One thing is not enough: double and triple rings that we absolutely love

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The rings are unsolved amulets, inside of which lies unusual energy. Sometimes jewelry carries sacred meaning. There are many myths and fairy tales where the ring is a treasure that holds a certain power. And it’s impossible to say for sure that all these stories are made up, since rings have always been considered amulets that are endowed with a certain power.

Many people believe that decoration can protect a person from negative influences and prevent trouble. Therefore, it is important not to wear the ring thoughtlessly, because the energy of the person and the ring begins to connect, and can bring both benefit and harm.

If we need the ring to protect us and give us energy, it is important to follow some rules.

Should you wear two rings on your ring finger at the same time?

Our ancestors did just that - they wore two rings on their fingers. It was considered a talisman that protected against evil spirits. It was believed that the two rings were a protective amulet. Even now you can meet a woman who wears 2 rings on her finger.

Some girls think that there should be no other jewelry on the right hand near the wedding ring, but they are wrong. The second ring can enhance the energy of the engagement ring and strengthen the bonds of marriage. If you do not take into account the wedding ring, the second one on the same finger can attract luxury and beauty to a person. This is self-expression of the individual, but only if the energy of the ring is used correctly.

Also, the second ring near the wedding ring will emphasize how important marriage is for a person, and will show the desire to strengthen it even more.

Is it possible to wear two jewelry, what do beliefs say?

There are many superstitions and signs surrounding the theme of these complex accessories. An engagement ring is the embodiment of family unity, as well as devotion and fidelity.

Therefore, it is considered undesirable to wear jewelry from a previous marriage or after becoming a widower .

This attracts bad energy and can negatively affect your new marriage. In addition, the chosen one may be against and offended, even if he does not say so directly.

You can make your own decisions about whether to wear multiple wedding rings. However, it is better to do this only if the jewelry appeared in the current marriage, and did not remain from the past. Why pull memories from that life?


Great combination with an engagement ring. Very often, such rings are made of gold, and “Save and Preserve” is written on them. According to church rites, a wedding ring is worn only on the right hand, so when united with the wedding ring, it can preserve love, make feelings bright and not push away loved ones.

Wedding jewelry is a symbol of marriage in heaven and in itself it can attract positivity into the family. This combination will become not just a decoration, but a very powerful talisman.

That is why you should learn more about the type of rings, their purpose, in order to understand which one can exactly enhance energy. If you choose the right ring, you can strengthen your energy.

But the second ring does not always have a symbolic meaning. Perhaps the wedding ring that means a lot to a person has simply become too big, and the second one helps to hold it so that the important thing does not slip off.

The most important thing is that a person likes the ring he wears. If he picked it up and realized that the ring suits him, it will become an excellent amulet. And if he doesn’t like it, the ring will not protect the person. During the purchasing process, you should carefully inspect the jewelry and choose only those that you like.

AlinaAuthor of the article

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Comments (3)

  1. Susik June 19, 2022 at 08:44 pm

    The best amulet is not to read this nonsense.


  2. Andrey June 27, 2022 at 9:22 am

    If it protects against mistakes in headlines, then the author definitely needs “two rings on the ring finger.”


  3. Ancients January 3, 2022 at 12:30 pm

    The wedding ring is a symbol of marriage in heaven, so it itself will attract only positivity and happiness into the family. This combination will become a powerful amulet, and not just a decoration.


How to wear engagement and wedding rings

Superstitious brides usually put the engagement ring in a box and don't wear it after the wedding ceremony. But what if the bride is superstitious, but she really wants to wear jewelry?

  • Put it on the ring finger of your left hand - you can always wear the ring without fear of various superstitions. In addition, this will allow you not to visually overload your finger: engagement rings are often chosen with large stones; they look much better without “neighbors”.
  • Wear the ring on any other finger that fits in size, on your right or left hand. Try it on - perhaps your engagement ring will look even more impressive on your index finger?
  • Wear the ring as a pendant on a neck chain. In most cases this is convenient, but sometimes the jewelry stones catch on clothing or scratch the skin.

