of amethyst-citrine with other gems is average. This stone goes well with pearls, agates, garnets and all types of quartz.
  2. Despite its apparent compatibility with citrines and amethysts, bolivianite – given its magical properties – is best not worn with these stones. Being a fairly striking mineral, ametrine looks best either alone or in combination with other ametrines.
  3. The combination of ametrine with black onyx and green garnet is quite bold.

Physico-chemical characteristics

Formula of the mineral Si O2 .

Breed qualities:

  • translucency;
  • hardness 7 units;
  • density 3 units;
  • conchoidity of fracture;
  • glass shine;
  • refractive index 1.55 units.

The crystals are painted in shades of lilac, violet, and peach.

Ametrine is a valuable type of quartz

Fake diamond

Sitall stones

Since ametrine is one of the very rare minerals, the demand for it is quite high.

To meet consumer demand, employees of the Russian Institute of Experimental Mineralogy produce a synthetic analogue of this gem - a nanosynthetic glass ceramic stone.

The resulting product is nothing more than glass, welded in a special way, with the addition of small metal particles. This synthetic stone is distinguished by its extraordinary transparency and highest strength. The cost of sital is at least 5 dollars per carat.

There is another technology that makes it possible to obtain artificial ametrines by irradiating and heating amethysts.

Buyers of artificial stones should remember that only natural gems have magical and healing properties.

How to fake ametrine

Craftsmen with reduced social responsibility began to counterfeit ametrines. To do this, amethysts are irradiated and annealed. The properties (especially color) of the fakes are similar to natural crystals. It is possible to distinguish natural ametrine from such a fake only through gemological examination and the necessary laboratory tests.

It is also difficult to distinguish sitalls from natural ametrines. The technology for the production of artificial stones reproduces hydrothermal natural processes in laboratory conditions. The first glass ceramics repeated the properties of topaz. Then methods appeared by which they began to grow ametrines, tourmalines (green, pink), and sparrow.

The color of the stones depends on the amount of impurities in the melt.

The sad story of synthetic ametrine

A method for producing synthetic ametrines was developed in the USSR back in 1986. VNIISIMS, where the method was born, was known not only in Russia, but also abroad.

This institute has developed a unique method for growing ametrines. 200-300 kilograms of ametrines were grown in 2-3 months. And such artificial stones were sold for $200-300 per kilogram.

Moreover, crystals were used in industry; jewelry was just a pleasant addition to the use of the invention.

Until 2003, the institute was considered the most successful enterprise in the Vladimir region. After 6 years, the institute ceased operation. Why is not a question for us... But I feel sorry for the institute.

Interesting Facts

  • Ametrine is a symbol of balance and peace. According to legend, in ancient times, Indian priests used gems exclusively of purple shades to stop or prevent armed strife between different tribes.
  • The world community learned about the existence of ametrines only in 1980. Many to this day have not heard of the mesmerizing two-color stone.
  • The largest cut ametrine in the world (it weighs 109 carats) is on display at the Los Angeles Museum of Natural History.

Ametrine in jewelry

An unusual, beautiful and rare stone, which is considered one of the most popular today. Its name is derived from the names of two gems - amethyst and citrine. The amethyst part has a color palette from colorless to purple-violet, and the citrine part ranges from orange-yellow to greenish or brownish-yellow.

Ametrine deposits

The main supplier on the jewelry market is Bolivia. These gems are also available in Brazil, but their color palette is less saturated, and the cost is significantly lower than Bolivian ones. Based on the name of the place where the gem was first found, it also received a second name - bolivianite. It is in Bolivia that most of the ametrines are mined (up to 90% of the total volume).

Supplies of ametrine to world markets began in 1989. Until this year, Bolivian legislation prohibited the export of gems. Ametrine is found in single specimens in Siberia. Siberian ametrine has a low brightness. The largest cut ametrine (108.5 carats) is on display at the Los Angeles Museum of Natural History.


Ametrine is microcrystalline quartz.
Due to its unusual coloring, it was classified as a separate subspecies. The chemical formula of ametrine is SiO2. The formation of different colors occurs as a result of the presence of iron and different temperature effects during the crystallization process. The crystal structure of the mineral is a hexagonal prism.

The stone can be either transparent or translucent. In Bolivia, specimens of the best quality and purity are found. Ametrine has a glassy luster. The gem is very sensitive to sunlight - the stone quickly loses its purple color, turning into golden citrine.

