Types and features of natural and artificial stone for interior decoration

History of the stone and other names

Stones among ancient peoples had cult significance. The miraculous power they possess has been attributed to the spirits within. Stone amulets were placed near the home. They protected from evil spirits, protected people, livestock and poultry from diseases.

In order for the energy of the stone to be used usefully, it should not go into the ground. However, making a hole in solid rock was not easy, and no one dared to anger the “petrified” god.

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The one who found the “holey” stone was considered a happy person. A successful find was hung nearby from chicken roosts. After this, they did not lose the feather and flew better. The amulet no longer allowed the evil kikimora to scare and pluck the chickens at night.

The stone was given the name Chicken God (chicken god), which remains the most common.

With the use of magical properties for different purposes, other names appeared.

  • Dog God (Dog's Happiness).
  • Witch stone.
  • Snake egg.
  • Boglaz (Eye of God).

Over time, they began to carry the lucky find with them as a talisman stone.

Impact on the body and energy field

A stone with a hole simultaneously possesses the energy of Earth and Water. Its biofield interacts with a person and affects physical activity, mood and health. It has a cleansing effect and has a beneficial effect on the human body and thoughts.

Under the influence of this stone, people become more serious and responsible. It stimulates activity and progress towards goals.

A stone with a hole is conducive to favorable communication and attracts the interlocutor on an emotional level. Blocks negative energy, suppresses the manifestation of envy and anger.


It is rare to find a talisman. Moreover, a random find is considered lucky. A specially found stone will not have all the properties as one that caught your eye unexpectedly.

Folk signs speak of the luck and good fortune of a person who is lucky enough to find a miraculous talisman.

“Chicken god – one step to happiness!”

“Finding a stone with a hole means good luck!”

Where can I find a stone with a hole?

The structure of the stone is varied. It may contain voids and inclusions of soft rocks. When exposed to water and other stones, the soft rock is washed away. Thin side walls wear away, turning voids into holes.

The Chicken God is a stone with a hole, created by “moving” water. You can find a miraculous talisman on the banks of mountain rivers, seas, and pebble and shell beaches. It is impossible to find a talisman near standing water.

The movement of waves on the sea and streams in the river does not just sharpen and transform rock. The energy of water cleanses the stone and charges it with additional energy.

Why do you dream about the chicken god?

A talisman seen in a dream during a difficult period of life portends good events:

  • quick solution to the problem;
  • way out of a difficult situation;
  • the appearance of a like-minded person;
  • help in overcoming difficulties.

The hole in the stone symbolizes an energy breakthrough and a way out of stagnation. Finding a stone with a hole in a dream means quick changes in life:

  • change of place of work;
  • career advancement;
  • new relationships.

Onyx in the interior

Onyx is a semi-precious, exceptionally beautiful stone with a characteristic milky-honey or greenish tint. The structure of this stone is translucent, which allows light to pass through it. This is why onyx looks so beautiful when illuminated by various light sources.

Natural onyx is also a rare stone. Therefore it is not cheap. Onyx surfaces in house decoration can decorate any interior, even an expensive and modern one, which is why this type of stone is considered an elite material. In masonry today, the most common varieties are translucent sandstone imitating onyx.

Today, onyx is widely used in wall cladding, especially in bathrooms, as well as for fireplaces, washbasins and decorative elements. However, it should be borne in mind that this is a rather capricious material. To prevent its rich color from fading, it should be properly soaked and cleaned with a soft cloth without harsh chemicals. Preparations based on waxes and silicones will make it easier to maintain the cleanliness of the onyx surface and will forever highlight the unusual colors of onyx.

Varieties and colors

Not only pebbles are used as a talisman, but also shells with a washed hole. The size, shape of the stone and the possible image on it give the amulet additional properties.

AnimalLoyalty, devotion, wisdom, longevity
Human head (face)Beauty, feelings, reliable support
HeartSensuality, tenderness, love
CoinMaterial well-being, stability
RoundUnity, perfection, stability
OvalProtection, new life, exaltation
TriangularUnity of flesh, soul, mind

The biofield of a stone with a hole is determined by color.


The color of warmth, coziness and comfort. The stone will attract support from loved ones, consolation and reassurance. Blocks indifference, activates responsiveness, and forms a positive attitude towards change. Helps move forward and complete things started.


Promotes renewal of thoughts, cleansing of soul and body. Helps in new beginnings and learning. Encourages a person to be honest and frank. Blocks negative qualities: deception, betrayal, envy.


The stone stimulates the development of creativity, reveals talents and abilities. For people who are passionate about work, it helps to finish what they have started. The blue amulet provides a chance to those who are desperate and have lost hope.


