Home page “Indestructible mineral” - this is what the ancient Greeks called diamond, considering it frozen
The Palladium transcription system is a generally accepted system for writing Chinese words and sentences, based on the Cyrillic alphabet.
Magical properties. To get everything you want, a person must be energetically determined to achieve the goal.
Author: ProfGid Jeweler is a master who creates jewelry and products from precious and semi-precious stones,
June 3, 2021 Checking gold for authenticity is one of the mandatory and not always
All life on Earth is born, grows, multiplies and, as a result, dies, giving way to a new
Origin of agate Agate is a very ancient mineral, the first mention of it dates back to the 3rd century
» Stones » Aquamarine - a magical sea-green stone 0 585 Article rating
We have all seen amber with inclusions - particles of flora and fauna that have been around for many centuries
History and description "Shah" is not a diamond, since the gemstone does not have