Silver is the cheapest metal among those that have the right to be called precious. Jewelry
Gold among ancient peoples The history of this precious metal begins in ancient times. However, archaeological evidence
Joel Greenblatt, one of today's investing gurus, is the author of several best-selling books, including The Little
In sunlight, the stone takes on a greenish tint; in artificial light, it becomes reddish or purple. Reference
Cold enamel Cold enamel received its purpose due to the peculiarities of the application technique. Before application
Diamond engagement rings have amazingly deep symbolism. The round ring is reminiscent of eternity
Long earrings can greatly change the face of their owner and always add to her look
July 26, 2020 Many radio components contain precious metals, including
Hematite or bloodstone - what kind of stone is it? Hematite is one of the types of oxide
The chain is the most versatile and functional product, which, thanks to the skill of specialists, has become a full-fledged piece of jewelry.