The color of love and sensuality. The owner of the stone will turn feelings into flaming, passionate and durable ones. Red color stimulates you to look better and be more confident.


It has a powerful charge and absorbs negative energy. The stone protects against the evil eye, envy and bad thoughts. Increases business activity and organizes efficiency.


Responsible for health. Ensures a speedy recovery and wards off illness. Replenishes energy, stimulates renewal and moving forward.

Colored spots

A “spotted” amulet is often found, which can combine different colors. Diversity gives the talisman versatility. The more spots of different colors, the happier the find.


Recognizable by its characteristic banded pattern on a cut, the mineral is distinguished by its color diversity. In the whimsical patterns created by nature itself, it is not difficult to distinguish real paintings. It is for this reason that it became one of the first gems that humanity began to use for making jewelry and interior decorations.

Agate normalizes cardiac and respiratory activity, neutralizes poisons and accelerates wound healing. It is also used as a sedative.

The mineral is considered a stone of happiness and longevity. It reveals talents, attracts luck, for which we love gamblers, sharpens the sense of justice, patronizing representatives of the law and government, and protects children from accidents.

What properties does it have?

A hole in a stone represents victory over difficulties and physical ailments. The hole in the middle maximizes its properties. A stone donated by nature itself protects its owner from troubles and troubles. Regardless of color and shape, it has a number of magical properties.


The talisman symbolizes the feminine principle. It protects the keeper of the home from illness, helps to cope with children and the household.

Perfect for people who have a dangerous job and put their lives at risk. Helps along the way, protects from danger.


According to legend, the stone with a hole became popular due to its magical properties. It scares away evil spirits and evil spirits. Therefore, you can wear the stone not only on your body. It is hung in the house at the entrance, near the crib of a child or adult. It improves sleep and relieves nightmares. The stone attracts good luck into life.


Actively absorbs negative energy. It is recommended to place it at the level of diseased organs. The energy field of the stone has a beneficial effect on the course of the disease. The spirit of the stone lifts you out of depression, drives away bad thoughts, and lifts your spirits.

Basalt in the interior

This natural stone has an unusual texture, usually a beautiful dark gray or carbon, almost black color. It owes its growing popularity to its low porosity, very high strength and abrasion resistance and high aesthetic qualities.

Basalt stones cut easily and smoothly, so they are often found small in size. You can buy this material in the form of tiles, cubes, as well as in the form of facade, wall and floor panels. You can also make a countertop from this stone.

Basalt, like granite, is an igneous rock, therefore, it has the same high strength of materials. However, it must be taken into account that basalt weighs much heavier. Therefore, when finishing these walls with stone, make sure that they can withstand its weight (if they are light, for example, made of plasterboard).

Stone as a talisman or amulet

It is not surprising that the ancients began to carry the miraculous stone with them. Powerful energy allows it to be used as a talisman. In order for it to work effectively, it cannot be given to anyone or given for temporary use to others.

Do I need to charge?

At the time of discovery, the talisman is already charged with the necessary energy. The found stone must be activated. To do this, it is clamped in a fist and “warmed”. In this case, you need to concentrate and say to yourself or out loud:

“The power of stone, air and water, protect me from troubles, bring me luck and happiness!”

How to wear and care?

The stone can be worn as a pendant. To do this, you need to choose a wool thread that matches the color of the stone or a leather cord. The ideal location is at the solar plexus. Direct contact of the amulet with the body ensures the intersection of biofields and the effective manifestation of properties.

You can wear the amulet every day. However, it should be understood that the stone periodically needs to rest and get rid of accumulated negative energy.

Together with a car or house key, the stone will also work. With this option, you need to touch it more often and “listen” to your talisman. It is not recommended to constantly carry a pebble in your wallet. It must feed energy from air and water.

To clean the amulet, you need to wash it with running water. When used daily, at least once every 10 days.

Tattoo or drawing

The image on the body of such a talisman, regardless of shape and color, does not have magical or healing properties. The amulets created by nature are endowed with its energy and willingly share it with people through direct interaction.

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Slates in the interior

Products made from slate are very durable and highly resistant to high and low temperatures. This material is also characterized by low water absorption, abrasion resistance and ease of processing.

Slate surfaces are most often gray in color, sometimes with a hint of blue or green, although brown, yellowish surfaces are also found, often with a characteristic pearlescent sheen. Due to the content of mica and silica, they shimmer in the light and in the light of fires. This is why slate is an ideal material for wall cladding, fireplaces and also for floors.

