The procedure for exchanging old gold and silver for new

From the very beginning of its mining, gold was valued by jewelers, buyers and resellers. But jewelry was created according to fashion requirements, although jewelry was passed down in families from generation to generation. And today, ancient items that no one wears are kept in boxes. Many jewelry stores offer lucrative deals and exchange old gold for new.

Features of the exchange procedure

Owners of antique jewelry can contact specialized stores and return the items. Craftsmen melt them down and turn them into new modern rings, earrings and brooches. You can pay the difference between the cost of your own and the purchased jewelry and receive the latter after the exchange.

You can donate gold to jewelers only if it was inherited or found. This is especially true for jewelry that belongs to deceased people. Astrologers do not recommend wearing them, because the metal has absorbed someone else's energy. Before contacting jewelers, you need to independently find out the cost of the product and the gold standard. In rare cases, you may come across jewelry that belonged to historical figures. Today such items are highly prized by collectors.

Sometimes there are fakes, you need to check the precious metal at home. First, bring the jewelry to a magnet; real gold is not attracted to it. Then it is dipped in vinegar or iodine. The jewelry will not darken, unlike cheap alloys. After this, you can change your decoration to a new one.

Transaction rules

Any place where gold jewelry is exchanged for new ones has its own rules and requirements for jewelry . But everyone has the same algorithm of actions. First, the master evaluates the appearance of the jewelry. It determines whether there is damage on the surface, whether the gold can be recycled, and whether it is genuine or not. The owner will have to leave the product in the store for several days.

During this time, the sample and alloy composition are checked. If the metal has passed all stages of verification, then an exchange deal is concluded. In front of the owner, the master weighs the item, calculates the cost of one gram and names the total price. During further processing, the type and appearance of the future product and its value are discussed.

But most often clients ask to exchange old gold for new gold of 585 standard. In this case, the master calculates the difference that will need to be paid. Sometimes the owner may be refused a transaction due to visible defects on the jewelry. In this case, you need to find another collection point that will accept such a product.

The cost of exchanging old silver for new and gold items depends on several criteria . The price is affected by the type of jewelry - earrings, bracelets, rings, necklaces, brooches, cufflinks or cutlery. The age, condition and appearance of the item are taken into account. In pawnshops and stores, the price is always different.

There are several risks that owners of precious metals are exposed to due to their own naivety. You should not contact jewelers who work from home. They can exchange the jewelry themselves and give the client a cheap fake. It is also not recommended to leave the product in small offices on bail, even for study and verification.

How beneficial is it?

When exchanging old gold for new, two operations occur:

  • Receiving your gold
  • Selling new gold

Today, 585 gold is accepted in pawn shops at a price of about 1,550 rubles per gram.

When exchanging, a jewelry store may offer you an acceptance price that is significantly higher than a pawnshop. It can be 1600-1700 rubles per gram of 585 sample.

Why does a jewelry store accept gold at a higher price than a pawnshop?

Because this gold is being exchanged. They will not give you money in your hands. You pay with them for a new piece of jewelry. The price of the new jewelry already includes an extra 200 rubles, which covers the difference between the price of accepting gold in a pawnshop and in exchange.

You sell gold at a price of 1,700 rubles per gram. And you buy for an average of 4,000 rubles. Thus, you buy new jewelry at a price of 2,300 rubles per gram.

Of course, if you picked something up for yourself in this particular jewelry store, the exchange option is more profitable for you than paying the entire cost in cash. But there is an option to exchange your old gold for new one, which is much more profitable.

Gold requirements

Typically, jewelry stores agree to accept items without special requirements. But pawnshops and private resellers put forward certain criteria. The decoration must meet the following parameters:

  • sample from 350 to 850;
  • the metal must undergo testing for authenticity;
  • Only adults can enter into a transaction;
  • when exchanging products with the same weight, a fee for the work of the master will be charged;
  • Precious stones are accepted separately.

It is not necessary to have a sample on the decoration. Antique gold, inherited, may have a completely different mark. Therefore, craftsmen carry out an examination of the authenticity of gold in laboratory conditions. If the decoration has passed all stages, then the deal is officially concluded.

Only persons over 18 years of age can bring precious items to jewelry stores; sellers will definitely require a document confirming their identity. The design and style of the products are not taken into account, no matter how fine the work of the jewelers is. The owner has the right to hand over scrap - damaged gold or silver jewelry.

It is rarely possible to exchange a product for jewelry of the same weight. But when melting down old metal, you will need to pay for the work of the jeweler. If the item had inserts of precious or semi-precious stones, the master will remove them and return them to the owner. These products are changed separately at special points or stores. Stones cannot be remade; they can only be sold or exchanged for others.

Profitable or not?

Where can I exchange jewelry for new ones? Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Kaluga, Voronezh, Ufa and thousands of other cities throughout Russia. If there is at least one jewelry store in the locality, then with a high degree of probability this transaction can be completed there. Often such stores are part of a huge network throughout the country, and the services they provide are the same, regardless of the region.

