Petersite stone - properties, meaning and impact on humans

Petersite is a stone considered to be a subspecies of tiger's eye. Officially listed as a semi-precious mineral, but it costs much more than its analogues. The stone is found very rarely, and the most beautiful examples end up in private collections.
Therefore, it is very difficult for an ordinary buyer to buy jewelry made from this gem. Those who are lucky enough to grab a piece of jewelry with petersite are very lucky, because it has healing properties and can be used as a talisman.


This stone has an interesting history of its discovery and appearance on the jewelry market.


Petersite is a fairly “young” stone. It was discovered in 1962 by Sidney Peters, after whom it was named. Peters discovered this beautiful deep blue stone in Namibia, where he was scouting for farming land.

The country's authorities have banned the export of a rare gem. It was studied in England, found that it was not a mineral, but a rock, and in 1964 it was given the trade name “pietersite”.


Petersite or pietersite: what is the correct name for this stone? Both options are correct. The second one is the trade name (brand).

These names were given to bricci-like rocks consisting of chalcedony and amphiboles.

Petersite should not be confused with the mineral petersite-(Y) (petersite), which is a hydrous phosphate of copper and yttium. This mineral is radioactive and does not belong to jewelry stones at all.

Appearance on the global jewelry market

This happened in 1997 . The rings and earrings with unusual semi-precious stones on the jewelry market were striking in their beauty. Everyone noted the unusual structure of the new jewelry stone. I couldn’t believe that this was the result of geological processes, and not the work of artists. The surface of the gem with silky, iridescent shades is very similar to the paintings of abstract artists.

The discovery of in the late 90s caused a decrease in its value and free circulation on the world market for precious products. A yellowish or yellowish-green gem, shining with all the colors of the rainbow, framed in silver or gold, has become a desired adornment for many women.

Colors and varieties

Petersite stands out among other gems with its variegated color. The discovered specimens contain such a variety of colors and shapes that it is impossible to completely classify them.

Each stone contains at least two and sometimes three colors. The combination of shades is amazing:

  • stones with green-yellow hues are considered the most common;
  • blue gems with dark blue inclusions, like blue-black petersites, are much less common;
  • another rare species - specimens with a blue-red color;
  • In addition to the colors listed, there are also brown-yellow crystals.

One of the features of the mineral is the presence of veins. Multi-colored lines and bunches spreading in all directions across the surface create a very beautiful cracked effect.

Science knows two varieties of gems:

  • Petersite Y. It is also radioactive Petersite. It was he who was found in the USA at the end of the last century. It is easy to distinguish this species from another - radioactive Petersites are not larger than a few millimeters.
  • Semiprecious. This type of nugget has become popular with jewelry makers. Jewelry and sets of them are made from stone.


Petersite is a decorative and ornamental type of stone consisting of breccia (fragments). This is a pseudomorphosis (that is, a product of replacement) of chalcedony by asbestos-like amphiboles. Petersite is not a mineral, unlike Petersite-(Y). Sometimes it is confused with tiger-hawk's eye, but they are similar only in color, the structure of these stones is different. Tiger Hawk's Eye is composed primarily of microcrystalline quartz, while Petersite is chalcedony intergrown with amphibole fibers. Petersite is sometimes considered a type of chalcedony with inclusions of fibers of amphibole supergroup minerals.

The chemical composition of Petersite is silicon oxide. Chemical formula - SiO2 .

Magical power of stone

Petersite also has magical properties. Since the discovery of the stone, psychics have noticed great potential in it. Therefore, Petersite quickly got used to the world of magic, taking on many functions. It can become a strong amulet and protect itself from negativity.

The gem will help you achieve your most daring goals.

Properties of the stone:

  • Reflect negativity. All the negative vibes that come to you from the outside world will in no way affect your life. Using a precious amulet, you can not be afraid of envy and slander.
  • Build up energy. At the same time, by maintaining energy balance, Petersite helps to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This promotes self-realization, both creative and professional.
  • This leads to enlightenment. Free your mind from unnecessary negative thoughts, experiences, and relationships. Acting at the level of the biofield, the stone activates the chakras. By meditating with it regularly, you will begin to understand yourself better and learn to be more tolerant of the aggression and whims of others.

