Heliodor - dangerous splendor, a mineral born of the Sun

Heliodor stone or sun stone, translated from Greek means the gift of the sun. Heliodor - golden beryl. Its crystals evoke the imagination of sparkling rays of the sun. Ancient doctors and priests used the stone in medicine and in performing religious rites dedicated to the sun.

The composition of the stone is characterized by the formula – Be3Al2Si6O18. Sometimes the mineral contains Fe3+ impurities, so its color varies from golden yellow to yellow-green and even orange-yellow.

The stone is transparent, translucent. There is no cleavage. Fracture – uneven, conchoidal Luster – matte, glassy Hardness: 7.5–8 Density in g/cm3 – 2.67–2.69 Heliodor is characterized by increased hardness and immunity to acids. A crystal heated to 400ºС turns blue.


The stone was used and known by different names in different parts of the world:

  • Pliny the Elder mentions it in his Natural History as the Chalcedonian emerald.
  • In Southeast Asia, gold heliodors were available only to rulers. The maharajas considered the stone the key to the prosperity of the clan.
  • In Ancient Rus' it was called livirion and golden emerald.
  • The ancient Egyptians made jewelry from it, which is unearthed by archaeologists today.

In Greek, the term heliodor means “gift of Helios” (the sun god in the ancient Greek pantheon). This male name was very popular in the Ancient world.

Today there is another version in use. The color of bright yellow beryls is associated with the French d`or (golden) and the stones are called “golden beryls”. This technique is considered commercially successful. Sometimes the mineral is called goldberyl.

The record holders among American stones are a 216-carat Brazilian and a 133.8-carat specimen from the USA. Russian Pride is a bright green mineral of absolute transparency, 20 cm long. They are kept in museums in the USA and Russia.

Physico-chemical characteristics

The mineral heliodor for a chemist is a silicate from the beryl family. The color is determined by impurities: the more iron, the more green thread-like veins inside. The most dangerous component is uranium. The more of it, the bluer and more transparent the specimen heated to 400°C.

ColorGolden yellow
Stroke colorWhite
KinkUneven, conchoidal
Density2.8 g/cm³

In terms of hardness, heliodor is comparable to aquamarine or emerald.

An important property of heliodor is its color instability. When heated or irradiated, it turns blue. That is, refined heliodor becomes aquamarine. Repeated processing or prolonged exposure to light restores color.

Which stones go with?

Heliodor is a fire stone. It goes well with its fellow elements - ruby, amber, diamond, spinel and others. Heliodor is not friendly with earthly (onyx, jade, malachite, turquoise) and water (aquamarine, coral, pearl) gems, but is neutral with airy gems (chrysoprase, chalcedony, sardonyx, smoky and rose quartz).

Place of Birth

The first pebble, resembling a radiant fragment of the sun, was found in Namibia a little over a hundred years ago, in 1910. This deposit is still active today. The second African source of stone is Madagascar.

There are reserves on other continents:

  • Asia – Sri Lanka, Tajikistan.
  • America – USA, Brazil, Argentina.

The US deposits are the largest, but 90% of jewelry raw materials come from Brazil.

  • Europe – Ukraine, Norway, Finland. Stones from Ukraine (Volyn region) are distinguished by their greenish tint, almost complete transparency and gigantic sizes - up to 100 carats after cutting.

Gold beryl of jewelry grade is mined in Russia - the Urals, Siberia, Transbaikalia. Transbaikal stones are simply giants, up to 20 cm. There are specimens with golden banding, a thick yellow core and a bluish “trail”.

Where is the stone used?

The only area of ​​application of the stone is high jewelry.

Ring with heliodor

Even large inserts and massive frames do not visually “weight” heliodor products. Glitter and radiance create a festive mood. And the hostess is made irresistibly attractive and mysterious.

This is the favorite stone of the great Gabrielle Chanel. In the L'Esprit du Lion collection from Chanel, 2022, the first violin was given to golden beryl. A golden gem adorns a parure of a necklace (32 stones), a bracelet (15) and earrings (3 each).

In jewelry, transparent bright gold, lemon, and orange stones are considered the most valuable.

