Characteristics of 585 gold, what does this marking mean?

Post updated: May 28, 2020

Various jewelry made by skilled jewelers at all times attracts the constant attention of the fair half of humanity, while men simply open their wallets to purchase exquisite and sophisticated products, especially the popular 585 standard. Gold has always been not just decoration, but a symbol of power, status, wealth and luxury.

In the Russian Federation, gold standard 585 received official recognition back in 1994. Along with the number indicating the hallmark, an hallmark was placed in the form of a five-pointed star, inside of which a hammer and sickle is engraved. At sample 585 in the early 2000s, when branding products, together with the number 585 they began to depict a woman’s head in profile wearing a kokoshnik. At the moment, 585 standard gold is the most popular standard not only in the Russian Federation, but also in other post-Soviet states. Products made from this precious metal have an optimal balance between quality and cost. Many families traditionally purchase 585 gold as a good gift for any occasion.

  • How many carats corresponds to 585
  • 585 alloy and its composition
  • Cost 585 samples
  • Peculiarities
  • Investing in Jewelry

How many carats corresponds to 585

According to international standards, 585 gold purity is equivalent to a 14-karat gold alloy. In the USSR, the most popular was the 583 sample. But in other countries of the world this sample was not quoted, since it was inferior to the quality of 14 carat gold due to the lower content of pure precious metal in the alloy. In the 90s, the jewelry concern of the former USSR decided to replace the old 583 standard with the new 585.


Jewelers talk about five hundred and eighty-fifth when answering the question which standard of gold is the best. 585 is suitable for daily wear. The alloy contains 58.5% gold and silver, nickel, copper. The color varies from white to red depending on the percentage of metals in the alloy. Silver and platinum give a white tint, copper - red.

Gold red shade is popular in China, Turkey, and India.

The advantage is the price/quality ratio. Bracelets, chains, and rings are durable, do not lose their appearance, and do not require regular cleaning or special storage conditions.

Does not cause allergies, skin redness, itching, does not leave spots or streaks. The surface does not darken or lose its shine.

585 is cheaper than other samples and is sold in jewelry stores, pawn shops, and online auctions. Suitable for thin elements. The content of the ligature allows you to achieve incredible shades.

585 alloy and its composition

Many people are interested in the composition of the 585 gold alloy. It consists of 58.5 percent pure precious metal and two other metals, in other words alloys: copper no more than 34 percent and silver. Due to the sufficiently large amount of pure precious metal, the appearance of the 585-grade product does not fade during use. Copper in the alloy gives 585-grade products special strength and hardness.

585 sample has a slight pink tint.

Different shades of 585 are created by a jewelry manufacturer by adding alloy metals in certain quantities. For example, we can recall white gold, which has become very popular in the manufacture of jewelry. How much gold and what impurities are in a similar sample of 585 marking? The alloy consists of 58.5% pure precious metal and alloy metals - nickel or palladium. The predominance of nickel gives the product a slightly yellowish tint. Regular 585 sterling silver products traditionally have a light pink tint.

Characteristics of gold with purity 585

Gold itself is a soft metal with a low hardness rating. This measure is assessed on a ten-point Mohs scale. The maximum score of 10 points is assigned to diamond, while gold (for comparison) claims only 2 points. If we talk about the density of gold, it is considered high. In terms of its density, gold is second only to platinum and other metals belonging to the platinum group.

The density of 585 gold directly depends on the composition of the alloy. The most dense is the alloy in which silver predominates in the alloy, since the latter has a high density.

The properties of gold with 585 purity depend on the components of the alloy:

  • platinum gives the alloy elasticity, but only if it is more than 8%;
  • palladium increases the ductility of the alloy;
  • zinc increases fluidity;
  • aluminum enhances anti-corrosion properties;
  • Nickel gives the alloy hardness.

Every person who decides to buy jewelry made of any gold, including 585 gold, should give preference to large jewelry stores with an excellent reputation and certified goods. This approach will help you avoid purchasing counterfeit jewelry.


Since ancient times, yellow metal has shown the status and wealth of the owner, even now, throughout the world, this precious metal has not lost its role. What makes it eternally valuable? After all, this metal is one of the softest, according to the ten-point Mohs scale, pure gold is valued at only a few points, and the hardest is diamond, which is valued at 10 points.

Physical characteristics and rarity make this metal very valuable and it is second only to platinum in value. The colors of the 585 gold alloy vary from green to light yellow. The density ranges from 12.85 g/cm3 to 14.76 g/cm3 depending on the shade and composition of the ligature. Numerical density readings mean specific gravity, for example, in a 585 white gold bar it is 12.85 g/cm3. Simply put, the product has a density 12.85 times higher than the same volume of water.

