Jet - Black Amber - photos, jewelry, who suits it

Description of physical and chemical properties

This stone also has other names - black amber, black jasper. The gem can also be called gisher. In fact, it is not a mineral. This is an organic rock that was obtained from layers of fossils pressed together.

Experts say that it is based on an ancient coniferous tree called Araucaria. When it entered the water, it became saturated with it and sank to the bottom. As a result, the wood was enveloped in clay and carbonization took place for many thousands of years. From these remains black jet was obtained.

The main properties of this stone include the following:

  • form of isolation - thin layers, lenses, pieces;
  • hardness parameters – 3-3.5;
  • opaque structure;
  • black or brown-black color.

80% of jet consists of carbon. What does a gem look like? The best examples have a rich black tint. There are also other shades - blue-black or brown-brown. In addition, there are homogeneous specimens with a shiny mother-of-pearl surface.

Although the stone seems loose and light, it changes structure when heated from 120 degrees. This means that it is highly durable. At the same time, jet is considered malleable and scratches easily.

High viscosity does not help to split the stone without effort. Moreover, the gem does not have a crystal lattice. Sharp temperature fluctuations are contraindicated, as is high humidity. The inside of the stone is considered homogeneous, and shells are visible on the chips.

Magical properties of jet

Jet or black amber has long been endowed with magical characteristics. The stone was revered by representatives of different faiths. As protection and amulet, the monks used the gem to create rosaries. At the same time, magicians used it for rituals.

The magical properties of the stone are as follows:

  1. Protects the house and its inhabitants from evil forces. For a long time, it was customary to store stones in old clothes that were not worn outside. Many people were sure that the stone helped protect against the evil eye and damage.
  2. It influences the subconscious of other people and helps to cast love spells. Magicians used jet stone to bewitch another person. To do this, it was enough to hold the pebble in your hands and think about your beloved. After this, the stone was given to the person.
  3. Helps you see the future. This magical feature of the crystal was often used by sorcerers who wanted to foresee the future or unravel the truth of existence. They performed rituals or meditations using the crystal, using jet as the main element.
  4. Helps predict fate. Runes were often made from black amber. They were used for fortune telling by people who wanted to know their future.
  5. Helps people choose a path in life. The ancestors were sure that the owners of this stone became decisive and were lucky in any endeavor. At the same time, difficulties are easily overcome, and dangerous situations pass by.
  6. Helps diagnose diseases. Healers lit jet and watched the smoke. This helped them assess health conditions and identify epilepsy, which is considered real magic.
  7. The old-timers were sure that the stone must be carried with them at all times. The magical properties inherent in jet helped protect against danger. If a threat approached, the stone acquired a dull color and lost its beautiful shine. Such a gem was beginning to look not very attractive.


A raw stone weighing 150 grams costs 100-200 rubles. Small fragments are sold in packages: 300 grams - 500-600 rubles. The price per gram in the online store is 25 kopecks. You can find cheaper ones too.

Crafts made from black amber, of course, cost much more. Beads and rosaries cost about 1.5-2 thousand rubles. Bracelets are cheaper. This is true if you use the assembly line method. Original works are more expensive, but also more attractive. The final price depends on the complexity of the design, the subtlety of the design and the amount of material used.

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Tags:Jet stone: properties, what it looks like, who it suits according to their zodiac sign

Medicinal properties

The healing properties of jet have been known since ancient times. Today they are used by lithotherapists. Black amber helps to cope with pain of a different nature. With its help, it is possible to eliminate headaches, toothaches, and joint pains.

The inherent properties of jet help to obtain the following results:

  • eliminate tumor formations;
  • cope with kidney diseases;
  • eliminate bladder pathologies;
  • improve liver and pancreas functions;
  • normalize blood pressure - in this case, the gem can be used for both hypotension and hypertension.

To get the desired effect, it is important to use a specific jet product:

  • A bracelet will help cope with joint pain;
  • to normalize the functioning of internal organs, you should wear a pendant on a chain;
  • Water infused with jet will help eliminate tooth pain.

The black gem functions as a sponge. It absorbs all the dirt that accumulates in the body. The mineral filters harmful energy. Therefore, it may deteriorate over time. To avoid such problems, the gem must be constantly cleansed of negative energy. To do this, you should use magical rituals.

Salt is an excellent cleansing option. It has been used since ancient times to remove the negative energy of talismans. A more powerful method is purification by fire. To achieve the desired effect, just pass the jet amulet over the candle. This must be done an odd number of times - 3 or 7. After this, the gem must be rinsed with water.

Application in astrology

Many people are interested in who this stone is suitable for according to their zodiac sign. The gem is most suitable for Cancers and Pisces. Insecure people who belong to these signs will be able to become more decisive, cope with hesitations, develop the ability to defend their own opinions and think soberly.

