A majestic looking, beautiful tiara or diadem is the dream of almost every girl. Which one exactly?
Jewelry made from medical steel is quite inexpensive, but at the same time has a decent appearance.
Why do “owners” mark people with tattoos and piercings Today, tattoos are becoming increasingly popular. If
Good luck talismans promise good luck in business, victory in everyday trials and protection from
Post updated: Sep 23, 2020 Jewelry that looks like it was made in past centuries is gaining attention
About the author Recent publications More details Pythia Administrator at Pythia.ru Hello our dear reader! Today
Costume jewelry is still often associated with cheap jewelry. But in fact there is
Hello, dear guests of the site! Precious and semi-precious stones attract us not only for their naturalness
According to Colored Stone magazine, the popularity of topaz has grown so much that today the stone is “coming
Category Oxides (minerals) Name in English. Carneol Formula SiO2 Group Chalcedony Group Color Pink, Brown-red