Design options

Unclosed rings can be divided into two types:

  1. with one incomplete turn - a gap of skin is visible between the ends of the product;
  2. with several open turns - the ring resembles a spiral.

Rings with one partial turn may appear unfinished. This happens when the author tries to “try on” a classic shape design on them. A much more interesting result is obtained if the open ends of the decoration also become part of the project. To do this, stones, decorative inserts, and three-dimensional figures are attached to them.

A trend in recent years is children's open rings in the shape of animals: the ends of the product play the role of “paws”. Asymmetry also looks impressive: one end is decorated with a large stone, and the other is left without decoration.

Rings that resemble a spiral can also easily be transformed into an original symbol: a coiled snake, a hunting arrow or a flower with a thin stem.

Types of double and triple decorations

Double and triple wedding rings differ in the precious metals from which their components are made. It could be a combination of yellow and white, yellow and red gold, etc. In addition, manufacturers offer several design options to choose from - they can be roughly grouped into three large categories:

  • Classic. Laconic and simple products without additional decor. They are the most popular and widespread.
  • Embossed. They look more massive than classic ones and have a surface with relief decoration. This option is perfect for lovers of extravagant products.
  • With rocks. This option is great for emphasizing elegance and femininity. Expensive jewelry is decorated with emeralds, sapphires and diamonds. A more budget-friendly solution is rings decorated with semi-precious stones.

Choose a product at the best price

Pick up

In addition, in jewelry stores you can find products with spectacular plexuses, where arcs of different metals are intertwined. Despite the fact that these rings are quite massive, they look very elegant.


Reasons for the popularity of open rings:

  1. an excellent choice for a gift;
  2. suitable for fingers with wide joints;
  3. easier to put on your toes or thumb;
  4. original appearance.

Open rings seem to be created for a gift: if you don’t know the size of the future owner, this shape is a convenient solution. And although the product still has a stretch limit, it will most likely fit one of your fingers.

Standard closed rings are not for everyone. If you have a wide bone but thin fingers, choosing jewelry often becomes a problem. A semi-open product is much more comfortable to wear.

Open rings are worn not only on the fingers, but also on the toes. If you have never worn ankle jewelry, it may seem uncomfortable when you are not used to it. A half-open ring will be easier to put on your toe.

Types of puzzle rings

In addition to dividing by the number of hoops in the product, there is a classification by patterns. They are usually visible at the front of the jewelry. The rings in Fede's rings form a handshake. Claddagh specimens are distinguished by a heart and a crown above it.

The model comes from Ireland and symbolizes eternal love and fidelity. Peter the Great also belongs to the ancient varieties of puzzle rings. The ring is named after the Russian ruler who wore such a product. It was a gift from one of the Arkhangelsk blacksmiths.

Peter met him while in the North. Having appreciated the work of the master, the king generously rewarded him. As for the purchased ring, it consisted of 4 links and had a pattern similar to a knot. Such models are still popular today.

A modern puzzle with rings may have a non-standard solution. It's about the design approach. For example, models appeared not from hoops, but from original puzzles.

Products disintegrate into them, just as paintings are divided into elements that fit together. Virtual puzzle rings have also been invented. One of these is a coveted loot for players completing Diablo 3. Magic item. The player receives the benefits of an ammunition set without collecting it completely.

You only need to find a couple of objects and a puzzle ring. Where does this item fall? You will have to go into adventure mode and complete 5 quests in the first act. True, a 100 percent guarantee of winning is given only at difficulty I6.

Puzzle Ring Meaning

The meaning of modern rings, as you can see, can be very different. In the same "Diablo" decoration does not serve intellectual pleasures, but gives advantages in strength, protection, and magical skills. The ring is also not a test for lovers.

