Herkmyer diamond, Herkimer diamond magical properties

The diamond, which is mined in the Adirondack Mountains of New York State near the town of Herkmeyer, is a double-vertex rock crystal of such purity and brilliance that it is called a diamond. From this article you will learn the magical properties of diamonds and who they are suitable for.

The Herckmeyer Diamond is a type of clear quartz crystal with an unusual shape that resembles a faceted gemstone. Geologists believe that they arose about 500 million years ago, when the mentioned mountain range was formed. Unlike real diamonds, gas bubbles, dark inclusions, and even microdrops of liquid are often visible in Herkmeier quartz crystals. According to one version, the “building material” for Herkmayer diamonds was the silicon shells of single-celled marine organisms—radiolaria.

A handful of Herkmeyers sparkle like real diamonds. The most common mineral on Earth, quartz, has been transformed into a shining pebble in Herkmeier.

The stone is found in small voids (pockets) of the parent rock. It starts out as a small seed crystal and grows from the center outward. Some collectible specimens are stored directly in a piece of parent rock.

The Herkmeyer Diamond amazes with its beauty, purity and perfection. Unlike a diamond, which must be cut and polished to reveal its beauty, a Herkmeier diamond is perfect in its natural form and does not require any treatment. It does not need the touch of human hands. I love making jewelry from both of these gemstones and combining them into one piece.

The magic of the Herkimer Gem

The crystal was called the “Herkimer diamond” because it has a structure that looks like a diamond. This type of quartz has no less powerful energetic impact on the human soul than a diamond.

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The magic of the stone can be traced in religious and psychological directions. The sacred effect of the Herkimer diamond manifests itself with deep faith in God. Herkimer helps an ordinary layman rise to the Heavenly Spirit by promoting astral immersion.

Herkimer Quartz Diamond creates balance between the two hemispheres of the brain:

  • left, responsible for logic (mathematical expressions, logical examples, etc.);
  • right - the guiding creative principle (design, music, etc.).

Herkimer diamond ring

Origin and extraction of stone

Diamond is the hardest mineral in nature, originating in the depths of our planet. A transparent, colorless specimen is the most expensive stone. Its price per carat (0.2 grams) can vary from 600 thousand to 1.5 million rubles. This mineral is formed from pure carbon at a depth of 100-200 km, at a temperature of about 1100 ° C, under high pressure. Diamonds are thrown into the upper layers of the earth's crust due to volcanic eruptions.

After this, kimberlite pipes are formed - deposits of the most valuable stone. But in order to extract just 1 carat of diamond, miners have to process about a ton of kimberlite rock, and this is a very energy-intensive and expensive process. This explains the rather high price of the nugget.

Species information

The rarest diamond is blue, and the most common color is pink. Natural stones are usually classified according to various criteria, such as hardness, density, and level of heat conductivity. But still the main thing is its color. Green, blue, and red are considered rare minerals. Orange and pink diamonds are more common. Popular types of gems and their brief characteristics are presented in the table:

ColorDescription and features
YellowThe color is obtained using a nitrogen atom penetrating the crystal lattice
The cost of a diamond increases depending on the color saturation
Dark variations of the stone are found in Australia
BlueNatural types of mineral that received color due to boron
The stone appears as a result of its refinement

The history of the diamond

The first mineral was discovered in India, long before the beginning of our era. Diamond got its name due to its inherent properties. The literal translation from Arabic is the hardest (“al-mas”). In Ancient Greece, the mineral was called “adamas”, which translated into Russian means indestructible.

In the old days, unlike modern times, only rough diamonds were used as jewelry. But even in its original form, only merchants, kings and the richest people could buy accessories from this stone.

Tsar Ivan the Terrible considered diamonds more expensive and more valuable than all others. By his decree, they began to look for precious stones on Russian soil. However, the first mineral was found only in 1829, in the Perm province.

The mine manager put the nugget in a malachite box and sent it to St. Petersburg as a gift for the queen. After this, several groups of searchers were sent to the Urals, who managed to find several more diamond placers.

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The largest specimen, the famous Cullinan Diamond, was found in Africa and weighed as much as 3106.75 carats. More than a thousand carats of soft blue diamonds were made from this huge gem.

How to properly care

Storing and caring for a precious item is not difficult. It is enough to follow simple recommendations. Contact of products should not be allowed:

  • with dust and dirt;
  • toilet or laundry soap;
  • active chemicals.

Improper handling of gems will lead to their contamination, as a result of which the sparkling crystal will become cloudy and will not emit bright reflections. If it happens that the stone needs cleaning, then it is best to turn to the services of jewelers.

However, even at home you can restore the mineral to its former beauty and shine. To do this you need to prepare a hot solution. Add liquid detergent, table salt and 1 teaspoon each of baking soda to 250 ml of boiling water. The product that needs to be cleaned is also placed here.

The restored jewelry is wiped with a soft velvety cloth and placed for storage in a box or special case. If there are a lot of products, then each should be in a separate cell or velvet bag.

This is interesting

  • One of the rarest Herkimer diamonds is quartz with drops of oil inside. The age of the mineral is several million years.
  • The average price is 4,500 (four and a half thousand) rubles. In online stores, the cost ranges from 500 (five hundred) rubles to 11,000 (eleven) thousand rubles.
  • The most suitable part of the body to wear is Anahata (heart). Neck and wrists are welcome.
  • Helps to remember desires, reminds of their existence and unfulfillment.
  • There is an opinion that the Herkimer diamond keeps the owner youthful.
  • According to legend, Herkimer is able to change the structure of the cell's DNA, various cellular destructions and impaired metabolism, and protects against stress and nervous breakdowns.

Ice Age influence

Scientists of the modern world identify two hypotheses for the origin of the Herkimer stones.

