Since ancient times, stones have been endowed by people with magical properties. It was believed that the one who has more is truly rich.
Some hundred years ago, element 46 of the periodic table - palladium - did not have such
Hello, dear friends! You, of course, have heard about destructive hurricanes with female names? How to install
History of the discovery The history of the discovery of the metal is “multi-series”: He was the first to discover it (1801) while studying lead raw materials,
Palladium is one of the varieties of precious metals, which has become quite widespread in various
Onyx is a unique semi-precious stone with many color variations. The gem is described in many manuscripts,
Oil shale is a mineral from the group of solid caustobioliths, which during dry distillation gives significant
Today, science knows more than 80 types of metals. And only eight of them
Gold-plated silver chains Where to store and how to protect them from blackening It’s hard not to love
Having learned to process metals, people began to create rings from them, which they wore as decoration, used