The mineral has a high hardness of 7 and a density of 2.65. Ametrine fluoresces in ultraviolet rays.

The uniqueness of the stone lies in its polychrome, two-tone color. Ametrine has a golden-violet color and is especially beautiful. This color of the stone literally fascinates with its splendor, it delights the eye and attracts with its magical radiant beauty. This is a rather rare occurrence when two stones are combined in one stone - violet amethyst and golden citrine.

The color in the crystal can be distributed evenly, smoothly transitioning into one another, or with a clear boundary between two colors. There are stones in which amethyst and citrine areas alternate with each other, creating fantastic pictures. At the same time, amethyst zones can be not only violet, but also lilac and even transparent, and citrine zones can be not only golden, but also peach, orange, greenish-yellow and even light brown.

Ametrine has dichroism. The color of the crystal, if you look at it from different sides, changes slightly.

Ametrine in jewelry

Ametrine is a jewelry stone that is highly valued throughout the world today. To present the stone in all its beauty, with iridescence and transitions from one color to another, the gem is cut with a step cut, and sometimes with a diamond cut.

The ametrine cut is well recognizable; the stones are cut in the form of a rectangle with multi-stage side faces. This form most effectively emphasizes the unique color palette of ametrine. Gems are good at cutting; crystals can be cut into the most complex and original shapes.

Ametrine is used as inserts for rings, earrings, pendants, brooches, and bracelets. Beads are also made from it. However, due to the small amount of stone, jewelers often use artificial ametrine in their products.


A high-quality imitation of the stone is obtained by heating or irradiating natural amethysts of a violet-lilac hue with special lamps.
Artificially obtained ametrines are unusually bright, brighter than natural ones. For someone unfamiliar with natural ametrines, it is not easy to distinguish an artificial stone from a natural one. Artificial gems are much cheaper. It is better to purchase ametrines from sources you trust. The method for producing artificial ametrine was developed in Russia at the Institute of Experimental Mineralogy. The resulting synthetic gems have excellent physical characteristics and practically do not differ from natural ones; they also have a zonal color. At the same time, the significant difference between them is that synthetic ones are not afraid of sunlight and do not fade.

Today in Russia there is a production facility for the production of synthetic ametrines. Usually these are large ametrines, perfectly clean, without defects. The stones are made using advanced technologies developed by Russian specialists. Without professional expertise, it is impossible to distinguish them from natural ametrines.

Astrological properties

Astrologers report that ametrine can be worn by all zodiac signs, since it can bring benefits and necessary abilities to each of them. And if you clearly evaluate the positive properties of the stone, then ametrine is best worn by Leos, Aries and Sagittarius. The gem “promises” mutual understanding with others.

The healing properties of ametrine

Lithotherapists claim that ametrine raises the tone of the entire body, energizes and strengthens the immune system. Even if you don’t believe them, then looking at the beauty of the gem, you can experience all this for yourself. The mineral really has a positive effect on the psychophysical state of the owner of the jewelry. The stone normalizes sleep, relieves fears, and drives away depression. Ametrine relieves headaches and helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The magical properties of ametrine

Ametrine is a symbol of dualism (from the Latin dualis - dual), a symbol of the 2 energies of Yin-Yang. Ametrine stone combines two colors. Ancient magicians claimed that the gem helps connect human hearts. And if a person purchases jewelry with this mineral, he will quickly find his soul mate, and those who are already married will find peace, love and harmony in the family. In addition, the gem helps to avoid betrayal.

Ametrine can be a good gift, because it has long been considered a stone of peace and balance.

Many legends and traditions are associated with this stone. For example, according to one ancient legend, Indian priests used the gem to restore peace and end hostility between Indian tribes. This stone was often used as a talisman, hoping that ametrine would give its owner goodwill and prudence and prevent conflicts. Magicians consider ametrine one of the best amulets.

But it will become the best talisman for non-standard people, as well as for those who strive to understand the world and self-development. The stone will help those who do not stop there.

Medieval magicians often used ametrine during their magical sessions to summon spirits. Today they continue to use it, trying to discover the secrets of the Universe, and psychics hope to strengthen their abilities with the help of the stone. However, you should immediately notice and stop everyone who wants to take advantage of such properties of the stone. Wear jewelry with it, admire its beauty and nothing more. There is no point in trying to understand the mysteries by communicating with forces from another world, which is still unknown to us. The time will come when earthly life ends, and then everything will become clear.

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