In order for the talisman to bring positive changes, choose the right type of jewelry:

  • a neck pendant will improve public speaking;
  • earrings will strengthen the connection with the information field of the Earth;
  • The ring will protect you from the evil ones.

Science became acquainted with the pearl only in the twentieth century. But this did not stop African tribes who lived hundreds of years ago from using it as a talisman against the evil eye. In those days, the usual petersite was called a completely different name - storm stone.


It is not for nothing that in Africa they called this gem “the stone of storms”, because it is a mixture of fibrous fragments cemented with chalcedony.
The twisting and interlacing of riebeckite fibers in the chalcedony melt indicate the rapid origin of petersite. The structure and pattern of the stone surface is a chaos of colors, beautiful and harmonious.

The color of Petersite varies. Bright yellowish-greenish-brown specimens are more common, but there are also dark blue, blue-gray, light blue, and black.

When you turn the stone, a silky shimmer appears. It is created by internal veins in the form of bunches or stripes.

Varieties and colors

Petersite is an interesting, varied gemstone.

There are 2 opposite minerals found in nature:

  • Radioactive Petersite is practically unknown to people. It is very rare and small, so it is not particularly popular among jewelers;
  • Petersite is semi-precious. It is used in the manufacture of various jewelry.

The latter variety is divided into 2 types:

  • Namibian petersite. The composition mainly contains crocodile. The gem has a bluer tint.
  • Chinese petersite. The mineral contains red or golden inclusions.

Mostly stones are found with blue and cyan colors, but they may have some inclusions of a golden or red hue.

Place of Birth

There are only two known deposits of Petersite in the world so far: in Namibia and China.

In China, the stone was discovered in Hunan province in 1993 , and has become known on the market since 1997 . In terms of variety and richness of color and pattern, samples from China are poorer than African ones. They are mainly bronze-golden, rarely in the blue range (from bluish to blue).

African samples are valued higher than Chinese ones. They have a bluish range of shades.

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There are several varieties of Petersite:

  1. Petersite Y (also called radioactive). It is little known and does not enjoy great success, since it is quite rare and is not used to create jewelry. Its size is up to 1 mm, it is softer, but is denser than its non-radioactive counterpart.
  2. Semi-precious Petersite. A very famous and widespread mineral from which jewelry masterpieces are made. It can be divided into certain subtypes, depending on the presence of natural inclusions and the location of these minerals.

In turn, semi-precious varieties are divided into the following types:

  • Chinese origin (golden and red tint predominates due to magnesium impurities);
  • of Namibian origin (due to the presence of typical crocidolite impurities, it has a bluish tint).

Chemical composition

The chemical formula of Petersite is as follows: (Y,Ce,Nd,Ca)Cu6(PO4)3(OH)6*3H2O. This suggests that it contains silicon and oxygen. If you pick it up, you can feel the coolness. Thanks to its high thermal conductivity, it quickly gains temperature and becomes warm. Not afraid of exposure to various types of aggressive environments. It dissolves only when exposed to hydrofluoric acid.

Physical properties
Cleavagenot visible
Hardness3.0, 3.5, 4.0
Density g/cm 33.41
Molecular weight927.20
Maximum birefringenceδ = 0.081
Refractive indicesnω = 1.666 nε = 1.747
Specific gravity3.4
Typesingle-axis (+)
Optical reliefhigh enough
Selection formcrystalline formations can be needle-shaped and prismatic, radial aggregates, spherulites
IMA classesphosphates

Place of Birth

Throughout the 20th century, there was only one territory where Petersite was mined - Namibia, and therefore its cost was sky-high. But already in 1997, deposits were found in China, which made it possible to slightly reduce the price of natural stone. In the 80s of the 20th century, radioactive small crystalline formations were found in the United States, but they were not used in jewelry. Maybe there are other deposits, but they are not disclosed. There is no information that this mineral was ever found in the vastness of Russia. Archaeologists do not lose hope of finding a gem among deposits of other precious metals, believing that it could be someone’s companion.