Slate is also a rather rare stone. Products made from it are supplied to our market mainly from China, Germany and France. The French, by the way, simply adore this material and widely use it in both external and internal decoration of houses.


The stone not only fulfills wishes, but also hears what is asked of it. Therefore, with bodily and mental contact, it can be used for certain purposes. Conspiracies help direct energy in the right direction.

From illness

Apply to the sore spot and say three times:

“The power of the stone stops pain, take all ailments upon yourself!”

This method can be used when:

  • toothache;
  • migraine;
  • back pain;
  • bruises.

For pure thoughts

Feedback from an unrefined stone brings up difficult thoughts, fears and concerns. If thoughts become intrusive, it should be rinsed and left in clean water overnight. Looking at a stone in the water, you need to say three times:

“Clean water means pure thoughts for the stone and for me!”

It is better to dry the stone in the sun, for example on the windowsill of a south-facing window.

For good luck

You can convey a request to attract good luck into your life by squeezing the stone in your hand and saying three times:

“Failures come from us, and success comes to us!”

When casting conspiracies, you need to concentrate on your thoughts and believe in the connection with the talisman.

Wish come true

To fulfill a wish, you need to look through the hole at the Moon or the Sun and make a wish. The size of the hole does not matter at all. The hole in the stone is the eye of the spirit through which the unknown is comprehended.

Granite in the interior

Granite stone has a grainy structure and can be either gray, beige, black, red, and even blue, green, or brown.

These stones are considered the most versatile and the hardest - they are very difficult to scratch and are also resistant to cracking. Granites also have very low porosity and absorbency, making them resistant to moisture, weathering, staining, and grease. In addition, they are characterized by minimal abrasiveness. This is why granite surfaces have been so in demand and popular in construction for many centuries.

But that is not all. Granite surfaces do not require impregnation or too frequent or complex maintenance (they just need to be washed with water and ordinary soap-based detergents). They are ideal for floors and stairs, window sills and countertops - in the kitchen and bathroom. They can also be used as wall cladding in wet areas, even as a material for shower trays.

However, compared to other types of stones, granite is the most difficult to process. Therefore, most often it is purchased to the desired size and also placed.

Chicken God and the Zodiac

Strengthens the positive qualities of Taurus - stability, Virgo - criticality, Capricorn - determination. Has a beneficial effect on Cancer, develops flexibility and diplomacy. It makes it easier for Scorpios to complete work of any complexity. Pisces find harmony in their personal lives.

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The only deposit in the world of a unique lilac stone with white streaks is located in Russia on the territory of Yakutia, or more precisely on the Chara River, which gave it its name. The stone was discovered during the construction of the BAM and since then foreigners have idolized it, and Russians consider it national pride.

The stone is quite young, but has already been chosen by traditional healers for therapeutic massage sessions. Bohemian extraordinary personalities and representatives of creative professions, writers, actors, musicians made the mineral their patron.

Is it possible to buy?

You can buy a pendant made to look like a natural talisman. Such products are sold in any retail stalls in resort towns located by the sea. The pendant is made of natural stone, but a hole is drilled in it. Often, pebbles are painted in different colors and a different image is applied. You can buy such a souvenir yourself and give it as a souvenir to friends and family.

A real helper stone will protect you from troubles, support your mood, spirit and will definitely lead to good luck.

Do you have such a Chicken God? Did it benefit you? Share your experience in the comments below.

Quartz in the interior

Quartz is fragments of rocks (quartzites, sandstones, quartz), smoothed by water, with characteristic rounded edges. They are heat resistant but usually require impregnation.

Quartz coatings are often used on floors, walls, and countertops, including in bathrooms. Such products can be purchased in the form of slabs that can be laid even on curved surfaces. One block of quartzite usually measures 30x30 cm or 40x40 cm (about 12 mm thick). For a surface of 1 m2 you need 6 elements with dimensions 40x40 cm and 11 with dimensions 30x30 cm.

Quartzites, compared to other types of stones, are inexpensive. Therefore, they are suitable even for inexpensive home decoration.


The coil is used in industry, jewelry, and arts and crafts.

Due to its high fire resistance, it is used in new technological developments, as well as in the creation of heat-resistant material (chrysolite-asbestos), from which equipment is made for workers in hot shops, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and firefighters.

The crushed mineral is used in baths and placed in aquariums.

Decorative types are used for cladding panels, facades, fireplaces, and swimming pools.

Ornamental specimens - material for monuments, tabletops, watches, souvenirs, etc.

Jewelry is made from high-quality noble samples with patterns, shine, and glow.

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