Crystal deodorant. What kind of animal is this? And why is it multifunctional?

Expert review

  • Efficiency
  • Price
  • Economical
  • Ease of use

General opinion

Alunite is a natural deodorant, also called alum stone. It has strong antibacterial properties, so it fights odor-causing bacteria on the surface of the skin.

Alunite is not suitable for people who have hyperhidrosis because it does not affect the intensity of sweating.

This deodorant is suitable for teenagers, children, pregnant and lactating women. It does not cause allergies, so it can be used by allergy sufferers. The absence of chemical components and the natural formula allows it to be recommended also for people with sensitive skin.

It is also attractive that Alunite can be used not only as a deodorant - to treat insect bites, burns, small wounds, etc.


Those who are looking for natural remedies that could help remove the smell of sweat are faced with strange crystals.

This is alunite deodorant. How does it work? Is it effective? What is this anyway?

The armpits are one of the warmest areas on the surface of the body. There are many sweat glands located there, the secretion of which serves as one of the mechanisms for regulating temperature.

Human sweat is odorless in most cases until it is fermented by bacteria, which thrive in a warm, humid environment!

We cannot help but sweat - it is not physiological. Especially during physical activity, in the heat, during excitement, fear, etc. And in such cases, chemistry in beautiful bottles comes to our aid.

Buy an antiperspirant, i.e. a sweat blocker, and enjoy dryness and comfort - this would seem to be the optimal solution for a modern person.

But more and more often, many of us are thinking about the dangers of chemical sticks, balls and sprays:

  • they contain chemical components that are unsafe for the body;
  • they often cause allergic reactions;
  • there is a risk of developing an inflammatory process of the sweat glands, etc.

General information and release forms

Alunite (alum stone) are transparent crystals of natural origin, which are often colorless, but minerals of gray, yellow and reddish shades are found on sale. They can have a glassy or pearlescent luster and are fragile.

Alunite is actively used as an antiperspirant. It is in demand among those who care about their health even in the smallest detail, preferring natural products for body care.

“Crystal of Freshness” is sold both in its natural form and in melted form. Solid natural stone is characterized by its lack of color and greater transparency than its processed counterpart. It is more resistant to damage and water. Many manufacturers subject Alunite to a remelting procedure in order to:

  • it was easier to give it the desired shape;
  • change color;
  • add glycerin, extracts of beneficial plants, and in rare cases, some aromatic components with a light aroma.

It is important to understand that the processed mineral retains its valuable properties and is in no way inferior to the unprocessed one.

Anti-sweating products based on Alunite are available in the form of:

  • oval-shaped products reminiscent of soap, in convenient and beautiful packaging;
  • solid deodorants in a plastic stick case;
  • compositions in a bottle with a roller element;
  • sprays in a mini-container with a spray bottle;
  • powders (powder).

Buying such a deodorant is not difficult - products based on Alunite are sold both in pharmacies and on online resources selling products for beauty and health. Its cost in online stores ranges from 160 to 1740 rubles, depending on the shape and volume.


Surprisingly, alunite, with its thousand-year history, received its official and now world-famous name only recently.

It was described in academic sources only at the end of the 19th century. in France. The very word “alun” translated from French means “alum,” which directly indicates the chemical composition of the mineral.

Outdated names for alunite, such as “red stone” or “sour stone,” are retained only by small groups of people near mining sites.

The principle of action of alunite as a deodorant

The use of Alunite as a way to get rid of the smell of sweat has a lot of advantages, because the action of a natural crystal is based on the principles of benefit, simplicity and safety for health:

  1. It has a pronounced, but not aggressive antibacterial effect. It poses a real threat to pathogenic flora living on the surface of the skin. Under the influence of Alunite particles, microbes die, and the skin retains a fresh, natural smell for a long time.
  2. Has a delicate drying and astringent effect. Alum gently cares for the skin without irritating it. This allows you to use the product as an antiseptic after shaving, including in the delicate bikini area.
  3. Eliminates the smell of sweat without creating an unnecessary perfume aroma that might not be combined with the aroma of your favorite perfume.
  4. Does not cause allergic reactions even on the most sensitive skin.
  5. It does not have a systemic effect on the body as a whole, affecting only the body surfaces treated with it. At the same time, it does not clog the sweat glands and allows the skin to breathe.

The natural and beneficial properties of Alunite make it possible and effective to use not only in the fight against sweating and its consequences. It's great for:

  1. Treatment of minor damage to the skin (shallow cuts and scratches). Can be useful when hiking and during sports training.
  2. Fights the consequences of mosquito bites, as it perfectly relieves swelling, removes itching and redness.
  3. Application to skin with increased activity of the sebaceous glands and a tendency to form acne. Considering the antiseptic effect, this is especially important for adolescents.

Thus, the beneficial qualities of Alunite significantly expand the scope of its application, not limited only to the problem of sweating.