Areas of application of the stone are jewelry making and collecting.

The range of jewelry made from Petersite (as the Petersite brand is named) is very wide. Since it is difficult to select inserts according to the pattern, sets of products are especially valuable.

Sometimes the gem in jewelry is complemented with other stones. It looks harmonious with monochrome beryls, topazes, and amethysts. Pietersite does not combine well with variegated minerals (for example, jasper).

An insert, especially a bead or bracelet, requires clothing to match some shade of this gem.

Petersite is highly valued by stone collectors for its original contrast of patterns and harmonious color chaos.

Application and care

The only sector where the gem is used is in jewelry making. It has not been used in other areas and is unlikely to begin. The following jewelry is made from the mineral:

  • earrings;
  • pendants;
  • necklace;
  • bracelets;
  • rings, sealing rings;
  • brooches

Petersite beads and bracelets are rare in stores. This is due, again, to the shortage of the mineral on the market.

To make jewelry of this type, collectible petersite is usually used, stones of the highest quality and incredible beauty. These exclusive jewelry do not appear on the market, but immediately fall into the hands of collectors of unique and very expensive things.

Medicinal properties

According to lithotherapists, petersite has strong healing properties.

When using a stone in treatment, you should not refuse medications and procedures recommended by official medicine.

The following medicinal properties of Petersite have been revealed:

  • Stabilizes blood pressure.
  • Acts as an antipyretic.
  • Helps in the treatment of endocrine diseases.
  • Helps activate brain function, strengthen attention, and improve memory. To do this, you need to wear earrings, clips, hair clips with Petersite, or put a pebble under your pillow at night.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, skin, and hearing if applied to the throat chakra.

But the main significance of Petersite for a person is its positive effect on the psychological state:

  • mood improves;
  • aggression disappears;
  • the effects of stress are neutralized;
  • sleep improves.

It is believed that pietersite framed in gold neutralizes depression, and in silver it protects against external negativity. Beads made from this stone or with its inclusions have a calming effect on the nervous system.

Physical properties

Again, confusion often arises with the physical properties of petersite, since you can find exact data on the yttrium-containing namesake that allegedly refers to jewelry “petersite.” In fact, the “Petersite” we are interested in is a breccia. This is the name given to rocks cemented from fragments of various minerals.

In the case of Petersite, the breccia formed from quartz and blue amphibole asbestos. Iron ores hematite and goethite are present as impurities, which are responsible for the yellow, red, brown and black shades of the stone. Asbestos is partially replaced by chalcedony, which determines the additional tones and shimmer of the stone.

On the hardness scale, Petersite occupies a high place, it is 6.5-7, the luster is glassy or greasy. Density 2.5 g/cm3, refractive index 1.55.

Magic properties

Petersite is a stone with strong magical properties.

  • It has the ability to protect the owner from negative influences (evil eye, damage, magical attacks). If you use a stone as a talisman or talisman, it is better to choose a ring set in silver.

Any silver jewelry with Petersite helps women become more charming, and men help them make a career.

  • A talisman made from this stone will help the owner gain the respect of colleagues. The leader will have increased authority and ability to make the right decisions, logically express thoughts, and convince listeners. Such a talisman will also be useful for teachers, politicians, and television journalists.
  • Thanks to the magical properties of Petersite, its owner is emotionally and psychologically balanced, fearless and confident in his abilities. His soul is in harmony with the world around him. Admiring a beautiful gem, a person experiences joy and forgets about difficulties. He pays more attention to the main thing, so all problems are solved quickly.

Esotericists advise giving Petersite as a gift or inheriting it only to close relatives.