Dullness and low transparency reduce the cost of the stone by multiples. Such specimens are taken by mineral collectors or manufacturers of inexpensive hand-made jewelry.

Sunstone colors

Heliodor is not called golden beryl for nothing. It really resembles a noble metal in its color. The mineral has many shades. These include:

  • orange is the most common;

  • citric;

  • reddish, like red gold;

  • rich green;

  • greenish yellow;

Heliodor stone also differs in its degree of transparency. The most valuable specimens of the mineral are transparent, like glass. Cloudy crystals are much cheaper. It is extremely rare to find heliodor that combines several shades. It looks amazing in jewelry, but can also cost a fortune.

One of the most expensive stones is an absolutely transparent emerald-colored crystal 20 cm high. It was found in the Urals and is currently stored in the Mining Institute of St. Petersburg.

Not long ago, methods for growing gems in laboratories were developed. The resulting heliodors look almost indistinguishable from natural ones and are cheaper, but are not suitable for magical practices.

How to care

Heliodor is strong, but vulnerable.

You should look after it carefully:

  1. The sun stone is afraid of the harsh rays of the sun. A long stay on the beach, a summer walk, or in the mountains is fraught with burnout of the gem. Restoring the color is problematic.
  2. To maintain shine, the gem is regularly bathed in warm water with neutral (preferably baby) soap or a couple of drops of ammonia. Immediately wipe dry with a napkin.
  3. Cleaning jewelry with glued inserts requires the dry method. They are simply wiped with damp soda.
  4. From falls or strong impacts, the stone may chip or become cracked.

You can store heliodor jewelry in a box with other stones.

Caring for products with heliodor

In order for jewelry with heliodor to retain its beauty for as long as possible, it must be properly cared for. First of all, the mineral should be protected from falling. The fact is that although the gem itself is strong, it may have small cracks. A few blows can damage the jewelry irrevocably.

Protect stone products from falls.

The stone should be cleaned and washed from time to time. For this you will need warm water, a few drops of ammonia and ordinary laundry soap without additives. Rinse the product thoroughly, then carefully dry with a towel. You should not leave it to dry on its own - the gem can be ruined by unsightly stains. Dry cleaning will also help to preserve the natural beauty of the stone. To do this, you can rub the gem until shiny with regular baking soda, then rinse it off with warm water.

Stones, especially transparent ones, should never be kept in sunlight. When exposed to direct rays, the heliodor mineral begins to fade. It will no longer be possible to return the original color, and the value of the decoration will drop. To prevent this from happening, wear a talisman under your clothes.

How to identify a fake

Heliodor is actively counterfeited. Cheaper stones, glass or synthetic material are used as a substitute:

  • Synthetics. High-quality heliodors of artificial origin do not differ from natural ones, but are devoid of radiation. A seller who values ​​reputation indicates this fact in the description.
  • Other gems. More often they offer similar-looking citrines or quartz. These are natural, but cheaper gems. Heliodor stone can be distinguished from a fake by its specific “flaws” - internal tubules along the axis of the crystal plus the finest whitish inclusions reminiscent of snow.
  • Glass. Identified by internal bubbles and rapid heating in the hands.

Real heliodor, when scratching glass, leaves a mark on it.

Checking Heliodor for authenticity

Heliodor's golden hue makes it similar to citrine or some varieties of quartz. However, a person who understands stones can easily distinguish these minerals from each other. Also, instead of a genuine stone, they like to offer:

  • aquamarines;
  • synthetic analogs that look almost indistinguishable from the real thing. Suitable for decoration, but not for healing or practicing magic;
  • bottle glass painted with special paint. For example, beads made from such a “stylized” material will cost no more than twenty dollars per thread, which in itself should be alarming.

In order not to fall for the bait of unscrupulous sellers, you need to remember how to distinguish a fake.
How can you understand that this is a fake and not a natural mineral? First of all, you should be wary of the too affordable price. Heliodor is a very expensive stone; for example, jewelry with it cannot cost a hundred dollars. But it also happens that a fraudster sells an imitation stone at the price of the original. In order to bring it to light, it is enough to remember some of the unique properties of the gem.