Place of Birth

The mineral is not unique to any particular continent; it is mined in both Americas, Europe and Asia, even in Australia.

However, there are a few really large deposits, while the rest are quite small. Among the largest there are deposits in Russia, the USA, and France.

It’s a paradox, but in places with the most ancient use of alunite, such as Mesopotamia and southeast Asia, very little alunite can be mined.

In Russia, the largest alunite deposits are:

  • The village of Dalnegorskoye in the Primorsky Territory;
  • The village of Grindstone in the Middle Urals.

Advantages and disadvantages compared to traditional deodorants

Before talking about the advantages of alunite deodorants in comparison with conventional anti-sweat and anti-odor products, it is worth dwelling on the important characteristics of the latter.

In addition to the fact that conventional products smell pleasant and eliminate the pungent “aroma” from the armpits, their use is not always as effective and safe as advertising claims.


  • mask the smell of sweat with perfumed fragrances without eliminating it;
  • do not last long, after 5-7 hours the presence of a sharp “amber” will be felt against the background of floral aromas;
  • unsafe for health. Triclosan, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, is used as an antimicrobial element. Its daily use is harmful because along with pathogenic microorganisms, beneficial microorganisms also die. This negatively affects local immunity, making the skin vulnerable and increasing its sensitivity to external influences. And the alcohol in the deodorant contributes to excessive dryness of the epithelium;
  • require repeated use throughout the day. This is not always convenient or possible, and is also harmful.


  • often leave marks on clothes;
  • inhibit the function of the sweat glands. This threatens them with blockage and inflammation. It is important to understand that sweating is a normal physiological process that is necessary as an element of metabolism;
  • contain dangerous chemical compounds that can penetrate epithelial cell membranes and affect the body. This is a reason to think seriously, given that anti-sweat products are intended for daily use.

As for alum deodorizing agents, which include Alunite, their advantages are obvious:

  • complete safety of use, including during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • absence of components hazardous to health, including harmful aluminum compounds;
  • gentle effect on the skin, without the risk of irritation;
  • economical and long-term use;
  • no traces of Alunite on clothes;
  • versatility (it suits everyone, regardless of gender and age).

As for the disadvantages, the mineral product, when it is in solid form, crumbles into pieces if it falls on the floor. However, if you collect them, add them to a container of water and leave for several hours, you will get a skin treatment product with a deodorant effect. Alunite does not dissolve in water like sugar, but its small particles will be present in suspension.

Why do they say it doesn't work?

1) You may not have washed your skin thoroughly. If there are bacteria left on the skin that cause unpleasant odors, deodorant will not help.

2) Perhaps the application method is not suitable for you.

3) If the deodorant worked and prevented the appearance of an unpleasant odor, but over time the unpleasant odor reappeared, this does not mean that the skin has “got used to it” and the product no longer works. Most likely, particles of epithelium and bacteria have accumulated on the surface of your stick, which must be removed to restore the effect of the deodorant. To do this, it is necessary to remove a small layer, about 0.5 mm, from the surface of the crystal. To remove, you can use a disposable nail file or any other available materials with an abrasive surface.

Simple instructions for use

Using Alunite deodorant is very simple and does not require any special skills.

  1. It is applied to clean and dry skin, preferably immediately after a shower.
  2. The product in solid form does not glide well over the body, so the edge of the crystal must be carefully wetted. If water gets on the entire surface of the mineral, it will be difficult to hold it in your hands.
  3. To treat the feet and areas between the toes, it is better to take a stick version or a solid block. A thick mixture of alunite shavings and water will also work.
  4. The product can be applied several times a day, if desired.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the use of alunite powder (powder), which is very popular in the East. Before applying it, the armpits must be slightly moistened by blotting with a damp cloth. After this, apply a small amount of powder and let the skin dry from moisture.

Mystical properties of the mineral

Alunite has long been known for its ability to find a balance between a person’s internal energy and the living space around him. To harmonize the family environment, the stone was placed in the corner of the home, protecting the house and its inhabitants from quarrels, insults, misunderstandings, the evil eye, and damage.

With the help of the salt mineral you can gain wisdom and peace of mind. It balances desires and ambitions with subjective possibilities. It is a stone of reason and chastity.

In addition, if you take a talisman with alunite on the road, you can find a faithful assistant who can protect you from troubles along the way, malicious fellow travelers, and fatal accidents.

Review of the best alunite-based deodorants

Crystal deodorant Natural Veil from Tiande

This is alunite in the form of a mineral in a plastic case. It has all the qualities of alum stone. Cleanses the skin of bacteria, maintaining a feeling of cleanliness for several hours.

Deodorant spray “Natural alunite and sage”

A natural product based on Alunite that refreshes the skin. Gives the body a pleasant feeling of cleanliness without disturbing the work of the sweat glands. Contains sage extract, which enriches the deodorant with exceptionally beneficial properties and a light aroma.