Depending on the impurities, the color of gold changes.

The melting point of gold is 1064.18 °C, the boiling process occurs at 2856 degrees Celsius. The density in liquid form is less than in solid form and is 17 g/cm3. Since 585 gold is an alloy consisting of pure precious metal and alloy metals, its melting point depends on the properties of impurities.

Each component imparts certain properties to the alloy.

Silver in the alloy makes gold ductile, easy to forge and changes its color. It also reduces the melting point and this makes the metal processing process easier and faster.

Copper makes the alloy harder, but it impairs its anti-corrosion qualities. If there is a large amount of copper, the alloy may have a darkened surface.

Platinum makes the alloy more elastic, while reducing its melting point, giving it a magnificent white hue, provided its content in the alloy is at least 8 percent.

585 standard is most often used in the jewelry industry.

Palladium increases the melting point of the alloy and makes it more ductile. When the palladium content is above 10 percent, gold becomes white, with a slight beige tint.

The zinc in the gold alloy makes it harder, while its fluidity increases and the melting point decreases. It brightens the alloy, making it suitable for use in white gold.

Nickel helps to increase the ductility and hardness of the alloy, but at the same time it exhibits the qualities of a magnet.

Aluminum makes the alloy ductile and gives it a mirror surface and anti-corrosion qualities.

Vintage jewelry.

It has now become very fashionable to order various vintage-style family jewelry from jewelers. These products have a wonderful combination with both white and gold of other shades. 14k white gold is made from 585 parts pure metal with 425 parts alloy, usually containing nickel or palladium. Photo catalogs of this kind of products can be found in many jewelry workshops that make custom jewelry.

The concept of a test and the procedure for its application

The term “assay” itself originally meant the procedure for determining the proportion of precious metal in the composition of an alloy, but now the assay is called the numerical value of the share of the noble metal, as well as the hallmark itself containing this value.

Sample is the weight content of the metal being tested in the alloy composition. It is by weight, not by volume, that is, 1 kilogram contains 585 grams of a chemically pure base component, and the remaining 415 grams are ligature elements.

If the proportion of the base metal is strictly regulated by law, then the composition of impurities can vary greatly, which is why gold products of the same standard can differ greatly both in color and in other properties.

Russian legislation requires that all industrially manufactured products containing at least 30% precious metals be marked with an assay mark confirming the content of the element being assayed. These requirements also apply to foreign-made products intended for sale. It should be noted that in Russia the mark is placed exclusively by the state Assay Supervision Inspectorate; the manufacturer does not have such a right.

The mark contains four attributes. The first is the letter symbol of one of the 18 assay inspections that tested and hallmarked this product. So, “M” means Moscow Inspectorate, “L” means St. Petersburg, “S” means Yekaterinburg, “G” means Nizhny Novgorod. The second symbol is the mark of the assay certificate. Currently, this is a symbol indicated by the profile of a female head in a kokoshnik, pointing to the right, as on Russian stamps of the early 20th century. In the period from 1958 to 1994, this sign was a five-pointed star with a sickle and hammer enclosed inside it, and in the years 1927-1958, the head of a worker with a hammer was chosen to represent the hallmark. The third symbol is the sample itself, that is, a three-digit number of thousandths of the precious metal content in the metric system. The fourth symbol is the stamp frame. On gold products the frame contains right angles; for silver products the frame is oval with cut ends; for platinum products it is octagonal.

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As with all measures, the sampling system in Russia is discrete. For an alloy containing 80% gold, the assay office will grade 750, since 800 does not exist. The legal standards for gold are 375, 500, 583, 585, 750, 958 and 999, approximately corresponding to the 9, 12, 14, 14, 18, 23 and 24 carat samples according to the carat system in force in the USA and Canada.

Investing in Jewelry

According to experts, jewelry, of any standard, is not profitable as a source of investment. They do not belong to the class of investment instruments or the so-called “investment instrument”, unlike gold coins, bars or impersonal metal accounts.

At its core, an investment is money that brings profit over a certain period of time. When purchasing gold in the form of jewelry, it is very difficult to subsequently sell it for the purchase price, unless it is antique.

When delivered to a pawnshop, the product will not cost as much as a gram of gold at Sberbank, since the jewelry will be valued not as the work of skilled jewelers, but as scrap precious metal, which will be significantly lower than its original cost.

What colors does gold come in and why?