  • Look carefully at the stone under the light. In the original, “special features” will be visible in the thickness of the crystal - small white dots. Counterfeits are most often monochromatic.
  • Heliodor has a rather unstable color. These are its properties due to the characteristics of the crystal lattice. Heat treatment gives it a bluish tint, which makes the specimen more valuable. When reheated, this “ennobling” color is lost.
  • Try running a stone across the glass. Golden beryl is quite hard and will leave noticeable scratches. Fake and synthetic stones are softer and may not damage the glass.

With these tips, you can always purchase a mineral that is ideal for your needs, and you will be confident that you spent your money well.


Jewelers classify heliodor as a semi-precious stone.

The most expensive stones are pure golden-colored stones . Their world price is $20+ per carat. For flawless copies they pay an order of magnitude more.

Earrings with heliodor

In Russia you can buy a varied assortment (price/rub.):

  • yellow stone (cut; 4.85 carats; 9x10 mm) – 15,600;
  • ring (silver) – 14,550;
  • string of beads (aquamarine, heliodor; 10–12 mm) – 3,300;
  • bracelet (heliodor, aquamarine, goshenite, morganite) – 1,890.

The cost of unique samples is measured in tens of thousands of rubles per carat.

Areas of application

Pendant with heliodor

Heliodor is a favorite of jewelers. The stone can be easily processed in any way. All kinds of jewelry are made from it and with it. Precious silver, platinum and gold are used as frames.

Apart from jewelry, nothing else is made from stone - this is due to the fact that large specimens are dangerous to human health due to radiation. However, heliodor is often used in their practices by healers, shamans and sorcerers. They prefer unprocessed samples.

Heliodor and radiation

Each heliodor crystal contains uranium. Its amount is microscopic, but dangerous to health, even human life. The larger and brighter the stone, the more uranium there is, and the greater the radioactive danger. Such natural specimens do not go on sale; they are preserved in special conditions.

Bright gold very large heliodor - artificial or imitation.

The presence of uranium requires care when purchasing a stone or wearing jewelry.

A safe dose is considered to be radiation no higher than 24 microroentgens per hour. It can be easily checked with a dosimeter.

It is better to buy jewelry with heliodor from trusted sellers and not wear it often. A potentially dangerous stone should not come into contact with the thyroid gland, lymph nodes, or formations on the skin.

Golden gem in jewelry: who to believe and where to buy

As a jewelry stone, heliodor is highly valued. Craftsmen are happy to use it for inlaying rings, earrings, pendants, and bracelets. Only specimens that are safe for health are selected, which is why it is so important to buy ready-made products from trusted places.

Reputable sellers will never try to sell a product that is hazardous to health, nor will they try to replace expensive heliodor with citrine that is similar in appearance but cheaper.

Simple differences between genuine stones

The mineral heliodor, just like other precious stones, has been counterfeited. Some people do this so skillfully that it is almost impossible to distinguish a copy, while others manage to achieve even minimal resemblance with great difficulty. Keep in mind that a fake stone, despite its visual identity, will not have the same magical and healing properties as a genuine one. Unjustifiably low cost and unverified points of sale are a reason to analyze the mineral.

Keep in mind that real heliodor is as hard as aquamarine, so it will definitely leave marks on the glass. Counterfeits will not be able to leave scratches, and the same applies to most artificially grown minerals in laboratory conditions, often without meeting the main requirements. Visually, the gems may hardly differ from the original ones in the photo, but the internal composition will become a pitiful semblance of the original and will definitely not bring the expected results.

How to properly care for products

Caring for heliodor, be it earrings or bracelets with a stone, is easy and even pleasant. Minimal care will prolong the beauty of the gem and help preserve its basic properties.

  1. Rule one: protect products from falls. Heliodor is hard and strong, but a few drops can damage its polish.
  2. Rule two: watch the shine of the stone. From time to time, wash the gem in warm water with a small amount of ammonia or natural soap, and wipe dry with a towel.
  3. Rule three: make it a habit to dry clean your jewelry. If it's a ring, it's easy to refresh it with a little baking soda and warm water. Pendants and bracelets are cleaned in the same way.
  4. And lastly: despite the fact that heliodor is a stone of the sun, it does not like direct sunlight. Protect the gem from fading; in this case, you will not be able to restore the color.