We have already talked about the extremely beneficial properties of sage and other herbs that reduce sweating in one of the previous articles -

Powder deodorant Alunite “Congratulations of musk” with the addition of labdanum seed powder

A natural cosmetics product made in Syria, with a warm oriental aroma of plant musk. It has a pronounced antiseptic effect, softens the skin and protects the body from the smell of sweat gland secretions.

Alum granules for deodorant (filler) brand “Tawas Crystal” (Philippines)

In essence, this is the crumb that remains after grinding the crystals. It contains a glycerin additive and has all the valuable qualities of the mineral - alum Alunite, mined in the Philippines.

A 30-gram bag of granules is enough to prepare 130 ml of deodorant of regular concentration, which in composition and quality will not be inferior to those sold in stores in ready-made form. At the same time, you don’t have to pay for the bottle and other extras. To make a more concentrated solution, simply reduce the amount of liquid.

If you don’t have a suitable bottle with a spray nozzle, you can store the deodorant in a regular bottle with a screw cap and use cotton pads for application.


Most alunite deposits produce crystals that are not particularly suitable for jewelry work. Their structure vaguely resembles diamond, but the very low hardness of the crystals does not allow them to maintain their shape for a long time or to process them sufficiently finely.

Funnily enough, its name correlates with its color in most deposits of the world - most often alunite has a moonlight hue. Often with other impurities it becomes yellowish, brownish or bluish.

It rarely happens that alunite produces crystals of good jewelry quality. Such representatives are easy to cut and produce amazing optical effects. Most often, jewelry alunite has purple, reddish or soft green shades.

It is recommended to use it in any jewelry except rings. On rings there is too high a risk of damaging it with an accidental blow and ruining the jewelry.

The best analogues

Alunite is not the only mineral with alum properties. There are others.

  1. Kalinite is an analogue of Alunite, belonging to crystals of artificial origin. It has similar physical properties and is often present in products that claim Alunite.
  2. Chermigite is a mineral related to the alum group. More precisely, it is ammonium alum. It is impossible to find large crystals of Chermigite in nature. This suggests that all products that are advertised as deodorants in the form of voluminous, solid crystal bars are grown artificially. At the same time, the properties do not suffer, and the deodorants fully correspond to the declared characteristics.
  3. Potassium alum is a mineral from the same series. In nature, they can be found in the form of large crystalline formations, but this is a rare occurrence. They have many useful properties and are actively used in medicine and cosmetology.

There are lengthy discussions on the Internet about whether it is always present in products and products with Alunite, and not analogues, and how legal this is. Of course, it would be correct if the announced and actual lineups matched perfectly. But in the case of Alunite, the “promotion” of the name of this mineral is of great importance.

Thanks to active promotional activities, it became popular and recognizable. The presence of another component with a similar composition and properties can hardly be considered an unambiguous substitution.

What it is?

In nature, there is the mineral alunite, which consists of potassium and aluminum salts (they have an old Russian name - alum). These substances have the amazing property of destroying microorganisms. But the unpleasant smell of sweat is not caused by the liquid itself released from the pores, but by the bacteria that multiply in it.

If you remove microbes from the surface of the skin, the problem of repulsive odor will be solved. This is the secret of the action of alum deodorant: it kills bacteria and disinfects the epidermis.

It is made very simply - they grind a piece of rock, giving it the appearance of a cylinder rounded at the top, then grind it and attach it to a plastic stand.

These deodorants are called differently: stone deodorant, alum, mineral, crystal, solid.

How to distinguish from a fake?

Despite the low cost, on the stone market you can often find cheap crafts made of plastic or glass. It is quite simple to distinguish natural alunite from artificial imitation:

  • to taste – real alunite tastes salty;
  • for solubility - if you scrape off particles of a natural mineral and put them in water, they will dissolve;
  • to the touch - a real stone heats up in the palm of your hand for a long time, its weight significantly exceeds the weight of glass or plastic.

To avoid any doubt about the authenticity of the mineral, you need to buy it in trusted jewelry stores, pharmacies or natural cosmetics stores.

Interesting Facts

  1. Traditionally in China, alunite sticks were used as a contraceptive.
  2. Many ancient peoples attributed special properties to alunite to control dark and light energy.
  3. Traditionally, alunite is used as a talisman and protector against damage and the evil eye. Talismans with it are made in the form of pendants and rings.

Alunite is one of the unique minerals, reviews of which are equally successful in both medicinal and cosmetic terms.

What stones does it go with?

Each mineral has its own unique properties at energy levels, so their incorrect use and combination can cause harm to their owner.

According to special tables, it is recommended to combine alunite with turquoise, aquamarine and lapis lazuli. Alunite has unfavorable compatibility with ruby, chrysolite and malachite.

Terms of use

A large number of side effects does not exclude its use. But you must follow the rules:

  • do not use frequently;
  • use a crystal, not a spray;
  • do not use for healing scratches;
  • do not use for shaving;
  • do not treat children with it.

It is necessary to pay attention to the alum content.

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