Black Star and Siberian Emerald - characteristics and properties of diopside

CategorySilicate minerals
Title in EnglishDiopside
GroupPyroxene group
ColorGreen, White, Colorless, Yellow, Black, Blue, Grey, Brown
Stroke colorWhite
ShineGlass, Frosted
TransparencyOpaque, Transparent
Hardness5,5 — 6,5
Density, g/cm³3,25 — 3,55
KinkRough, Conchoidal
origin of nameIn order to name this mineral, two Greek words were used. This is δυ, which translates as two and ὄψις, meaning the word “guise”. If you add up the available data, you get “having two faces” or “two-faced”. The mineral received this name due to its main feature - birefringence of crystals. This is an optical distortion in which a direct beam of light can split into two within the gemstone.
MorphologyDiopside has naturally prismatic crystals with a nearly square cross-section. Crystals can be granular, lamellar, massive or columnar.

The mineral diopside is one of the most unusual and unique gems. His name contains an indication of two “faces” of the stone, but in fact there are about five of them. Among the varieties of diopside, there are both transparent crystals with a blurred color, and black and dark gray glossy specimens that have the effect of a four-rayed star in their depth. Such a variety of diopsides are liked by jewelers and are widely used in the manufacture of jewelry for all occasions.

Diopside deposits

Diopside is widespread and found everywhere. Black stones are mined in the south of India, purple violans and emerald-colored chrome diopsides are mined in Altai, the Baikal region, Sayan Mountains, and the Sverdlovsk and Murmansk regions of Russia. Jewelry samples of yellow shades were found in the USA and Australia, yellow-green colors were found in Burma. Deposits in Italy are widely known, where pale blue and lilac diopsides were discovered. Crystals of red-brown and dark green shades are common in Canada and Sri Lanka, and emerald-colored ones are found in Pakistan.

How to use

Diopside as a mineral is considered semi-precious and is therefore available.

Ring with Diopside

Found application among jewelers, decorators, and collectors of mineral collections:

  • Moderate hardness is appreciated by decorative masters. They make small plastic items, boxes, photo frames, and beads.
  • Affordable prices and the similarity of cut diopsides to first-level stones have captivated the jewelry community. They are cut in steps, baguettes or like diamonds. “Cat-eyed”, star-shaped diopsides are treated with cabochon. Framed with gold, platinum, silver.
  • The diopside stone is especially popular among collectors. They strive to acquire samples of all types and colors.

Large diopsides of 16-20 carats are especially valued.

The most remarkable ones become museum exhibits. For example, in the USA:

  • The Smithsonian Institution owns the 133-carat black star.
  • Natural History Museum - 38 carat chrome diopside.

Aesthetic “substandard” serves practical purposes - as a component of fuel and fertilizers. Stone chips are used to decorate glass and ceramics.

History of diopside

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Diopside differs from other minerals in its very wide color palette. Its name is translated from Greek as “double face,” which reflects this property, because natural diopsides are red, yellow, brown, green, purple, pink and black. In addition, the mineral has another name “malacolite”, which literally means “soft”, and refers to its low hardness and the location of the discovery of the first sample near the Ala River (Italy).

Magic of stone

For a long time, humanity has known about the magical properties of the gem. In Eastern countries, the stone is used as a talisman and amulet, as well as an attribute for rituals and ceremonies. Only unframed copies are suitable for this purpose.

The mystical abilities of the mineral affect the life and destiny of a person. Moreover, the color of diopside directly affects its magical properties.

  • The stone helps the owner to free himself from internal negativity , anger and envy towards others.
  • The mineral has a calming effect on a person , relieving stress and depression. This is what the green talisman is famous for.
  • Natural samples are often used as amulets that protect against the evil eye, damage and evil thoughts. Black diopside is especially famous for this effect.
  • An important function is stimulation of thought processes , which helps those who are engaged in mental activity.
  • The ability of a natural gem to give a person inner harmony .

Diopside has long been considered a stone of truth. Such an amulet protects the owner from intrigue, helping to reveal deception and protecting him from other people’s cunning and lies.

Physicochemical characteristics of diopside

The chemical composition of diopside is a mixed calcium-magnesium-silicon salt.
It contains impurities of various metals: iron, vanadium, chromium, manganese, zinc, aluminum, titanium, sodium, potassium. Without these inclusions, diopside remains colorless, and depending on their presence and quantity, it acquires its unusually wide range of colors. The hardness of mineral crystals on the Mohs scale is 5.5-6. Specific gravity 3.25-3.55 g/cm3. Refractive index 1.663-1.728. Birefringence 0.030. They have a monoclinic system and a glassy luster.