Geographical hypothesis

The first, main version, refers to geographical features. The mountain where special quartz is mined is called the Adirondacks. The elevation is ancient, standing about half a billion years. Due to the constant wind and erosion processes that occurred during the Ice Age, Herkimer diamonds were enriched with natural inclusions.

Biological hypothesis

Some argue that the crystals and stones were formed by protozoans called “radiolaria.” These are creatures whose composition includes the main component of most rocks - silicon (IV) oxide.

Both hypotheses have not yet been confirmed.

Prophylactic and amulet

  • In alternative medicine, practitioners advise wearing a Herkimer diamond near the heart. This is how the owner of the stone will protect the body and soul from negativity and heart disease.
  • Ministers, journalists, army workers, teachers need a talisman to maintain the immune and nervous systems. Those who wear the amulet supposedly do not suffer from nightmares or insomnia, and are free from phobias.
  • For residents of megacities suffering from radiation, the Herkimer diamond preserves health and equalizes the negative and positive parts of life.
  • For severe pain in the head, back, neck, or heart, the stone gives strength for further work if there is no opportunity to rest.
  • A Herkimer bracelet or necklace prevents discomfort in the thyroid gland and heart and acts as a temporary pain reliever.
  • The Herkimer diamond devotes most of its energy to spiritual aspects and moral values. Calmness, understanding of yourself, others, an imperceptible connection at the subconscious level with other people will help improve your social and mental life.

Medicinal properties

The diamond gemstone has properties that allow it to be used to treat certain diseases. The first to use it for this purpose were the ancient Hindus, who discovered the miraculous mineral. They treated not only diseases of internal organs, but also mental disorders.

Later, when the doctrine of lithotherapy appeared, adherents of alternative medicine began to use diamonds for treatment and prevention in the following cases:

  • Central nervous system disorder: depression, apathy, fears, insomnia, schizophrenia.
  • Headaches of various etiologies, migraine.
  • Cardiovascular diseases: hypertension, coronary heart disease, hypertension, venous complications.
  • Dependence on alcohol, drugs and tobacco.
  • Senile dementia, sclerosis, amnesia.
  • Respiratory diseases: bronchitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis.
  • Inflammatory processes in the joints: rheumatism, arthritis, bursitis, gout, arthrosis, osteochondrosis.
  • Bacterial, viral and fungal infections.
  • Relief of pain.
  • Skin damage.

In addition, in folk medicine, diamonds are used to treat colds and as an antipyretic. There are known cases of using this mineral as an antidote for intoxication with poisons.

Adherents of Ayurveda believe that this gem slows down the aging of the body.

Who is the Herkmeier Diamond suitable for?

Due to its excellent qualities, the Herkmeier diamond occupies a special place among precious stones. It is better to wear it near the heart. Placed on the heart chakra, the central of the seven, it balances the entire energy system. Therefore, it is able to protect our aura from various types of harmful influences, for example, from electrosmog and other people’s bad thoughts. We are constantly exposed to radiation, especially in cities. It is known that sitting in front of a computer for many hours can lower your red blood cell count, which is certainly not good for you. The Herkmeyer Diamond, with its perfection and ability to balance negative and positive aspects, can bring us into balance and strengthen our energy field.

Thanks to its properties, this stone is also able to protect our aura from harmful emotional and mental influences. I have made many Herkmeyer pendants for medical professionals so they can stabilize themselves and treat their patients without the risk of unbalancing their own bodies. The more sensitive you are, the sooner you will be “infected” by the disharmony that has arisen in your aura. The Herkmeyer Diamond is your ally in strengthening your balance and strength.

The Herkmeyer Diamond also balances the right and left hemispheres of the brain: creativity and logic, feminine and masculine. Most of us lean towards one or the other. The Herkmeyer Diamond brings us into balance. The creative side and the logical, scientific side reinforce each other with opposite qualities: creative thinking becomes sharper due to concentration and logic, and scientific thinking becomes more creative and intuitive. Both hemispheres combine their strengths and resources, which leads to inventions and even scientific and other breakthroughs.

The brilliance of the Herkmeier Diamond awakens inspiration and stimulates connection with higher truth and wisdom. Purity of thoughts and peace of mind are the essence of balance.

The Herkmeyer Diamond is best worn right next to the heart or in earrings (so it will have an effect on the brain). If you want to make jewelry from a Herckmeyer diamond, choose the clearest, ideally shaped crystals. For meditation or simply wanting to place a stone under your pillow, choose a larger crystal, which may not be as perfect as smaller ones. In larger specimens there are inclusions (inclusions), but this does not detract from the beauty of the stone. The Herkmeier Diamond is a true gift of perfection and balance, a visible reminder of the perfection of God's creation.

The influence of the Herkmeier diamond on the chakras

The activity of this chakra promotes self-affirmation in life; this chakra evokes love.

Energy of the Herkmeier Diamond

Receptive Yin.

Who is the Herkmeyer Diamond suitable for according to their zodiac sign?


Wed, 26 Oct 2005 09:32:01 +0300

Sinko Oleg

Brings balance

In a person who constantly wears jewelry with a Herkimer diamond, both hemispheres of the brain achieve balance. In this way, the feminine and masculine principles are balanced, and creativity and logic cease to conflict. Ideally, each quality is enhanced by the other. Then creative thought becomes sharper. Science becomes more effective, which leads to discoveries and new inventions.

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For believers, this has a sacred meaning. Feeling the “magical” Herkimer diamond in their hands or on their chest, they are filled with inspiration and mobilize internal resources. Peace of mind improves overall well-being, which is very important. As a result, the main law of Eastern medicine is confirmed. It says that the cause of all human diseases is an imbalance of energy in the body. Therefore, the owner of a Herkimer diamond will have a positive effect on his own body through self-hypnosis.

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