Citrine - a magical piece of sunshine will help you stay positive

Today, the majority of citrines offered in jewelry stores are fake. In nature, the stone is rare, because the conditions for its development are almost impossible. But since the demand for the gem is not decreasing, scientists widely use various technologies to imitate it. Most of the citrines on the market are heat-treated amethysts, quartzes and morions. Also, rock crystal, which is irradiated, can be produced as a natural mineral. How can you tell the difference between artificial citrine and real citrine?

Physical and chemical properties

Citrine in its chemical composition belongs to silicon oxides. A natural crystal is a fairly hard mineral, but after heat treatment many of its properties are significantly weakened - hardness decreases, fragility increases, and so on. But then a rich sunny, honey, amber or golden hue and matte shine appear.

ColorLight lemon, pale brown and golden yellow, the shade is determined by impurities and structural defects, there is slight pleochroism, the streak is white
Impurities and defectsDi- or trivalent iron and others (Fe3+, (Al Li)4+, (Al H)4+), defects arise due to the replacement of silicon by aluminum
Density2.65 g/cm3
TransparencyTransparent, less often translucent, there is dichroism (splitting of the light beam)
Molecular weight60.08 g/mol
CleavageRhombohedral very imperfect
KinkConchoidal, uneven
Form of educationSingle or double, which is more common, fused crystals, large, transparent, regular in shape, well cut and their druses
Refractive index1,552-1,554


A representative of semi-precious stones, the mineral is cheap, and you can still find its imitations on the market.

Natural stone costs about 600 rubles per gram. Price is affected by size, clarity, weight and color.

Buying citrine

How to recognize a fake

  1. Real stone has a glassy luster.
  2. An artificial mineral without inclusions or cracks.
  3. A fake, when splitting a light beam, paints them in different colors.

There is no specific favorable time to buy citrine: you can go to the store any day.

How to wear citrine

Goes well with air element stones:

  • amethyst;
  • rock crystal;
  • amazonite, etc.

Effective when paired with some representatives of “fire” minerals, especially garnet.

He behaves neutrally with stones of the Earth element, for example, with turquoise.

It is not recommended to wear the stone with jewelry of the Water element, which includes blue topaz and chrysolite.


Colors and varieties

In nature, citrines often have a pale yellow color - bohemian topazes, but golden yellow - golden topazes and brownish yellow - Spanish topazes are less common. In fact, citrine is very different from topaz - less hardness and density, imperfect cleavage and less intense pleochroism. But the external similarity contributed to the consolidation of the designated names.

There is another variety of this gem - ametrine, which is a mixture of amethyst and citrine. It has an interesting striped color that combines purple (amethyst) and lemon yellow (citrine) parts. Stones of all other colors that fill the jewelry market are nothing more than imitations made from refined, cheaper crystals.

Interesting facts about citrine:

  • One of the largest citrines in the world is in the Smithsonian Institution in the USA and weighs 2258 carats.
  • In the 19th and 20th centuries, citrine was set in gold to make personal seals to seal letters and important documents.
  • Sometimes natural citrines have a greenish tint and are mistaken for emeralds.
  • Golden-yellow citrine is often called “golden topaz,” while brownish-yellow is known as “Spanish topaz.” This is due to the fact that cut citrine samples actually resemble topazes in appearance. The latter differ from citrines by higher hardness, pronounced pleochroism, high specific gravity and cleavage.
  • Crystals of amethyst-citrine quartz, in which zones of citrine and amethyst colors alternate, are called ametrines (see photo).

Magical properties of citrine

Citrine has long been considered the stone of speakers and politicians. It gives a person sociability, the ability to speak beautifully and convincingly. This helps to attract people to the owner of the stone, who not only become his assistants, but his faithful companions. The owner of citrine easily wins any argument, convincing even the most distrustful opponents that he is right.

The only disadvantage of citrine is that it does not divide people into good and bad. It endows the abilities described above to everyone who desires it, and therefore is a favorite stone among swindlers, liars and cheats.