Scope and scope

The only area where Petersit has found its application is jewelry. No other sectors of industry or agriculture face it. Jewelry is mainly made from it, both individually and in compositions.

Zodiac sign

This is still a young stone and its influence on various signs of the Zodiac has not been fully studied. Everyone agrees that Petersite is a mineral of goodness and cannot do anything bad to anyone.

Astrologers unanimously claim that the gem is very favorable to people born under the signs of Leo, Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. He will become their irreplaceable friend and support throughout their lives. Wearing a talisman with this stone will protect them from misfortunes, everyday troubles, and production problems. If it becomes difficult for them at any moment, they need to take the crystal in their hand and squeeze it into a fist. The mineral should gain weight, drawing in all the troubles. In the same way, he can predict impending danger.

It is also suitable for Gemini, Pisces and Sagittarius. Petersite will make them more resistant to external irritants, calmer, and more balanced. It will give them strength to achieve the desired result, help them get a promotion, and improve their material well-being.

Taurus and Virgo can safely wear a talisman made from this stone. He will guide dishonest people away from these signs of the Zodiac, help them look soberly at their surroundings and identify envious people and hypocrites. For them, he will be a good assistant in love affairs, but you just need to know the limits when it comes to entertainment.

It is impossible to say with certainty that Petersite is not suitable for Aquarius. But there are certain caveats in this regard. These people are recommended to wear such a stone on their hand, no matter which finger. If a person is not compatible with the stone, the mineral will squeeze the finger, causing inconvenience. This is a sure sign that it is not suitable for them and they should choose another talisman for themselves.

Medicinal properties

Despite the fact that Petersit is very young in age, lithotherapists have already identified his extraordinary abilities in the field of medicine. The main ones are considered to be:

  • treatment of endocrine diseases (thyroid, glands);
  • stabilization of blood pressure;
  • strengthening the human immune system;
  • beneficial effect on the body's readings;
  • normalization of body temperature;
  • improving memory, relieving depression, normalizing the nervous system;
  • liberation from unbridled anger and various stressful situations;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • protects against the effects of pathogens and viral infections;
  • helps with headaches and joint pain;
  • used for dizziness and epileptic attacks;
  • improves sleep;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • helps restore reproductive function.

Moreover, to demonstrate your healing abilities, it does not matter what shape this stone is cut and how to wear it. Such products must be put on at the first symptoms of illness and not removed until complete recovery.

Magic properties

Petersite can fully demonstrate its magical qualities when it is worn in rings as a talisman. Such a person is not afraid of negative energy coming from ill-wishers, evil eyes and damage. It is difficult to lead them astray, unbalance them, causing them to explode or fall into depression. Wearing a stone is the key to a strong nervous system, which is difficult to shake and negatively affect. The owner of the mineral will not be covered by storms of passion, and the energy that could be spent on empty chores will be directed toward creation and career growth.

This stone has a great influence on the fairer sex. It makes them more attractive and charming in the eyes of men. But for this, the frame for the stone must be silver. Petersit will also help them to assert themselves both in society and in the professional field.

Magicians use this gem for meditation, as it is able to make its holder more focused, and will also contribute to his internal enlightenment, which will help achieve a certain result - harmony and balance of internal forces. Despite the fact that this stone was officially discovered only in the 20th century, it has been known to African tribes since time immemorial. Ancient sorcerers used it for their magical acts, thanks to which a connection with the other world arose.

The magical properties of the stone do not end there. People also called this mineral the “Stone of Change.” This suggests that the bearer of the gem became courageous and brave, persistent and adamant, purposeful and fearless. The stone contributed to making quick and correct decisions, without the slightest hesitation. If a crystal is worn around the neck, it will enhance oratory abilities, surround its owner with an aura of trust and respect, and bring success and fame. This suggests that public people, as well as teaching staff, should have Petersit as a talisman.