Tiffany&Co white gold earrings, Sunlight rose gold ring

The color of gold jewelry depends on the additives used in it. In Russia, it is customary to add copper to alloys, because Russian gold is clearly visible by its red tint; in Europe and America - silver, because foreign gold has a predominantly yellow tint.

The most valuable, reliable and expensive are products made of white gold, the alloy of which is another alloy - platinum, palladium or nickel. But sometimes nickel can cause allergies in the person wearing the jewelry.

Buying black gold, the price of which is higher than that of jewelry made from a standard alloy, is not easy. It is quite reliable, does not oxidize and is practically hypoallergenic. Few jewelry stores can boast of having such products in their assortment.

Where is pure gold found?

In rare cases, only pure metal inserts are used in jewelry, which jewelers have to frame with other, more durable ones, so as not to be subject to deformation.

Gold of the highest standard is used for jewelry in Arab countries and the Far East. Also, the purest products are produced in Japan, but in exclusive samples. The owners of such masterpieces sometimes put on the “treasures” only once in their entire lives, during the most solemn ceremonies, after which they are passed on by inheritance or melted down.

Where can you buy and sell gold 585 profitably?

Various possibilities are being considered:

  • jewelry stores, where discounts and discounts are provided for regular purchases;
  • Internet sites that sell new or used products;
  • pawnshops;
  • departments located in large shopping centers;
  • markets.

Some stores offering a wide range of certified 585 products:

CityName of shopContacts
MoscowMoscow Jewelry Factory8(800)100-19-20
Saint Petersburg"Jeweler Karat"+7(812)294-88-00

Jewelry on sale

Is gold harmful or beneficial?

It is generally accepted that it has a beneficial effect on the human body, tones and adds strength, has a positive effect on the nervous and cardiac system, and lowers blood pressure.

But we must not forget that white gold can cause allergies, as it contains nickel. And according to statistics, every 8th person on the planet is allergic to nickel.

Since 2000, the European Union has allowed the production of white gold only with the addition of palladium.

Where is 585 standard yellow metal used?

Most often the precious metal is used:

  • In the jewelry industry;

  • In electronics;
  • In the creation of religious objects and church accessories;
  • In the chemical industry;
  • As a means of preserving capital;

The most widespread use of this material is, of course, in jewelry production. Then comes the creation of church utensils, decorating domes, covering decorative elements, and similar purposes. Precious gold also has unique physical properties: it conducts current very well, is very resistant to chemicals, and is practically not subject to corrosion. This led to the widespread use of metal in the production of electronics and printed circuit boards, in the creation of special chemical glassware, and, of course, as a means of preserving accumulated values.

Red gold

Just not to be confused with elite red gold, which has long been considered one of the highest quality. Red gold and its shades (pink) are obtained by adding copper to gold. Most often represented by 585-carat gold.

Among jewelry, we note that red gold is the most popular. As for the price, it is much inferior to traditional yellow gold due to the addition of copper to the composition (and the more of it, the cheaper the jewelry will be).

Differences from other samples


In fact, 585 is 583. The whole difference is 0.2% of gold. But if the 583 standard is known only in Russia, 585 is also valued abroad. Stamps with the mark 583 are no longer produced - it remains in the USSR.


375 alloy is one of the lowest grade, and is significantly different from 585. But at the same time, it is more similar to natural gold in color. But 585 sample does not darken when worn and does not stain the skin.

History of appearance

A new mark appeared on products in 1994. It replaced the most popular standard in the Soviet Union - 583, which had not been replaced since 1927. This was the very first figure after the formation of a system for determining the quality of an alloy in digital format. The replacement occurred due to lower valuations of precious items in the USSR than of the same alloys abroad. Then the jewelers came to the decision to increase the gold content by 0.2%, so that domestic products would be valued higher than foreign ones.

The best standard of gold

By comparing the characteristics of all six gold alloys, you can understand which gold alloy is the best. The most optimal markings are samples 585 and 750. They are both good in cost and quality. If you decide strictly between them, then the best standard of gold is 585, because it has excellent quality and an affordable price.

It is also important to remember that regardless of the grade and its quality, it is important not to forget to take care of gold products and jewelry in order to maintain their beautiful appearance. To do this, it is important to remember simple recommendations:

  • Store gold items in boxes or drawers made of wood or metal. Cardboard and paper can cause a chemical reaction that will cause the gold to tarnish.
  • Remove rings and bracelets when using leather care products, as they may contain certain components that, on a chemical level, negatively affect the gold surface, making it duller.
  • Don't forget to clean your gold jewelry regularly. You can use vinegar, ammonia, or onion juice for these purposes. After cleaning, the jewelry must be wiped dry.
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