This puzzle feature is becoming obsolete. Although, initially the jewelry was called harem. This indicated the main use of the items. The Turks bought rings for their concubines. During the Renaissance, wars raged in the East. Men left their homes for many months.

So that the ladies would not even think about going to the left at this time, eunuchs and puzzles were left with them. Take out the ring and you will die, as the Turks would tell their concubines. In those days, they could legally kill their wife if they caught her cheating.

The modern role of puzzle rings is not so much revealing as developing. Fantasy and logic are trained. Products are purchased not only for adults, but also for their children. If a teenager does not solve the puzzle himself, he will ask how to do it on the Internet. In any case, the child's brain will not get bored.

Being jewelry in their own right, puzzle rings have taken their rightful place in the fashion industry. Due to the multi-layering, rings are massive, and large products are a current trend.

Puzzles are conceptual, and this is another feature of modern fashion. Therefore, by purchasing an unusual ring, a person not only shows a thirst for knowledge, but also reflects his individual style.

Trendy choice

The original choice is unusual wedding jewelry made of platinum. The highlight is the current design of the product for the bride, made in the “ring within a ring” style. According to the master’s idea, one ring duplicates the design of a brutal man’s jewelry, and the second is an elegant, girlish one, decorated with a path of precious stones.

Engraving in the form of a date or a beautiful phrase makes a multi-layer wedding decoration made of any metal unique and inimitable

Timeless men's and women's models made of gold, platinum, silver with an identical design of two or three parts. Couple models look interesting, in which stones adorn the ring of both the bride and groom. For newlyweds leading an active lifestyle, the Trinity - 3 in one, made of 585 gold, .

This model personifies faith, hope, love, and is designed in a modern unisex style. An elegant piece of handmade or factory-made movable jewelry helps to quickly relieve stress and is a symbol of a long and happy family life.


An important drawback of decoration is fragility. It is not without reason that a closed ring is perceived as more harmonious and integral: it can withstand higher loads than a semi-open product. If you regularly change the fit of the jewelry, then over time cracks and even breaks may appear on its surface.

The protruding, voluminous, ornate edges of the ring can be accidentally caught. They are not very convenient as everyday decoration. Open ends can put pressure on the skin and even injure it.

Brands and jewelry factories

It is a mistake to believe that famous jewelry brands produce only exclusive jewelry. Of course, for $100 you won’t be able to find engagement rings, for example, from Tiffany&Co, unless it’s a good replica, but in the format of costume jewelry. And yet, for fans of fine art, the legendary company can offer options for approximately the cost of two Cartiers for each ring.

BVLGARI also captivates, as always. The standard of luxury, luxury jewelry - it’s not easy to be among the top three jewelry companies in the world, but owners of wedding rings from this brand still have a pleasant feeling of belonging to the world of high fashion.

Cartier is Cartier, as many as seven collections of engagement rings, with prices ranging from surprisingly reasonable to one and a half million for each piece.

Broderie de CartierCartier / 1895
18k white gold18k yellow gold
36 diamonds

Russian manufacturers probably have a soul closer to the aspirations of buyers, because the price tag for wedding rings shows figures several times lower, at least SOKOLOV offers universal options for celebrating a wedding. Nothing exclusive, but everything is within the requirements for modern jewelry. High-quality gold, moderate design, comfortable shape - yes, that same Comfort fit profile.

A heavyweight among domestic jewelry factories - Bronnitsky Jeweler - over a century of work, creating jewelry, has acquired incredible experience in jewelry craftsmanship. The manufacturer's collections evoke awe and delight at home and abroad. The Dancing Diamond is an idea that is magnificent in its originality, and at the same time impeccably implemented.

MYZ, the Moscow Jewelry Factory, does not lag behind its colleague; among the thousands of different rings produced by the company, wedding rings can easily be compared with foreign brands and fashion houses. An undeniable plus is that only this manufacturer has the most detailed range of sizes, the step is 0.25 mm, instead of 0.5 for others.

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