Even though Petersite was recently discovered, it is widely used to create beautiful jewelry. Moreover, it is compatible with any precious stones. This mineral is inserted into pendants, earrings, bracelets, pendants, cufflinks, and rings are made from it. Jewelry using other semi-precious stones is often found. The combination of Petersite with amethysts, beryls, and rauchtopazes looks especially beautiful.

The cost of the products is impressive, so not everyone can afford to buy such jewelry. But it is often used in famous brands, they decorate outfits with it, and wear jewelry to match the color of the eyes.

Amulets and talismans

It has already been proven that Petersit makes excellent amulets and talismans. Moreover, the method of finishing and cutting do not matter. They are able to support a person at any moment, set him up for business communication, remove indecision, calm him down and relieve anger. If your work involves constant communication, then wearing such a talisman is a must. It is believed that:

  • a ring with a gem will help the owner become a universal favorite among his listeners and subordinates;
  • leaders, teachers, lecturers will present their thoughts concisely, intelligibly and interestingly;
  • the owner of the mineral will never scream, will not take out his anger on others, will not fall into depression;
  • It is advisable to give talismans as a gift or pass them on as an inheritance, as this way they multiply their magical qualities.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

Petersite became known to modern people only recently, so astrologers have not yet identified clear relationships between it and the signs of the zodiac. It is assumed that it is most suitable for Aries, Capricorn, Cancer, Leo, Libra .

It has been established that the stone does not negatively affect people energetically. Its kind energy makes the owner’s aura calmer, and the person’s mood and health improve.

Therefore, representatives of all zodiac signs can wear jewelry, talismans, and amulets made of petersite.

Aquarians to wear jewelry made from this stone only on their hands (ring, ring, bracelet).

Stone of storms - incredible petersite

In today’s article I want to talk about the incredible, multifaceted stone Petersite. He’s interesting to me precisely because sometimes he doesn’t look like himself. Blue, gray, almost black, blue, gray, brown, beige... And it's all one stone!

Geographical features also left their mark on the color of the mineral. Most often it has a yellowish or exotic yellowish-green coloration, although it also comes in rarer blue and dark blue shades.

However, regardless of color, Petersite is famous for its rare iridescence. When viewed from all sides, the numerous veins of color evoke a silky shimmer of light. Visual fibrousness is created by multi-colored stripes, which can be arranged in bright isolated lines or in whole bunches.

In African tribes, this mineral has long been known as the Stone of Storms. However, it became widely popular only in 1962 thanks to Sidney Peters, who studied land in Namibia with the aim of developing his own farming and found a valuable deposit. The stone was registered two years later in Britain, receiving the name in honor of its official discoverer.

Petersite is like a smaller copy of the surface of a distant planet, where chaos of storms and winds reigns, beautiful in its fury. Whatever Petersit is, no matter where it comes from, “African” passions always boil within it, as if in reminder of the first deposit found; it seems to contain a small world with its own emotions and passions, so similar to the one that is around and inside us, and we are given the opportunity to look at it from the outside.

The famous American jeweler David Yurman, recognized as America's premier jeweler, used Petersite in his collection of exotic stones created for men. These are excellent cufflinks, rings and token pendants. Products from the David Yurman brand have been seen on such celebrities as Brad Pitt, Kate Hudson, Eva Mendes, Ashley Olsen.

It is now much easier to buy Petersite than it was before China discovered the deposit in 1997, but its price is still high due to dwindling reserves at known mining sites. Therefore, the likelihood of stumbling upon a fake is quite high. To distinguish it from a real stone, just look at it carefully.

Small bubbles in the texture should immediately alert you, and a too uniform color of the gem may also be a reason to refuse the purchase. Check the stone for strength; if you run a needle over a real mineral, nothing will happen to it, but thin shavings will form on a fake.

Petersit loves to be handled with care; do not wear jewelry with it to the bathhouse, pool or gym. It is recommended to remove the stone before going to bed. For storage, choose reliable and soft boxes to protect the stone from scratches.

Thank you for your attention! Best regards, Julia.

