Stones of organic origin, or as they are also called, occupy a special place in magic.
History of the stone Black agate stone was already known in antiquity. In ancient India it
A huge amount of semi-precious stones and minerals are mined in the world, many of which, thanks to the same
In jewelry, the most valuable stones and minerals are of high quality and
Dolomite is one of the main rock-forming carbonate minerals along with calcite. In minerals of this group
Category Precious minerals of organic origin Name in English. Coral Formula CaCO3 Group Coral group
Many women who like to wear gold earrings notice that over time the material begins to darken
Ph.D. O.V. Mosin GOLDEN WATER Gold (lat. Aurum), Au is a chemical element I
In the near future, a local resident will appear in court in the Amur region who tried to sell
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