Now you know why heliodor can be dangerous, what power a genuine stone has and how to handle it correctly. Tell your friends about the most interesting things about the mineral on social networks!

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Therapeutic effect

Lithotherapists have established the healing properties of the stone:

  • improving metabolism;
  • healing of the spleen, liver, pancreas;
  • regulation of heart rhythm.

By regulating the functioning of the heart, heliodor helps to improve the health of the body as a whole. Especially on an emotional level.

However, the stone increases blood pressure. Therefore, it is useful for hypotensive patients, but is contraindicated for those suffering from hypertension.

Magic properties

The solar gamma determined the magical properties of heliodor. They are used by practicing esotericists and people far from “magic.”

Any pebble or decoration is suitable for solving everyday problems:

  • Heliodor accentuates the best qualities and helps present oneself with dignity.
  • Its contemplation helps to gain mental balance and calm.
  • Awakens inspiration and activates the thought process. For which it is recognized as a talisman of creative people and everyone who comprehends science.
  • Heliodor is worth giving to workaholics.
  • The golden stone is held in special esteem by couples. They are sure that such a talisman will revive former sensuality or relationships.
  • The gem is taken as a talisman by travelers, especially loners or extreme sports enthusiasts.
  • The pebble is placed under the pillow to prevent nightmares.

The magic of heliodor protects the owner from deceitful or dangerous people, increases self-esteem, helps to make a career or find a mate.

Yogis consider heliodor to be the main stone of the Sahasrara. This seventh chakra is responsible for spiritual growth and the state of the aura. For rituals or meditation, unprocessed samples are preferred.

You should not constantly wear a product with a stone: it is fraught with health problems or excess frivolity.

How to distinguish natural heliodor from fake

Heliodor is often confused with citrine. Both minerals have a golden hue, but heliodor is distinguished by noticeable inclusions in the form of white translucent stripes.

The easiest way to distinguish a natural stone from a fake is to try leaving a scratch. It is difficult to damage heliodor due to its high hardness.

A natural gem is resistant to acids, so if you place a fragment of it in acid, the reaction will not occur.

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Heliodorus and the Zodiac

According to astrologers, the influence of heliodor on the signs of the Zodiac is beneficial for everyone.

More than others, it suits Leo and Pisces:

  • Lviv will protect you from fears, complexes, and descent into tyranny. It will drive away unnecessary emotions and doubts in one’s abilities.
  • Making Pisces trust their inner voice more will prevent them from falling into depression. Protects against mood swings.
  • Libra and Gemini are also favorites. The gem will become a source of positivity and make you wiser. It will attract inspiration and prevent nervous breakdowns or burnout at work.

The energy of the stone will be enough for other signs of the Zodiac: the owner of the solar talisman will see the world the same way.

The magical meaning of the stone is reinforced by the material of the frame. Gold is suitable for fire and earth signs, silver is suitable for water and air signs.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

Heliodor has a beneficial effect on all zodiac signs. Owners of a solar talisman begin to pay more attention to the bright sides of life, they are more often visited by joyful, positive thoughts, and a “sunny” mood.

Heliodor especially favors Leo and Pisces ; he has ideal compatibility with them.

  • Leo will begin to think more about others, recognizing that they have the right to their own opinion and freedom of action. Negative emotions and self-doubts will disappear.
  • Pisces will trust their intuition more and will get rid of mood swings. Depression will be avoided, and a joyful attitude will appear.

According to the calculations of astrologers, the energy of Libra and Gemini also goes well with the energy of heliodor. Representatives of these zodiac signs will become wiser, value life more, and be interested in more than just work. Therefore, nervous breakdowns will be eliminated, and inspiration for creativity will appear.

The magical power and significance of heliodor for a person increases if the stone is placed in the right frame: gold suits the zodiac signs of the elements of Fire and Earth, silver - the elements of Water and Air.

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