Jewelry casting. What is a flask in jewelry making
Stages of creating gold jewelry by casting What stages do rings, earrings, bracelets and pendants go through?
How to wear jewelry without ruining it?
How to properly clean your jewelry yourself: life hacks and tips from the royal jewelry house
In the article: Apply lotion, cosmetics, hairspray and perfume BEFORE dressing
Platinoids: properties, stages of preparation and application
Platinum group metals: overview, list, properties and applications
The platinum group metals, or platinoids, are a collection of six chemical elements that are silvery-white in color.
What is zirconium, is it a stone or a metal - a simple explanation of the confusion in the names
Physical and chemical properties Zircon in chemical composition is zirconium orthosilicate containing from
Beautiful stone jewelry
Which stone is suitable for Pisces - advice and knowledge of our ancestors
Topaz for Aries Not all representatives of this sign can afford to wear jewelry with
Product made from tombak
Jewelry alloys: cupronickel, nickel silver, alpaca, Tibetan silver, tombac, brass
What is brass? The main components of brass alloy are copper and zinc. The proportional components of these
refined sapphire
Principles and methods of processing diffusion sapphires
In our country there is such a phenomenon that the majority of those who are at least a little familiar
Unique padparadscha sapphire: description and properties
The Padparadscha stone is an absolutely amazing sapphire that has the color of a lotus and reflects the sunset.
Oval pink stone in a ring
The Most Expensive Pink Diamonds Sold at Auctions
Processing Methods To turn a mineral into a diamond, a special cut is required. However, it should not
Obsidian stone
If you want changes in life, wear jewelry with obsidian
Obsidian is a stone that can easily be found where a volcanic eruption has occurred. Is not
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