How profitable is it to exchange jewelry for new ones? The Moscow Jewelry Factory offers the following prices:

  • 375 sample - 965 rub./g;
  • 585 sample – 1550 rub./g;
  • 750 sample – 1950 rub./g.

Pawnshops in the capital may offer to buy gold from you at the following prices:

  • 375 sample - 770-830 rub./g;
  • 585 sample – 1200-1300 rub./g;
  • 750 sample – 1540-1670 rub./g.

The prices are given conditionally: the cost of one gram of gold will depend on the specific salon or purchase, on the appearance of the product, its safety and other conditions. Prices also vary greatly by region: even in salons of the same chain they may offer more or less, depending on fluctuations in the cost of the precious metal in a particular territory. Thus, the benefit can vary from 20 to 200 rubles per gram.

Exchange places

There are several points where you can exchange old gold for new 585 standard gold. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, nuances and requirements. Three main exchange places :

  • jewelry stores and factories;
  • private workshops;
  • pawnshops.

The owner faces minimal risk if he contacts a special store or factory. At such a point you can exchange old jewelry for new ones and melt the metal into any product. In any case, the finished item will be of high quality; an appropriate test must be placed on it. But the client does not always receive the product he ordered. This is due to the need to work quickly, because the store always has a lot of orders.

Private workshops operate on the same principle. They accept gold jewelry in exchange for new ones and begin making objects based on old metal. In addition, the client can order a product of any complexity, bring his own sketches, and the master will do everything with precision. But the risk of stumbling upon scammers when choosing this option increases. Small shops often deceive their customers. Therefore, it is better to choose a trusted jeweler based on recommendations from relatives or friends. You should not take into account advertising on the Internet and newspapers; it does not provide any guarantee of the artist’s honesty.

In pawn shops you can exchange and sell jewelry. But the selection of finished products is small, since the point sells only those products that were previously pawned. And there may also be problems with the cost of jewelry. Pawnshops recalculate at their own, very low rate.

The client will have to select a cheap item or pay an impressive amount of cash for a beautiful product. The only advantage of this item is saving time. The pawnshop accepts precious metals instantly, and all the jewelry they have for exchange is always in the hands of the seller.

Option 1. Pawnshop.

You come to a jewelry store and want to exchange old gold for new one. A conversation with the seller goes something like this:

– Hello, I have old unnecessary gold items, I want to exchange them for new ones. Is this possible in your store?

- Hello. Yes, of course, we have an exchange.

- How does this happen?

– Very simple and beneficial for you. Choose a new product, then we will evaluate your gold, and you will pay the difference.

How much do you think they will value a gram of your gold? Believe me, no more expensive than a pawnshop in the lowest category. The only saving is time (no need to go to the pawnshop). It's absolutely not worth the money.

Reasons for refusal

Even during an exchange, circumstances may arise in which the masters will refuse to complete the transaction. It is better for the gold owner to familiarize himself with such nuances in advance, otherwise misunderstandings and disputes may arise. Frequent reasons for refusals:

  • the presence of rough diamonds or semi-finished products in the metal;
  • weapons with gold trim are not accepted;
  • an offer to exchange precious-cut antiques;
  • transactions for the exchange of awards and orders;
  • exchange of industrial jewelry, gold wire or medical equipment, dentures.

All these types of metal are not accepted at any jewelry store. The owner can only sell such items to buyers, but at a minimum cost of gold. Exchange of old jewelry for new ones is possible only if the metal is clean, without impurities or inserts.

Do not be afraid to change precious items or melt them down. You can and even need to pamper yourself with new, more sophisticated and modern gold items. But it is better to look for proven masters and contact only them. This will avoid material and moral damage.

Exchange terms

Are there any restrictions on such a transaction? Yes, and this needs to be discussed in more detail.

So, the main advantage when exchanging jewelry for new ones is the higher price compared to the benefit from taking it to a pawnshop. But before you go to the salon, you need to understand something:

  1. Only jewelry is subject to exchange, which means that no wires, gold contacts, orders, coins or dental prosthetic components are accepted. Ingots and weapons inlaid with precious metals are also prohibited.
  2. Only gold is exchanged: stones are not included in the estimated price. Their weight is subtracted when weighed. The client has the right to dispose of the stone at his own discretion: leave it in the jewelry (actually donate it to the salon) or ask to remove it. This service is paid, and for an additional fee you can ask to insert stones into new products.
  3. Some jewelry stores also work with stones, evaluating the product in its entirety, but this is less than 20% of the total number of stores providing such a service.
  4. Exchange of jewelry for new ones is possible only in a transaction with an adult customer (over 18 years old). A passport is required as proof of age.
  5. Silver, especially in the form of scrap, is not profitable to exchange and hand over - it is either not accepted at all, or a very low price is set. It’s easier to order old silver jewelry to be remade from a jeweler.

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