The lemon gem is a powerful amulet, but only if the mother gives it to the child at birth. At this moment, he will, as it were, absorb all the power of a mother’s love and will protect her child from any misfortunes throughout his life.

Citrine also has the following magical properties:

  • Its energy and colors are associated with the sun, gold and prosperity. Therefore, it can be used to attract material wealth.
  • The stone opens its owner’s “third eye,” helping him communicate with the world of spirits.
  • It enhances a person’s intuitive sense, helping him find a way out of difficult situations and avoid dangers.

Amulet used by seers

According to the beliefs of ancient psychics, an amulet made from citrine is capable of supplying the brain of its owner with useful information about events that are coming in the near future. That is why seers used such jewelry to predict various situations in the same way as a magic crystal ball.

Both rock crystal and citrine are able to capture even the slightest vibrations given by the astral world and strengthen them several times. It is worth noting that this is far from just esoteric speculation, since citrine, like any quartz crystal, has the real ability to receive and transform waves with a certain frequency. For some time, this stone was used to produce a high-quality piezoelectric element inserted into radio transmitters and similar devices in the electrical industry.

Medicinal properties

The healing properties of citrine are concentrated around the solar plexus and navel chakra. It has a positive effect on all organs located in these areas. The following healing abilities of lemon gem are worth special mention:

  • Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Healing ailments of the genitourinary system, including purely female diseases.
  • Beneficial effects on the brain, improving memory, concentration and attention.
  • Alleviation of suffering from diseases of the spine - reduction of pain, ease of movement, and so on.
  • Strengthening the effect of drugs.
  • Restoring a person’s psycho-emotional state, eliminating sleep problems, depression and nervous tension.

The healing power is found only in natural citrines of excellent quality, born and endowed with energy in nature. Ennobled gems and crystals with defects lose their abilities in full or in part.

Japanese secrets of longevity

In the vastness of the Pacific Ocean, the island country of Japan is actively developing. There, the features of the solar cult are vividly displayed even on the state emblem. These people call their homeland Nippon, or in other words, the place where the Sun rises. In these parts, healing procedures are often carried out using citrine stone, saturated with the energy of the sun.

Even a healthy person can use the mineral to prevent various diseases. Most likely, this is why you can find many centenarians in Japan. In the field of Japanese Shintoism, the stone is recognized as a talisman that allows one to live long and prosper.

Talismans and amulets

The patronage of citrine is divided not only by zodiac (the influence on different zodiac signs is described below), but also by factors such as names and professions.

Lemon gem has the most beneficial effect on women with the following names:

  • Angela (Angelica). He will make the lady with this name calmer, remove all negativity from her inner world, including unpleasant memories.
  • Oksana citrine will help you become more sociable and easier to find mutual understanding with people around you.
  • Roses with a lemon gem will become softer and more good-natured, which will have a positive effect on the “climate” in their family.
  • Dariam citrine will strengthen your intuition, which will help you avoid many dangers.
  • For Carolinas and Stellas, the lemon gem will bring good luck in business.

Among men, citrine especially distinguishes George. The stone will support a man with this name in all his endeavors, will become an energy boost for him, and will help him achieve success in all areas of life - in financial, love, family and other matters. Owners of jewelry with a lemon gem, bearing the names Leonid and Timofey, Valentin, Rostislav and Nikita, will be a little more fortunate.

As for representatives of different professions, citrine did not stand aside here either. He patronizes:

  • Politicians and all kinds of statesmen, giving them unsurpassed oratorical abilities and the power of persuasion.
  • Creative and bohemian individuals (actors, writers, artists). He teaches them to speak beautifully and gives them inspiration. It helps you get used to a new image or spiritualize your creation.
  • To everyone who works exclusively with their hands - surgeons and jewelers, restorers, handicraftsmen and so on. He endows their working tool - their hands - with precision of movement and skill.
  • Sales agents, realtors, brokers, who are given the ability to attract people, gain their trust and persuade them to perform the necessary actions.
  • Businessmen. They will become more entrepreneurial and successful. A stone taken for negotiations will guarantee the most favorable outcome of the matter.