This gem should be used by Capricorns and Scorpios as an amulet to attract good luck. It helps smooth out rough edges and find a common language with other people. At the same time, the crystal helps to avoid stress.

Jet is not always suitable for Leos, Aries and Aquarius. These already strong people can become more self-confident and hot-tempered. This doesn't always work to their advantage.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

As a rule, it is recommended to choose gems taking into account your personality traits. At the same time, the energy of the talisman should be in harmony with the energy of the talisman. Most often, black amber is recommended for use by the following zodiac signs:

  1. Cancer - jet can be just perfect for them. By nature, Cancers are considered not too decisive. At the same time, a talisman made from this gem helps to overcome complexes and believe in yourself.
  2. Pisces - representatives of this sign are considered quite dreamy. At the same time, jet helps them return to reality and begin to act.
  3. Scorpio – representatives of this sign need support. A black gem will suit fans of a discreet clothing style. It also helps to cope with hostility towards the world.
  4. Capricorn - black jasper is also suitable for representatives of this sign. However, they should be careful. The gem brings good luck in risky endeavors. At the same time, it can make a brave person more frivolous.

Note! For Leos, Aries and Sagittarius, jet can be made a temporary talisman. However, astrologers do not recommend wearing products with it every day.

Representatives of other signs should not expect benefits from the gem. In this case, there is a risk of manifestation of not the best qualities of the jet. To prevent imbalance, it is not necessary to use such a talisman, since the compatibility is not very good.

Mistakes when wearing black amber

In order not to look old-fashioned, but at the same time wear jewelry with amber, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • avoid wearing sets, give preference to one accessory;
  • It is better to give preference to decorations with non-standard shapes;
  • the stone goes best with a white shirt or a plain outfit;
  • do not choose old-fashioned things if you decide to wear amber jewelry;
  • the ideal combination of amber will be with dense fabrics;
  • do not use several types of stones at once in your image, otherwise it will look tasteless and old-fashioned;
  • when choosing everyday jewelry, give preference to small stones, but if you want to attend an evening event with an amber accessory, then it is better to choose larger bead options.

Despite the fact that amber is considered a “grandmother’s” stone, recently it has become increasingly popular among young people. To look stylish, you just need to choose the right clothes and accessories.

Sincerely, production enterprise "Amberprofi"

Jewelry and products with jet

The amazing properties of jet allow you to make various jewelry from it. Jewelry stores offer many earrings, pendants, and rings with this gem. They are relatively inexpensive. You can buy a small piece with black amber for literally $15. Gold jewelry will cost a little more – about $40.

Various handmade products are no less popular. Decorative knives, dishes, and figurines look beautiful. In industrial conditions, jet is used to make vases, sculptures, and frames.

Jewelry made with the addition of other stones is often found on sale. Rock crystal and amber are usually used as additions. Also, the properties of the mineral are enhanced in combination with zirconium, sapphire, cubic zirconia.


A stone was discovered on the banks of the Gagae River, as a result of which it received the name jet. However, since it looks like amber, in Ancient Greece it was called that, and in the Caucasus it is called black jasper. He also has another name - gisher, which means “night” in Armenian. According to data, it began to be used as an ornamental gem about 3000 years ago. Archaeologists discovered jewelry and household items. They were found in Germany and England. Queen Elizabeth preferred accessories inlaid with this stone, which suited her strict style. Nowadays, stones are also used to create jewelry, for example, beads and bracelets. Muslims, Buddhists and Christians make rosaries from jet.

How to spot a fake

Since jet is considered a fairly rare mineral, it is often counterfeited. In this case, there is a risk of buying a gem made of painted glass or plastic. To distinguish natural material, you should pay attention to the following features:

  • a natural gem becomes electrified when heated;
  • it can be easily scratched;
  • jet almost always remains warm, which cannot be said about other crystals;
  • natural black amber creates a feeling of lightness in the hand.

Raw jet is light and warm. It is these characteristics that make it possible to identify a natural gem, since other stones appear cooler and heavier.

Jet is a fairly rare stone that has pronounced decorative properties. In addition, the gem has magical and healing properties.

Place of Birth

The fossil was discovered in different parts of the planet, but was professionally mined and developed in England. High quality minerals were supplied to the market. The deposit known for many centuries is Yorkshire. There are several other famous mines: Whitby, Aude, Asturias, Württemberg. Other major jet mining sites are scattered across the countries:

  • Siberia: Irkutsk region, Sakhalin, Kamchatka;
  • India;
  • Vietnam;
  • France;
  • Germany;
  • Caucasus;
  • Ukraine.

The use of the gem depends on the breed, where it was mined and its quality.

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