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The internal structure of opaque samples is wavy, which is associated with the appearance of pleochroism. Intensely colored transparent crystals do not have it.

origin of name

The name of the mineral comes from the Greek words: “di” - twice, “opsis” - appearance, appearance.

Diopside is a typical binary compound and is an extreme member of the important isomorphic series CaMg[Si2O6]—CaFe··[Si2O6] (diopside—hedenbergite); varieties that are intermediate in composition are called salita (from the Sala deposit in Sweden). The additional manganese end member is iohansenite CaMnSi2O6.

Widely distributed as a rock-forming mineral in many igneous rocks, as well as in contact-metasomatic formations.

Types of diopside

For diopside, according to its color characteristics, the following subspecies are distinguished:

  • Black star is a black matte stone that has an asterism effect; when a directed beam of light hits it, a star with 4 rays appears on its surface.
  • Chrome diopsides (“Siberian emeralds”) contain chromium oxides and are colored intense green.
  • Laurel stones have an apple-green or grassy hue and contain a high percentage of vanadium.
  • Salits are opaque yellow-green stones.
  • Antochroites - have a delicate pink color due to the presence of manganese in their composition.
  • Shefferites are red-brown diopsides containing large amounts of manganese.
  • Jeffersonites are colored differently, from rich green to brown, or almost black.
  • Violanes are violet or purple-violet diopsides containing compounds of iron and manganese.

In addition, diopside is classified depending on the structural features of the stone (cat's eye effect, asterism, pleochroism) and the presence of other minerals in its composition.

What is

Diopside is one of the most beautiful minerals on the planet. It can be transparent or translucent, glitters like glass or mother-of-pearl.

The stone is endowed with different colors and shades: red, green, yellow, brownish, violet and tea rose. They are created by impurities of sodium, manganese, iron, vanadium, chromium, and potassium. Unadulterated samples are achroic.

The cat-eye and black ones with the star effect are prized.

The magical properties of diopside

Diopside is able to cleanse the aura of its owner from negative energy and fill the empty voids with positive energy.
For this purpose, the crystal without a frame is placed in the third eye area and left there for 5-10 minutes. At the same time, consciousness is cleared, thinking is activated and energy balance is restored. People endowed with extrasensory abilities use diopsides to understand magical signs that come to them from the outside. It is believed that with the support of this mineral, even an unenlightened person will be able to influence the consciousness of others, achieve sympathy and favor on their part. For this purpose, a ring with diopside is worn on the left hand.

The main thing is that diopside cannot be used for bad purposes. He does not like deception, and reveals dishonest actions, plans of swindlers and swindlers.

Talismans with diopsides are recommended for doctors, teachers, and representatives of the law.

How to distinguish an original from a fake

Diopsides are practically not counterfeited, since it is not economically profitable. Previously, they themselves were used as imitation emeralds. Today this practice is not common. However, on the market you can find synthetic analogues of stone that are not inferior to natural specimens in beauty, quality and cost. Examining the gem under a magnifying glass will help you identify them.

Synthetics will be ideal in all respects - in shape, structure, and color. There will always be some defects in natural stone.

Buying artificial diopside is unprofitable only when the buyer expects to receive magical support or treatment with the stone. Those who value aesthetics will only benefit by purchasing a synthetic gem.

Medicinal properties of diopside

In lithotherapy, diopside is known as an effective stimulator of the cardiovascular system.
It prevents the development of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, thrombophlebitis and atherosclerosis. The healing properties of the stone directly depend on its setting. For example, when diopside and silver are combined, it becomes a prophylactic against viral diseases and respiratory diseases (ARVI, influenza, bronchitis, tuberculosis, lung cancer). In this case, the stone is worn in the form of a ring or bracelet on the left hand. Diopside in a gold frame and on the right hand has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system.

In addition, diopside is considered a good helper in cases of nervous diseases, depression, fears and excessive aggressiveness. In such conditions, after contact with the mineral, a person becomes calm, confident, and his mood and morale improve significantly.

How to care for stone

The main rule for caring for diopside is to be careful when wearing and storing it, since the mineral is quite soft and fragile. The stone should be stored in a personal case or compartment of the box, protected from other gems with a soft cloth. Cleaning is done as soon as it gets dirty, but preferably not too often. The stone is washed with running water; if necessary, a weak soap solution is used. Cleaning agents and brushes must not be used. Dry the jewelry only with a soft cloth.

Industries of application of diopside

Diopside is an ornamental stone.
Thanks to its natural softness and variety of colors, it is used to create various figurines, souvenirs, and items for interior decoration. In addition, diopside is used for magical amulets and ritual objects. Icons are embroidered with diopside beads. In jewelry, diopside is as popular as many gemstones due to its attractive appearance and relatively inexpensive price. The cut for it is step or diamond, cabochon or baguette, frames made of silver and gold, and such stones are used in the manufacture of earrings, rings, pendants, brooches, cufflinks and rings, bracelets, beads and necklaces.