Citrine also attracts good luck to a person, he is a brother of the fickle lady Fortune, who is happy to be near him all the time. Therefore, the stone is very popular among risk-takers, gambling enthusiasts and other “gentlemen of fortune.”

Who is citrine suitable for according to their zodiac sign?

Horoscopes are unanimous - the gem will suit all signs of the Zodiac. The Citrine stone will not harm anyone, it will help everyone.

The planet of this stone is Mercury, so Gemini and Aquarius are among those for whom the stone is suitable. These signs, like Mercury, are sociable, eloquent and inclined to trade.

  • Aries will reveal the speaker in himself, become more persistent, but easier to come to an agreement with partners. However, with the increase in Aries’ already considerable personal potential, aggressiveness, stubbornness, and unjustified conceit will increase. If these character traits prevail, it is better to abandon the mineral.
  • In Taurus, the gift of organizing and creative abilities, which are important for him, will manifest themselves. He will get new opportunities if he becomes disciplined.
  • Gemini will increase their natural tendency to deception and fraud. However, happiness will attract those who are law-abiding and fair.
  • Cancer, before choosing a stone, must listen to the inner voice and evaluate itself. It will suit the sign of active representatives who will become more generous and tolerant. The stone will strengthen a marriage or love union and help achieve large-scale goals. Those who like to stay at home don't need it.
  • A zodiac sign like Leo with a natural craving for power will love citrine. With the help of the stone, he will strengthen personal positivity and negativity, especially Leo the boss. The stone will provide spiritual growth if the owner puts aside self-esteem.
  • This stone will awaken in Virgo the hidden abilities of an organizer, which can easily be directed to solving material problems and other goals. However, the energy received from the mineral is worth sharing.
  • The energy of the stone will involve Libra’s influential acquaintances for career takeoff. The main thing is to adequately assess personal capabilities.
  • The energy of the gem plus meeting the right people - and success for Sagittarius is guaranteed. Along the way, your health will improve.
  • A stubborn Capricorn is able to achieve what he wants. The stone will help you choose the right direction, give you enthusiasm and instill confidence in yourself.
  • Aquarius, under the influence of citrine, will direct his forces in an unjust direction, but will achieve seemingly unrealistic achievements. However, magic should not be squandered; it is better to save it for important matters.
  • Pisces - that’s who the stone will help in any case. Even if you have to ignore law and morality. However, there will be an endless source of life potential for those on the light side.

Scorpio should not strive to get such a stone. The mineral will become a merciless controller, suppressing the power of the sign. Therefore, wearing citrine as a talisman is possible in exceptional cases.

Citrine products and jewelry

Jewelry with citrines is a frequent guest on the jewelry market. It is used to make rings, bracelets, pendants, earrings, beads and tiaras. Stones that do not have defects are cut into diamonds, the rest are cut into cabochons. Light metals are most suitable as a setting for a lemon gem, as they emphasize its color - silver and white gold. Other precious stones, including diamonds, can be used as additions.

The cost of citrine products varies:

  1. Made of silver, rings can be purchased for 15-70 dollars, earrings for 10-100, pendants for 15-30 dollars.
  2. Made of gold - rings cost from 60 to 350 dollars, earrings - 55-500, pendants - 35-250 dollars.

Origin of the mineral

The gem has been known to people since ancient times, but it has gained popularity recently. If you believe historical sources, the stone got its name back in the 16th or 18th century. It is impossible to say for sure how long it has been widely used by jewelers.

Until this moment, it was believed that citrine and topaz were one and the same. The stones are very similar, which is why people still confuse them. The gem has another name - Spanish topaz. It is also called Western and Bohemian.

Citrine is a mineral that is widely distributed throughout the world. It is most often mined in India, Brazil and Madagascar. In the past, it was Spain that mined the gem, and on an industrial scale. Over time, the reserves were depleted, and only a small amount of gems remained in this country.