How to care

Petersite requires delicate care:

  • The place where it is stored should be soft and dark.
  • The gem should be protected from impacts, falls, and direct sunlight.
  • You should put on jewelry after applying makeup to prevent cosmetics from getting on the stone.
  • Before visiting a bathhouse, swimming pool, beach, or before playing sports, it is better to remove jewelry made from pietersite.
  • You need to clean the gem without chemicals or abrasives. It is better not to allow severe contamination, but to immediately remove dust and traces of sweat with a damp cloth.

Stone care

Like any other precious mineral, Petersite requires some care. You definitely need to buy a separate case for it with a fabric base and walls. Store separately from other jewelry, protect from shock, moisture and bright sunlight. When playing sports, it is best to remove jewelry with this gem. It is advisable to do the same when taking a shower, going to the bathhouse or swimming pool. You should not clean the mineral very often and without using abrasive substances. You can carefully remove dust using warm running water.

How to distinguish from a fake

Petersite is a very rare stone, so it is not cheap. It is actively counterfeited, making imitations from painted glass or plastic.

Methods for identifying plastic counterfeit:

  • Take the product in your hands. If it is made of plastic, it will heat up quickly.
  • Consider the weight - plastic is relatively light.
  • You can run a needle over the surface. The appearance of shavings is a sign of a fake.

Characteristics of painted glass:

  • internal bubbles (you can use a magnifying glass to see them);
  • lack of silky shine;
  • standard pattern.

Remember that the equipment is not capable of reproducing the harmony of chaos that nature has endowed this stone with.

In Petersite, all the colors are natural, natural, and the transitions from shade to shade are sharp.

In the jewelry market, tiger-hawk's eye is often passed off as pietersite (this is the trade name of the stone), since the pietersite brand is now more popular. If at the same time the price is set as for real pietersite, then this is already a fraud, since tiger-hawk's eye is much cheaper.

The colors of tiger-hawk's eye sometimes correspond to the colors of pietersite, but its structure is different, the stripes are clearly defined, in contrast to the chaotic arrangement of colored fibrous fragments on the surface of pietersite.

Prices for Petersite products

The most common items on the jewelry market are petersite products in silver frames (earrings are valued at $100-$150, rings at $50-$100). The cost of gold jewelry with Petersites is much higher; even modest stud earrings cannot be purchased for less than $350. Bracelets, beads and similar items are not made from Petersite due to its rarity and high cost.


Despite the fact that Petersite is a semi-precious stone, the demand for it is high, and therefore the cost is rather high.

In Russia you can buy products made from this gem at the following prices (thousand rubles) :

  • earrings (gold) - 18–21 ; (silver) - 3.4–5.9 ;
  • ring (silver) - 3,4–5,9;
  • Pietersite egg (35x24 mm, Namibia) - 7,2;
  • cabochon (23 carats, Namibia) — 4,3.

In China, you can buy wholesale jewelry in which pietersite is combined with other semi-precious stones, for example, beryl.

Talismans and amulets

Petersite is an extremely strong mineral that can not only develop insight in a person, but also eliminate depression and nervous breakdowns. People who often speak in front of a huge audience absolutely need to acquire a product with this stone: a trusting atmosphere begins to develop around the owner of the jewelry, attracting victories and successes.

If you suffer from poor memory, then earrings, clips or rings with Petersite can eliminate this ailment. In case of prolonged depression, it is recommended to wear petersite in a gold frame. In silver, the stone is able to protect its owner from almost any evil eye.

physical characteristics

Officially, Petersite is considered one of the varieties of tiger's eye and belongs to the group of translucent quartz. The rock consists of silicon and oxygen (silicon dioxide). Hardness on the Mohs scale for different samples can vary from 3 to 4 units. Molecular weight 927.2 units with a density of 3.42 g/cm³.

The rock has a hexagonal structure and uneven fractures. Translucent or completely opaque stone has a glassy sheen. Thermal conductivity is high, it comes into contact with hydrofluoric acid and is destroyed.

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