In addition, diopside is a valuable collectible stone, specimens of which adorn collections around the world.

How to choose jewelry with diopside

When choosing jewelry with diopside, you should listen to your intuition. You need to feel the stone itself, its color, understand which one you like best, which cut is more convenient. The inner voice is able to suggest the very type of mineral that will ideally harmonize with the internal energy. Only then will such a gem, in addition to being a beautiful decoration, also become the best helper.

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Diopside and the zodiac sign

Astrologers do not single out favorites among the zodiac signs for Diopside. Amulets with it are suitable for everyone, only Capricorns and Aries should use this stone carefully. Representatives of these zodiac signs may be prone to scams, and diopsides absolutely cannot tolerate fraud and exchange. In such cases, they can even punish their owner, so diopside can only be used with pure intentions.

How to identify

Diopside is passed off as glass or plastic.

It is easy to distinguish the original:

  • Colored varieties of stone are endowed with pleochroism: their base color changes at different angles. Chrome diopsides, for example, have yellow to emerald green.
  • Under ultraviolet light a bluish or yellowish-brown glow is observed.

The classic identification method is tactile. The sample is clenched in a fist. Natural stone is massive and does not heat up immediately.

It is more difficult to recognize doublets. This is a thin top layer of natural diopside bonded to the glass. A magnifying glass is used to locate the gluing area.

Diagnostic signs

Like hypersthene, from which diopside differs in color. Well-formed diopside crystals differ from augite crystals in their appearance (predominant development of vertical pinacoids) and gray or light greenish shades of color. But, since diopside is capable of forming isomorphic mixtures with various other pyroxenes, its accurate diagnosis can only be made by determining optical constants, and in some cases, using chemical analysis.

Mineral satellites Garnet, magnetite, calcite, quartz, epidote.

Diopside. Form of being in nature

It occurs in the form of solid granular and columnar aggregates. The crystals are short-prismatic, sometimes large, up to 40 cm. Occasionally they form druses.

The appearance of crystals.

Well-formed crystals are relatively rare. They usually have a short-columnar appearance with a predominant development of pinacoids {101) and {010} and a characteristic octagonal cross-section perpendicular to the c axis.

{100} doubles are common, usually simple, of two individuals, sometimes polysynthetic; rarely polysynthetic at {001} or germination twins at {101} and {122}.

Diopside. Crystal intergrowth


Diopside occurs in solid and granular masses (coccolith). Columnar or radial aggregates of individuals are found in contact-metasomatic formations.

What is the magical power of the black star

Of course, dioxides are characterized by magical powers, because it is not without reason that these minerals act as amulets for many people. However, it must be remembered that the stone is only allowed to be used by those who have nothing bad in their minds. Otherwise, you won’t have to wait long for a back reaction from the mineral.

Basic magical abilities of the black star:

1. Favors the cleansing of a person’s inner world from negativity and at the same time filling it with positive thoughts. Positive impact occurs through work activity. 2. The mineral will be an excellent companion for people who work as teachers, lawyers, doctors, diplomats, and ambassadors. 3. Creates a trusting relationship between the owner and his interlocutor, arouses the sympathy of the former. 4. Thanks to the action of the stone, psycho-emotional stress is reduced, consciousness is cleared of fears, anxieties, and experiences. 5. People who come into contact in one way or another with a black star know how to enjoy little things and find beauty even when in difficult life situations. 6. The stone makes a person more reasonable and wise, especially for women.

It must be remembered that wearing the stone must be correct. For example, it is better not to be in contact with him constantly, but at the same time quite regularly.

Use by jewelers

Due to its beautiful shine, it is widely used in jewelry. In appearance, as already mentioned, it is very reminiscent of an emerald. Meanwhile, its price is much lower, so chrome diopside is used to make inexpensive but exquisite jewelry.

They are cut in the shape of a circle, an oval, and an emerald cut is used when, after special processing, reflections of light flash from time to time on the crystals. The stone looks extremely advantageous.

Pure minerals are more valued, but cloudy specimens are also used, and the result is no worse. However, the latter are often used for crafts rather than jewelry.

Blackened silver as a finish gives the chrome diopside style and originality. Silver jewelry with stones look expensive and elegant, despite their cheapness. Unusual earrings made of gemstones in a gold frame. Beads made from processed and unprocessed stones look original. The beauty of chrome diopside is unique, and any skillfully made jewelry made from it will delight gem lovers and connoisseurs of beauty.

Green mineral souvenir

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