This stone is also mined in Russia, but on a smaller scale. It can be found in the Urals. Previously, gems were brought to the palace of Catherine II, and she highly valued this gem.

In the past, people believed that citrine had the ability to attract success and wealth. That is why merchants used the mineral as their talisman. They believed that their business would improve and that all customers would be generous and conscientious.

The mineral was revered in Rome and Ancient Greece. People believed that citrine could bring good luck and bestow wealth and fame on its owner. Exceptionally rich people wore jewelry with this gem, because everyone else could not afford such luxury. He was especially loved by officials and speakers who strived for success and fame.

More interesting is the fact that healers treated people with citrine. It was enough to touch the stone to improve well-being. It was used for magical rituals and was used to remove damage. Some carried the gem with them in order to avoid contracting the plague.

How to distinguish an original from a fake

There are no synthetic citrines, but it is still quite difficult to find a natural stone on the shelves of jewelry stores. Most stones that appear as citrine are refined amethysts or smoky quartz. To obtain a yellow color, they are heated to a temperature of 500-700 degrees. They are cheaper than citrine, so this practice is very common. Detecting deception is difficult, but still possible:

  • Natural citrine never has a bright, saturated color. It is pale with a lemon-yellow tint. Refined stones are bright - yellow, golden, amber and honey, and they can also have a reddish tint.
  • Lemon gem, born from nature, is distinguished by slight pleochroism. It can change its hue at different viewing angles and lighting. Its imitations do not have this property.
  • In crystals subjected to heat treatment, a white matte trail appears, stretching to their top.

Citrines can also be replaced with glass or plastic. Such products are distinguished by a lower price, rich color and the absence of the property of dichroism (splitting of the light beam passing through the crystal).

This is interesting!

Citrines themselves often act as an imitation of more expensive stones, in particular, lightly colored emerald, for which a light green variety of the stone is used.

Citrine stone deposits

Citrine stone photo
Citrines are quite rare minerals. They are found in:

  • USA;
  • Brazil;
  • France;
  • Spain;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • as well as on the island of Madagascar.
  • Small deposits of these stones have been found in Poland.
  • However, its main production takes place in Russia near Perm. The Perm region is famous for its quartz deposits. The most famous of them is located near the Olkhovka River. The Olkhovskoye deposit is considered the most famous, although it does not have an industrial scale.

How to care for stone

Natural, untreated citrines are quite durable and easy to care for. But they can rarely be found on the jewelry market for mass sale. Most jewelry uses processed, cheaper relatives of the lemon gem (smoky quartz and others). Thermal exposure gives the crystals a beautiful, rich color, but at the same time reduces their hardness and strength. Therefore, it is advisable to ask the seller about the nature of the appearance of the stone.

Here are general recommendations for caring for citrine:

  • It is better to store the stone separately from other jewelry in a soft case in order to avoid scratches, which can be caused by many precious stones.
  • Citrine is cleaned with a mild soap solution using a soft sponge. After this, you need to rinse the stone with clean running water.
  • Lemon gem is afraid of sharp mechanical influences. It must be protected from all kinds of impacts and falls.
  • The sun's rays also have a detrimental effect on the stone; it burns out with prolonged exposure. This fact should be taken into account when wearing citrine jewelry and storing it.

Citrine does not accumulate negative energy, so it only needs physical cleansing and does not require energetic cleansing.

Lemon Quartz - Rare Gemstone

The precious gem has been known since the time of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Later, “doubles” began to appear in citrine, which had similar external characteristics. The uniqueness of the stone is its “diamond cut”, this discovery was proven by the chemist Valerius in 1747. After this, citrine is officially considered an independent class IV gemstone. Citrine is a natural mineral, its properties have strong stability, it is absolutely passive to changes in air temperature and moisture for a century. It is difficult to find, so the stone is a rare species in its natural variety. The gem comes from the quartz family. Citrine acquires its yellow-transparent color due to its radiation nature. To achieve this color naturally, citrine must be irradiated for a million years.

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